473,583 research outputs found

    Current usage of Component based Principles for Developing Web Applications with Frameworks: A Literature Review

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    Component based software development has become a very popular paradigm in many software engineering branches. In the early phase of Web 2.0 appearance, it was also popular for web application development. From the analyzed papers, between this period and today, use of component based techniques for web application development was somewhat slowed down, however, the recent development indicates a comeback. Most of all it is apparent with W3C’s component web working group. In this article we want to investigate the current state of web application development with component approach. Most of all we are interested in which way components are used, which web development frameworks are being used, for which domains is component based web development most popular and successful, etc. How many current web development frameworks explicitly refer to component-based approach? To answer this question, we performed a literature review

    Component-Based Development Using UML

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    Component-based software development (CBD) is a potential breakthrough for software engineering. Unified Modeling Language (UML) can potentially facilitate CBD design and modeling. Although many research projects concentrate on the conceptual interrelation of UML and CBD, few incorporate actual component frameworks into the discussion, which is critical for real-world software system design and modeling. This paper reviews component-based development, including the use of UML for modeling CBD. The paper then discusses the means by which UML extension mechanisms can be used to better support the popular component framework -- CORBA. Two other important component frameworks, DCOM and Web Services, are also discussed

    Are Components the Future of Web–Application Development?

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    The software industry is still creating much of its product in a “monolithic” fashion. The products may be more modular and configurable than they used to be, but most projects cannot be said to be truly component based. Even some projects being built with component-enabled technologies are not taking full advantage of the component model. It is quite possible to misuse component capabilities and as a result, to forfeit many of their benefits. Many organizations are becoming aware of the advantages and are getting their developers trained in the new technologies and the proper way to use them. It takes time for an organization to adopt such a significant change in their current practices. Some of the trade magazines would have us believe that the industry is years ahead of where it truly is – those of us in the trenches know that the reaction time is a little longer in the real world. The change to component-based development has begun, however.component-based development, frameworks, language, market, technology.

    Programming distributed and adaptable autonomous components--the GCM/ProActive framework

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    International audienceComponent-oriented software has become a useful tool to build larger and more complex systems by describing the application in terms of encapsulated, loosely coupled entities called components. At the same time, asynchronous programming patterns allow for the development of efficient distributed applications. While several component models and frameworks have been proposed, most of them tightly integrate the component model with the middleware they run upon. This intertwining is generally implicit and not discussed, leading to entangled, hard to maintain code. This article describes our efforts in the development of the GCM/ProActive framework for providing distributed and adaptable autonomous components. GCM/ProActive integrates a component model designed for execution on large-scale environments, with a programming model based on active objects allowing a high degree of distribution and concurrency. This new integrated model provides a more powerful development, composition, and execution environment than other distributed component frameworks. We illustrate that GCM/ProActive is particularly adapted to the programming of autonomic component systems, and to the integration into a service-oriented environment

    Attribute based component design: Supporting model driven development in CbSE

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    In analysing the evolution of Software Engineering, the scale of the components has increased, the requirements for different domains become complex and a variety of different component frameworks and their associated models have emerged. Many modern component frameworks provide enterprise level facilities and services, such as instance management, and component container support, that allow developers to apply if needed to manage scale and complexity. Although the services provided by these frameworks are common, they have different models and implementation. Accordingly, the main problem is, when developing a component based application using a component framework, the design of the components becomes tightly integrated with the framework implementation and the framework model is embedded in the component functionality, and hence reduces reusability. Another problem arose is, the designers must have in-depth knowledge of the implementation of a component framework to be able to model, design and implement the components and take advantages of the services provided. To address these problems, this research proposes the Attribute based Component Design (AbCD) approach which allows developers to model software using logical and abstract components at the specification level. The components encapsulate the provided functionality, as well as the required services, runtime requirements and interaction models using a set of attributes. These attributes are systemically derived by grouping common features and services from light weight component frameworks and heavy weight component frameworks that are available in the literature. The AbCD approach consists of the AbCD Meta-model, which is an extension of the àžšML meta-model, and the Component Design Guidelines (CDG) that includes core Component based Software Engineering principles to assist the modelling process for designers. To support the AbCD approach, an implementation has been developed as a set of plug-ins, called the AbCD tool suite, for Eclipse IDE. An evaluation of the AbCD approach is conducted by using the tool suite with two case studies. The first case study focuses on abstraction achieved by the AbCD approach and the second focuses on reusability of the components. The evaluation shows that the artefacts produced using the approach provide an alternative architectural view to the design and help to re-factor the design based on aspects. At the same time the evaluation process identified possible improvements in the AbCD meta-model and the tool suite constructed. This research provides a non-invasive approach for designing component based software using model driven development

    On the specification of a component repository

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    The lack of a commonly accepted definition of a software component, the proliferation of competing `standards' and component frameworks, is here to stay, raising the fundamental question in component based development of how to cope in practice with heterogeneity. This paper reports on the design of a Component Repository aimed to give at least a partial answer to the above question. The repository was fully specified in Vdm and a working prototype is currently being used in an industrial environment

    Formal Attributes Traceability in Modular Language Development Frameworks

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    AbstractModularization and component reuse are concepts that can speed up the design and implementation of domain specific languages. Several modular development frameworks have been developed that rely on attributes to share information among components. Unfortunately, modularization also fosters development in isolation and attributes could be undefined or used inconsistently due to a lack of coordination. This work presents 1) a type system that permits to trace attributes and statically validate the composition against attributes lack or misuse and 2) a correct and complete type inference algorithm for this type system. The type system and inference are based on the Neverlang development framework but it is also discussed how it can be used with different frameworks

    Syntactic and Semantic Interoperability Among Hydrologic Models

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    Development of integrated hydrologic models requires coupling of multidisciplinary, independent models and collaboration between different scientific communities. Component-based modeling provides an approach for the integration of models from different disciplines. A key advantage of component-based modeling is that it allows components to be created, tested, reused, extended, and maintained by a large group of model developers and end users. One significant challenge that must be addressed in creating an integrated hydrologic model using a component-based approach is enhancing the interoperability of components between different modeling communities and frameworks. The major goal of this work is to advance the integration of water related model components coming from different disciplines using the information underlying these models. This is achieved through addressing three specific research objectives. The first objective is to investigate the ability of component-based architecture to simulate feedback loops between hydrologic model components that share a boundary condition, and how data is transfered between temporally misaligned model components. The second objective is to promote the interoperability of components across water-related disciplinary boundaries and modeling frameworks by establishing an ontology for components\u27 metadata. The third study objective is to develop a domain-level ontology for defining hydrologic processes

    Measuring Qualities for OSGi Component-Based Applications

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    International audienceComponent-based software engineering (CBSE) begins to reach a certain level of maturity. Indeed, for the development of complex applications the use of component paradigm has become common. Therefore, the evaluation of the quality of these applications becomes necessary. In this context, the use of metrics is considered very important. Several metrics specific to component-based applications have been proposed. However, any of these metrics gained the consensus of the CBSE community and mainly there is no proposed tool to support them. As a large part of frameworks for component-based application development is based on object-oriented technology, we propose to use some object-oriented (OO) metrics to evaluate component-based applications produced with this kind of framework. Indeed, these metrics became a standard in OO community. So, they are well-defined, well-known and empirically validated. To identify which object-oriented metrics are useful for the evaluation of component-based applications, we have conducted an experimental study on 10 OSGi applications. This study also gives us the opportunity to discuss on the respect by OSGi developers of some properties pointed out by the literatur

    SAJaS: enabling JADE-based simulations

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    Multi-agent systems (MAS) are widely acknowledged as an appropriate modelling paradigm for distributed and decentralized systems, where a (potentially large) number of agents interact in non-trivial ways. Such interactions are often modelled defining high-level interaction protocols. Open MAS typically benefit from a number of infrastructural components that enable agents to discover their peers at run-time. On the other hand, multi-agent-based simulations (MABS) focus on applying MAS to model complex social systems, typically involving a large agent population. Several MAS development frameworks exist, but they are often not appropriate for MABS; and several MABS frameworks exist, albeit sharing little with the former. While open agent-based applications benefit from adopting development and interaction standards, such as those proposed by FIPA, MABS frameworks typically do not support them. In this paper, a proposal to bridge the gap between MAS simulation and development is presented, including two components. The Simple API for JADE-based Simulations (SAJaS) enhances MABS frameworks with JADE-based features. While empowering MABS modellers with modelling concepts offered by JADE, SAJaS also promotes a quicker development of simulation models for JADE programmers. In fact, the same implementation can, with minor changes, be used as a large scale simulation or as a distributed JADE system. In its current version, SAJaS is used in tandem with the Repast simulation framework. The second component of our proposal consists of a MAS Simulation to Development (MASSim2Dev) tool, which allows the automatic conversion of a SAJaS-based simulation into a JADE MAS, and vice-versa. SAJaS provides, for certain kinds of applications, increased simulation performance. Validation tests demonstrate significant performance gains in using SAJaS with Repast when compared with JADE, and show that the usage of MASSim2Dev preserves the original functionality of the system. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
