11 research outputs found

    Practical Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Stock Trading

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    Stock trading strategy plays a crucial role in investment companies. However, it is challenging to obtain optimal strategy in the complex and dynamic stock market. We explore the potential of deep reinforcement learning to optimize stock trading strategy and thus maximize investment return. 30 stocks are selected as our trading stocks and their daily prices are used as the training and trading market environment. We train a deep reinforcement learning agent and obtain an adaptive trading strategy. The agent's performance is evaluated and compared with Dow Jones Industrial Average and the traditional min-variance portfolio allocation strategy. The proposed deep reinforcement learning approach is shown to outperform the two baselines in terms of both the Sharpe ratio and cumulative returns

    A study on the effect of emotional intelligence on retail investors’ behavior

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    Investment decisions are normally accomplished based on fundamental or technical methods. However, there are many cases where investors make their investment decisions based on their emotions. This study investigates the effects of various factors including biases representation, mental accounting and risk aversion when an investment decision is executed. In other words, the study examines the effects of emotional intelligence components on retail investors’ investment strategies on Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE). The proposed study selects a sample of 270 investors who had some experiences on TSE randomly and using a questionnaire based survey detected that there was a positive and meaningful relationship between emotional intelligence and investment decisions

    Pronóstico del Índice General de la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (IGBC) usando modelos de inferencia difusa

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    Resumen: El pronóstico de índices de mercados de valores es un insumo necesario para tomar decisiones adecuadas de inversión. En este sentido, estudios recientes han señalado la influencia de los indicadores de los principales mercados bursátiles y de otros indicadores económicos sobre los índices de los mercados emergentes. El primer objetivo de este trabajo es determinar si el valor esperado de los rendimientos logarítmicos del Índice General de la Bolsa (IGBC) puede ser explicado por el comportamiento de los rendimientos logarítmicos del S and P500, NASDAQ, el precio del petróleo WTI y la tasa representativa del mercado. El segundo objetivo es comparar la precisión del pronóstico cuando se consideran los siguientes tipos de modelos: regresión lineal múltiple, ANFIS, Hyfis y redes neuronales autorregresivas con variables explicativas. Los resultados muestran que el pronóstico más preciso es obtenido con una red neuronal autorregresiva que usa como entradas el NASDAQ, el S and P500,el precio del petróleo WTI, las interacciones del NASDAQ, el S and P500 y el precio del petróleo WTI con la tasa representativa del mercado y las interacciones del NASDAQ y el S and P500 con el precio del petróleo WTI . Además se concluye que la influencia de las variables explicativas sobre el índice no es linealAbstract: In this article, the daily Colombian exchange market index (IGBC) is forecasted using linear models, artificial neural networks and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems with the aim of evaluate the accuracy of the forecasts when nonlinear models are used.In addition, we evaluate the explanatory power of other international market indexes, oil prices and exchange rates. Our findings are the following: first, an autoregressive neural network better captures the behavior of the IGBC in comparison with linear and adaptive neuro-fuzzy models; second, the preferred explanatory variables are able to explain complex properties as heteroskedasticity and non-normality of the residuals. And third, it is necessary consider as inputs not only the explanatory variables alone but also their interactionsMaestrí

    Forecasting foreign exchange rates with adaptive neural networks using radial basis functions and particle swarm optimization

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    The motivation for this paper is to introduce a hybrid Neural Network architecture of Particle Swarm Optimization and Adaptive Radial Basis Function (ARBF-PSO), a time varying leverage trading strategy based on Glosten, Jagannathan and Runkle (GJR) volatility forecasts and a Neural Network fitness function for financial forecasting purposes. This is done by benchmarking the ARBF-PSO results with those of three different Neural Networks architectures, a Nearest Neighbors algorithm (k-NN), an autoregressive moving average model (ARMA), a moving average convergence/divergence model (MACD) plus a naïve strategy. More specifically, the trading and statistical performance of all models is investigated in a forecast simulation of the EUR/USD, EUR/GBP and EUR/JPY ECB exchange rate fixing time series over the period January 1999 to March 2011 using the last two years for out-of-sample testing

    Adaptive Evolutionary Neural Networks for Forecasting and Trading without a Data-Snooping Bias

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    In this paper, we present two neural‐network‐based techniques: an adaptive evolutionary multilayer perceptron (aDEMLP) and an adaptive evolutionary wavelet neural network (aDEWNN). The two models are applied to the task of forecasting and trading the SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average (DIA), the iShares NYSE Composite Index Fund (NYC) and the SPDR S&P 500 (SPY) exchange‐traded funds (ETFs). We benchmark their performance against two traditional MLP and WNN architectures, a smooth transition autoregressive model (STAR), a moving average convergence/divergence model (MACD) and a random walk model. We show that the proposed architectures present superior forecasting and trading performance compared to the benchmarks and are free from the limitations of the traditional neural networks such as the data‐snooping bias and the time‐consuming and biased processes involved in optimizing their parameter

    Fuzzy Adaptive Decision-making for Boundedly Rational Traders in Speculative Stock Markets

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    The development of new models that would enhance predictability for time series with dynamic time-varying, nonlinear features is a major challenge for speculators. Boundedly rational investors called “chartists” use advanced heuristics and rules-of-thumb to make profit by trading, or even hedge against potential market risks. This paper introduces a hybrid neurofuzzy system for decision-making and trading under uncertainty. The efficiency of a technical trading strategy based on the neurofuzzy model is investigated, in order to predict the direction of the market for 10 of the most prominent stock indices of U.S.A, Europe and Southeast Asia. It is demonstrated via an extensive empirical analysis that the neurofuzzy model allows technical analysts to earn significantly higher returns by providing valid information for a potential turning point on the next trading day. The total profit of the proposed neurofuzzy model, including transaction costs, is consistently superior to a recurrent neural network and a Buy & Hold strategy for all indices, particularly for the highly speculative, emerging Southeast Asian markets. Optimal prediction is based on the dynamic update and adaptive calibration of the heuristic fuzzy learning rules, which reflect the psychological and behavioral patterns of the traders

    Development of fuzzy Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Objective planning Model to Optimize the Portfolio of Investment Companies

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    Proper management and optimal allocation of financial resources will increase gross national product and growth, create jobs and increase public welfare. The purpose of this study is to present an investment strategy that has tried to pave the way for the development of the investing company in the financial markets. Therefore, the forthcoming research can be considered as applied in terms of purpose. Also, considering that in the present research, mathematical modeling, modeling, artificial intelligence, etc. are used and the optimization of the investor company's portfolio is evaluated with the proposed model, so it is a quantitative and descriptive research. This study evaluated the performance of the proposed model in three modes: prudent, moderate and risky investor company. The results showed that for all three cases, the proposed strategy performs significantly better than the market index and other previous strategies. At the end of the investment period, the risky portfolio was more valuable than other portfolios. On the other hand, a prudent portfolio has achieved a more stable and stable return. These results revealed that the proposed fuzzy programming is able to reflect the characteristics and desires of the investor company in the portfolio composition

    Portfolio selection under directional return predictability

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    Decision Support Systems for Risk Assessment in Credit Operations Against Collateral

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    With the global economic crisis, which reached its peak in the second half of 2008, and before a market shaken by economic instability, financial institutions have taken steps to protect the banks’ default risks, which had an impact directly in the form of analysis in credit institutions to individuals and to corporate entities. To mitigate the risk of banks in credit operations, most banks use a graded scale of customer risk, which determines the provision that banks must do according to the default risk levels in each credit transaction. The credit analysis involves the ability to make a credit decision inside a scenario of uncertainty and constant changes and incomplete transformations. This ability depends on the capacity to logically analyze situations, often complex and reach a clear conclusion, practical and practicable to implement. Credit Scoring models are used to predict the probability of a customer proposing to credit to become in default at any given time, based on his personal and financial information that may influence the ability of the client to pay the debt. This estimated probability, called the score, is an estimate of the risk of default of a customer in a given period. This increased concern has been in no small part caused by the weaknesses of existing risk management techniques that have been revealed by the recent financial crisis and the growing demand for consumer credit.The constant change affects several banking sections because it prevents the ability to investigate the data that is produced and stored in computers that are too often dependent on manual techniques. Among the many alternatives used in the world to balance this risk, the provision of guarantees stands out of guarantees in the formalization of credit agreements. In theory, the collateral does not ensure the credit return, as it is not computed as payment of the obligation within the project. There is also the fact that it will only be successful if triggered, which involves the legal area of the banking institution. The truth is, collateral is a mitigating element of credit risk. Collaterals are divided into two types, an individual guarantee (sponsor) and the asset guarantee (fiduciary). Both aim to increase security in credit operations, as an payment alternative to the holder of credit provided to the lender, if possible, unable to meet its obligations on time. For the creditor, it generates liquidity security from the receiving operation. The measurement of credit recoverability is a system that evaluates the efficiency of the collateral invested return mechanism. In an attempt to identify the sufficiency of collateral in credit operations, this thesis presents an assessment of smart classifiers that uses contextual information to assess whether collaterals provide for the recovery of credit granted in the decision-making process before the credit transaction become insolvent. The results observed when compared with other approaches in the literature and the comparative analysis of the most relevant artificial intelligence solutions, considering the classifiers that use guarantees as a parameter to calculate the risk contribute to the advance of the state of the art advance, increasing the commitment to the financial institutions.Com a crise econômica global, que atingiu seu auge no segundo semestre de 2008, e diante de um mercado abalado pela instabilidade econômica, as instituições financeiras tomaram medidas para proteger os riscos de inadimplência dos bancos, medidas que impactavam diretamente na forma de análise nas instituições de crédito para pessoas físicas e jurídicas. Para mitigar o risco dos bancos nas operações de crédito, a maioria destas instituições utiliza uma escala graduada de risco do cliente, que determina a provisão que os bancos devem fazer de acordo com os níveis de risco padrão em cada transação de crédito. A análise de crédito envolve a capacidade de tomar uma decisão de crédito dentro de um cenário de incerteza e mudanças constantes e transformações incompletas. Essa aptidão depende da capacidade de analisar situações lógicas, geralmente complexas e de chegar a uma conclusão clara, prática e praticável de implementar. Os modelos de Credit Score são usados para prever a probabilidade de um cliente propor crédito e tornar-se inadimplente a qualquer momento, com base em suas informações pessoais e financeiras que podem influenciar a capacidade do cliente de pagar a dívida. Essa probabilidade estimada, denominada pontuação, é uma estimativa do risco de inadimplência de um cliente em um determinado período. A mudança constante afeta várias seções bancárias, pois impede a capacidade de investigar os dados que são produzidos e armazenados em computadores que frequentemente dependem de técnicas manuais. Entre as inúmeras alternativas utilizadas no mundo para equilibrar esse risco, destacase o aporte de garantias na formalização dos contratos de crédito. Em tese, a garantia não “garante” o retorno do crédito, já que não é computada como pagamento da obrigação dentro do projeto. Tem-se ainda, o fato de que esta só terá algum êxito se acionada, o que envolve a área jurídica da instituição bancária. A verdade é que, a garantia é um elemento mitigador do risco de crédito. As garantias são divididas em dois tipos, uma garantia individual (patrocinadora) e a garantia do ativo (fiduciário). Ambos visam aumentar a segurança nas operações de crédito, como uma alternativa de pagamento ao titular do crédito fornecido ao credor, se possível, não puder cumprir suas obrigações no prazo. Para o credor, gera segurança de liquidez a partir da operação de recebimento. A mensuração da recuperabilidade do crédito é uma sistemática que avalia a eficiência do mecanismo de retorno do capital investido em garantias. Para tentar identificar a suficiência das garantias nas operações de crédito, esta tese apresenta uma avaliação dos classificadores inteligentes que utiliza informações contextuais para avaliar se as garantias permitem prever a recuperação de crédito concedido no processo de tomada de decisão antes que a operação de crédito entre em default. Os resultados observados quando comparados com outras abordagens existentes na literatura e a análise comparativa das soluções de inteligência artificial mais relevantes, mostram que os classificadores que usam garantias como parâmetro para calcular o risco contribuem para o avanço do estado da arte, aumentando o comprometimento com as instituições financeiras

    Adaptive fuzzy system for algorithmic trading : interpolative Boolean approach

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    Тема овог рада je адаптивни фази систем за алгоритамско трговање. Систем је развијен коришћењем интерполативног Буловог приступа фази моделовању, анализи података и управљању. Предложени приступ укључује интерполативне логичке моделе за фази препознавање ценовних образаца на тржишту, логички ДуПонт метод за аутоматизовану анализу профитабилности предузећа, интерполативни фази контролер за управљање трговањем и генетски алгоритам за обучавање интерполативног фази контролера ради откривања стратегија. Интерполативни Булов приступ, заснован на интерполативној Буловој алгебри, превазилази проблем неконзистентности фази логике. Конструисани адаптивни фази систем може самостално, из података, да открије успешне стратегије, примени их за алгоритамско трговање и адаптира у случају пада њихових перформанси. Успешност система тестирана је на подацима са америчког тржишта акција, међународног девизног тржишта и тржишта криптовалута.The topic of this thesis is adaptive fuzzy system for algorithmic trading. The system is developed using interpolative Boolean approach for fuzzy modeling, data analysis and control. The proposed approach includes interpolative logical models for fuzzy recognition of price patterns in market data, logical DuPont method for automated analysis of company’s profitability, interpolative fuzzy controller for trading and a genetic algorithm for extracting trading strategies by training interpolative fuzzy controller. Interpolative Boolean approach, based on interpolative Boolean agebra, solves the problem of fuzzy logic’s inconsistency with Boolean axioms. The proposed system can independently discover successful trading strategies from data, apply them for algorithmic trading and adapt in the case of performance deterioration. The system was tested on historical data from US equity, foreign exchange market and cryptocurrency market