190,702 research outputs found

    Relative influence of shredders and fungi on leaf litter decomposition along a river altitudinal gradient

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    We compared autumn decomposition rates of European alder leaves at four sites along the Lasset–Hers River system, southern France, to test whether changes in litter decomposition rates from upstream (1,300 m elevation) to downstream (690 m) could be attributed to temperature-driven differences in microbial growth, shredder activity, or composition of the shredder community. Alder leaves lost 75–87% of original mass in 57 days, of which 46–67% could be attributed to microbial metabolism and 8–29% to shredder activity, with no trend along the river. Mass loss rates in both fine-mesh (excluding shredders) and coarse-mesh (including shredders) bags were faster at warm, downstream sites (mean daily temperature 7–8°C) than upstream (mean 1–2°C), but the differ- ence disappeared when rates were expressed in heat units to remove the temperature effect. Mycelial biomass did not correlate with mass loss rates. Faster mass loss rates upstream, after temperature correction, evidently arise from more efficient shredding by Nemourid stoneflies than by the Leuctra-dominated assemblage downstream. The influence of water temperature on decomposition rate is therefore expressed both directly, through microbial metabolism, and indirectly, through the structure of shredder commu- nities. These influences are evident even in cold water where temperature variation is small

    Liana litter decomposes faster than tree litter in a multispecies and multisite experiment

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    1. Lianas account for a small fraction of forest biomass, but their contribution to leaf or litter biomass and thus to food webs can be substantial. Globally liana exhibit fast life-history traits. Thus, liana litter may decompose faster than tree litter, and could enhance the decomposition of tree litter (complementarity effect). The differences in decomposition may also vary with mesofauna access or across forest communities. The contribution of these factors to nutrient biogeochemical cycling is poorly understood. 2. We examined the decomposition of litter of 20 liana and 20 tree species of three different tropical forest communities in southern China, over 1 year. (i) We incubated the litter in bags with coarse and fine mesh to distinguish mesofaunal and microfaunal effects. (ii) We used single-species litter bags to compare decomposition rates of lianas and trees, to test which functional traits best explained decomposition, and whether those traits differed between lianas and trees, and among forest types. (iv) We used mixed-species litter bags to test whether liana litter enhances decomposition in litter mixtures. (v) We evaluated how leaf litter nutrients decayed in relation to litter mass. 3. Litter decayed faster in coarse-mesh than fine-mesh bags, but there was no interaction effect with forest type or growth form. Liana litter decayed faster than tree litter in single-species bags with mesofauna access and in mixed bags (liana-only mix, tree-only mix) without mesofauna. Lianas had higher nitrogen content and specific leaf area and lower leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and toughness than trees. Decomposition rate was significantly negatively related to LDMC. Litter of evergreen broadleaved forest decomposed slower than that of other forest types. Liana litter did not enhance the decomposition of tree litter in mixtures. Liana litter released calcium slightly faster than trees. 4. Synthesis: Leaf litter decomposes faster for lianas than trees, despite high variability of traits and decomposition rates within each growth form and overlap between growth forms, and we found no evidence for the complementarity hypothesis. Our study sheds light on the potential role of lianas within brown food webs and their importance on terrestrial biogeochemistry

    Urbanisation differently affects decomposition rates of recalcitrant woody material and labile leaf litter

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    Litter decomposition is a fundamental ecosystem process and service that supplies nutrients to the soil. Although decomposition rate is influenced by litter quality, climatic conditions, the decomposer community and vegetation type in non-urban ecosystems, little is known about the degradation of different organic matter types in urban settings. We investigated the decomposition rates of recalcitrant (wood sticks for 4 years) and labile litter (green tea leaves in pyramid-shaped teabags for 3 years) in urban habitats that differed in level of management and disturbance. We found that recalcitrant woody material decomposed slower in urban habitat types (ca. 60-75% mass loss after 4 years in remnant spruce forests, park lawns, ruderal habitats) than in natural to semi-natural spruce forest soils (84% mass loss) outside the city. Labile tea litter, however, decomposed faster in typical open urban habitats (70% mass loss after 3 years in park lawns, ruderal habitats) than in forested habitats (60% mass loss in semi-natural and remnant spruce forests), with a remarkable dichotomy in decomposition rate between open and forested habitats. We suggest that the slower rate of wood decomposition in the city relates to its depauperate saprotrophic fungal community. The faster rate of labile litter decomposition in open habitats is difficult to explain, but is potentially a consequence of environmental factors that support the activity of bacteria over fungi in open habitats. We propose that the reintroduction of decaying woody material into the urban greenspace milieu could increase biodiversity and also improve the ability of urban soils to decompose an array of organic material entering the system. This reintroduction of decaying woody material could either occur by leaving cut logs - due to management - in urban remnant forests, which has been shown to be accepted as natural features by residents in Fennoscandian cities, and by placing logs in urban parks in ways that communicate their intentional use as part of urban landscape design and management.Peer reviewe

    Short-term root and leaf decomposition of two dominant plant species in a Siberian tundra

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    In tundra ecosystems, global warming is expected to accelerate litter decomposition and to lead to shifts in vegetation composition. To understand these shifts, it is important to understand the interactions between global warming, vegetation composition, litter quality and decomposition in the tundra. In addition, it is important to consider root litter since roots are the major part of plant biomass in the tundra. In order to increase our understanding of decomposition, and root decomposition in particular, we performed a litter transplant experiment in northeastern Siberia, in which we measured mass loss for leaf and root litter (live and dead material) of the two dominant plant species, graminoid Eriophorum vaginatum and shrub Betula nana, in three vegetation types (E. vaginatum or B. nana dominated and mixed vegetation) during the growing season.Our results show that although leaf decomposition did not differ between the two species, root decomposition showed significant differences. Mass loss of live roots was higher for E. vaginatum than for B. nana, but mass loss of E. vaginatum dead roots was lowest. In addition, we found evidence for home-field advantage in litter decomposition: litter of a plant decomposed faster in vegetation where it was dominant. Mass loss rates of the litter types were significantly correlated with phosphorus content, rather than nitrogen content. This indicates that phosphorus limits decomposition in this tundra site.The low decomposition rate of B. nana live roots compared to E. vaginatum live roots suggests that the acceleration of decomposition in the Arctic may be partly counteracted by the expected expansion of shrubs. However, more information on litter input rates and direct effects of climate change on decomposition rates are needed to accurately predict the effects of climate change on carbon dynamics in tundra ecosystems.</p

    Exploring drivers of litter decomposition in a greening Arctic: Results from a transplant experiment across a treeline

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    Decomposition of plant litter is a key control over carbon (C) storage in the soil. The biochemistry of the litter being produced, the environment in which the decomposition is taking place, and the community composition and metabolism of the decomposer organisms exert a combined influence over decomposition rates. As deciduous shrubs and trees are expanding into tundra ecosystems as a result of regional climate warming, this change in vegetation represents a change in litter input to tundra soils and a change in the environment in which litter decomposes. To test the importance of litter biochemistry and environment in determining litter mass loss, we reciprocally transplanted litter between heath (Empetrum nigrum), shrub (Betula nana), and forest (Betula pubescens) at a sub‐Arctic treeline in Sweden. As expansion of shrubs and trees promotes deeper snow, we also used a snow fence experiment in a tundra heath environment to understand the importance of snow depth, relative to other factors, in the decomposition of litter. Our results show that B. pubescens and B. nana leaf litter decomposed at faster rates than E. nigrum litter across all environments, while all litter species decomposed at faster rates in the forest and shrub environments than in the tundra heath. The effect of increased snow on decomposition was minimal, leading us to conclude that microbial activity over summer in the productive forest and shrub vegetation is driving increased mass loss compared to the heath. Using B. pubescens and E. nigrum litter, we demonstrate that degradation of carbohydrate‐C is a significant driver of mass loss in the forest. This pathway was less prominent in the heath, which is consistent with observations that tundra soils typically have high concentrations of "labile" C. This experiment suggests that further expansion of shrubs and trees may stimulate the loss of undecomposed carbohydrate C in the tundra

    Nanostructured Layered Copper Hydroxy Dodecyl Sulfate: A Potential Fire Retardant for Poly(vinyl Ester) (PVE)

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    Composites of poly(vinyl ester) (PVE) with copper hydroxy dodecyl sulfate (CHDS) were prepared by thermal curing. The efficiency of the additive, CHDS, in reducing flammability is demonstrated via cone calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The addition of 1-10% by mass of the CHDS additive resulted in significant increments in char formation (~4-11%) from thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Incorporation of the CHDS into the polymer matrix at these low concentrations leads to substantial reductions in the total heat release (~20-30%) but no significant change in the peak heat release rate. The composite materials generally ignite more quickly, however, the flame extinguishes faster for the composites relative to the virgin polymer. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared spectroscopic analyses of the residues collected at various stages during thermal decomposition of the composities, suggest the participation of copper-containing species in promoting enhanced thermal stability of PVE