67,000 research outputs found

    Segmentation of Image Using Watershed and Fast Level set methods

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    Technology is proliferating. Many methods are used for medical imaging .The important methods used here are fast marching and level set in comparison with the watershed transform .Since watershed algorithm was applied to an image has over clusters in segmentation . Both methods are applied to segment the medical images. First, fast marching method is used to extract the rough contours. Then level set method is utilized to finely tune the initial boundary. Moreover, Traditional fast marching method was modified by the use of watershed transform. The method is feasible in medical imaging and deserves further research. It could be used to segment the white matter, brain tumor and other small and simple structured organs in CT and MR images. In the future, we will integrate level set method with statistical shape analysis to make it applicable to more kinds of medical images and have better robustness to noise

    Interactive Medical Image Segmentation

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    Tato práce se zabývá segmentací anatomických struktur v medicínských objemových datech pomocí metody fast level-set. Zvolená metoda reprezentuje uzavřený 3D povrch postupující v čase z počáteční pozice. Hlavním zaměřením této práce je implementace metody level-set a vytvoření interaktivního nástroje určeného na segmentaci 3D medicínských objemových dat využitím této metody. Nástroj je schopný interaktivně měnit parametry vývoje povrchu během samotného procesu segmentace. Díky povaze metody level-set, může být proces vývoje povrchu pozastaven v jakémkoli momentě, nebo sledovaný několik kroků vedoucích zpět a z této pozice může být restartován s úplně jinou konfigurací.This work deals with a fast level-set approach for segmentation of anatomical structures in volumetric medical images. The fast level-set method evolves a closed 3D surface in time propagating the surface form an initial position. The major contribution of this work is the implementation of the level-set method and construction of an interactive tool for segmentation of 3D medical data using this method. The tool is able to interactively change parameters of the evolution during the segmentation process itself. Due to the nature of level-set method, the evolution process can be stopped at any time, or backtracked and restarted from any previous step with a different configuration.

    An Automatic Level Set Based Liver Segmentation from MRI Data Sets

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    A fast and accurate liver segmentation method is a challenging work in medical image analysis area. Liver segmentation is an important process for computer-assisted diagnosis, pre-evaluation of liver transplantation and therapy planning of liver tumors. There are several advantages of magnetic resonance imaging such as free form ionizing radiation and good contrast visualization of soft tissue. Also, innovations in recent technology and image acquisition techniques have made magnetic resonance imaging a major tool in modern medicine. However, the use of magnetic resonance images for liver segmentation has been slow when we compare applications with the central nervous systems and musculoskeletal. The reasons are irregular shape, size and position of the liver, contrast agent effects and similarities of the gray values of neighbor organs. Therefore, in this study, we present a fully automatic liver segmentation method by using an approximation of the level set based contour evolution from T2 weighted magnetic resonance data sets. The method avoids solving partial differential equations and applies only integer operations with a two-cycle segmentation algorithm. The efficiency of the proposed approach is achieved by applying the algorithm to all slices with a constant number of iteration and performing the contour evolution without any user defined initial contour. The obtained results are evaluated with four different similarity measures and they show that the automatic segmentation approach gives successful results

    Segmentation of the left ventricle of the heart in 3-D+t MRI data using an optimized nonrigid temporal model

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    Modern medical imaging modalities provide large amounts of information in both the spatial and temporal domains and the incorporation of this information in a coherent algorithmic framework is a significant challenge. In this paper, we present a novel and intuitive approach to combine 3-D spatial and temporal (3-D + time) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data in an integrated segmentation algorithm to extract the myocardium of the left ventricle. A novel level-set segmentation process is developed that simultaneously delineates and tracks the boundaries of the left ventricle muscle. By encoding prior knowledge about cardiac temporal evolution in a parametric framework, an expectation-maximization algorithm optimally tracks the myocardial deformation over the cardiac cycle. The expectation step deforms the level-set function while the maximization step updates the prior temporal model parameters to perform the segmentation in a nonrigid sense

    Robust semi-automated path extraction for visualising stenosis of the coronary arteries

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    Computed tomography angiography (CTA) is useful for diagnosing and planning treatment of heart disease. However, contrast agent in surrounding structures (such as the aorta and left ventricle) makes 3-D visualisation of the coronary arteries difficult. This paper presents a composite method employing segmentation and volume rendering to overcome this issue. A key contribution is a novel Fast Marching minimal path cost function for vessel centreline extraction. The resultant centreline is used to compute a measure of vessel lumen, which indicates the degree of stenosis (narrowing of a vessel). Two volume visualisation techniques are presented which utilise the segmented arteries and lumen measure. The system is evaluated and demonstrated using synthetic and clinically obtained datasets

    Left-ventricle myocardium segmentation using a coupled level-set with a priori knowledge

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    This paper presents a coupled level-set segmentation of the myocardium of the left ventricle of the heart using a priori information. From a fast marching initialisation, two fronts representing the endocardium and epicardium boundaries of the left ventricle are evolved as the zero level-set of a higher dimension function. We introduce a novel and robust stopping term using both gradient and region-based information. The segmentation is supervised both with a coupling function and using a probabilistic model built from training instances. The robustness of the segmentation scheme is evaluated by performing a segmentation on four unseen data-sets containing high variation and the performance of the segmentation is quantitatively assessed