102 research outputs found

    Automatic multi-seed detection for MR breast image segmentation

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    In this paper an automatic multi-seed detection method for magnetic resonance (MR) breast image segmentation is presented. The proposed method consists of three steps: (1) pre-processing step to locate three regions of interest (axillary and sternal regions); (2) processing step to detect maximum concavity points for each region of interest; (3) breast image segmentation step. Traditional manual segmentation methods require radiological expertise and they usually are very tiring and time-consuming. The approach is fast because the multi-seed detection is based on geometric properties of the ROI. When the maximum concavity points of the breast regions have been detected, region growing and morphological transforms complete the segmentation of breast MR image. In order to create a Gold Standard for method effectiveness and comparison, a dataset composed of 18 patients is selected, accordingly to three expert radiologists of University of Palermo Policlinico Hospital (UPPH). Each patient has been manually segmented. The proposed method shows very encouraging results in terms of statistical metrics (Sensitivity: 95.22%; Specificity: 80.36%; Precision: 98.05%; Accuracy: 97.76%; Overlap: 77.01%) and execution time (4.23 s for each slice)

    Development of 3D MRI-Based Anatomically Realistic Models of Breast Tissues and Tumours for Microwave Imaging Diagnosis

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    Breast cancer diagnosis using radar-based medical MicroWave Imaging (MWI) has been studied in recent years. Realistic numerical and physical models of the breast are needed for simulation and experimental testing of MWI prototypes. We aim to provide the scientific community with an online repository of multiple accurate realistic breast tissue models derived from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), including benign and malignant tumours. Such models are suitable for 3D printing, leveraging experimental MWI testing. We propose a pre-processing pipeline, which includes image registration, bias field correction, data normalisation, background subtraction, and median filtering. We segmented the fat tissue with the region growing algorithm in fat-weighted Dixon images. Skin, fibroglandular tissue, and the chest wall boundary were segmented from water-weighted Dixon images. Then, we applied a 3D region growing and Hoshen-Kopelman algorithms for tumour segmentation. The developed semi-automatic segmentation procedure is suitable to segment tissues with a varying level of heterogeneity regarding voxel intensity. Two accurate breast models with benign and malignant tumours, with dielectric properties at 3, 6, and 9 GHz frequencies have been made available to the research community. These are suitable for microwave diagnosis, i.e., imaging and classification, and can be easily adapted to other imaging modalities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Information Fusion of Magnetic Resonance Images and Mammographic Scans for Improved Diagnostic Management of Breast Cancer

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    Medical imaging is critical to non-invasive diagnosis and treatment of a wide spectrum of medical conditions. However, different modalities of medical imaging employ/apply di erent contrast mechanisms and, consequently, provide different depictions of bodily anatomy. As a result, there is a frequent problem where the same pathology can be detected by one type of medical imaging while being missed by others. This problem brings forward the importance of the development of image processing tools for integrating the information provided by different imaging modalities via the process of information fusion. One particularly important example of clinical application of such tools is in the diagnostic management of breast cancer, which is a prevailing cause of cancer-related mortality in women. Currently, the diagnosis of breast cancer relies mainly on X-ray mammography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), which are both important throughout different stages of detection, localization, and treatment of the disease. The sensitivity of mammography, however, is known to be limited in the case of relatively dense breasts, while contrast enhanced MRI tends to yield frequent 'false alarms' due to its high sensitivity. Given this situation, it is critical to find reliable ways of fusing the mammography and MRI scans in order to improve the sensitivity of the former while boosting the specificity of the latter. Unfortunately, fusing the above types of medical images is known to be a difficult computational problem. Indeed, while MRI scans are usually volumetric (i.e., 3-D), digital mammograms are always planar (2-D). Moreover, mammograms are invariably acquired under the force of compression paddles, thus making the breast anatomy undergo sizeable deformations. In the case of MRI, on the other hand, the breast is rarely constrained and imaged in a pendulous state. Finally, X-ray mammography and MRI exploit two completely di erent physical mechanisms, which produce distinct diagnostic contrasts which are related in a non-trivial way. Under such conditions, the success of information fusion depends on one's ability to establish spatial correspondences between mammograms and their related MRI volumes in a cross-modal cross-dimensional (CMCD) setting in the presence of spatial deformations (+SD). Solving the problem of information fusion in the CMCD+SD setting is a very challenging analytical/computational problem, still in need of efficient solutions. In the literature, there is a lack of a generic and consistent solution to the problem of fusing mammograms and breast MRIs and using their complementary information. Most of the existing MRI to mammogram registration techniques are based on a biomechanical approach which builds a speci c model for each patient to simulate the effect of mammographic compression. The biomechanical model is not optimal as it ignores the common characteristics of breast deformation across different cases. Breast deformation is essentially the planarization of a 3-D volume between two paddles, which is common in all patients. Regardless of the size, shape, or internal con guration of the breast tissue, one can predict the major part of the deformation only by considering the geometry of the breast tissue. In contrast with complex standard methods relying on patient-speci c biomechanical modeling, we developed a new and relatively simple approach to estimate the deformation and nd the correspondences. We consider the total deformation to consist of two components: a large-magnitude global deformation due to mammographic compression and a residual deformation of relatively smaller amplitude. We propose a much simpler way of predicting the global deformation which compares favorably to FEM in terms of its accuracy. The residual deformation, on the other hand, is recovered in a variational framework using an elastic transformation model. The proposed algorithm provides us with a computational pipeline that takes breast MRIs and mammograms as inputs and returns the spatial transformation which establishes the correspondences between them. This spatial transformation can be applied in different applications, e.g., producing 'MRI-enhanced' mammograms (which is capable of improving the quality of surgical care) and correlating between different types of mammograms. We investigate the performance of our proposed pipeline on the application of enhancing mammograms by means of MRIs and we have shown improvements over the state of the art

    Breast Ultrasound Tomography

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    Both mammography and standard ultrasound (US) rely upon subjective criteria within the breast imaging reporting and data system (BI-RADS) to provide more uniform interpretation outcomes, as well as differentiation and risk stratification of associated abnormalities. In addition, the technical performance and professional interpretation of both tests suffer from machine and operator dependence. We have been developing a new technique for breast imaging that is based on ultrasound tomography which quantifies tissue characteristics while also producing 3-D images of breast anatomy. Results are presented from clinical studies that utilize this method. In the first phase of the study, ultrasound tomography (UST) images were compared to multi-modal imaging to determine the appearance of lesions and breast parenchyma. In the second phase, correlative comparisons with MR breast imaging were used to establish basic operational capabilities of the UST system. The third phase of the study focused on lesion characterization. Region of interest (ROI) analysis was used to characterize masses. Our study demonstrated a high degree of correlation of breast tissue structures relative to fat subtracted contrast-enhanced MRI and the ability to scan ~90% of the volume of the breast at a resolution of 0.7 mm in the coronal plane

    Breast MRI segmentation for density estimation:Do different methods give the same results and how much do differences matter?

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    PURPOSE: To compare two methods of automatic breast segmentation with each other and with manual segmentation in a large subject cohort. To discuss the factors involved in selecting the most appropriate algorithm for automatic segmentation and, in particular, to investigate the appropriateness of overlap measures (e.g., Dice and Jaccard coefficients) as the primary determinant in algorithm selection. METHODS: Two methods of breast segmentation were applied to the task of calculating MRI breast density in 200 subjects drawn from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, a large cohort study with an MRI component. A semiautomated, bias-corrected, fuzzy C-means (BC-FCM) method was combined with morphological operations to segment the overall breast volume from in-phase Dixon images. The method makes use of novel, problem-specific insights. The resulting segmentation mask was then applied to the corresponding Dixon water and fat images, which were combined to give Dixon MRI density values. Contemporaneously acquired T1 - and T2 -weighted image datasets were analyzed using a novel and fully automated algorithm involving image filtering, landmark identification, and explicit location of the pectoral muscle boundary. Within the region found, fat-water discrimination was performed using an Expectation Maximization-Markov Random Field technique, yielding a second independent estimate of MRI density. RESULTS: Images are presented for two individual women, demonstrating how the difficulty of the problem is highly subject-specific. Dice and Jaccard coefficients comparing the semiautomated BC-FCM method, operating on Dixon source data, with expert manual segmentation are presented. The corresponding results for the method based on T1 - and T2 -weighted data are slightly lower in the individual cases shown, but scatter plots and interclass correlations for the cohort as a whole show that both methods do an excellent job in segmenting and classifying breast tissue. CONCLUSIONS: Epidemiological results demonstrate that both methods of automated segmentation are suitable for the chosen application and that it is important to consider a range of factors when choosing a segmentation algorithm, rather than focus narrowly on a single metric such as the Dice coefficient

    Facilitating Breast Conserving Surgery Using Preoperative MRI

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    Breast cancer is currently considered the most widespread malignancy in women, which costs the lives of approximately 400,000 people annually worldwide. While extremely useful for early detection and diagnosis of breast disease, the application of MRI to pre-operative planning of breast conservative surgeries is complicated due to the differences in the patient's posture at the time of imaging and surgery, respectively. Specifically, while MRI is standardly performed with patients positioned with their face down and their breast unrestricted and pendulous, breast surgeries normally require the patients to lie on their back, in which case the breast undergoes substantial deformations due to the effect of gravity. As a result of these deformations, pre-surgical MRI images frequently do not correspond with the actual anatomy of the breast at the time of surgery, which limits their applicability to pre-surgical planning. Accordingly, to overcome the above problem and make the MRI images align with the actual intra-surgical anatomy of the breast, the images need to be properly warped - a procedure that is known as prone-to-supine image registration. In many cases, this registration is carried out in two steps, prediction and correction. While the former involves bio-mechanical modeling used to describe the principal effect of tissue deformation, the latter refines the preceding results based on the image content. What is more important, however, is the fact that the accuracy of the correction step (and, hence, of the registration process as a whole) is strongly dependent on the accuracy of bio-mechanical modeling, which needs therefore be maximized as much as possible. Consequently, the fundamental objective of this research project has been the development of algorithmic solutions for reliable and accurate prediction. In particular, we propose an automatic detection of the location and geometry of the breast, and a breast image segmentation method to differentiate between adipose and dense tissue that is tractable, stable, and independent of initialization

    Automatic and fast segmentation of breast region-of-interest (ROI) and density in MRIs

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    Accurate segmentation of the breast region of interest (BROI) and breast density (BD) is a significant challenge during the analysis of breast MR images. Most of the existing methods for breast segmentation are semi-automatic and limited in their ability to achieve accurate results. This is because of difficulties in removing landmarks from noisy magnetic resonance images (MRI) due to similar intensity levels and the close connection to BROI. This study proposes an innovative, fully automatic and fast segmentation approach to identify and remove landmarks such as the heart and pectoral muscles. The BROI segmentation is carried out with a framework consisting of three major steps. Firstly, we use adaptive wiener filtering and k-means clustering to minimize the influence of noises, preserve edges and remove unwanted artefacts. The second step systematically excludes the heart area by utilizing active contour based level sets where initial contour points are determined by the maximum entropy thresholding and convolution method. Finally, a pectoral muscle is removed by using morphological operations and local adaptive thresholding on MR images. Prior to the elimination of the pectoral muscle, the MR image is sub divided into three sections: left, right, and central based on the geometrical information. Subsequently, a BD segmentation is achieved with 4 level fuzzy c-means (FCM) thresholding on the denoised BROI segmentation. The proposed method is validated using the 1350 breast images from 15 female subjects. The pixel-based quantitative analysis showed excellent segmentation results when compared with manually drawn BROI and BD. Furthermore, the presented results in terms of evaluation matrices: Acc, Sp, AUC, MR, P, Se and DSC demonstrate the high quality of segmentations using the proposed method. The average computational time for the segmentation of BROI and BD is 1 minute and 50 seconds
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