856 research outputs found

    Innovations in non-destructive techniques for fruit quality control applied to manipulation and inspection lines

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    Tesis por compendioLa industria alimentaria, concretamente el sector poscosecha, necesita innovar en sus procesos productivos, optimizando los mismos para rentabilizar sus actividades, garantizando productos de calidad capaces de satisfacer las necesidades de los consumidores. La presente tesis doctoral se centra en evaluar el potencial de la espectroscopia VIS-NIR para la caracterización e inspección de la calidad de la fruta tanto fuera de línea como a tiempo real en procesos automatizados. En un primer lugar, la viabilidad de la técnica se estudió a nivel de laboratorio en estado estático (off-line), con el fin de conocer y optimizar las condiciones de medición. Posteriormente, se evaluó la calidad interna y externa de diferentes tipos de frutas como son caqui, nectarina y mango. En una segunda etapa, se llevó a cabo una automatización de los procesos de inspección mediante el desarrollo de nuevos prototipos in-line. Para este propósito, y con el objetivo de completar y corroborar los resultados obtenidos de manera estática, se estudió la integración de dos sondas VIS-NIR en una garra robótica capaz de manipular mangos. Finalmente, se estudió la integración de una sonda VIS-NIR a una cinta transportadora. Los resultados obtenidos a nivel estático han demostrado que la espectroscopia VIS-NIR es un método no destructivo muy prometedor para predecir la astringencia en caqui. Así mismo, ha demostrado ser una adecuada herramienta para clasificar al 100% entre variedades de nectarinas como "Big Top" y "Diamond Ray" con una apariencia externa e interna muy similar, pero con diferentes propiedades organolépticas. De manera similar, fue posible clasificar al 100% variedades como "Big Top" y "Magique" de apariencia externa y composición similar pero distinto color de pulpa., y además se desarrolló un índice de calidad interna (IQI) para evaluar la calidad de las nectarinas. Por lo que respecta a los trabajos off-line realizados con mangos de la variedad "Osteen", fue posible predecir su calidad interna mediante los índices de madurez (RPI) y de calidad (IQI) con un gran rendimiento. A su vez, los ensayos experimentales efectuados con estos mismos mangos bajo la manipulación no destructiva de una garra robótica, demostraron que los mejores modelos eran capaces de predecir tanto la firmeza mecánica, el contenido en sólidos solubles, la luminosidad de la pulpa, así como el índice RPI de las muestras en base a la información obtenida por los acelerómetros instalados en los dedos de la garra robótica. En cuanto a los ensayos realizados de manera in-line, el primer prototipo desarrollado se basó en la integración de dos sondas VIS-NIR en una garra robótica dispuesta con dos acelerómetros. El sistema desarrollado permitió alcanzar una buena estimación de la calidad del mango a través del índice RPI fusionando la información tanto de los espectros VIS-NIR como del impacto no destructivo de los acelerómetros. De este modo quedó demostrado que era posible obtener una predicción similar trabajando de forma in-line como trabajando de manera off-line para la predicción del mismo índice de calidad en mangos. El segundo prototipo in-line desarrollado se basa en la integración de una sonda VIS-NIR en una cinta transportadora para la identificación de distintas variedades y orígenes de manzanas. El prototipo desarrollado permitió registrar resultados de clasificación tan buenos como los efectuados de manera off-line con, por ejemplo, nectarina. De este modo, se puede concluir que la espectroscopia VIS-NIR permite monitorear la calidad y clasificar fruta poscosecha tanto en modo off-line como in-line. Los nuevos prototipos desarrollados aportan claras ventajas respecto a los procesos tradicionales realizados a mano, como son la reducción del tiempo de inspección, la disminución de la cantidad de residuos generados y la posibilidad de inspeccionar toda la producción, obteniendo así un análisis más estandarizThe food industry, concretely the post-harvest sector, needs to innovate in their production processes, optimizing them to make their activities profitable, guaranteeing quality products capable of satisfying the needs of consumers. The present doctoral thesis focuses on evaluating the potential of visible and near infrared spectroscopy (VIS-NIR) for the characterization and inspection of fruit quality both off-line and in real time in automated processes. Firstly, the viability of the technique was studied at the laboratory level in a static mode (off-line), in order to know and optimise the measurement conditions. Subsequently, the internal and external quality of different types of fruits such as persimmon, nectarine and mango were evaluated. Secondly, an automation of the inspection processes was carried out through the development of new in-line prototypes. For this purpose, and with the aim of completing and corroborating the results obtained in a static mode, the integration of two VIS-NIR probes in a robotic gripper capable of manipulating mangoes was studied. Finally, the integration of a VIS-NIR probe to a conveyor belt was studied as an in-line monitoring tool on the inspection process of different apple varieties. The results obtained in static mode have shown that VIS-NIR spectroscopy is a very promising non-destructive method to predict the astringency in persimmon. Likewise, it has demonstrated to be an adequate tool to classify 100% between nectarine varieties such as 'Big Top' and 'Diamond Ray' with very similar external and internal appearance, but with different organoleptic properties. Similarly, it was possible to classify 100% varieties such as 'Big Top' and 'Magique' with external appearance and similar composition but different pulp colour. An internal quality index (IQI) was developed to evaluate the quality of nectarines, which can be predicted through VIS-NIR spectroscopy. Regarding the off-line work carried out with mangoes of 'Osteen' variety, it was possible to predict its internal quality through the indexes of maturity (RPI) and quality (IQI) with a high performance. Moreover, the experimental tests carried out with these same mangoes under the non-destructive manipulation of a robotic gripper, showed that the best models were able to predict both the mechanical firmness, the soluble solids content, the brightness of the pulp, as well as the RPI index of the samples based on the information obtained by the accelerometers installed on the fingers of the robotic gripper. Regarding the tests carried out in an in-line mode, the first developed prototype was based on the integration of two VIS-NIR probes in a robotic gripper fitted with two accelerometers. The developed system allowed reaching a good estimation of mango quality through the RPI index. In this way, it was demonstrated that it was possible to obtain a similar prediction working in-line as off-line mode for the prediction of the same quality index in mangoes. The second developed in-line prototype is based on the integration of a VIS-NIR probe in a conveyor belt for the identification of different varieties and origins of apples, achieving a success rate of 98% with the system. The developed prototype allowed to register classification results as good as those carried out off-line with, for example, nectarine. In this way, it can be concluded that VIS-NIR spectroscopy allows monitoring the quality and classifying post-harvest fruit in both off-line and in-line mode, being a tool that allows improving and guaranteeing the correct quality and food safety. The new developed prototypes provide clear advantages over the traditional processes performed by hand, such as the reduction of inspection time, the reduction of the amount of waste generated by destructive quality analysis and the possibility of inspecting full production, obtaining a more standardised analysis of the quality of the products.La indústria alimentària, concretament el sector postcollita, necessita innovar en els seus processos productius, optimitzant els mateixos per a rendibilitzar les seues activitats, garantint productes de qualitat capaços de satisfer les necessitats dels consumidors. La present tesi doctoral es centra en avaluar el potencial de l'espectroscòpia visible i infraroig pròxim (VIS-NIR) per a la caracterització i la inspecció de la qualitat de la fruita tant fora de línia com a temps real en processos automatitzats. En un primer lloc, la viabilitat de la tècnica es va estudiar a nivell de laboratori en estat estàtic (off-line), a fi de conéixer i optimitzar les condicions de mesurament. Posteriorment, es va avaluar la qualitat interna i externa de diferents tipus de fruites com són caqui, nectarina i mango. En una segona etapa, es va dur a terme una automatització dels processos d'inspecció per mitjà del desenvolupament de nous prototips in-line. Per aquest propòsit, i amb l'objectiu de completar i corroborar els resultats obtinguts de manera estàtica, es va estudiar la integració de dos sondes VIS-NIR en una garra robòtica capaç de manipular. Finalment, es va estudiar la integració d'una sonda VIS-NIR a una cinta transportadora. Els resultats obtinguts a nivell estàtic han demostrat que l'espectroscòpia VIS-NIR és un mètode no destructiu molt prometedor per a predir l'astringència en caqui. Així mateix, ha demostrat ser una adequada ferramenta per a classificar al 100% entre varietats de nectarines com "Big Top" i "Diamond Ray" amb una aparença externa i interna molt semblant, però amb diferents propietats organolèptiques. De manera semblant, va ser possible classificar al 100% varietats com "Big Top" i "Magique" d'aparença externa i composició semblant però distint color de polpa. Es va desenvolupar un índex de qualitat interna (IQI) per avaluar la qualitat de les nectarines. Pel que fa als treballs off-line realitzats amb mangos de la varietat "Osteen" va ser possible predir la seua qualitat interna mitjançant els índexs de maduresa (RPI) i de qualitat (IQI) amb un gran rendiment. Al mateix temps, els assajos experimentals efectuats amb estos mateixos mangos baix la manipulació no destructiva d'una garra robòtica, van demostrar que els millors models eren capaços de predir tant la fermesa mecánica, el contingut en sòlids solubles, la lluminositat de la polpa, així com l'índex RPI de les mostres basant-se en l'informació obtinguda pels acceleròmetres instal¿lats en els dits de la garra robòtica. En quant als assajos realitzats de manera in-line, el primer prototip desenvolupat es va basar en la integració de dos sondes VIS-NIR en una garra robòtica disposada amb dos acceleròmetres. El sistema desenvolupat va permetre aconseguir una bona estimació de la qualitat del mango a través de l'índex RPI fusionant l'informació tant dels espectres VIS-NIR com de l'impacte no destructiu dels acceleròmetres. D'esta manera va quedar demostrat que era possible obtindre una predicció semblant treballant de forma in-line com off-line per a la predicció del mateix índex de qualitat en mangos. El segon prototip in-line desenvolupat es va basar en la integració d'una sonda VIS-NIR en una cinta transportadora per a l'identificació de distintes varietats i orígens de pomes. El prototip desenvolupat va permetre registrar resultats de classificació tan bons com els efectuats de manera off-line. D'aquesta manera, es pot concloure que l'espectroscòpia VIS-NIR permet monitorar la qualitat i classificar fruita postcollita tant en mode off-line com in-line. Els nous prototips desenvolupats aporten clars avantatges respecte als processos tradicionals realitzats a mà, com són la reducció del temps d'inspecció, la disminució de la quantitat de residus generats pels anàlisis destructives de qualitat i la possibilitat d'inspeccionar tota la producció, obtenint així un anàlisi més estandarditzCortés López, V. (2018). Innovations in non-destructive techniques for fruit quality control applied to manipulation and inspection lines [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/110969TESISCompendi

    Multivariate analysis and artificial neural network approaches of near infrared spectroscopic data for non-destructive quality attributes prediction of Mango (Mangifera indica L.)

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    There is a need for fast and reliable quality and authenticity control tools of pharmaceutical ingredients. Among others, hormone containing drugs and foods are subject to scrutiny. In this study, terahertz (THz) spectroscopy and THz imaging are applied for the first time to analyze melatonin and its pharmaceutical product Circadin. Melatonin is a hormone found naturally in the human body, which is responsible for the regulation of sleep-wake cycles. In the THz frequency region between 1.5 THz and 4.5 THz, characteristic melatonin spectral features at 3.21 THz, and a weaker one at 4.20 THz, are observed allowing for a quantitative analysis within the final products. Spectroscopic THz imaging of different concentrations of Circadin and melatonin as an active pharmaceutical ingredient in prepared pellets is also performed, which permits spatial recognition of these different substances. These results indicate that THz spectroscopy and imaging can be an indispensable tool, complementing Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopies, in order to provide quality control of dietary supplements and other pharmaceutical products

    Characterization Of Sala Mango Quality Attributes Via Visible And Near Infrared Spectroscopy Techniques

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    Pada umumnya, penanam buah-buahan dan pihak berkuasa pertanian tempatan semakin menyedari kepentingan untuk memperoleh buah-buahan yang berkualiti tinggi untuk memenuhi permintaan pasaran, khususnya pengguna. Oleh itu, penilaian kualiti buah segar menggunakan teknik optik melalui pengukuran spektroskopi telah dibangunkan untuk menilai dan mengukur kualiti mangga Sala tanpa memusnahkannya. Dalam kajian ini, beberapa pendekatan dengan pengukuran teknik yang berbeza (iaitu: pantulan dan interaksi) telah dilaksanakan dan kecekapannya dibandingkan dengan menggunakan Jaz, QE 65000 dan FieldSpec 3 spektrometer melalui spektrum yang boleh dilihat dan inframerah berserta sistem pengukuran monokromatik yang boleh dilihat untuk mengukur kekerasan, kandungan pepejal larut (SSC) dan keasidan (pH). Berdasarkan prestasi ramalan, MSC merupakan teknik pra-pemprosesan yang terbaik sebelum regresi linear (MLR) untuk mengukur kekerasan mangga menggunakan QE 65000 spektrometer melalui mod pantulan dengan pekali penentuan (R2) dan punca min kuasa dua ralat ramalan (RMSEP) masing-masing pada 0.857 dan 1.005 kgf. Untuk kandungan pepejal larut (SSC), SNV merupakan teknik pra-pemprosesan yang terbaik dengan R2 = 0.882 dan RMSEP = 0.783 ˚Brix menggunakan QE 65000 spektrometer melalui mod interaksi. Fruits‟ growers and local agriculture authorities in general have increasingly realized the importance of acquiring fruits with high quality in order to satisfy the market demands, specifically the consumers. Therefore, quality evaluations of fresh fruits using optical technique through spectroscopy measurement have been developed to non-destructively assess and measure internal quality attributes of Sala mangoes. In this research, several approaches with different technique of measurements (i.e. reflectance and interactance) have been performed and their competences were compared using Jaz, QE 65000 and FieldSpec 3 spectrometers via visible and near infrared spectral as well as visible monochromatic measurement systems for measurement of firmness, soluble solid content (SSC) and acidity (pH). Judging from the prediction performance, MSC was found to be the best preprocessing technique prior to multiple linear regression (MLR) for firmness measurement using QE 65000 spectrometer via reflectance mode with a coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) at 0.857 and 1.005 kgf , respectively. For soluble solids content (SSC), SNV was found to be the best pre-processing technique with R2 = 0.882 and RMSEP = 0.783˚Brix through measurement using QE 65000 spectrometer via interactance mode

    Advances in non-destructive early assessment of fruit ripeness towards defining optimal time of harvest and yield prediction—a review

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    © 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Global food security for the increasing world population not only requires increased sustainable production of food but a significant reduction in pre-and post-harvest waste. The timing of when a fruit is harvested is critical for reducing waste along the supply chain and increasing fruit quality for consumers. The early in-field assessment of fruit ripeness and prediction of the harvest date and yield by non-destructive technologies have the potential to revolutionize farming practices and enable the consumer to eat the tastiest and freshest fruit possible. A variety of non-destructive techniques have been applied to estimate the ripeness or maturity but not all of them are applicable for in situ (field or glasshousassessment. This review focuses on the non-destructive methods which are promising for, or have already been applied to, the pre-harvest in-field measurements including colorimetry, visible imaging, spectroscopy and spectroscopic imaging. Machine learning and regression models used in assessing ripeness are also discussed

    Transformations for non-destructive evaluation of brix in mango by reflectance spectroscopy and machine learning

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    Mango is a very popular climacteric fruit in America and Europe. Among the internal properties of the mango, total soluble solids (TSS) are an adequate indicator to estimate the quality of mango, however, the measurement of this indicator requires destructive tests. Several research have addressed similar issues; they have made use of pre-processing transformations without making it clear which of them is statistically better. Here, we created a new spectral database to build machine learning (ML) models. We analyzed a total of 18 principal component regression (PCR) models and 18 partial least squared regression (PLSR) models, where 4 types of transformations, 3 different feature extractors, and 3 different pre-processing techniques are combined. The research proposes a double cross validation (CV) both to determine the optimal number of components and to obtain the final metrics. The best model had a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.1382 °Brix and a RMSE on the transformed scale of 0.5140. The best model used 4 components, used y2 transformation, reflectance R as the independent variable and MSC as a pre-processing technique

    Selection Models for the Internal Quality of Fruit, based on Time Domain Laser Reflectance Spectroscopy

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    Time domain laser reflectance spectroscopy (TRS) was applied for the first time to evaluate internal fruit quality. This technique, known in medicine-related knowledge areas, has not been used before in agricultural or food research. It allows the simultaneous measurement of two optical characteristics of the sample: light scattering inside the tissues and light absorption. Models to estimate non-destructively firmness, soluble solids and acid contents in tomato, apple, peach and nectarine were developed using sequential statistical techniques: principal component analysis, multiple stepwise linear regression, clustering and discriminant analysis. Consistent correlations were established between the two parameters measured with TRS, i.e. absorption and transport scattering coefficients, with chemical constituents (soluble solids and acids) and firmness, respectively. Classification models were created to sort fruits into three quality grades (‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’), according to their firmness, soluble solids and acidity

    Two Different Portables Visible-Near Infrared and Shortwave Infrared Region for On-Tree Measurement of Soluble Solid Content of Marian Plum Fruit

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    The goal of this study was to predict the soluble solid content (SSC) of on-tree Marian plum fruit using two different wavelength range and algorithm. One of these was the commercial dispersion NIR spectrometer (MicroNIR 1700), providing shortwave infrared (SWIR), while the other was a making diode array spectrometer giving visible-near infrared (Vis-NIR). To search optimal model, the analytical ability of the two wavelength ranges spectrometers coupled with two algorithms: i.e. partial least squares regression (PLSR) and support vector machine regression (SVR), were investigated. Different spectral pre-processing methods were tested. The model providing the lowest root mean square errors of prediction (RMSEP) was selected. Overall, the proposed outcome was that the performance of SWIR was more accurate than Vis-NIR spectrometer, and that both SWIR and Vis-NIR coupled with PLSR algorithm had a higher accuracy than SVR algorithm. The best model for on-tree evaluation SSC was the SWIR constructed using the PLSR algorithm with the spectral pre-processing of the 2nd derivative, providing a coefficient of determination of calibration set (R2) of 0.81, a coefficient of determination of validation set (r2) of 0.76, RMSEP of 0.69 °Brix, and a relative standard error of prediction (RSEP) of 4.43%. The outcome showed that a portable SWIR spectrometer developed with PLSR could be used for monitoring the SSC of individual Marian plum fruit on-tree for quality assurance

    Carbohydrate Analysis by NIRS-Chemometrics

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    Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a high-throughput, low-cost, solvent-free, and nondestructive analytical tool. Chemometrics is the science that employs statistical and mathematical methods to explain near-infrared spectra; it has been proven that when they are coupled, their effectiveness highly improved in-depth carbohydrate characterization. This chapter focuses on the fundamentals of near-infrared spectroscopy in the study of carbohydrates, as well as the application of partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component analysis (PCA), as the most useful chemometric techniques involved in carbohydrate analysis. The theoretical aspects and practical applications starting from simple to complex carbohydrates mixtures are covered. Indeed, the contributions from different fields extend the implementation of near-infrared spectroscopy from industrial quality control to scientific research

    Application of Visible to Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Non-Destructive Assessment of Quality Parameters of Fruit

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    The accuracy and robustness of prediction models are very important to the successful commercial application of visible to near-infrared spectroscopy (Vis-NIRS) on fruit. The difference in physiological characteristics of fruit is very wide, which necessitates variance in the type of spectrometers applied to collect spectral data, pre-processing of the collected data and chemometric techniques used to develop robust models. Relevant practices of data collection, processing and the development of models are a challenge because of the required knowledge of fruit physiology in addition to the Vis-NIRS expertise of a researcher. This chapter deals with the application of Vis-NIRS on fruit by discussing commonly used spectrometers, data chemometric treatment and common models developed for assessing quality of specific types of fruit. The chapter intends to create an overview of commonly used techniques for guiding general users of these techniques. Current status, gaps and future perspectives of the application of Vis-NIRS on fruit are also discussed for challenging researchers who are experts in this research field