1,743 research outputs found

    Generalized Advanced Propeller Analysis System (GAPAS). Volume 2: Computer program user manual

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    The Generalized Advanced Propeller Analysis System (GAPAS) computer code is described. GAPAS was developed to analyze advanced technology multi-bladed propellers which operate on aircraft with speeds up to Mach 0.8 and altitudes up to 40,000 feet. GAPAS includes technology for analyzing aerodynamic, structural, and acoustic performance of propellers. The computer code was developed for the CDC 7600 computer and is currently available for industrial use on the NASA Langley computer. A description of all the analytical models incorporated in GAPAS is included. Sample calculations are also described as well as users requirements for modifying the analysis system. Computer system core requirements and running times are also discussed

    Thermalization of magnons in yttrium-iron garnet: nonequilibrium functional renormalization group approach

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    Using a nonequilibrium functional renormalization group (FRG) approach we calculate the time evolution of the momentum distribution of a magnon gas in contact with a thermal phonon bath. As a cutoff for the FRG procedure we use a hybridization parameter {\Lambda} giving rise to an artificial damping of the phonons. Within our truncation of the FRG flow equations the time evolution of the magnon distribution is obtained from a rate equation involving cutoff-dependent nonequilibrium self-energies, which in turn satisfy FRG flow equations depending on cutoff-dependent transition rates. Our approach goes beyond the Born collision approximation and takes the feedback of the magnons on the phonons into account. We use our method to calculate the thermalization of a quasi two-dimensional magnon gas in the magnetic insulator yttrium-iron garnet after a highly excited initial state has been generated by an external microwave field. We obtain good agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, final versio

    Phase Fluctuations and Pseudogap Phenomena

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    This article reviews the current status of precursor superconducting phase fluctuations as a possible mechanism for pseudogap formation in high-temperature superconductors. In particular we compare this approach which relies on the two-dimensional nature of the superconductivity to the often used TT-matrix approach. Starting from simple pairing Hamiltonians we present a broad pedagogical introduction to the BCS-Bose crossover problem. The finite temperature extension of these models naturally leads to a discussion of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless superconducting transition and the related phase diagram including the effects of quantum phase fluctuations and impurities. We stress the differences between simple Bose-BCS crossover theories and the current approach where one can have a large pseudogap region even at high carrier density where the Fermi surface is well-defined. The Green's function and its associated spectral function, which explicitly show non-Fermi liquid behaviour, is constructed in the presence of vortices. Finally different mechanisms including quasi-particle-vortex and vortex-vortex interactions for the filling of the gap above TcT_c are considered.Comment: 129 pages, Elsart, 28 EPS figures; Physics Reports, in press. Authors related information under "http://nonlin.bitp.kiev.ua/~sharapov/superconductivity.html

    Fluctuation effects in disordered Peierls systems

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    We review the density of states and related quantities of quasi one-dimensional disordered Peierls systems in which fluctuation effects of a backscattering potential play a crucial role. The low-energy behavior of non-interacting fermions which are subject to a static random backscattering potential will be described by the fluctuating gap model (FGM). Recently, the FGM has also been used to explain the pseudogap phenomenon in high-TcT_c superconductors. After an elementary introduction to the FGM in the context of commensurate and incommensurate Peierls chains, we develop a non-perturbative method which allows for a simultaneous calculation of the density of states (DOS) and the inverse localization length. First, we recover all known results in the limits of zero and infinite correlation lengths of the random potential. Then, we attack the problem of finite correlation lengths. While a complex order parameter, which describes incommensurate Peierls chains, leads to a suppression of the DOS, i.e. a pseudogap, the DOS exhibits a singularity at the Fermi energy if the order parameter is real and therefore refers to a commensurate system. We confirm these results by calculating the DOS and the inverse localization length for finite correlation lengths and Gaussian statistics of the backscattering potential with unprecedented accuracy numerically. Finally, we consider the case of classical phase fluctuations which apply to low temperatures where amplitude fluctuations are frozen out. In this physically important regime, which is also characterized by finite correlation lengths, we present analytic results for the DOS, the inverse localization length, the specific heat, and the Pauli susceptibility.Comment: 60 pages, 16 figure

    Open issues in devising software for the numerical solution of implicit delay differential equations

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    AbstractWe consider initial value problems for systems of implicit delay differential equations of the formMy′(t)=f(t,y(t),y(α1(t,y(t))),…,y(αm(t,y(t)))),where M is a constant square matrix (with arbitrary rank) and αi(t,y(t))⩽t for all t and i.For a numerical treatment of this kind of problems, a software tool has been recently developed [6]; this code is called RADAR5 and is based on a suitable extension to delay equations of the 3-stage Radau IIA Runge–Kutta method.The aim of this work is that of illustrating some important topics which are being investigated in order to increase the efficiency of the code. They are mainly relevant to(i)the error control strategies in relation to derivative discontinuities arising in the solutions of delay equations;(ii)the integration of problems with unbounded delays (like the pantograph equation);(iii)the applications to problems with special structure (as those arising from spatial discretization of evolutions PDEs with delays).Several numerical examples will also be shown in order to illustrate some of the topics discussed in the paper

    Delay differential equations in a nonlinear cochlear model.

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    The human auditory system performs its primary function in the cochlea, the main organ of the inner ear, where the spectral analysis of a sound signal and its transduction into a neural signal occur. It is filled with liquid and divided in two cavities by the basilar membrane (BM). A sound stimulus propagates in air as an acoustic pressure wave through the outer and the middle ear. The pressure of the stapes on the oval window (boundary between the middle and the inner ear) causes the cochlear fluid to flow between the two cavities through a hole at the end of the BM. A spatial partial differential equation of fluid-dynamics describes this physical process. As a consequence of the differential pressure between the two cavities, each micro-element of the BM oscillates as a forced damped harmonic oscillator. The BM displacement is amplified by the overlying outer hair cells (OHCs) through a nonlinear nonlocal active feedback mechanism. The latter can be modeled by means of various representations. Among them, the delayed stiffness model of Talmadge et al. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 104, 1998) has been considered in this thesis. Specifically, the cochlear nonlinearity is introduced as a quadratic function of the BM displacement in the passive linear damping function. Moreover, the active mechanism is described by two additional forces, each one proportional to the BM displacement delayed by a slow and a fast feedback constant time, respectively. According to this model, a time delay differential equation (DDE) of the second order describes the oscillating dynamics of the BM. A different formulation of the nonlinear active mechanism, driven by the OHCs, is expressed as a nonlinear function of the BM velocity by the anti-damping model of Moleti et al. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133, 2013). In this case the model equations do not contain time delays. The numerical integration of the above mentioned models has been obtained by finite differencing with respect to the space variable in the state space, as introduced by Elliott et al. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122, 2007), and then integrating in time with the adaptive package introduced by Bertaccini and Sisto as a modification of the popular Matlab ode15s package (J. Comput. Phys. 230, 2011). The semidiscrete formulation of the delayed stiffness model and the anti-damping model has a non trivial mass matrix, and eigenvalues of the system matrix with large negative real part and imaginary part. That is why an implicit solver with an infinite region of absolute stability should be used. Therefore, the customized Matlab ode15s package by Bertaccini and Sisto seems to be the convenient choice to integrate the problem at hand numerically. In particular, for the delayed stiffness model, an integrator for constant DDEs (the method of steps; Bellen and Zennaro, Oxford University Press 2003) has been formulated and based on the customized ode15s. All these topics have been discussed in this doctoral thesis, which is subdivided in the following chapters. Chapter 1 describes the anatomy of the human ear, with special regard to the cochlea. Some experimental evidences about the cochlear mechanisms are discussed, in order to support the cochlear modeling. Two physical models with one degree of freedom are shown: the anti-damping model of Sisto et al. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, 2010) and Moleti et al. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133, 2013), and the delayed stiffness model of Talmadge et al. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 104, 1998). Chapter 2 discusses the general theory of DDEs, with greater reference to constant and time dependent DDEs from Bellen and Zennaro (Oxford University Press 2003). Existence and uniqueness of time dependent DDEs are briefly analyzed, while the method of steps is shown as a basic approach to find a numerical approximation of the DDEs solution. According to this method, IVPs of constant DDEs (as for the semidiscrete delayed stiffness model) are turned into IVPs of ODEs in a subinterval (of length less than or equal to the time delay) of the whole integration interval. Each IVP of ODEs can be integrated by means of any ODEs numerical method, and its convergence is then discussed. Chapter 3 describes the main tools used to find an approximate solution of the considered models. In particular, the discretization for spatial partial derivatives by means of finite differences is shown. Such a representation turns a model, which is continuous in the space-time domain, into a semidiscrete model to be integrated in time. The models considered in this thesis are stiff, so the phenomenon of stiffness is discussed and the ode15s package of Matlab for integrating stiff ODEs is described. Nevertheless, greater benefits can be obtained by using the ode15s package customized by Bertaccini and Sisto as a hybrid direct-iterative solver which exploits Krylov subspace methods. Chapter 4 shows the semidiscrete formulation of the continuous models (anti-damping model and delayed stiffness model) in the state space with respect to the spatial variable, as introduced by Elliott et al. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122, 2007). The algebraic properties of the semidiscrete models are discussed in order to show why the customized ode15s package may perform a faster numerical integration of the semidiscrete models and how this solver can be used in an integration numerical technique for constant DDEs (the method of steps). Chapter 5 shows the results produced by the numerical experiments of the delayed stiffness model by supplying a sinusoidal tone, and compares them with the numerical results produced by the anti-damping model. Some considerations about the numerical approach of the time integration are also discussed, and a part of the simplified code used for integrating the semidiscrete delayed stiffness model, is reported. The results are comparable with those obtained by the anti-damping model, and then the numerical experimental evidences seem to justify the proposed integration technique for constant DDEs. Delayed model properties of tonotopicity, anti-damping and nonlinearity are verified, as well as the dependence of the approximate solution on some free parameters of the model. The cochlear response described by the delayed stiffness model shows a typical tall and broad BM activity pattern. This behavior is also found in the numerical results of a model with two degree of freedom produced by Neely and Kim (J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 79, 1986) and Elliott et al. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122, 2007)
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