60,021 research outputs found

    Abstract Data Types in Event-B - An Application of Generic Instantiation

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    Integrating formal methods into industrial practice is a challenging task. Often, different kinds of expertise are required within the same development. On the one hand, there are domain engineers who have specific knowledge of the system under development. On the other hand, there are formal methods experts who have experience in rigorously specifying and reasoning about formal systems. Coordination between these groups is important for taking advantage of their expertise. In this paper, we describe our approach of using generic instantiation to facilitate this coordination. In particular, generic instantiation enables a separation of concerns between the different parties involved in developing formal systems.Comment: In Proceedings of DS-Event-B 2012: Workshop on the experience of and advances in developing dependable systems in Event-B, in conjunction with ICFEM 2012 - Kyoto, Japan, November 13, 201

    Modelling the pacemaker in event-B: towards methodology for reuse

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    The cardiac pacemaker is one of the system modelling problems posed to the Formal Methods community by the {\it Grand Challenge for Dependable Systems Evolution} \cite{JOW:06}. The pacemaker is an intricate safety-critical system that supports and moderates the dysfunctional heart's intrinsic electrical control system. This paper focusses on (i) the problem (requirements) domain specification and its mapping to solution (implementation) domain models, (ii) the significant commonality of behaviour between its many operating modes, emphasising the potential for reuse, and (iii) development and verification of models.We introduce the problem and model three of the operating modes in the problem domain using a state machine notation. We then map each of these models into a solution domain state machine notation, designed as shorthand for a refinement-based solution domain development in the Event-B formal language and its RODIN toolki

    On the Application of Formal Techniques for Dependable Concurrent Systems

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    The pervasiveness of computer systems in virtually every aspect of daily life entails a growing dependence on them. These systems have become integral parts of our societies as we continue to use and rely on them on a daily basis. This trend of digitalization is set to carry on, bringing forth the question of how dependable these systems are. Our dependence on these systems is in acute need for a justification based on rigorous and systematic methods as recommended by internationally recognized safety standards. Ensuring that the systems we depend on meet these recommendations is further complicated by the increasingly widespread use of concurrent systems, which are notoriously hard to analyze due to the substantial increase in complexity that the interactions between different processing entities engenders. In this thesis, we introduce improvements on existing formal analysis techniques to aid in the development of dependable concurrent systems. Applying formal analysis techniques can help us avoid incidents with catastrophic consequences by uncovering their triggering causes well in advance. This work focuses on three types of analyses: data-flow analysis, model checking and error propagation analysis. Data-flow analysis is a general static analysis technique aimed at predicting the values that variables can take at various points in a program. Model checking is a well-established formal analysis technique that verifies whether a program satisfies its specification. Error propagation analysis (EPA) is a dynamic analysis whose purpose is to assess a program's ability to withstand unexpected behaviors of external components. We leverage data-flow analysis to assist in the design of highly available distributed applications. Given an application, our analysis infers rules to distribute its workload across multiple machines, improving the availability of the overall system. Furthermore, we propose improvements to both explicit and bounded model checking techniques by exploiting the structure of the specification under consideration. The core idea behind these improvements lies in the ability to abstract away aspects of the program that are not relevant to the specification, effectively shortening the verification time. Finally, we present a novel approach to EPA based on symbolic modeling of execution traces. The symbolic scheme uses a dynamic sanitizing algorithm to eliminate effects of non-determinism in the execution traces of multi-threaded programs.The proposed approach is the first to achieve a 0% rate of false positives for multi-threaded programs. The work in this thesis constitutes an improvement over existing formal analysis techniques that can aid in the development of dependable concurrent systems, particularly with respect to availability and safety

    Cyber-Physical Systems Design: Formal Foundations, Methods and Integrated Tool Chains

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    The engineering of dependable cyber-physical systems (CPSs) is inherently collaborative, demanding cooperation between diverse disciplines. A goal of current research is the development of integrated tool chains for model-based CPS design that support co-modelling, analysis, co-simulation, testing and implementation. We discuss the role of formal methods in addressing three key aspects of this goal: providing reasoning support for semantically heterogeneous models, managing the complexity and scale of design space exploration, and supporting traceability and provenance in the CPS design set. We briefly outline an approach to the development of such a tool chain based on existing tools and discuss ongoing challenges and open research questions in this area

    Deriving Specifications of Dependable Systems: toward a Method

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    This paper proposes a method for deriving formal specifications of systems. To accomplish this task we pass through a non trivial number of steps, concepts and tools where the first one, the most important, is the concept of method itself, since we realized that computer science has a proliferation of languages but very few methods. We also propose the idea of Layered Fault Tolerant Specification (LFTS) to make the method extensible to dependable systems. The principle is layering the specification, for the sake of clarity, in (at least) two different levels, the first one for the normal behavior and the others (if more than one) for the abnormal. The abnormal behavior is described in terms of an Error Injector (EI) which represents a model of the erroneous interference coming from the environment. This structure has been inspired by the notion of idealized fault tolerant component but the combination of LFTS and EI using rely guarantee thinking to describe interference can be considered one of the main contributions of this work. The progress toward this method and the way to layer specifications has been made experimenting on the Transportation and the Automotive Case Studies of the DEPLOY project.Comment: Published in "12th European Workshop on Dependable Computing, EWDC 2009, Toulouse : France (2009)

    Modeling Guidelines for Code Generation in the Railway Signaling Context

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    Modeling guidelines constitute one of the fundamental cornerstones for Model Based Development. Their relevance is essential when dealing with code generation in the safety-critical domain. This article presents the experience of a railway signaling systems manufacturer on this issue. Introduction of Model-Based Development (MBD) and code generation in the industrial safety-critical sector created a crucial paradigm shift in the development process of dependable systems. While traditional software development focuses on the code, with MBD practices the focus shifts to model abstractions. The change has fundamental implications for safety-critical systems, which still need to guarantee a high degree of confidence also at code level. Usage of the Simulink/Stateflow platform for modeling, which is a de facto standard in control software development, does not ensure by itself production of high-quality dependable code. This issue has been addressed by companies through the definition of modeling rules imposing restrictions on the usage of design tools components, in order to enable production of qualified code. The MAAB Control Algorithm Modeling Guidelines (MathWorks Automotive Advisory Board)[3] is a well established set of publicly available rules for modeling with Simulink/Stateflow. This set of recommendations has been developed by a group of OEMs and suppliers of the automotive sector with the objective of enforcing and easing the usage of the MathWorks tools within the automotive industry. The guidelines have been published in 2001 and afterwords revisited in 2007 in order to integrate some additional rules developed by the Japanese division of MAAB [5]. The scope of the current edition of the guidelines ranges from model maintainability and readability to code generation issues. The rules are conceived as a reference baseline and therefore they need to be tailored to comply with the characteristics of each industrial context. Customization of these recommendations has been performed for the automotive control systems domain in order to enforce code generation [7]. The MAAB guidelines have been found profitable also in the aerospace/avionics sector [1] and they have been adopted by the MathWorks Aerospace Leadership Council (MALC). General Electric Transportation Systems (GETS) is a well known railway signaling systems manufacturer leading in Automatic Train Protection (ATP) systems technology. Inside an effort of adopting formal methods within its own development process, GETS decided to introduce system modeling by means of the MathWorks tools [2], and in 2008 chose to move to code generation. This article reports the experience performed by GETS in developing its own modeling standard through customizing the MAAB rules for the railway signaling domain and shows the result of this experience with a successful product development story

    Tool support for transforming Unified Modelling Language sequence diagram to coloured Petri nets

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    Modern software systems are expected to be dependable and the development of such systems requires strong modelling and analysis methods. Model-Driven Development is becoming a mainstream practice in software development to cater for that need. Models help to cope with the large scale and complexity of software systems by specifying the structural and behavioural aspects of the system and providing a means of communication between domain experts, analysts, designers and developers. Consequently, there is an increasing need for being able to combine the benefits of popular design approaches and formal models to contribute to better software products. Sequence Diagram-to-Coloured Petri Net (SD2CPN) is a scenario-based model transformation tool with analysis capabilities. It captures scenarios using Unified Modelling Language sequence diagrams and transforms them into coloured Petri nets that enable reliable analysis of the system models. The model transformations are based on the strongly consistent model-to-model transformation rules that are formally defined previously as part of this research. This paper presents the design, implementation, main features and usage of SD2CPN tool.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Enabling security checking of automotive ECUs with formal CSP models

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