224 research outputs found

    Adaptive Square-Shaped Trajectory-Based Service Location Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this paper we propose an adaptive square-shaped trajectory (ASST)-based service location method to ensure load scalability in wireless sensor networks. This first establishes a square-shaped trajectory over the nodes that surround a target point computed by the hash function and any user can access it, using the hash. Both the width and the size of the trajectory are dynamically adjustable, depending on the number of queries made to the service information on the trajectory. The number of sensor nodes on the trajectory varies in proportion to the changing trajectory shape, allowing high loads to be distributed around the hot spot area

    Empty cell management for grid based resource discovery protocols in ad hoc networks

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    Autonomous Gossiping: A self-organizing epidemic algorithm for selective information dissemination in mobile ad-hoc networks

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    We introduce autonomous gossiping (A/G), a new genre epidemic algorithm for selective dissemination of information in contrast to previous usage of epidemic algorithms which flood the whole network. A/G is a paradigm which suits well in a mobile ad-hoc networking (MANET) environment because it does not require any infrastructure or middleware like multicast tree and (un)subscription maintenance for publish/subscribe, but uses ecological and economic principles in a self-organizing manner in order to achieve its selectivity. The trade-off of using an infrastructure-less self-organizing mechanism like A/G is that it does not guarantee completeness deterministically as is one of the original objectives of alternate selective dissemination schemes like publish/subscribe. We argue that such incompleteness is not a problem in many non-critical real-life civilian application scenarios and realistic node mobility patterns, where the overhead of infrastructure maintenance may outweigh the benefits of completeness, more over, at present there exists no mechanism to realize publish/subscribe or other paradigms for selective dissemination in MANET environments. A/G's reliance and hence vulnerability on cooperation of mobile nodes is also much less as compared to other possible schemes using routing information, since it does not expect node philanthropy for forwarding/carrying information, but only cooperation to the extent that nodes already carrying the information pass it on to other suitable ones. Thus autonomous gossiping is expected to be a light-weight infrastructure-less information dissemination service for MANETs, and hence support any-to-many communication (flexible casting) without the need to establish and maintain separate routing information (e.g., multicast trees)

    Data management for cloud supported cooperative driving

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    Tese de mestrado, Engenharia Informática (Arquitetura, Sistemas e Redes de Computadores) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020The increasing number of technologies inserted into vehicles, allowed the common user to have access to a broad number of utilities that allows driving to be easier, safer and more economical. ABS, GPS, Bluetooth and onboard computer are some of the technologies associated with a recent vehicle. On more experimental ones there is obstacle detection, automatic braking and self-driving technologies, which can be supported by a wireless network connection to further improve their capabilities. That connection allows the transformation of each independent vehicle into nodes in an ad-hoc network. The current challenge is to connect all those vehicles and be able to provide the data needed for their correct functioning in a timely manner. That is the challenge this dissertation will seek to analyse: the possibility to create a reliable vehicular information system for cooperative driving based on the cloud. Cloud-based storage can support an ever changing number of vehicles while still satisfying scalability requirements and maintaining ease of access without the need to maintain a physical infrastructure, as that responsibility is laid upon the provider. To understand which service is the best to host the vehicular information system it was analyzed three services from Amazon Web Services (AWS): S3, EC2 and DynamoDB. Ease of utility, latency, scalability and cost were the main requirements tested as they are the most important aspects for a real-time vehicular information system for autonomous vehicles. After deciding which cloud service would be the most appropriate to implement the vehicular information system, two client models were created that fulfilled a set of requirements. They were based in an already existing algorithm named Two-Step Full Replication which utilizes a group of Key-Value Stores services from various clouds to simulate a shared-memory based on multi-writer, multi-reader (MWMR) registers. This algorithm tolerates Byzantine faults by using Byzantine quorum techniques and integrity and authenticity checks. It was defined and implemented the necessary changes on the algorithm to create usable a client for a vehicular information system. The first model called ”Atomic Snapshot Client”, uses the modified Two-Step Full Replication interface with the Atomic Snapshot algorithm. This model guarantees that the read of the system (snapshot) is done atomically without being adulterated by concurrent writes, sacrificing execution latency. The second model is a faster version of the first one with the objective of obtaining faster responses from the system without overly sacrificing data consistency, which is called ”Fast Snapshot Client”. The main change from the first one is the reduction of the guarantees of the atomic registers to regular ones making the reads (scan) and writes (update) simpler and faster, although removing the atomic snapshot feature. With the analysis of the data collected from experiments performed with this model it was possible to observe a relation between the increase of the scan latency time and the total time spent on the execution of the read and write operations on an application with various clients. To solve this problem a simple garbage collector was implemented, which cleans each register when the number of outdated writes that it contains goes over a specified threshold. This solution, although simple, proved to be effective to reduce each scan time. Finally, a vehicular information system based on the AWS S3 service was implemented. It is composed by two types of clients based on the Fast Snapshot Client, named vehicular client and calculator client. The two types of client work together, where the vehicular clients trade information with the calculator. The calculator client scans the registers of the vehicle clients and writes on its registers the processed data for each vehicular client. The vehicle clients need to write all the relevant data they gather and read the register of their respective calculator client and act according to the data read. Each of the clients was tested separately and analysed in order to discuss the viability of this system in a real-world application as well as possible changes to further improve it

    An adaptive communication model for mobile agents in highly dynamic networks based on forming flexible regions via swarming behabiour

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    Im letzten Jahrzehnt gilt die mobile Agententechnologie als eines der wichtigsten Forschungsgebiete der Informatik. Mobile Agenten sind Software, die Aufträge im Namen ihrer Besitzer erfüllen können (ZK02). Mobile Agenten können selbstbestimmend von Server zu Server migrieren, sie können ihren Arbeitsstand speichern und dann ihre Arbeit am neuen Aufenthaltsort fortsetzen. Ihre wichtigsten Merkmale sind: autonom, reaktiv, opportunistisch und zielgerichtet. Diese genannten Merkmale sind für verteilte Anwendungen geeignet, z. B: Ressourcenverteilung (TYI99), Netzwerkmanagement (MT99), E-Commerce (BGP05), Fernüberwachung CMCV02), Gesundheitssysteme (Mor06), um nur einige zu nennen. Es ist die Mobilität der Agenten, die mobile Agenten zu einer guten Computing Technologie macht (Pau02). Kommunikation ist wesentlich in verteilten Systemen, und dies gilt auch für mobile Agentensysteme (LHL02). Neben den eher technischen Aspekten mobiler Agententechnologien, wie Migration (Bra03) und Kontrollmechanismen (Bau00), wurde die Kommunikation zwischen den Agenten als eine der wichtigsten Komponenten in der mobilen Agententechnologie identifiziert (FLP98). Es ist diskutiert worden, ob Agentenkommunikation ausschließlich lokal sein sollte, angesichts der Tatsache, dass mobile Agenten erfunden wurden, weil man die Verarbeitung zu den Daten tragen möchte, anstatt umgekehrt (SS97). Allerdings hat es sich gezeigt, dass es in vielen Fällen lohnt, wenn die mobilen Agenten kommunizieren anstatt migrieren (BHR+97),(FLP98),(ea02). Kommunikation hilft mobilen Agenten, eine bessere Leistung zu erreichen (Erf04). Kommunikation ist daher aus unserer Sicht die Basis mobiler Agentensysteme. An der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena ist das interdisziplinäre Projekt SpeedUp seit April 2009 durchgeführt worden (FSU11). Das Projekt entwickelt ein Unterstützungssystem für Rettungs- und Einsatzkräfte bei einem Massenanfall von Verletzten (MANV). Im Projekt ist das Konzept mobiler Agenten als eine der Basistechnologien ausgesucht worden. Die hohe Netzwerkdynamik stellt neue Herausforderungen für mobile Agentensysteme dar, die in MANV Rettungsszenarien arbeiten. Es wird erwartet, dass die Kommunikation sich an die dynamische Umgebung zur Ausführungszeit anpassen kann. Dazu fehlen heute tragfähige Konzepte. In dieser Arbeit wird daher ein Ansatz zur adaptiven Kommunikation mobiler Agenten in hochdynamischen Netzwerken des SpeedUp-Typs vorgestellt. Nach unserer Beurteilung sollte die Kommunikation zwischen den mobilen Agenten nicht nur Interoperabilität und Standortunabhängigkeit, sondern auch Anpassungsfähigkeit aufweisen. Wir schlagen ein Kommunikationsmodell vor, das sich auf den koordinierenden Aspekt und das Zusammenspiel der Agenten konzentriert, sowie die Zuverlässigkeit und die Fehlertoleranz unterstützt. Um die Netzwerkdynamik zu managen, planen wir einen selbstorganisierten Mechanismus zu verwenden, der sich ”honey bee” inspiriertes Verfahren nennt. Wir werden dazu eine Software für ein adaptives Kommunikationsmodell mobiler Agenten, basierend auf das mobile Agentensystem Ellipsis gestalten, implementieren, und evaluieren.In the last decade, mobile agent technology has been considered as one of the most active research fields in computer science. Mobile agents are software agents which run on behalf of their owner to fulfil jobs that have been ordered (ZK02). They have the ability to migrate from location to location in the network, they can temporarily save their work state at the time of migrating and then restore their tasks when arriving at the new location. Their outstanding characteristics are to be autonomous, reactive, opportunistic, and goal-oriented. Those characteristics are suitable for distributed applications, such as resource allocation (TYI99), network management (MT99), remote supervision (CMCV02), e-commerce (BGP05), health care systems (Mor06), to name but a few. It is the mobility of mobile agents that makes them to be a powerful computing technique, especially for pervasive computing (Pau02). Communication is an essential component of distributed systems and this is no exception for multiagent systems (LHL02). Besides technical aspects of mobile agent technology, such as migrations (Bra03) and control mechanisms (Bau00), communication between mobile agents has been identified as an important issue in mobile agent technology (FLP98). It has been argued whether agent communication should be remote or restricted to local, considering that the main reason for the birth of mobile agents was to move computation to the data instead of moving the data to the computation. Therefore, remote communication could be avoided completely (SS97). However, it has been shown that in many cases mobile agent systems can benefit from performing communication instead of sending agents to remote platforms (BHR+97),(FLP98),(ea02). The communication between agents helps to increase the chance that an agent attains its objectives (Erf04). Communication is one of the bases of multi-agent systems; it is difficult, if not impossible for a group of agents to solve tasks without communication (Hel03). At Friedrich Schiller University Jena, an interdisciplinary project, named SpeedUp, for the support of handling mass casualty incidents (MCI) has been in development since April 2009 (FSU11). In the project the mobile agent concept has been selected as one of the main technologies on the communication infrastructure level. The dynamic nature of MCI networks poses new challenges to mobile systems working in a rescue scenario. For mobile agent systems working in highly dynamic networks, communication between mobile agents is expected to adapt easily to environmental stimuli which occur at execution time. Much research has been done into the design of an appropriate, highly flexible model for mobile agent communication in dynamic networks. However, to the best of our knowledge none of the suggested solutions has been able to achieve the necessary performance and quality attributes to count as a practical solution. In most cases, these existing approaches seem to neglect the inherent dynamics of modern networks. In this dissertation, we present our approach for an adaptive communication model for mobile agent systems in highly dynamic networks of the SpeedUp type. In our opinion, communication in mobile agent systems should deal not only with interoperability and location-transparency, but also with adaptability. To achieve industrial strength, we propose a model for agent communication that focuses on the cooperation aspect of agent interaction and supports reliability and fault tolerance as the key qualities, while keeping up an acceptable overall performance at the same time. For the management of highly dynamic communication domains we use a self-organizing mechanism, a so-called honey bee inspired algorithm. In order to ensure message delivery, we propose a resilient mechanism for the management of a mobile agent’s location. Based on this thesis, we will design, implement and evaluate a software prototype for an adaptive model for mobile agent communication based on the Ellipsis mobile agent system

    Energy-Efficient Querying of Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Due to the distributed nature of information collection in wireless sensor networks and the inherent limitations of the component devices, the ability to store, locate, and retrieve data and services with minimum energy expenditure is a critical network function. Additionally, effective search protocols must scale efficiently and consume a minimum of network energy and memory reserves. A novel search protocol, the Trajectory-based Selective Broadcast Query protocol, is proposed. An analytical model of the protocol is derived, and an optimization model is formulated. Based on the results of analysis and simulation, the protocol is shown to reduce the expected total network energy expenditure by 45.5 percent to 75 percent compared to current methods. This research also derives an enhanced analytical node model of random walk search protocols for networks with limited-lifetime resources and time-constrained queries. An optimization program is developed to minimize the expected total energy expenditure while simultaneously ensuring the proportion of failed queries does not exceed a specified threshold. Finally, the ability of the analytical node model to predict the performance of random walk search protocols in large-population networks is established through extensive simulation experiments. It is shown that the model provides a reliable estimate of optimum search algorithm parameters

    Isolation, cultivation and characterization of cells originating from tumor and tumor margin of patients with basal cell carcinoma in vitro

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    Homeostaza kože direktno zavisi od mehanizma kontinuiranog obnavljanja ćelijske populacije kože i njene sposobnosti regeneracije. U epidermisu je prisutna posebna populacija ćelija zadužena za proces samoobnavljanja kože, tzv. epidermalne matične ćelije koje imaju sposobnost proliferacije, migracije, diferencijacije i programirane ćelijske smrti. Ukoliko dođe do narušavanja ravnoteže između ovih procesa, može doći do maligne transformacije zdrave matične ćelije u kancersku matičnu ćeliju. Poznato je da za hemorezistenciju, metastaziranje i recidiviranje tumora odgovornost nosi posebna populaciju tumorskih ćelija koje se nazivaju kancerske matične ćelije. Istraživanja pokazuju da bazocelularni karcinom kože vodi poreklo od matičnih ćelija ispupčenja folikula dlake, infundibuluma dlake i interfolikularnog epidermisa. Bazocelularni karcinom (BCK) je najčešći maligni tumor kože, pa i ako retko metastazira karakteriše ga invazivni rast pri čemu infiltriše okolne strukture i dovodi do ozbiljnih funkcionalnih i estetskih defekata. U literaturi se kao jedan od ključnih faktora odgovornih za recidiviranje navodi neadekvatna širina margine resekcije tumora. Istraživanja su pokazala da je za primarne BCK na koži lica veličine do 20 mm preporučena širina margine 3 mm. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je identifikacija i karakterizacija subpopulacije ćelija sa osobinama matičnosti izolovanih iz BCK-a i bliske margine od 3 mm, ispitivanjem proliferativnog, klonogenog i migratornog potencijala, analizom ekspresije embrionalnih, mezenhimskih i tumorskih markera, analizom biohemijske strukture ćelija, ispitivanjem sposobnosti diferencijacije u više ćelijskih linija kao i stepena otpornosti ćelija na dejstvo citostatika. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 13 pacijenata sa primarnim bazocelularnim karcinomom na koži lica veličine do 20 mm. Nakon detaljno uzete anamneze i potpisanog informisanog pristanka pristupalo se hirurškoj eksciziji tumorske promene, koja se smatra zlatnim standardom u terapiji BCK-a. Iz svih ekscidiranih uzorka za izolaciju ćelija uzet je deo tumorskog tkiva, tkiva bliske margine (udaljene 3 mm od makroskopske granice tumora) i deo zdrave kože obuhvaćen oblikom resekcije (udaljen od makroskopske granice tumora više od 5 mm), dok je preostali deo tkiva poslat na histopatološku analizu. Za karakterizaciju ćelija u kulturi korišćeni su testovi proliferacije, migracije, formiranja kolonija, sfera i ramanska spektroskopija. Markeri kancerskih matičnih ćelija (KMĆ) analizirani su ,,Real-Time PCR” metodom i protočnom citometrijom...renewal and regeneration and the epidermis harbors a special cell population responsible for the process of self-renewal and regeneration of the skin, so called epidermal stem cells that have the ability to proliferate, migrate, differentiate, and undergo programmed cell death. If imbalance between these processes occurs, malignant transformation of healthy stem cell into the cancerous stem cell may happen. It is also known that a specific population of tumor cells called cancer stem cells is responsible for the hemoresistance, metastasis, and recurrence. Studies have shown that skin basal cell carcinoma is caused by stem cells of hair follicle, hair infundibulum and interfollicular epidermis. Basocellular carcinoma (BCC) is the most common malignant tumor of the skin, but it rarely gives metastases It is characterized by invasive growth, infiltrating surrounding structures and leading to serious functional and aesthetic defects. In the literature, inadequate margins are indicated as one of the key factors responsible for tumor recurrences. Studies have shown that for the primary facial skin BCC of less than 20 mm a margin of 3 mm is recommended. The aim of this study was to identify and characterize the cell subpopulation with stem characteristics whithin BCC and its margins (3 mm close) by testing proliferative, clonogenic and migratory potential, by analyzing the expression of embryonic, mesenchymal and tumor markers, by analizing biochemical structure of cells, by examining the differentiation potential of generated cell lines and by testing the degree of chemo-resistance. The study included 13 patients with primary BCC of face skin of less than 20 mm. Following a detailed anamnesis and a signed informed consent, the surgical excision which is considered a gold standard in BCC therapy, was done. A portion of the tumor tissue, of close margin (3 mm from the macroscopic tumor limit), and of healthy skin included in the resecion (at least 5mm from the macroscopic tumor limit), were obtained from all the patients. The remaining of the tissue was subjected to histopathological analysis. For cell phenotype characterization, tests of proliferation, colony formation, scratch assay, and sphere formation were used..

    Dynamic services in mobile ad hoc networks

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    The increasing diffusion of wireless-enabled portable devices is pushing toward the design of novel service scenarios, promoting temporary and opportunistic interactions in infrastructure-less environments. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) are the general model of these higly dynamic networks that can be specialized, depending on application cases, in more specific and refined models such as Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks. Two interesting deployment cases are of increasing relevance: resource diffusion among users equipped with portable devices, such as laptops, smart phones or PDAs in crowded areas (termed dense MANET) and dissemination/indexing of monitoring information collected in Vehicular Sensor Networks. The extreme dynamicity of these scenarios calls for novel distributed protocols and services facilitating application development. To this aim we have designed middleware solutions supporting these challenging tasks. REDMAN manages, retrieves, and disseminates replicas of software resources in dense MANET; it implements novel lightweight protocols to maintain a desired replication degree despite participants mobility, and efficiently perform resource retrieval. REDMAN exploits the high-density assumption to achieve scalability and limited network overhead. Sensed data gathering and distributed indexing in Vehicular Networks raise similar issues: we propose a specific middleware support, called MobEyes, exploiting node mobility to opportunistically diffuse data summaries among neighbor vehicles. MobEyes creates a low-cost opportunistic distributed index to query the distributed storage and to determine the location of needed information. Extensive validation and testing of REDMAN and MobEyes prove the effectiveness of our original solutions in limiting communication overhead while maintaining the required accuracy of replication degree and indexing completeness, and demonstrates the feasibility of the middleware approach

    Efficient Passive Clustering and Gateways selection MANETs

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    Passive clustering does not employ control packets to collect topological information in ad hoc networks. In our proposal, we avoid making frequent changes in cluster architecture due to repeated election and re-election of cluster heads and gateways. Our primary objective has been to make Passive Clustering more practical by employing optimal number of gateways and reduce the number of rebroadcast packets