270 research outputs found

    On the energy-delay tradeoff and relay positioning of wireless butterfly networks

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    This paper considers energy-delay tradeoff (EDT) of data transmission in wireless network coded butterfly networks (WNCBNs) where two sources convey their data to two destinations with the assistance of a relay employing either physical-layer network coding (PNC) or analog network coding (ANC). Hybrid automatic repeat request with incremental redundancy (HARQIR) is applied for a reliable communication. Particularly, we first investigate the EDT of both PNC and ANC schemes in WNCBNs to evaluate their energy efficiency. It is found that there is no advantage of using a relay in a high power regime. However, in a low power regime, the PNC scheme is shown to be more energy efficient than both the ANC and direct transmission (DT) schemes if the relay is located far from the sources, while both the PNC and ANC schemes are less energy efficient than the DT scheme when the relay is located near the sources. Additionally, algorithms that optimise relay positioning are developed based on two criteria - minimising total transmission delays and minimising total energy consumption subject to node location and power allocation constraints. This optimisation can be considered as a benchmark for relay positioning in either a low-latency or a low-energy-consumption WNCBN

    On the energy-delay tradeoff and relay positioning of wireless butterfly networks

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    This paper considers energy-delay tradeoff (EDT) of data transmission in wireless network coded butterfly networks (WNCBNs) where two sources convey their data to two destinations with the assistance of a relay employing either physical-layer network coding (PNC) or analog network coding (ANC). Hybrid automatic repeat request with incremental redundancy (HARQIR) is applied for a reliable communication. Particularly, we first investigate the EDT of both PNC and ANC schemes in WNCBNs to evaluate their energy efficiency. It is found that there is no advantage of using a relay in a high power regime. However, in a low power regime, the PNC scheme is shown to be more energy efficient than both the ANC and direct transmission (DT) schemes if the relay is located far from the sources, while both the PNC and ANC schemes are less energy efficient than the DT scheme when the relay is located near the sources. Additionally, algorithms that optimise relay positioning are developed based on two criteria - minimising total transmission delays and minimising total energy consumption subject to node location and power allocation constraints. This optimisation can be considered as a benchmark for relay positioning in either a low-latency or a low-energy-consumption WNCBN

    Domain specific high performance reconfigurable architecture for a communication platform

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    Optimizing Network Coding Algorithms for Multiple Applications.

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    Deviating from the archaic communication approach of treating information as a fluid moving through pipes, the concepts of Network Coding (NC) suggest that optimal throughput of a multicast network can be achieved by processing information at individual network nodes. However, existing challenges to harness the advantages of NC concepts for practical applications have prevented the development of NC into an effective solution to increase the performance of practical communication networks. In response, the research work presented in this thesis proposes cross-layer NC solutions to increase the network throughput of data multicast as well as video quality of video multicast applications. First, three algorithms are presented to improve the throughput of NC enabled networks by minimizing the NC coefficient vector overhead, optimizing the NC redundancy allocation and improving the robustness of NC against bursty packet losses. Considering the fact that majority of network traffic occupies video, rest of the proposed NC algorithms are content-aware and are optimized for both data and video multicast applications. A set of content and network-aware optimization algorithms, which allocate redundancies for NC considering content properties as well as the network status, are proposed to efficiently multicast data and video across content delivery networks. Furthermore content and channel-aware joint channel and network coding algorithms are proposed to efficiently multicast data and video across wireless networks. Finally, the possibilities of performing joint source and network coding are explored to increase the robustness of high volume video multicast applications. Extensive simulation studies indicate significant improvements with the proposed algorithms to increase the network throughput and video quality over related state-of-the-art solutions. Hence, it is envisaged that the proposed algorithms will contribute to the advancement of data and video multicast protocols in the future communication networks

    Implementation of Simple WPNC System on the Experimental Transceiver Network Testbed

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    V této práci vyvíjíme simulaci bezdrátové sítě, konkrétně sítě využívající principy WPNC. Na začátku jsou odvozeny estimátory pro H-MAC a H-BC kanály. Následuje implementace odvozených estimátorů v MATLABu společně s implementací pomocných objektů a funkcí. Dále prezentujeme softwarová rádia a jejich vlastnosti. Základní, čistě počítačová simulace přenosu one-to-one je vytvořená v MATLABu, za ní následuje simulace využívající softwarová rádia. Na konci jsou prezentovány přijaté obrázky. Z matematických metod byla použita Monte Carlo Integrace a odvození s pomocí skalárního součinu. Z programovacích technik bylo použito Objektově orientované a funcionální programování s aplikací vektorových operací. Jedním z nejvýznamnějších výsledků této práce je úspěšný přenos a dekódování několika Hierarchických rámců v H-MAC kanálu v simulaci se softwarovými rádii.In the thesis we develop a simulation of a wireless network. Specifically, a network that uses WPNC principles. In the beginning, there are estimators for H-MAC and H-BC derived. A MATLAB implementation of the estimators follows together with implementation of auxiliary objects and functions. Next, software radios are presented and their properties are examined. A basic MATLAB pure-computer simulation of a one-to-one transmission is developed followed by over-the-air simulation. In the end, resulted received pictures are examined. From the math methods, Monte Carlo Integration and derivations with dot product were used. From the programming methods, Object Oriented and Functional Programming were used with vectorized operations. One of the significant results of the work is a successful transmission, reception and decoding of several Hierarchical frames in H-MAC stage in the over-the-air simulation

    Network Coding for WDM All-Optical Multicast

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    Network coding has become a useful means for achieving efficient multicast, and the optical community has started to examine its application to optical networks. However, a number of challenges, including limited processing capability and coarse bandwidth granularity, need to be overcome before network coding can be effectively used in optical networks. In this paper, we address some of these problems. We consider the problem of finding efficient routes to use with coding, and we study the effectiveness of using network coding for optical-layer dedicated protection of multicast traffic. We also propose architectures for all-optical circuits capable of performing the processing required for network coding. Our experiments show that network coding provides a moderate improvement in bandwidth efficiency for unprotected multicast while significantly outperforming existing approaches for dedicated multicast protection

    Some resonances between Eastern thought and Integral Biomathics in the framework of the WLIMES formalism for modelling living systems

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    Forty-two years ago, Capra published “The Tao of Physics” (Capra, 1975). In this book (page 17) he writes: “The exploration of the atomic and subatomic world in the twentieth century has …. necessitated a radical revision of many of our basic concepts” and that, unlike ‘classical’ physics, the sub-atomic and quantum “modern physics” shows resonances with Eastern thoughts and “leads us to a view of the world which is very similar to the views held by mystics of all ages and traditions.“ This article stresses an analogous situation in biology with respect to a new theoretical approach for studying living systems, Integral Biomathics (IB), which also exhibits some resonances with Eastern thought. Stepping on earlier research in cybernetics1 and theoretical biology,2 IB has been developed since 2011 by over 100 scientists from a number of disciplines who have been exploring a substantial set of theoretical frameworks. From that effort, the need for a robust core model utilizing advanced mathematics and computation adequate for understanding the behavior of organisms as dynamic wholes was identified. At this end, the authors of this article have proposed WLIMES (Ehresmann and Simeonov, 2012), a formal theory for modeling living systems integrating both the Memory Evolutive Systems (Ehresmann and Vanbremeersch, 2007) and the Wandering Logic Intelligence (Simeonov, 2002b). Its principles will be recalled here with respect to their resonances to Eastern thought

    Improving Delay-Based Data Dissemination Protocol in VANETs with Network Coding

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    In vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), for a large number of applications, the destination of relevant information such as alerts, is the whole set of vehicles located inside a given area. Therefore dissemination with efficient broadcast is an essential communication primitive. One of the families of broadcast protocols suitable for such networks, is the family of delay-based broadcast protocols, where farthest receivers retransmit first and where transmissions also act as implicit acknowledgements. For lossless networks, such protocols may approach the optimum efficiency. However with realistic loss models of VANET wireless communication, their performance is noticeably degraded. This is because packet losses have a double effect: directly on the amount of successfully received packets and indirectly with implicit acknowledgement misses. In this article, in order to combat the effects of packet losses, we combine delay-based broadcast with network coding, through a new protocol: Delay-based Opportunistic Network Coding protocol (DONC). By design, DONC aims at cancelling the twofold effects of packet and implicit acknowledgement losses. We describe the details of the DONC protocol, and we study its behavior, with realistic models and simulations. Results illustrate the excellent performance of the protocol

    Sur l'utilisation du codage réseau et du multicast pour améliorer la performance dans les réseaux filaires

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    La popularité de la grande variété de l'utilisation d'Internet entraîne une croissance significative du trafic de données dans les réseaux de télécommunications. L'efficacité de la transmission de données sera contestée en vertu du principe de la capacité actuelle du réseau et des mécanismes de contrôle de flux de données. En plus d'augmenter l'investissement financier pour étendre la capacité du réseau, améliorer les techniques existantes est plus rationnel et éconmique.Diverses recherches de pointe pour faire face aux besoins en évolution des réseaux ont vu le jour, et l'une d'elles est appelée codage de réseau. Comme une extension naturelle dans la théorie du codage, il permet le mélange de différents flux réseau sur les noeuds intermédiaires, ce qui modifie la façon d'éviter les collisions de flux de données. Il a été appliqué pour obtenir un meilleur débit, fiabilité, sécurité et robustesse dans différents environnements et applications réseau. Cette thèse porte sur l'utilisation du réseau de codage pour le multicast dans les réseaux maillés fixes et systèmes de stockage distribués. Nous avons d'abord des modèles de différentes stratégies de routage multicast dans un cadre d'optimisation, y compris de multicast à base d'arbres et de codage de réseau; nous résolvons les modèles avec des algorithmes efficaces et comparons l'avantage de codage, en termes de gain de débit de taille moyenne graphique généré aléatoirement. Basé sur l'analyse numérique obtenue à partir des expériences précédentes, nous proposons un cadre révisé de routage multicast, appelé codage de réseau stratégique, qui combine transmission muticast standard et fonctions de codage de réseau afin d'obtenir le maximum de bénéfice de codage réseau au moindre coût lorsque ces coûts dépendent à la fois sur le nombre de noeuds à exécuter un codage et le volume de trafic qui est codé. Enfin, nous étudions le problème révisé de transport qui est capable de calculer un système de routage statique entre les serveurs et les clients dans les systèmes de stockage distribués où nous appliquons le codage pour soutenir le stockage de contenu. Nous étendons l'application à un problème d'optimisation général, nommé problème de transport avec des contraintes de degré, qui peut être largement utilisé dans divers domaines industriels, y compris les télécommunications, mais n'a pas été étudié très souvent. Pour ce problème, nous obtenons quelques résultats théoriques préliminaires et nous proposons une approche de décomposition Lagrange raisonnableThe popularity of the great variety of Internet usage brings about a significant growth of the data traffic in telecommunication network. Data transmission efficiency will be challenged under the premise of current network capacity and data flow control mechanisms. In addition to increasing financial investment to expand the network capacity, improving the existing techniques are more rational and economical. Various cutting-edge researches to cope with future network requirement have emerged, and one of them is called network coding. As a natural extension in coding theory, it allows mixing different network flows on the intermediate nodes, which changes the way of avoiding collisions of data flows. It has been applied to achieve better throughput and reliability, security, and robustness in various network environments and applications. This dissertation focuses on the use of network coding for multicast in fixed mesh networks and distributed storage systems. We first model various multicast routing strategies within an optimization framework, including tree-based multicast and network coding; we solve the models with efficient algorithms, and compare the coding advantage, in terms of throughput gain in medium size randomly generated graphs. Based on the numerical analysis obtained from previous experiments, we propose a revised multicast routing framework, called strategic network coding, which combines standard multicast forwarding and network coding features in order to obtain the most benefit from network coding at lowest cost where such costs depend both on the number of nodes performing coding and the volume of traffic that is coded. Finally, we investigate a revised transportation problem which is capable of calculating a static routing scheme between servers and clients in distributed storage systems where we apply coding to support the storage of contents. We extend the application to a general optimization problem, named transportation problem with degree constraints, which can be widely used in different industrial fields, including telecommunication, but has not been studied very often. For this problem, we derive some preliminary theoretical results and propose a reasonable Lagrangian decomposition approachEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF