464 research outputs found

    Application Of Nano-Imprint Lithography For Next Generation Carbon Nanotube-Based Devices

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    This research report addresses the development of 3D carbon nanostructures that can provide unique capabilities for manufacturing carbon nanotube (CNT) electronic components, electrochemical probes, biosensors and tissue scaffolds. The shaped CNT arrays were grown on patterned catalytic substrate by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. The new fabrication process for catalyst patterning based on combination of nano-imprint lithography (NIL), magnetron sputtering and reactive etching techniques was proposed and studied. The optimal process parameters for each technique were evaluated. The catalyst was made by deposition of Fe and Co nanoparticles over alumina support layer on Si/SiO2 substrate. The metal particles were deposited using direct current (DC) magnetron sputtering technique, with the particles size from 6 nm to 12 nm and density from 70 to 1000 particles/micron2. Alumina layer was deposited by radio frequency (RF) and reactive pulsed DC sputtering, and the effect of sputtering parameters on surface roughness was studied. The pattern was developed by thermal NIL using Si master-molds and PMMA and NRX1025 polymers as a thermal resists. Catalyst patterns of lines, dots and holes ranging from 70 nm to 500 nm were produced and characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopies (AFM). Vertically aligned CNTs were successfully grown on patterned catalyst and their quality was evaluated by SEM and micro-Raman. The results confirm that the new fabrication process has ability to control the size and shape of CNT arrays without loss of their quality

    Progress Toward Nanowire Device Assembly Technology

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    Technologies for printing sensors and electronics over large flexible substrates: a review

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    Printing sensors and electronics over flexible substrates is an area of significant interest due to low-cost fabrication and possibility of obtaining multifunctional electronics over large areas. Over the years, a number of printing technologies have been developed to pattern a wide range of electronic materials on diverse substrates. As further expansion of printed technologies is expected in future for sensors and electronics, it is opportune to review the common features, complementarities and the challenges associated with various printing technologies. This paper presents a comprehensive review of various printing technologies, commonly used substrates and electronic materials. Various solution/dry printing and contact/non-contact printing technologies have been assessed on the basis of technological, materials and process related developments in the field. Critical challenges in various printing techniques and potential research directions have been highlighted. Possibilities of merging various printing methodologies have been explored to extend the lab developed standalone systems to high-speed roll-to-roll (R2R) production lines for system level integration

    Functional Polymers in Protein Detection Platforms: Optical, Electrochemical, Electrical, Mass-Sensitive, and Magnetic Biosensors

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    The rapidly growing field of proteomics and related applied sectors in the life sciences demands convenient methodologies for detecting and measuring the levels of specific proteins as well as for screening and analyzing for interacting protein systems. Materials utilized for such protein detection and measurement platforms should meet particular specifications which include ease-of-mass manufacture, biological stability, chemical functionality, cost effectiveness, and portability. Polymers can satisfy many of these requirements and are often considered as choice materials in various biological detection platforms. Therefore, tremendous research efforts have been made for developing new polymers both in macroscopic and nanoscopic length scales as well as applying existing polymeric materials for protein measurements. In this review article, both conventional and alternative techniques for protein detection are overviewed while focusing on the use of various polymeric materials in different protein sensing technologies. Among many available detection mechanisms, most common approaches such as optical, electrochemical, electrical, mass-sensitive, and magnetic methods are comprehensively discussed in this article. Desired properties of polymers exploited for each type of protein detection approach are summarized. Current challenges associated with the application of polymeric materials are examined in each protein detection category. Difficulties facing both quantitative and qualitative protein measurements are also identified. The latest efforts on the development and evaluation of nanoscale polymeric systems for improved protein detection are also discussed from the standpoint of quantitative and qualitative measurements. Finally, future research directions towards further advancements in the field are considered

    Fabrication of semiconductor nanowire multifunctional devices

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    Portable multi-functional devices can play a major role in the new age society embracing internet-of-things (IoT). Being able to perform primary functions such as sensing and secondary functions such as storing information is quite critical when out of connectivity. However, such bespoke devices are almost unheard of as it is very difficult to fabricate it due to several factors such as device architecture, dimension, scalability, and parasitic effects. This work describes the fabrication and characterization of a multi-functional device that acts an ultra-sensitive pressure sensor but is also capable of storing that information for a prolonged period. Both sensitivity and charge storage ability are attributed to the inclusion of one-dimensional (1-D) nanostructures. The alternating crystal phases in the as-grown gold (Au) catalyzed GaAs and self-induced AlGaAs/GaAs nanowires (NWs) were used in our case. This thesis discusses the fabrication, growth, characterization, integration and electrical testing involved to produce the multi-functional device. Bespoke nanowires were grown on a template prepared using a combination of nanosphere (NSL) and nanoimprint lithography (NIL) which provided a reproducible large-area periodic array of growth site at a relatively low cost. The inclusion of these NWs in the polymer helps enhance the relative permittivity of the host polymer by a factor of 40 making it an almost-perfect dielectric for a capacitive pressure sensor. NWs also acted as charge storage nodes allowing to extend the functionality. The technique consists of creating nanoholes in silicon dioxide (SiO2) to expose the silicon Si (111) beneath where self-induced NWs can nucleate, while nanodots deposited onto the Si (111) surface serve as catalyst seeds. For Au-catalysed NWs, a monolayer of self-assembled polystyrene nanospheres (PNS 300 nm) was created on a 2 inch Si wafer by spin coating and later etched for a short time before a very thin Au-catalyst layer was deposited. In turn, for self-induced, PNS monolayer was created onto a SiO2-Si substrate. A longer etch was required to reduce PNS diameter significantly to leave relatively larger spacing where chromium is blanket deposited. PNS were lifted off by sonicating the samples in toluene produce the periodic arrays of nanodots and nanoholes, respectively. The underlying SiO2 was etched further through the nanoholes to uncover the Si below. 200 nm holes and 30-70 nm dots were demonstrated through the bespoke methods. The patterned substrates served as master templates, subsequently copied using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) to produce a flexible stamp for nanoimprint lithography. A bi-layer resist lift off process was developed to print the replicated nanodots or nanoholes on large-area substrates onto which GaAs NWs were subsequently grown. GaAs NWs were extracted and mixed in PMMA to produce a composite dielectric which was sandwiched between electrodes to act as a capacitor. An order of magnitude increase in relative permittivity (ϵr) is observed after the addition of the NWs allowing a high signal to noise ratio output on the application of pressure. This is due to the addition of higher permittivity nano-filler in the matrix. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that encapsulated high aspect ratio NWs in a host (polymer in this case) can be integrated in devices to improve existing functionality. Devices were successfully fabricated for pressure sensing and memory using the above described low-cost high-volume process with high sensitivity and large memory window, respectively. This demonstration is one of the first steps in enabling low cost electronics without compromising on performance which is imperative for IoT

    Fabrication of Metal/Oxide Nanostructures by Anodization Processes for Biosensor, Drug Delivery and Supercapacitor Applications

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    This dissertation proposed to initiate the research into the fabrication of metal/oxide nanostructures by anodization process for biosensor, drug delivery and supercapacitor applications by producing different nanostructures which lead to the potential for various applications. This study focuses on the establishment of the knowledge and techniques necessary to perform metal/oxide nanostructures on biological and energy applications. This study will investigate: (1) the sensor and drug delivery applications of micro/nano structures; (2) novel processes to innovate anodic aluminum oxide nanotube template; (3) the supercapacitor applications of anodic titanium oxide. First, the extremely high surface area AAO coated microneedle and microneedle array can be developed as sensor and drug delivery devices. Due to the large surface area of the AAO, the film can absorb indicators to make it sensitive to testing targets. pH detection was demonstrated to show the sensing capability of the microneedle. Then, the microneedles were further built as an array by combining micromachining technique. The microneedle array provides a 3-D structure that possesses several hundred times more surface area and capacity than a traditional nanochannel template. Second, the nanoengineering process was conducted to innovate anodic aluminum oxide nanotube template. Guided anodization assisted by nanoimprint process formed AAO arrays that can be formed on controlled locations. More importantly, it shows the periodically ordered AAO array with different sizes of nanopores. With the improved AAO template, melting injection, electro/electroless deposition and sol-gel deposition were conducted to fabricate Ni nanowires/ TiO_(2) nanotubes, Ni/BaTiO_(3) core-shell nanotubes, and UHMWPE nanotubes. Third, various Ti-based alloys were anodized to form ordered nanotubes for supercapacitor application. Ti alloy oxide contains some porous layers which are not presented on TiO_(2) nanotube film. Thus, Ti alloys anodized oxide nanotubes have better supercapacitor behaviors than the conventional TiO_(2) nanotubes. However, a high surface area nanoporous Ti/TiO_(2) structure, which was fabricated by selective etching process, can accumulate large quantity of electrons and energy for supercapacitor needs. Additionally, nanoporous metals obtained by dealloying hold a unique combination of a highly conductive network and a bicontinuous open. The characteristics formed through dealloying also present a nice charge/discharge behavior and a good capacitance performance

    Nanogap Device: Fabrication and Applications

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    A nanogap device as a platform for nanoscale electronic devices is presented. Integrated nanostructures on the platform have been used to functionalize the nanogap for biosensor and molecular electronics. Nanogap devices have great potential as a tool for investigating physical phenomena at the nanoscale in nanotechnology. In this dissertation, a laterally self-aligned nanogap device is presented and its feasibility is demonstrated with a nano ZnO dot light emitting diode (LED) and the growth of a metallic sharp tip forming a subnanometer gap suitable for single molecule attachment. For realizing a nanoscale device, a resolution of patterning is critical, and many studies have been performed to overcome this limitation. The creation of a sub nanoscale device is still a challenge. To surmount the challenge, novel processes including double layer etch mask and crystallographic axis alignment have been developed. The processes provide an effective way for making a suspended nanogap device consisting of two self-aligned sharp tips with conventional lithography and 3-D micromachining using anisotropic wet chemical Si etching. As conventional lithography is employed, the nanogap device is fabricated in a wafer scale and the processes assure the productivity and the repeatability. The anisotropic Si etching determines a final size of the nanogap, which is independent of the critical dimension of the lithography used. A nanoscale light emitting device is investigated. A nano ZnO dot is directly integrated on a silicon nanogap device by Zn thermal oxidation followed by Ni and Zn blanket evaporation instead of complex and time consuming processes for integrating nanostructure. The electrical properties of the fabricated LED device are analyzed for its current-voltage characteristic and metal-semiconductor-metal model. Furthermore, the electroluminescence spectrum of the emitted light is measured with a monochromator implemented with a CCD camera to understand the optical properties. The atomically sharp metallic tips are grown by metal ion migration induced by high electric field across a nanogap. To investigate the growth mechanism, in-situ TEM is conducted and the growing is monitored. The grown dendrite nanostructures show less than 1nm curvature of radius. These nanostructures may be compatible for studying the electrical properties of single molecule

    Colloidal inorganic nanocrystal based nanocomposites: Functional materials for micro and nanofabrication

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    The unique size- and shape-dependent electronic properties of nanocrystals (NCs) make them extremely attractive as novel structural building blocks for constructing a new generation of innovative materials and solid-state devices. Recent advances in material chemistry has allowed the synthesis of colloidal NCs with a wide range of compositions, with a precise control on size, shape and uniformity as well as specific surface chemistry. By incorporating such nanostructures in polymers, mesoscopic materials can be achieved and their properties engineered by choosing NCs differing in size and/or composition, properly tuning the interaction between NCs and surrounding environment. In this contribution, different approaches will be presented as effective opportunities for conveying colloidal NC properties to nanocomposite materials for micro and nanofabrication. Patterning of such nanocomposites either by conventional lithographic techniques and emerging patterning tools, such as ink jet printing and nanoimprint lithography, will be illustrated, pointing out their technological impact on developing new optoelectronic and sensing devices. © 2010 by the authors


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    This study concerns development of a technology of utilizing metallic nanowires for a sensing element in nanofluidic single molecular (nanoparticle) sensors formed in plastic substrates to detect the translocation of single molecules through the nanochannel. We aimed to develop nanofluidic single molecular sensors in plastic substrates due to their scalability towards high through and low cost manufacturing for point-of-care applications. Despite significant research efforts recently on the technologies and applications of nanowires, using individual nanowires as electric sensing element in nanofluidic bioanalytic devices has not been realized yet. This dissertation work tackles several technical challenges involved in this development, which include reduction of nanowire agglomerates in the deposition of individual nanowires on a substrate, large scale alignment/assembly of metallic nanowires, placement of single nanowires on microelectrodes, characterization of electrical conductance of single nanowire, bonding of a cover plate to a substrate with patterned microelectrodes and nanowire electrodes. Overcoming the abovementioned challenges, we finally demonstrated a nanofluidic sensor with an in-plane nanowire electrode in poly(methyl methacrylate) substrates for sensing single biomolecules. In the first part of this study, we developed the processes for separation and large-scale assembly of individual NiFeCo nanowires grown using an electrodeposition process inside a porous alumina template. A method to fabricate microelectrode patterns on plastic substrates using flexible stencil masks was developed. We studied electrical and magnetic properties of new composite core-shell nanowires by measuring the electrical transport through individual nanowires. The core-shell nanowires were composed of a mechanically stable FeNiCo core and an ultrathin shell of a highly conductive Au gold (FeNiCo-Au nanowires). In the second part of this study, we simulated the effects of the nanopore geometry on the current drop signal of the translocation through a nanopore via finite element method using COMSOL. Using the above techniques, we developed for the fabrication and alignment of the microelectrodes and nanowires, we studied the optimum conditions to integrate the transverse nanoelectrode with the nanochannel on plastic substrates. The main challenge was to find the conditions to embed the micro-/nanoelectrodes into the nanochannel substrate as well as the nanochannel cover sheet
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