58 research outputs found

    A new fuzzy ontology development methodology (FODM) proposal

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    There is an upsurge in applying fuzzy ontologies to represent vague information in the knowledge representation field. Current research in the fuzzy ontologies paradigm mainly focuses on developing formalism languages to represent fuzzy ontologies, designing fuzzy ontology editors, and building fuzzy ontology applications in different domains. Less focus falls on establishing a formal methodological approach for building fuzzy ontologies. Existing fuzzy ontology development methodologies, such as the IKARUS-Onto methodology and Fuzzy Ontomethodology, provide formalized schedules for the conversion from crisp ontologies into fuzzy ones. However, a formal guidance on how to build fuzzy ontologies from scratch still lacks in current research. Therefore, this paper presents the first methodology, named FODM, for developing fuzzy ontologies from scratch. The proposed FODM can provide a very good guideline for formally constructing fuzzy ontologies in terms of completeness, comprehensiveness, generality, efficiency, and accuracy. To explain how the FODM works and demonstrate its usefulness, a fuzzy seabed characterization ontology is built based on the FODM and described step-by-step

    Selection of maintenance, renewal and improvement projects in rail lines using the analytic network process

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    [EN] This paper addresses one of the most common problems that a railway infrastructure manager has to face: to prioritise a portfolio of maintenance, renewal and improvement (MR&I) projects in a railway network. This decision-making problem is complex due to the large number of MR&I projects in the portfolio and the different criteria to take into consideration, most of which are influenced and interrelated to each other. To address this problem, the use of the analytic network process (ANP) is proposed. The method is applied to a case study in which the Local Manager of the public company, who is responsible for the MR&I of Spanish Rail Lines, has to select the MR&I projects which have to be executed first. Based on the results, it becomes evident that, for this case study, the main factor of preference for a project is the location of application rather than the type of project. The main contributions of this work are: the deep analysis done to identify and weigh the decision criteria, how to assess the alternatives and provide a rigorous and systematic decision-making process, based on an exhaustive revision of the literature and expertiseThe translation of this paper was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Montesinos-Valera, J.; AragonĂ©s-BeltrĂĄn, P.; Pastor-Ferrando, J. (2017). Selection of maintenance, renewal and improvement projects in rail lines using the analytic network process. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 13(11):1476-1496. https://doi.org/10.1080/15732479.2017.1294189S147614961311Abril, M., Barber, F., Ingolotti, L., Salido, M. A., Tormos, P., & Lova, A. (2008). An assessment of railway capacity. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 44(5), 774-806. doi:10.1016/j.tre.2007.04.001Ahern, A., & Anandarajah, G. (2007). Railway projects prioritisation for investment: Application of goal programming. Transport Policy, 14(1), 70-80. doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2006.10.003Al-Harbi, K. M. A.-S. (2001). Application of the AHP in project management. International Journal of Project Management, 19(1), 19-27. doi:10.1016/s0263-7863(99)00038-1AragonĂ©s-BeltrĂĄn, P., Chaparro-GonzĂĄlez, F., Pastor-Ferrando, J. P., & RodrĂ­guez-Pozo, F. (2010). An ANP-based approach for the selection of photovoltaic solar power plant investment projects. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14(1), 249-264. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2009.07.012AragonĂ©s-BeltrĂĄn, P., Chaparro-GonzĂĄlez, F., Pastor-Ferrando, J.-P., & Pla-Rubio, A. (2014). An AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process)/ANP (Analytic Network Process)-based multi-criteria decision approach for the selection of solar-thermal power plant investment projects. Energy, 66, 222-238. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2013.12.016Arif, F., Bayraktar, M. E., & Chowdhury, A. G. (2016). Decision Support Framework for Infrastructure Maintenance Investment Decision Making. Journal of Management in Engineering, 32(1), 04015030. doi:10.1061/(asce)me.1943-5479.0000372Arunraj, N. S., & Maiti, J. (2010). Risk-based maintenance policy selection using AHP and goal programming. Safety Science, 48(2), 238-247. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2009.09.005Asensio, J., & Matas, A. (2008). Commuters’ valuation of travel time variability. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 44(6), 1074-1085. doi:10.1016/j.tre.2007.12.002Bana e Costa, C. A., & Oliveira, R. C. (2002). Assigning priorities for maintenance, repair and refurbishment in managing a municipal housing stock. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2), 380-391. doi:10.1016/s0377-2217(01)00253-3Bana e Costa, C. A., & Vansnick, J.-C. (2008). A critical analysis of the eigenvalue method used to derive priorities in AHP. 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    The development of a fuzzy semantic sentence similarity measure

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    A problem in the field of semantic sentence similarity is the inability of sentence similarity measures to accurately represent the effect perception based (fuzzy) words, which are commonly used in natural language, have on sentence similarity. This research project developed a new sentence similarity measure to solve this problem. The new measure, Fuzzy Algorithm for Similarity Testing (FAST) is a novel ontology-based similarity measure that uses concepts of fuzzy and computing with words to allow for the accurate representation of fuzzy based words. Through human experimentation fuzzy sets were created for six categories of words based on their levels of association with particular concepts. These fuzzy sets were then defuzzified and the results used to create new ontological relations between the fuzzy words contained within them and from that a new fuzzy ontology was created. Using these relationships allows for the creation of a new ontology-based fuzzy semantic text similarity algorithm that is able to show the effect of fuzzy words on computing sentence similarity as well as the effect that fuzzy words have on non-fuzzy words within a sentence. In order to evaluate FAST, two new test datasets were created through the use of questionnaire based human experimentation. This involved the generation of a robust methodology for creating usable fuzzy datasets (including an automated method that was used to create one of the two fuzzy datasets). FAST was evaluated through experiments conducted using the new fuzzy datasets. The results of the evaluation showed that there was an improved level of correlation between FAST and human test results over two existing sentence similarity measures demonstrating its success in representing the similarity between pairs of sentences containing fuzzy words

    A fuzzy hierarchical decision model and its application in networking datacenters and in infrastructure acquisitions and design

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    According to several studies, an inordinate number of major business decisions to acquire, design, plan, and implement networking infrastructures fail. A networking infrastructure is a collaborative group of telecommunications systems providing services needed for a firm\u27s operations and business growth. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is a well established decision-making process used to analyze decisions related to networking infrastructures. AHP is concerned with decomposing complex decisions into a set of factors and solutions. However, AHP has difficulties in handling uncertainty in decision information. This study addressed the research question of solutions to AHP deficiencies. The solutions were accomplished through the development of a model capable of handling decisions with incomplete information and uncertain decision operating environment. This model is based on AHP framework and fuzzy sets theory. Fuzzy sets are sets whose memberships are gradual. A member of a fuzzy set may have a strong, weak, or a moderate membership. The methodology for this study was based primarily on the analytical research design method, which is neither quantitative nor qualitative, but based on mathematical concepts, proofs, and logic. The model\u27s constructs were verified by a simulated practical case study based on current literature and the input of networking experts. To further verify the research objectives, the investigator developed, tested, and validated a software platform. The results showed tangible improvements in analyzing complex networking infrastructure decisions. The ability of this model to analyze decisions with incomplete information and uncertain economic outlook can be employed in the socially important areas such as renewable energy, forest management, and environmental studies to achieve large savings

    A Cognitive Information Theory of Music: A Computational Memetics Approach

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    This thesis offers an account of music cognition based on information theory and memetics. My research strategy is to split the memetic modelling into four layers: Data, Information, Psychology and Application. Multiple cognitive models are proposed for the Information and Psychology layers, and the MDL best-fit models with published human data are selected. Then, for the Psychology layer only, new experiments are conducted to validate the best-fit models. In the information chapter, an information-theoretic model of musical memory is proposed, along with two competing models. The proposed model exhibited a better fit with human data than the competing models. Higher-level psychological theories are then built on top of this information layer. In the similarity chapter, I proposed three competing models of musical similarity, and conducted a new experiment to validate the best-fit model. In the fitness chapter, I again proposed three competing models of musical fitness, and conducted a new experiment to validate the best-fit model. In both cases, the correlations with human data are statistically significant. All in all, my research has shown that the memetic strategy is sound, and the modelling results are encouraging. Implications of this research are discussed

    Decision-making: a laboratory-based case study in conceptual design

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    The engineering design process may be seen as a series of interrelated operations that are driven by decisions: each operation is carried out as the consequence of an associated decision. Hence, an effective design process relies heavily upon effective decision-making. As a consequence, supporting decision-making may be a significant means for achieving design process improvements. This thesis concentrates on how to support selection-type decision-making in conceptual engineering design. [Continues.

    Some further studies on improving QFD methodology and analysis

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    Quality Function Deployment (QFD) starts and ends with the customer. In other words, how it ends may depend largely on how it starts. Any QFD practitioners will start with collecting the voice of the customer that reflects customer’s needs as to make sure that the products will eventually sell or the service may satisfy the customer. On the basis of those needs, a product or service creation process is initiated. It always takes a certain period of time for the product or service to be ready for the customer. The question here is whether those customer-needs may remain exactly the same during the product or service creation process. The answer would be very likely to be a ‘no’, especially in today’s rapidly changing environment due to increased competition and globalization. The focus of this thesis is placed on dealing with the change of relative importance of the customer’s needs during product or service creation process. In other words, the assumption is that there is no new need discovered along the time or an old one becomes outdated; only the relative importance change of the existing needs is dealt with. Considering the latest development of QFD research, especially the increasingly extensive use of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in QFD, this thesis aims to enhance the current QFD methodology and analysis, with respect to the change during product or service creation process, as to continually meet or exceed the needs of the customer. The entire research works are divided into three main parts, namely, the further use of AHP in QFD, the incorporation of AHP-based priorities’ dynamics in QFD, and decision making analysis with respect to the dynamics. The first part focuses on the question "In what ways does AHP, considering its strength and weakness, contribute to an improved QFD analysis?" The usefulness of AHP in QFD is demonstrated through a case study in improving higher education quality of an education institution. Furthermore, a generalized model of using AHP in QFD is also proposed. The generalized model not only provides an alternative way to construct the house of quality (HoQ), but also creates the possibility to include other relevant factors into QFD analysis, such as new product development risks. The second part addresses the question "How to use the AHP in QFD in dealing with the dynamics of priorities?" A novel quantitative method to model the dynamics of AHP-based priorities in the HoQ is proposed. The method is simple and time-efficient. It is especially useful when the historical data is limited, which is the case in a highly dynamic environment. As to further improve QFD analysis, the modeling method is applied into two areas. The first area is to enhance the use of Kano’s model in QFD by considering its dynamics. It not only extends the use of Kano’s model in QFD, but also advances the academic literature on modeling the life cycle of quality attributes quantitatively. The second area is to enhance the benchmarking part of QFD by including the dynamics of competitors’ performance in addition to the dynamics of customer’s needs. The third part deals with the question "How to make decision in a QFD analysis with respect to the dynamics in the house of quality?" Two decision making approaches are proposed to prioritize and/or optimize the technical attributes with respect to the modeling results. Considering the fact that almost all QFD translation process employs the relationship matrix, a guideline for QFD practitioners to decide whether the relationship matrix should be normalized is developed. Furthermore, a practical implication of the research work towards the possible use of QFD in helping a company develop more innovative products is also discussed. In brief, the main contribution of this thesis is in providing some novel methods and/or approaches to enhance the QFD’s use with respect to the change during product or service creation process. For scientific community, this means that the existing QFD research has been considerably improved, especially with the use of AHP in QFD. For engineering practice, a better way of doing QFD analysis, as a customer-driven engineering design tool, has been proposed. It is hoped that the research work may provide a first step into a better customer-driven product or service design process, and eventually increase the possibility to create more innovative and competitive products or services over time

    WSACT : a model for Web Services access control incorporating trust

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    Today, organisations that seek a competitive advantage are adopting virtual infrastructures that share and manage computing resources. The trend is towards implementing collaborating applications that are supported by web services technology. Even though web services technology is rapidly becoming a fundamental development paradigm, adequate security constitutes the main concern and obstacle to its adoption as an industry solution. An important issue to address is the development of suitable access control models that are able to not only restrict access to unauthorised users, but also to discriminate between users that originate from different collaborating parties. In web services environments, access control is required to cross the borders of security domains, in order to be implemented between heterogeneous systems. Traditional access control systems that are identity-based do not provide a solution, as web services providers have to deal with unknown users, manage a large user population, collaborate with others and at the same time be autonomous of nature. Previous research has pointed towards the adoption of attribute-based access control as a means to address some of these problems. This approach is still not adequate, as the trustworthiness of web services requestors cannot be determined. Trust in web services requestors is thus an important requirement to address. For this reason, the thesis investigated trust, as to promote the inclusion of trust in the web services access control model. A cognitive approach to trust computation was followed that addressed uncertain and imprecise information by means of fuzzy logic techniques. A web services trust formation framework was defined that aims to populate trust concepts by means of automated, machine-based trust assessments. The structure between trust concepts was made explicit by means of a trust taxonomy. This thesis presents the WSACT – or the Web Services Access Control incorporating Trust –model. The model incorporates traditional role-based access control, the trust levels of web services requestors and the attributes of users into one model. This allows web services providers to grant advanced access to the users of trusted web services requestors, in contrast to the limited access that is given to users who make requests through web services requestors with whom a minimal level of trust has been established. Such flexibility gives a web services provider the ability to foster meaningful business relationships with others, which portrays humanistic forms of trust. The WSACT architecture describes the interacting roles of an authorisation interface, authorisation manager and trust manager. A prototype finally illustrates that the incorporation of trust is a viable solution to the problem of web services access control when decisions of an autonomous nature are to be made.Thesis (PhD (Computer Science))--University of Pretoria, 2008.Computer Scienceunrestricte
