1,507 research outputs found

    A silicon implementation of the fly's optomotor control system

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    Flies are capable of stabilizing their body during free flight by using visual motion information to estimate self-rotation. We have built a hardware model of this optomotor control system in a standard CMOS VLSI process. The result is a small, low-power chip that receives input directly from the real world through on-board photoreceptors and generates motor commands in real time. The chip was tested under closed-loop conditions typically used for insect studies. The silicon system exhibited stable control sufficiently analogous to the biological system to allow for quantitative comparisons

    SiC MOSFET and GaN FET in high voltage switching applications

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    For several decades, silicon-based semiconductor devices, such as Si MOSFETs have been the main choice for switching applications. However, their level of performance is approaching its maximum potential, and further development becomes increasingly challenging. As a result, semiconductor manufacturers and the electronics industry are exploring new technologies to meet current requirements. One promising option is the use of WBG (Wide Band Gap) devices, such as GaN FETs and SiC MOSFETs, which have gained attention due to their superior performance characteristics. Compared to traditional Si transistors, WBG devices can withstand higher voltages and tem-peratures, are faster, can be packed in smaller sizes, and are more efficient. This study aims to serve as a guide for designers seeking information on the technology and usage of WBG transistors, particularly in high voltage switching applications. The study in-cludes an examination of the structures of SiC MOSFETs and GaN FETs, as well as their most important electrical characteristics. Additionally, the efficiency of an LCC converter was measured to compare the performance of various FET types, with a specific interest in the use of WBG devices in soft switching applications. Scientific articles, application notes, and datasheets were investigated to provide a thorough understanding of the theory behind SiC MOSFETs and GaN FETs. According to resources, the primary SiC MOSFET and GaN FET technologies suitable for high voltage switching are planar SiC MOSFET, trench SiC MOSFET, p-GaN FET and GaN/Si cascode transistor. These devices are currently available with breakdown voltages of 1700 V (planar SiC MOSFET), 2000 V (trench SiC MOSFET), 650 V (p-GaN FET) and 900 V (GaN/Si cascode transistor). The efficiency of an LCC converter with a maximum output power of 40 W was measured using 1500 V Si MOSFET, 1700 V planar SiC MOSFET, 1700 V trench SiC MOSFET, and 900 V GaN/Si cascode transistor. A constant load of 1 A was used, and the input voltage was incre-mentally increased from 300 V to 900 V in 100 V steps. According to results, using planar and trench SiC MOSFETs, LCC converter had the highest efficiency, reaching up to 89,6 % while Si MOSFET exhibited slightly lower efficiency, which was 87,7 % at its best. GaN/Si cascode tran-sistors showed comparable efficiency to SiC MOSFETs at lower input voltages but fell signifi-cantly behind as the voltage increased, having eventually much worse efficiency than Si MOSFET.Useiden vuosikymmenien ajan pii-pohjaiset puolijohteet, kuten pii MOSFETit, ovat olleet pääasiallinen teknologia katkojasovelluksissa. Niiden suorituskyky lähestyy kuitenkin ylärajaa, ja niiden kehittäminen käy yhä vaikeammaksi. Tämän vuoksi puolijohdevalmistajat ja elektroniikkateollisuus etsivät uusia teknologioita täyttää nykyiset vaatimukset. Yksi lupaava teknologia ovat laajan energiavyön puolijohteet, kuten galliumnitridi FETit ja piikarbidi MOSFETit. Viime vuosina ne ovat herättäneet paljon huomiota niiden ylivoimaisten ominaisuuksien vuoksi. Verrattuna perinteisiin pii MOSFETeihin, laajan energiavyön transistorit kestävät suurempia jännitteitä ja lämpötiloja, ovat nopeampia ja ne voidaan pakata pienempään kokoon. Lisäksi ne ovat tehokkaampia. Tämä diplomityö pyrkii toimimaan oppaana elektroniikkasuunnittelijoille, jotka etsivät tietoa laajan energiavyön transistoreista ja niiden käytöstä erityisesti suurjännitekatkojasovelluksissa.Työssä tarkastellaan piikarbidi MOSFETien ja galliumnitridi FETien rakenteita sekä niiden tärkeimpiä sähköisiä ominaisuuksia. Lisäksi mitattiin kelaan ja kahteen kondensaattoriin perustuvan LCC resonanssiteholähteen hyötysuhde eri FET-tyypeillä, koska haluttiin saada tietoa laajan energiavyön transistorien käytöstä pehmeässä jännitteen katkonnassa. Tiedon keräämiseksi tutkittiin tieteellisiä artikkeleita, sovellusohjeita ja datalehtiä. Lähdeaineiston perusteella pääasialliset piikarbidi MOSFETien ja galliumnitridi FETien teknologiat suurjännitesovellusten alueella ovat planaarinen piikarbidi MOSFET, erityiseen kaivanto teknologiaan (trench) perustuva piikarbidi MOSFET, p-tyypin galliumnitridi FET ja galliumnitridi/pii kaskadi transistori. Tällä hetkellä näitä teknologioita on kaupallisesti saatavilla enimmillään 1700 V (planaarinen piikarbidi MOSFET), 2000 V (kaivanto piikarbidi MOSFET), 650 V (p-tyypin galliumnitridi FET) ja 900 V (galliumnitridi/pii kaskadi transistori) jännitteillä. Nimellisteholtaan 40 W LCC resonanssi teholähteen hyötysuhde mitattiin 1500 V pii MOSFETeilla, 1700 V planaarisilla piikarbidi MOSFETeilla, 1700 V kaivanto piikarbidi MOSFETeilla ja 900 V gallium-nitridi/pii kaskadi transistoreilla. Kuormana käytettiin 1 A vakiokuormaa ja tulojännitettä nostettiin asteittain 300 voltista 900 voltiin 100 voltin nostoin. Tulosten mukaan paras hyötysuhde oli 89,6 %, joka mitattiin planaarisella piikarbidi MOSFETilla ja kaivanto piikarbidi MOSFETilla. Pii MOSFETien tapauksessa hyötysuhde oli hieman huonompi, ollen parhaimmillaan 87,7 %. Alhaisilla jännitteillä galliumnitridi/pii kaskadi transistorien hyötysuhde oli verrattavissa piikarbidi MOSFETeihin, mutta hyötysuhde laski jännitettä nostettaessa, ollen lopulta merkittävästi huonompi kuin pii MOSFETeilla

    A Low-Power, Low-Area 10-Bit SAR ADC with Length-Based Capacitive DAC

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    A 2.5 V single-ended 10-bit successive-approximation-register analog-to-digital converter (SAR ADC) based on the TSMC 65 nm CMOS process is designed with the goal of achieving low power consumption (33.63 pJ/sample) and small area (2874 µm^2 ). It utilizes a novel length-based capacitive digital-to-analog converter (CDAC) layout to achieve low total capacitance for power efficiency, and a custom static asynchronous logic to free the dependence on a high-frequency external clock source. Two test chips have been designed and the problems found through testing the first chip are analyzed. Multiple improved versions of the ADC with minor variations are implemented on the second test chip for performance evaluation, and the test method is explained. Adviser: Sina Balkir and Michael Hoffma

    Power conversion techniques in nanometer CMOS for low-power applications

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    As System-on-Chip (SoCs) in nanometer CMOS technologies grow larger, the power management process within these SoCs becomes very challenging. In the heart of this process lies the challenge of implementing energy-efficient and cost-effective DC-DC power converters. To address this challenge, this thesis studies in details three different aspects of DC-DC power converters and proposes potential solutions. First, to maximize power conversion efficiency, loss mechanisms must be studied and quantified. For that purpose, we provide comprehensive analysis and modeling of the various switching and conduction losses in low-power synchronous DC-DC buck converters in both Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) and Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) operation, including the case with non-rail gate control of the power switches. Second, a DC-DC buck converter design with only on-chip passives is proposed and implemented in 65-nm CMOS technology. The converter switches at 588 MHz and uses a 20-nH and 300-pF on-chip inductor and capacitor respectively, and provides up to 30-mA of load at an output voltage in the range of 0.8-1.2 V. The proposed design features over 10% improvement in power conversion efficiency over a corresponding linear regulator while preserving low-cost implementation. Finally, a 40-mA buck converter design operating in the inherently-stable DCM mode for the entire load range is presented. It employs a Pulse Frequency Modulation (PFM) scheme using a Hysteretic-Assisted Adaptive Minimum On-Time (HA-AMOT) controller to automatically adapt to a wide range of operating scenarios while minimizing inductor peak current. As a result, compact silicon area, low quiescent current, high efficiency, and robust performance across all conditions can be achieved without any calibration

    Analysis of S-band solid-state transmitters for the solar power satellite

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    The possibility of replacing the Reference System antenna in which thermionic devices are used for the dc-to-microwave conversion, with solid-state elements was explored. System, device, and antenna module tradeoff investigations strongly point toward the desirability of changing the transmitter concept to a distributed array of relatively low power elements, deriving their dc power directly from the solar cell array and whose microwave power outputs are combined in space. The approach eliminates the thermal, weight, and dc-voltage distribution problems of a system in which high power tubes are simply replaced with clusters of solid state amplifiers. The proposed approach retains the important advantages of a solid state system: greatly enhanced reliability and graceful degradation of the system

    Sub-10nm Transistors for Low Power Computing: Tunnel FETs and Negative Capacitance FETs

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    One of the major roadblocks in the continued scaling of standard CMOS technology is its alarmingly high leakage power consumption. Although circuit and system level methods can be employed to reduce power, the fundamental limit in the overall energy efficiency of a system is still rooted in the MOSFET operating principle: an injection of thermally distributed carriers, which does not allow subthreshold swing (SS) lower than 60mV/dec at room temperature. Recently, a new class of steep-slope devices like Tunnel FETs (TFETs) and Negative-Capacitance FETs (NCFETs) have garnered intense interest due to their ability to surpass the 60mV/dec limit on SS at room temperature. The focus of this research is on the simulation and design of TFETs and NCFETs for ultra-low power logic and memory applications. Using full band quantum mechanical model within the Non-Equilibrium Greens Function (NEGF) formalism, source-underlapping has been proposed as an effective technique to lower the SS in GaSb-InAs TFETs. Band-tail states, associated with heavy source doping, are shown to significantly degrade the SS in TFETs from their ideal value. To solve this problem, undoped source GaSb-InAs TFET in an i-i-n configuration is proposed. A detailed circuit-to-system level evaluation is performed to investigate the circuit level metrics of the proposed devices. To demonstrate their potential in a memory application, a 4T gain cell (GC) is proposed, which utilizes the low-leakage and enhanced drain capacitance of TFETs to realize a robust and long retention time GC embedded-DRAMs. The device/circuit/system level evaluation of proposed TFETs demonstrates their potential for low power digital applications. The second part of the thesis focuses on the design space exploration of hysteresis-free Negative Capacitance FETs (NCFETs). A cross-architecture analysis using HfZrOx ferroelectric (FE-HZO) integrated on bulk MOSFET, fully-depleted SOI-FETs, and sub-10nm FinFETs shows that FDSOI and FinFET configurations greatly benefit the NCFET performance due to their undoped body and improved gate-control which enables better capacitance matching with the ferroelectric. A low voltage NC-FinFET operating down to 0.25V is predicted using ultra-thin 3nm FE-HZO. Next, we propose one-transistor ferroelectric NOR type (Fe-NOR) non-volatile memory based on HfZrOx ferroelectric FETs (FeFETs). The enhanced drain-channel coupling in ultrashort channel FeFETs is utilized to dynamically modulate memory window of storage cells thereby resulting in simple erase-, program-and read-operations. The simulation analysis predicts sub-1V program/erase voltages in the proposed Fe-NOR memory array and therefore presents a significantly lower power alternative to conventional FeRAM and NOR flash memories

    Unveiling the Impact of IR-Drop on Performance Gain in NCFET-Based Processors

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    Negative capacitance field-effect transistor (NCFET) pushes the subthreshold swing beyond its fundamental limit of 60 mV/decade by incorporating a ferroelectric material within the gate-stack of transistor. Such a material manifests itself as an NC that provides an internal voltage amplification for the transistor resulting in higher ON-current levels. Hence, the performance of processors can be boosted while the operating voltage still remains the same. However, having an NC makes the total gate terminal capacitance larger. Although the impact of that on compensating the gained performance has already been studied in the literature, this paper is the first to explore the impact of NC on exacerbating the IR-drop problem in processors. In fact, voltage fluctuation in the power delivery network (PDN) due to IR-drops is one of the prominent sources of performance loss in processors, which necessitates adding timing guardbands to sustain a reliable operation during runtime. In this paper, we study NC-FinFET standard cells and processor for the 7-nm technology node. We demonstrate that NC, on the one hand, results in larger IR-drops due to the increase in current densities across the chip, which leads to a higher stress on the PDN. However, the internal voltage amplification provided by NC, on the other hand, compensates to some degree the voltage reduction caused by IR-drop. We investigate, from physics all the way to full-chip (GDSII) level, how the overall performance of a processor is affected under the impact that NC has on magnifying and compensating IR-drop

    A Silicon Carbide Power Management Solution for High Temperature Applications

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    The increasing demand for discrete power devices capable of operating in high temperature and high voltage applications has spurred on the research of semiconductor materials with the potential of breaking through the limitations of traditional silicon. Gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide (SiC), both of which are wide bandgap materials, have garnered the attention of researchers and gradually gained market share. Although these wide bandgap power devices enable more ambitious commercial applications compared to their silicon-based counterparts, reaching their potential is contingent upon developing integrated circuits (ICs) capable of operating in similar environments. The foundation of any electrical system is the ability to efficiently condition and supply power. The work presented in this thesis explores integrated SiC power management solutions in the form of linear regulators and switched capacitor converters. While switched-mode converters provide high efficiency, the requirement of an inductor hinders the development of a compact, integrated solution that can endure harsh operating environments. Although the primary research motivation for wide bandgap ICs has been to provide control and protection circuitry for power devices, the circuitry designed in this work can be incorporated in stand-alone applications as well. Battery or generator powered data acquisition systems targeted towards monitoring industrial machinery is one potential usage scenario