11 research outputs found

    Algoritmos evolutivos para alguns problemas em telecomunicações

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    Orientadores: Flavio Keidi Miyazawa, Mauricio Guilherme de Carvalho ResendeTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Nos últimos anos, as redes de telecomunicação tem experienciado um grande aumento no fluxo de dados. Desde a utilização massiva de vídeo sob demanda até o incontável número de dispositivos móveis trocando texto e vídeo, o tráfego alcançou uma escala capaz de superar a capacidade das redes atuais. Portanto, as companhias de telecomunicação ao redor do mundo tem sido forçadas a aumentar a capacidade de suas redes para servir esta crescente demanda. Como o custo de instalar uma infraestrutura de rede é geralmente muito grande, o projeto de redes usa fortemente ferramentas de otimização para manter os custos tão baixos quanto possível. Nesta tese, nós analisamos vários aspectos do projeto e implementação de redes de telecomunicação. Primeiramente, nós apresentamos um novo problema de projeto de redes usado para servir demandas sem fio de dispositivos móveis e rotear tal tráfego para a rede principal. Tais redes de acesso são baseadas em tecnologias sem fio modernos como Wi-Fi, LTE e HSPA. Este problema consideramos várias restrições reais e é difícil de ser resolvido. Nós estudamos casos reais nas vizinhanças de uma grande cidade nos Estados Unidos. Em seguida, nós apresentamos uma variação do problema de localização de hubs usado para modelar as redes principais (backbones ou laços centrais). Este problema também pode ser utilizado para modelar redes de transporte de cargas e passageiros. Nós também estudamos o problema de clusterização correlacionada com sobreposições usado para modelar o comportamento dos usuários quando utilizam seus equipamentos móveis. Neste problema, nós podemos rotular um objeto usando múltiplos rótulos e analisar a conexão entre eles. Este problema é adequado para análise de mobilidade de equipamentos que pode ser usada para estimar o tráfego em uma dada região. E finalmente, nós analisamos o licenciamento de espectro sobre uma perspectiva governamental. Nestes casos, uma agência do governo deseja vender licenças para companhias de telecomunicação para que operem em uma dada faixa de espectro. Este processo usualmente é conduzido usando leilões combinatoriais. Para todos problemas, nós propomos algoritmos genéticos de chaves aleatórias viciadas e modelos de programação linear inteira mista para resolvê-los (exceto para o problema de clusterização correlacionada com sobreposição, devido sua natureza não-linear). Os algoritmos que propusemos foram capazes de superar algoritmos do estado da arte para todos problemasAbstract: Cutting and packing problems are common problems that occur in many industry and business process. Their optimized resolution leads to great profits in several sectors. A common problem, that occur in textil and paper industries, is to cut a strip of some material to obtain several small items, using the minimum length of material. This problem, known by Two Dimensional Strip Packing Problem (2SP), is a hard combinatorial optimization problem. In this work, we present an exact algorithm to 2SP, restricted to two staged cuts (known by Two Dimensional Level Strip Packing, 2LSP). The algorithm uses the branch-and-price technique, and heuristics based on approximation algorithms to obtain upper bounds. The algorithm obtained optimal or almost optimal for small and moderate sized instancesAbstract: In last twenty years, telecommunication networks have experienced a huge increase in data utilization. From massive on-demand video to uncountable mobile devices exchanging text and video, traffic reached scales that overcame the network capacities. Therefore, telecommunication companies around the world have been forced to increase their capacity to serve this increasing demand. As the cost to deploy network infrastructure is usually very large, the design of a network heavily uses optimization tools to keep costs as low as possible. In this thesis, we analyze several aspects of the design and deployment of communication networks. First, we present a new network design problem used to serve wireless demands from mobile devices and route the traffic to the core network. Such access networks are based on modern wireless access technologies such as Wi-Fi, LTE, and HSPA. This problem has several real world constraints and it is hard to solve. We study real cases of the vicinity of a large city in the United States. Following, we present a variation of the hub-location problem used to model these core networks. Such problem is also suitable to model transportation networks. We also study the overlapping correlation clustering problem used to model the user's behavior when using their mobile devices. In such problem, one can label an object with multiple labels and analyzes the connections between them. Although this problem is very generic, it is suitable to analyze device mobility which can be used to estimate traffic in geographical regions. Finally, we analyze spectrum licensing from a governmental perspective. In these cases, a governmental agency wants to sell rights for telecommunication companies to operate over a given spectrum range. This process usually is conducted using combinatorial auctions. For all problems we propose biased random-key genetic algorithms and mixed integer linear programming models (except in the case of the overlapping correlation clustering problem due its non-linear nature). Our algorithms were able to overcome the state of the art algorithms for all problemsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    Preventing premature convergence and proving the optimality in evolutionary algorithms

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    http://ea2013.inria.fr//proceedings.pdfInternational audienceEvolutionary Algorithms (EA) usually carry out an efficient exploration of the search-space, but get often trapped in local minima and do not prove the optimality of the solution. Interval-based techniques, on the other hand, yield a numerical proof of optimality of the solution. However, they may fail to converge within a reasonable time due to their inability to quickly compute a good approximation of the global minimum and their exponential complexity. The contribution of this paper is a hybrid algorithm called Charibde in which a particular EA, Differential Evolution, cooperates with a Branch and Bound algorithm endowed with interval propagation techniques. It prevents premature convergence toward local optima and outperforms both deterministic and stochastic existing approaches. We demonstrate its efficiency on a benchmark of highly multimodal problems, for which we provide previously unknown global minima and certification of optimality

    Análisis del problema de elección del ganador en subastas combinatorias. Aplicaciones a problemas de Ingeniería de Organización.

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    En la amplia literatura referida a las subastas combinatorias, las características y los mecanismos asociados a estas, destaca el hincapié a la hora de mencionar la resolución de un importante problema asociado a estas subastas. Este es el problema de determinación del ganador, “Winner Determination Problem” (WDP). Debido a ese gran interés, en el presente trabajo se ha realizado una extensa búsqueda referida a las subastas combinatorias y a los distintos algoritmos utilizados para la resolución del Winner Determination Problem, particularmente en problemas relacionados con el ámbito de la ingeniería. El fin de este trabajo es acercarnos un poco más a este problema e intentar encontrar una metodología para la óptima ejecución de este tipo de subastas. Por otro lado, se comparan distintos mecanismos de subastas combinatorias, creando para ello un marco analítico que nos ayude a entender mejor sus numerosas características y nos permita identificar sus fortalezas y debilidades.In the extensive literature referring to combinatorial auctions, their characteristics and mechanisms associated with them, emphasis is placed on the resolution of an important problem associated with these auctions. This is the problem of determining the winner, “Winner Determination Problem” (WDP). Due to this great interest, in the present work an extensive search has been made regarding combinatorial auctions and the different algorithms used for the resolution of the Winner Determination Problem, particularly in problems related to the engineering field. The aim of this work is to get a little closer to this problem and try to find a methodology for the optimal execution of this type of auctions. On the other hand, different combinatorial auction mechanisms are compared, and an analytical framework is built with the aim of helping us to better understand their many characteristics and to allow us to identify their strengths and weaknesses.Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de MercadosGrado en Ingeniería en Organización Industria

    Multi-objective optimisation methods applied to complex engineering systems

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    This research proposes, implements and analyses a novel framework for multiobjective optimisation through evolutionary computing aimed at, but not restricted to, real-world problems in the engineering design domain. Evolutionary algorithms have been used to tackle a variety of non-linear multiobjective optimisation problems successfully, but their success is governed by key parameters which have been shown to be sensitive to the nature of the particular problem, incorporating concerns such as the number of objectives and variables, and the size and topology of the search space, making it hard to determine the best settings in advance. This work describes a real-encoded multi-objective optimising evolutionary algorithm framework, incorporating a genetic algorithm, that uses self-adaptive mutation and crossover in an attempt to avoid such problems, and which has been benchmarked against both standard optimisation test problems in the literature and a real-world airfoil optimisation case. For this last case, the minimisation of drag and maximisation of lift coefficients of a well documented standard airfoil, the framework is integrated with a freeform deformation tool to manage the changes to the section geometry, and XFoil, a tool which evaluates the airfoil in terms of its aerodynamic efficiency. The performance of the framework on this problem is compared with those of two other heuristic MOO algorithms known to perform well, the Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS) and NSGA-II, showing that this framework achieves better or at least no worse convergence. The framework of this research is then considered as a candidate for smart (electricity) grid optimisation. Power networks can be improved in both technical and economical terms by the inclusion of distributed generation which may include renewable energy sources. The essential problem in national power networks is that of power flow and in particular, optimal power flow calculations of alternating (or possibly, direct) current. The aims of this work are to propose and investigate a method to assist in the determination of the composition of optimal or high-performing power networks in terms of the type, number and location of the distributed generators, and to analyse the multi-dimensional results of the evolutionary computation component in order to reveal relationships between the network design vector elements and to identify possible further methods of improving models in future work. The results indicate that the method used is a feasible one for the achievement of these goals, and also for determining optimal flow capacities of transmission lines connecting the bus bars in the network

    Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies

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    Fuelling the zero-emissions road freight of the future: routing of mobile fuellers

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    The future of zero-emissions road freight is closely tied to the sufficient availability of new and clean fuel options such as electricity and Hydrogen. In goods distribution using Electric Commercial Vehicles (ECVs) and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles (HFCVs) a major challenge in the transition period would pertain to their limited autonomy and scarce and unevenly distributed refuelling stations. One viable solution to facilitate and speed up the adoption of ECVs/HFCVs by logistics, however, is to get the fuel to the point where it is needed (instead of diverting the route of delivery vehicles to refuelling stations) using "Mobile Fuellers (MFs)". These are mobile battery swapping/recharging vans or mobile Hydrogen fuellers that can travel to a running ECV/HFCV to provide the fuel they require to complete their delivery routes at a rendezvous time and space. In this presentation, new vehicle routing models will be presented for a third party company that provides MF services. In the proposed problem variant, the MF provider company receives routing plans of multiple customer companies and has to design routes for a fleet of capacitated MFs that have to synchronise their routes with the running vehicles to deliver the required amount of fuel on-the-fly. This presentation will discuss and compare several mathematical models based on different business models and collaborative logistics scenarios

    Eight Biennial Report : April 2005 – March 2007

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    Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Conference

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum