59 research outputs found

    Resonant couplings in U shaped fibers for biosensing

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    U-shaped tight curvatures in optical fibers lead to resonant couplings between the fundamental and higher order modes that are sensible to different parameters, such as strain or temperature, for example. The optical response of the sensor consists on the shift of the resonant wavelength of the coupling. In the case of singlemode fibers, the coupling involves a so-called 'cladding mode' and, due to its evanescent field, the curved region will be sensible to changes in the external medium, as well. In this paper, we present the fabrication and characterization of a robust, easy-to-make, U-shaped fiber sensor based on singlemode telecom fiber and its application for biosensing. The resonant nature of the sensingmechanism presents the advantage of large dynamic ranges for RI variations without the ambiguity of other techniques such as interferometry. We studied the performance of the U-shaped fiber sensor for different bending radii, to optimize its sensitivity and detection limit at 1550 nm operation wavelength, as well as the effect of temperature on its response. The shift of the resonant wavelength was measured in detail as a function of the external RI within the range [1.33-1,37]; the detection limit was established in (2.88 ± 0.03) × 10−5 RIU. Furthermore, the device was successfully tested as a proof of concept biosensor, using a system model antigen-antibody (BSA-aBSA)

    Development of a fiber-based shape sensor for navigating flexible medical tools

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    Robot-assisted minimally invasive surgical procedure (RAMIS) is a subfield of minimally invasive surgeries with enhanced manual dexterity, manipulability, and intraoperative image guidance. In typical robotic surgeries, it is common to use rigid instruments with functional articulating tips. However, in some operations where no adequate and direct access to target anatomies is available, continuum robots can be more practical, as they provide curvilinear and flexible access. However, their inherent deformable design makes it difficult to accurately estimate their 3D shape during the operation in real-time. Despite extensive model-based research that relies on kinematics and mechanics, accurate shape sensing of continuum robots remains challenging. The state-of-the-art tracking technologies, including optical trackers, EM tracking systems, and intraoperative imaging modalities, are also unsuitable for this task, as they all have shortcomings. Optical fiber shape sensing solutions offer various advantages compared to other tracking modalities and can provide high-resolution shape measurements in real-time. However, commercially available fiber shape sensors are expensive and have limited accuracy. In this thesis, we propose two cost-effective fiber shape sensing solutions based on multiple single-mode fibers with FBG (fiber Bragg grating) arrays and eccentric FBGs. First, we present the fabrication and calibration process of two shape sensing prototypes based on multiple single-mode fibers with semi-rigid and super-elastic substrates. Then, we investigate the sensing mechanism of edge-FBGs, which are eccentric Bragg gratings inscribed off-axis in the fiber's core. Finally, we present a deep learning algorithm to model edge-FBG sensors that can directly predict the sensor's shape from its signal and does not require any calibration or shape reconstruction steps. In general, depending on the target application, each of the presented fiber shape sensing solutions can be used as a suitable tracking device. The developed fiber sensor with the semi-rigid substrate has a working channel in the middle and can accurately measure small deflections with an average tip error of 2.7 mm. The super-elastic sensor is suitable for measuring medium to large deflections, where a centimeter range tip error is still acceptable. The tip error in such super-elastic sensors is higher compared to semi-rigid sensors (9.9-16.2 mm in medium and large deflections, respectively), as there is a trade-off between accuracy and flexibility in substrate-based fiber sensors. Edge-FBG sensor, as the best performing sensing mechanism among the investigated fiber shape sensors, can achieve a tip accuracy of around 2 mm in complex shapes, where the fiber is heavily deflected. The developed edge-FBG shape sensing solution can compete with the state-of-the-art distributed fiber shape sensors that cost 30 times more

    An investigation of chirped fibre Bragg gratings Fabry-Perot interferometer for sensing applications

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    Fibre interferometer configurations such as the Michelson and Fabry-Perot (FP) have been formed using uniformed and chirped Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBG) acting as partial reflectors. As well as increasing the dynamic range of the interferometer, chirped FBGs are dispersive elements which can allow tuning of the response of the interferometers to measurements such as strain and temperature. In a chirped FBG, the resonance condition of the FBG varies along the FBG’s length. Each wavelength is reflected from different portion of the FBG, which imparts a different group delay to the different components of the incident light. The implication of the wavelength dependence resonance position is that there is a large movement of the resonance position when the incident wavelength is changed. A chirped FBG FP can be configured in which the large movement of the reflection positions in the respective FBGs forming the cavity changes in such a way that the sensitivity of the cavity can be enhanced or reduced. The FP filter response can be tailored through the extent of chirp. In this project a theoretical model of the in fibre interferometers formed using chirped FBGs is presented. The model indicates that it is possible to form FP cavities with varying sensitivity to strain and temperature by appropriate choice of chirp parameters and cavity length. An experimental demonstration of a chirped FBG FP cavity with reduced sensitivity to strain. This scheme offers flexibility in determining the sensitivity of the FP sensor to strain, not only through the gauge length but also via the parameters of the chirped FBG pairs, allowing the use of long or short gauge length sensors. It is possible to configure the system to exhibit enhanced sensitivity to strain or alternatively, to have reduced or even zero strain sensitivity. This ability to tailor the sensitivity of the FP via the FBG parameters will enhance the capabilities of FP sensor system.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Optimising the plastic optical fibre evanescent field biofilm sensor

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    This thesis describes the development, characterisation and application of large diameter multimode plastic optical fibre (POF) sensors using evanescent field modulation. The exposed polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) core of the POF fibre forms the sensor interface that detects refractive index changes of a measurand acting as the cladding. When a liquid measurand is used, the sensor can detect changes in refractive index, absorption and suspended particulates. It is this simple mechanism by which the evanescent field POF sensor operates. The evanescent field POF sensor has been characterised for refractive index of surrounding liquid from 1.33 to 1.49. The sensor demonstrated accuracy of ± 7x 10-3 refractive index units below 1.4 and ±2x 10-3 refractive index units above 1.4. Components have been selected and designed for this project to ruggedise the sensor, to make the sensor more self-contained and cheaper. The original design of the test conditions did not allow for optimum deployment of the sensor as it stripped out the very modes of light that were required for sensing purposes. The system was also operating under pressure, not reflecting the real conditions under which the sensor would be operating. The re-design of test conditions holds the sensor without straining the POF and operates under normal atmospheric pressure. The POF sensor was demonstrated reacting to a real measurand eg biofilm in which initial growth affects the optical properties at the core cladding interface by refractive index modulation. This sensor was capable of measuring biofouling and scaling at water interfaces. The sensor was trialled in a European Commission funded project (CLOOPT) to study biofouling and scaling in closed loop water systems such as heat exchangers in the cooling tower of an electric power plant, and as an interface sensor for water quality monitoring (AQUA-STEW) involving biofilm removal and surface cleansing with a new application for contact lens protein removal systems. Tapering multimode POF was a desirable goal as this increases the proportion of light coupled into the core available for sensing purposes, to achieve a more sensitive evanescent field POF sensor. Optically clear and consistent smooth tapering of ends and mid-lengths of POF fibre were achieved through chemical removal of material. The tapered POF sensor was characterised with a range of refractive indices, and it exhibited two distinct regions; the water/alcohol region below 1.4 refractive index units, and the oil region above 1.4 suggesting the sensor's use as an oil-in-water, or water-in-oil sensor. From 95% confidence limits, the accuracy of the POF was ±O.006 refractive index units (to 2 standard deviations) for fluids of refractive indices above 1.4. Tapered POF is sensitive to refractive index providing a cheap, easy to handle and rugged throwaway sensor for water and beverage process and quality monitoring

    Recent Progress in Optical Fiber Research

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    This book presents a comprehensive account of the recent progress in optical fiber research. It consists of four sections with 20 chapters covering the topics of nonlinear and polarisation effects in optical fibers, photonic crystal fibers and new applications for optical fibers. Section 1 reviews nonlinear effects in optical fibers in terms of theoretical analysis, experiments and applications. Section 2 presents polarization mode dispersion, chromatic dispersion and polarization dependent losses in optical fibers, fiber birefringence effects and spun fibers. Section 3 and 4 cover the topics of photonic crystal fibers and a new trend of optical fiber applications. Edited by three scientists with wide knowledge and experience in the field of fiber optics and photonics, the book brings together leading academics and practitioners in a comprehensive and incisive treatment of the subject. This is an essential point of reference for researchers working and teaching in optical fiber technologies, and for industrial users who need to be aware of current developments in optical fiber research areas

    Fiber Bragg Grating Based Sensors and Systems

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    This book is a collection of papers that originated as a Special Issue, focused on some recent advances related to fiber Bragg grating-based sensors and systems. Conventionally, this book can be divided into three parts: intelligent systems, new types of sensors, and original interrogators. The intelligent systems presented include evaluation of strain transition properties between cast-in FBGs and cast aluminum during uniaxial straining, multi-point strain measurements on a containment vessel, damage detection methods based on long-gauge FBG for highway bridges, evaluation of a coupled sequential approach for rotorcraft landing simulation, wearable hand modules and real-time tracking algorithms for measuring finger joint angles of different hand sizes, and glaze icing detection of 110 kV composite insulators. New types of sensors are reflected in multi-addressed fiber Bragg structures for microwave–photonic sensor systems, its applications in load-sensing wheel hub bearings, and more complex influence in problems of generation of vortex optical beams based on chiral fiber-optic periodic structures. Original interrogators include research in optical designs with curved detectors for FBG interrogation monitors; demonstration of a filterless, multi-point, and temperature-independent FBG dynamical demodulator using pulse-width modulation; and dual wavelength differential detection of FBG sensors with a pulsed DFB laser

    Design, fabrication and characterization of resonant waveguide grating based optical biosensors

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    The absence of rapid, low cost and highly sensitive biodetection platform has hindered the implementation of next generation cheap and early stage clinical or home based point-of-care diagnostics. Label-free optical biosensing with high sensitivity, throughput, compactness, and low cost, plays an important role to resolve these diagnostic challenges and pushes the detection limit down to single molecule. Optical nanostructures, specifically the resonant waveguide grating (RWG) and nano-ribbon cavity based biodetection are promising in this context. The main element of this dissertation is design, fabrication and characterization of RWG sensors for different spectral regions (e.g. visible, near infrared) for use in label-free optical biosensing and also to explore different RWG parameters to maximize sensitivity and increase detection accuracy. Design and fabrication of the waveguide embedded resonant nano-cavity are also studied. Multi-parametric analyses were done using customized optical simulator to understand the operational principle of these sensors and more important the relationship between the physical design parameters and sensor sensitivities. Silicon nitride (SixNy) is a useful waveguide material because of its wide transparency across the whole infrared, visible and part of UV spectrum, and comparatively higher refractive index than glass substrate. SixNy based RWGs on glass substrate are designed and fabricated applying both electron beam lithography and low cost nano-imprint lithography techniques. A Chromium hard mask aided nano-fabrication technique is developed for making very high aspect ratio optical nano-structure on glass substrate. An aspect ratio of 10 for very narrow (~60 nm wide) grating lines is achieved which is the highest presented so far. The fabricated RWG sensors are characterized for both bulk (183.3 nm/RIU) and surface sensitivity (0.21nm/nm-layer), and then used for successful detection of Immunoglobulin-G (IgG) antibodies and antigen (~1μg/ml) both in buffer and serum. Widely used optical biosensors like surface plasmon resonance and optical microcavities are limited in the separation of bulk response from the surface binding events which is crucial for ultralow biosensing application with thermal or other perturbations. A RWG based dual resonance approach is proposed and verified by controlled experiments for separating the response of bulk and surface sensitivity. The dual resonance approach gives sensitivity ratio of 9.4 whereas the competitive polarization based approach can offer only 2.5. The improved performance of the dual resonance approach would help reducing probability of false reading in precise bio-assay experiments where thermal variations are probable like portable diagnostics

    Optical fiber sensing using quantum dots

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    Recent advances in the application of semiconductor nanocrystals, or quantum dots, as biochemical sensors are reviewed. Quantum dots have unique optical properties that make them promising alternatives to traditional dyes in many luminescence based bioanalytical techniques. An overview of the more relevant progresses in the application of quantum dots as biochemical probes is addressed. Special focus will be given to configurations where the sensing dots are incorporated in solid membranes and immobilized in optical fibers or planar waveguide platforms

    Weak value amplification : new insights and applications

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    Weak Value Amplification (WVA) is a signal enhancement technique proposed in 1988 by Aharonov, Albert, and Vaidman that has been widely used to measure tiny changes that otherwise cannot be determined because of technical limitations. It is based on: i) the existence of a weak interaction which couples a property of a system (the system) with a separate degree of freedom (the pointer), and ii) the measurement of an anomalously large mean value of the pointer state (weak mean value), after appropriate pre and post-selection of the state of the system. The usefulness of weak value amplification for measuring extremely small quantities has been demonstrated under a great variety of experimental conditions to measure very small transverse displacements of optical beams, beam deflections, angular shifts, temporal shifts, phase shifts, frequency shifts, velocity measurements and temperature differences, among others. In this thesis we make use of this concept to improve current technologies and analyse the true usefulness of this technique with respect to other experimental alternatives. In particular, we have applied the concept to measure femtosecond temporal delays between pulses much smaller than their pulse width. From the theoretical model we estimate that the ultimate sensitivity of this scheme will allow to measure delays of the order of attoseconds using femtosecond laser sources. In addition, we have developed an innovative experimental scheme that makes use of the interference effect present in a WVA scheme to generate a highly-sensitive tunable beam displacer that can outperform the limitations imposed by the use of movable optical elements. From the experimental results, we were able to perform a scan of a Gaussian beam with waist 600 μm over an interval of 240 μm in steps of 1 μm. Moreover, we have implemented a proof-of-concept experiment aimed at increasing the sensitivity of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) temperature sensors. The sensors behave as frequency filters whose center is determined by its surrounding temperature. By means of a WVA scheme we were able to measure a polarization dependent frequency shift that is small compared to the width of each FBG spectrum, and from that value we were able to obtain a four-fold enhancement of the sensitivity with respect to current schemes. Finally, we address the question of what can offer the concept of WVA and what can not in terms of achieving high sensitivity measurements. By using a specific example and some basic concepts from quantum estimation theory, we have found that while WVA cannot be used to go beyond some fundamental sensitivity limits that arise from considering the full nature of the quantum states, WVA can notwithstanding enhance the sensitivity of real and specific detection schemes that are limited by many other things apart from the quantum nature of the states involved, i.e. technical noise.Weak Value Amplification (WVA) es una técnica experimental propuesta en 1988 por Aharonov, Albert, y Vaidman que ha sido ampliamente utilizada para medir pequeños cambios de variables físicas que en principio no podrían medirse usando otras metodologías debido a limitaciones técnicas. La técnica se basa en: i) la existencia de una interacción débil que acopla una propiedad de un sistema (el sistema) con otro grado de libertad (el metro), y ii) la medición de un valor promedio particularmente grande del metro (weak mean value), después de realizar una selección adecuada de los estados inicial y final del sistema. La utilidad de la técnica para la medición de cantidades extremadamente pequeñas ha sido demostrada en una gran variedad de condiciones experimentales para medir, por ejemplo, desplazamientos transversales de haces ópticos muy pequeños, deflexiones en haces, corrimientos angulares, retardos temporales, cambios de fase, cambios de frecuencia, mediciones de velocidad y diferencias de temperaturas, entre otros. En esta tesis, hacemos uso del concepto de Weak Value Amplification para mejorar el desempeño de algunos esquemas experimentales actuales y también para analizar la verdadera utilidad de esta técnica con respecto a otras alternativas experimentales. En particular, aplicamos el concepto para medir retardos temporales entre pulsos del orden de femtosegundos mucho más pequeños que su duración y mediante un modelo teórico, determinamos un límite en la sensibilidad del sistema que permite medir retardos del orden de attosegundos utilizando pulsos del orden de femtosegundos. También desarrollamos un dispositivo que hace uso de la interfencia presente en los esquemas basados en WVA para generar un desplazador de haz sintonizable que puede superar las limitaciones impuestas en resolución por el uso de elementos ópticos móviles. En particular, reportamos el resultado de realizar un barrido de la posición de un haz Gaussiano, con ancho 600 μm, a lo largo de un intervalo de 240 μm en pasos de 1 μm. Por otro lado, demostramos la viabilidad del uso del concepto de WVApara aumentar la sensibilidad en sensores de temperatura basados en Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) a través de un experimento. Teniendo en cuenta de que este tipo de sensores se comportan como filtros espectrales cuya frecuencia central está determinada por la temperatura a su alrededor, con el esquema implementado, hemos podido medir corrimientos en frecuencia que son pequeños en comparación con el ancho del espectro de cada FBG. En particular reportamos que el esquema implementado permite mejorar en un factor de cuatro la sensibilidad de los esquemas de medición corrientes. Por último, buscamos dar respuesta a la pregunta: ¿qué puede y qué no puede ofrecer el concepto de WVA cuando se utiliza en mediciones de gran precisión? Mediante el uso de un ejemplo especifico y algunos conceptos básicos de la mecánica cuántica, hemos encontrado que los esquemas basados en WVA no son de utilidad para superar limites fundamentales que surgen al considerar la naturaleza cuántica de la luz. Sin embargo, hemos encontrado que el concepto de WVA puede ser de gran utilidad para mejorar la sensibilidad de esquemas experimentales específicos en donde la sensibilidad puede estar limitada por otros factores diferentes a la naturaleza cuántica de la luz, como por ejemplo el ruido técnico.Postprint (published version
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