7,562 research outputs found

    Multiobjective approaches for the minimization of test suites in Software Product Lines.

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    Currently many developments are guided by customers, and therefore, most companies focus on the needs of their potential customers by creating a software product line -a portfolio of products closely related to variations in features and functions- rather than just a single product. The tools and techniques for the common development of software tend to focus individual products and development, of such multiple and interrelated products, is complex. The main objective of this project is develop an optimization strategy to dealt with the previous problem and it allows us to reduce the number of test cases to apply in a reasonable time, but maintaining the quality of the resulting software products. Finally, we compare results using several different algorithms (monoobjective and multi-objectives approaches)

    Diversifying focused testing for unit testing

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    Software changes constantly because developers add new features or modifications. This directly affects the effectiveness of the testsuite associated with that software, especially when these new modifications are in a specific area that no test case covers. This paper tackles the problem of generating a high quality test suite to cover repeatedly a given point in a program, with the ultimate goal of exposing faults possibly affecting the given program point. Both search based software testing and constraint solving offer ready, but low quality, solutions to this: ideally a maximally diverse covering test set is required whereas search and constraint solving tend to generate test sets with biased distributions. Our approach, Diversified Focused Testing (DFT), uses a search strategy inspired by GödelTest. We artificially inject parameters into the code branching conditions and use a bi-objective search algorithm to find diverse inputs by perturbing the injected parameters, while keeping the path conditions still satisfiable. Our results demonstrate that our technique, DFT, is able to cover a desired point in the code at least 90% of the time. Moreover, adding diversity improves the bug detection and the mutation killing abilities of the test suites. We show that DFT achieves better results than focused testing, symbolic execution and random testing by achieving from 3% to 70% improvement in mutation score and up to 100% improvement in fault detection across 105 software subjects

    KD-ART: Should we intensify or diversify tests to kill mutants?

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    CONTEXT: Adaptive Random Testing (ART) spreads test cases evenly over the input domain. Yet once a fault is found, decisions must be made to diversify or intensify subsequent inputs. Diversification employs a wide range of tests to increase the chances of finding new faults. Intensification selects test inputs similar to those previously shown to be successful. OBJECTIVE: Explore the trade-off between diversification and intensification to kill mutants. METHOD: We augment Adaptive Random Testing (ART) to estimate the Kernel Density (KD–ART) of input values found to kill mutants. KD–ART was first proposed at the 10th International Workshop on Mutation Analysis. We now extend this work to handle real world non numeric applications. Specifically we incorporate a technique to support programs with input parameters that have composite data types (such as arrays and structs). RESULTS: Intensification is the most effective strategy for the numerical programs (it achieves 8.5% higher mutation score than ART). By contrast, diversification seems more effective for programs with composite inputs. KD–ART kills mutants 15.4 times faster than ART. CONCLUSION: Intensify tests for numerical types, but diversify them for composite types

    Some Seeds are Strong : Seeding Strategies for Search-based Test Case Selection

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    The time it takes software systems to be tested is usually long. Search-based test selection has been a widely investigated technique to optimize the testing process. In this paper, we propose a set of seeding strategies for the test case selection problem that generate the initial population of pareto-based multi-objective algorithms, with the goals of (1) helping to find an overall better set of solutions and (2) enhancing the convergence of the algorithms. The seeding strategies were integrated with four state-of-the-art multi-objective search algorithms and applied into two contexts where regression-testing is paramount: (1) Simulation-based testing of Cyber-Physical Systems and (2) Continuous Integration. For the first context, we evaluated our approach by using six fitness function combinations and six independent case studies, whereas in the second context we derived a total of six fitness function combinations and employed four case studies. Our evaluation suggests that some of the proposed seeding strategies are indeed helpful for solving the multi-objective test case selection problem. Specifically, the proposed seeding strategies provided a higher convergence of the algorithms towards optimal solutions in 96% of the studied scenarios and an overall cost-effectiveness with a standard search budget in 85% of the studied scenarios

    Developing a distributed electronic health-record store for India

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    The DIGHT project is addressing the problem of building a scalable and highly available information store for the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of the over one billion citizens of India

    An Analysis on the Applicability of Meta-Heuristic Searching Techniques for Automated Test Data Generation in Automatic Programming Assessment

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    حظي تقييم البرمجة التلقائي (APA) بالكثير من الاهتمام بين الباحثين بشكل أساسي لدعم الدرجات الآلية ووضع علامات على المهامالمكلف بادائها الطلاب أو التدريبات بشكل منهجي. يتم تعريف APA بشكل شائع كطريقة يمكن أن تعزز الدقة والكفاءة والاتساق وكذلك تقديمملاحظات فورية لحلول للطلاب. في تحقيق APA ، تعد عملية إنشاء بيانات الاختبار مهمة للغاية وذلك لإجراء اختبار ديناميكي لمهمةالطلاب. في مجال اختبار البرمجيات ، أوضحت العديد من الأبحاث التي تركز على توليد بيانات الاختبار نجاح اعتماد تقنيات البحث الفوقية(MHST) من أجل تعزيز إجراءات استنباط بيانات الاختبار المناسبة للاختبار الفعال. ومع ذلك، فإن الأبحاث التي أجريت على APA حتىالآن لم تستغل بعد التقنيات المفيدة لتشمل تغطية اختبار جودة برنامج أفضل. لذلك ، أجرت هذه الدراسة تقييماً مقارنا لتحديد أي تقنية بحثفوقي قابلة للتطبيق لدعم كفاءة توليد بيانات الاختبار الآلي (ATDG) في تنفيذ اختبار وظيفي ديناميكي. في تقييم البرمجة التلقائي يتم تضمينالعديد من تقنيات البحث الفوقية الحديثة في التقييم المقارن الذي يجمع بين كل من خوارزميات البحث المحلية والعالمية من عام 2000 حتىعام 2018 .تشير نتيجة هذه الدراسة إلى أن تهجين Cuckoo Search مع Tabu Search و lévy flight كواحدة من طرق البحث الفوقية الواعدةليتم تطبيقها ، حيث أنه يتفوق على الطرق الفوقية الأخرى فيما يتعلق بعدد التكرارات ونطاق المدخلات.Automatic Programming Assessment (APA) has been gaining lots of attention among researchers mainly to support automated grading and marking of students’ programming assignments or exercises systematically. APA is commonly identified as a method that can enhance accuracy, efficiency and consistency as well as providing instant feedback on students’ programming solutions. In achieving APA, test data generation process is very important so as to perform a dynamic testing on students’ assignment. In software testing field, many researches that focus on test data generation have demonstrated the successful of adoption of Meta-Heuristic Search Techniques (MHST) so as to enhance the procedure of deriving adequate test data for efficient testing. Nonetheless, thus far the researches on APA have not yet usefully exploited the techniques accordingly to include a better quality program testing coverage. Therefore, this study has conducted a comparative evaluation to identify any applicable MHST to support efficient Automated Test Data Generation (ATDG) in executing a dynamic-functional testing in APA. Several recent MHST are included in the comparative evaluation combining both the local and global search algorithms ranging from the year of 2000 until 2018. Result of this study suggests that the hybridization of Cuckoo Search with Tabu Search and lévy flight as one of promising MHST to be applied, as it’s outperforms other MHST with regards to number of iterations and range of inputs

    Evolutionary algorithms for the multi-objective test data generation problem

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    Software: Practice & Experience, 42(11):1331-1362Automatic test data generation is a very popular domain in the field of search-based software engineering. Traditionally, the main goal has been to maximize coverage. However, other objectives can be defined, such as the oracle cost, which is the cost of executing the entire test suite and the cost of checking the system behavior. Indeed, in very large software systems, the cost spent to test the system can be an issue, and then it makes sense by considering two conflicting objectives: maximizing the coverage and minimizing the oracle cost. This is what we did in this paper. We mainly compared two approaches to deal with the multi-objective test data generation problem: a direct multi-objective approach and a combination of a mono-objective algorithm together with multi-objective test case selection optimization. Concretely, in this work, we used four state-of-the-art multi-objective algorithms and two mono-objective evolutionary algorithms followed by a multi-objective test case selection based on Pareto efficiency. The experimental analysis compares these techniques on two different benchmarks. The first one is composed of 800 Java programs created through a program generator. The second benchmark is composed of 13 real programs extracted from the literature. In the direct multi-objective approach, the results indicate that the oracle cost can be properly optimized; however, the full branch coverage of the system poses a great challenge. Regarding the mono-objective algorithms, although they need a second phase of test case selection for reducing the oracle cost, they are very effective in maximizing the branch coverage.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER under contract TIN2008-06491-C04-01 (the M project). Andalusian Government under contract P07-TIC-03044 (DIRICOM project)

    Optimization Techniques for Automated Software Test Data Generation

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    Esta tesis propone una variedad de contribuciones al campo de pruebas evolutivas. Hemos abarcados un amplio rango de aspectos relativos a las pruebas de programas: código fuente procedimental y orientado a objetos, paradigmas estructural y funcional, problemas mono-objetivo y multi-objetivo, casos de prueba aislados y secuencias de pruebas, y trabajos teóricos y experimentales. En relación a los análisis llevados a cabo, hemos puesto énfasis en el análisis estadístico de los resultados para evaluar la significancia práctica de los resultados. En resumen, las principales contribuciones de la tesis son: Definición de una nueva medida de distancia para el operador instanceof en programas orientados a objetos: En este trabajo nos hemos centrado en un aspecto relacionado con el software orientado a objetos, la herencia, para proponer algunos enfoques que pueden ayudar a guiar la búsqueda de datos de prueba en el contexto de las pruebas evolutivas. En particular, hemos propuesto una medida de distancia para computar la distancia de ramas en presencia del operador instanceof en programas Java. También hemos propuesto dos operadores de mutación que modifican las soluciones candidatas basadas en la medida de distancia definida. Definición de una nueva medida de complejidad llamada ``Branch Coverage Expectation'': En este trabajo nos enfrentamos a la complejidad de pruebas desde un punto de vista original: un programa es más complejo si es más difícil de probar de forma automática. Consecuentemente, definimos la ``Branch Coverage Expectation'' para proporcionar conocimiento sobre la dificultad de probar programas. La fundación de esta medida se basa en el modelo de Markov del programa. El modelo de Markov proporciona fundamentos teóricos. El análisis de esta medida indica que está más correlacionada con la cobertura de rama que las otras medidas de código estáticas. Esto significa que esto es un buen modo de estimar la dificultad de probar un programa. Predicción teórica del número de casos de prueba necesarios para cubrir un porcentaje concreto de un programa: Nuestro modelo de Markov del programa puede ser usado para proporcionar una estimación del número de casos de prueba necesarios para cubrir un porcentaje concreto del programa. Hemos comparado nuestra predicción teórica con la media de las ejecuciones reales de un generador de datos de prueba. Este modelo puede ayudar a predecir la evolución de la fase de pruebas, la cual consecuentemente puede ahorrar tiempo y coste del proyecto completo. Esta predicción teórica podría ser también muy útil para determinar el porcentaje del programa cubierto dados un número de casos de prueba. Propuesta de enfoques para resolver el problema de generación de datos de prueba multi-objetivo: En ese capítulo estudiamos el problema de la generación multi-objetivo con el fin de analizar el rendimiento de un enfoque directo multi-objetivo frente a la aplicación de un algoritmo mono-objetivo seguido de una selección de casos de prueba. Hemos evaluado cuatro algoritmos multi-objetivo (MOCell, NSGA-II, SPEA2, y PAES) y dos algoritmos mono-objetivo (GA y ES), y dos algoritmos aleatorios. En términos de convergencia hacía el frente de Pareto óptimo, GA y MOCell han sido los mejores resolutores en nuestra comparación. Queremos destacar que el enfoque mono-objetivo, donde se ataca cada rama por separado, es más efectivo cuando el programa tiene un grado de anidamiento alto. Comparativa de diferentes estrategias de priorización en líneas de productos y árboles de clasificación: En el contexto de pruebas funcionales hemos tratado el tema de la priorización de casos de prueba con dos representaciones diferentes, modelos de características que representan líneas de productos software y árboles de clasificación. Hemos comparado cinco enfoques relativos al método de clasificación con árboles y dos relativos a líneas de productos, cuatro de ellos propuestos por nosotros. Los resultados nos indican que las propuestas para ambas representaciones basadas en un algoritmo genético son mejores que el resto en la mayoría de escenarios experimentales, es la mejor opción cuando tenemos restricciones de tiempo o coste. Definición de la extensión del método de clasificación con árbol para la generación de secuencias de pruebas: Hemos definido formalmente esta extensión para la generación de secuencias de pruebas que puede ser útil para la industria y para la comunidad investigadora. Sus beneficios son claros ya que indudablemente el coste de situar el artefacto bajo pruebas en el siguiente estado no es necesario, a la vez que reducimos significativamente el tamaño de la secuencia utilizando técnicas metaheurísticas. Particularmente nuestra propuesta basada en colonias de hormigas es el mejor algoritmo de la comparativa, siendo el único algoritmo que alcanza la cobertura máxima para todos los modelos y tipos de cobertura. Exploración del efecto de diferentes estrategias de seeding en el cálculo de frentes de Pareto óptimos en líneas de productos: Estudiamos el comportamiento de algoritmos clásicos multi-objetivo evolutivos aplicados a las pruebas por pares de líneas de productos. El grupo de algoritmos fue seleccionado para cubrir una amplia y diversa gama de técnicas. Nuestra evaluación indica claramente que las estrategias de seeding ayudan al proceso de búsqueda de forma determinante. Cuanta más información se disponga para crear esta población inicial, mejores serán los resultados obtenidos. Además, gracias al uso de técnicas multi-objetivo podemos proporcionar un conjunto de pruebas adecuado mayor o menor, en resumen, que mejor se adapte a sus restricciones económicas o tecnológicas. Propuesta de técnica exacta para la computación del frente de Pareto óptimo en líneas de productos software: Hemos propuesto un enfoque exacto para este cálculo en el caso multi-objetivo con cobertura paiwise. Definimos un programa lineal 0-1 y un algoritmo basado en resolutores SAT para obtener el frente de Pareto verdadero. La evaluación de los resultados nos indica que, a pesar de ser un fantástico método para el cálculo de soluciones óptimas, tiene el inconveniente de la escalabilidad, ya que para modelos grandes el tiempo de ejecución sube considerablemente. Tras realizar un estudio de correlaciones, confirmamos nuestras sospechas, existe una alta correlación entre el tiempo de ejecución y el número de productos denotado por el modelo de características del programa

    Enhanced non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for test case optimization

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    Due to inevitable software changes, regression testing has become a crucial phase in software development process. Many software testers and researchers agreed that regression testing process consumes more time and cost during software development. Test case optimization has become one of the best solutions to overcome problems in regression testing. Test case optimization is focusing on reducing number of test cases in the test suite that may reduce the overall testing time, cost and effort of software testers. It considers multiple objectives and provides several numbers of optimal solution based on objectives of the testing. Therefore, this research aims at developing an alternative solution of test case optimization technique using NSGA II with fitness scaling as an additional function. Fitness scaling function is applied in NSGA II to eliminate pre-mature convergence among set of solution in the evolution of offspring in NSGA II which may produce more efficient fitness value. This research focuses on regression testing optimization by implementing weight of test cases and fault detection rate per test case as its objective function for optimization purposes. The proposed technique is applied to the GUI-based testing case study. The result shows that Pareto front produced by enhanced NSGA II give more wider set of solution that contains more alternatives and provide better trade-off among solutions. The evaluation shows that enhanced NSGA II perform better compared to conventional NSGA II by increasing the percentage of the reduced test cases with 25% and yield lower fault detection loss with 1.64% which indicating that set of reduced test cases using enhanced NSGA II is able to maintain the fault detection capability in the system under test

    Learning How to Search: Generating Effective Test Cases Through Adaptive Fitness Function Selection

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    Search-based test generation is guided by feedback from one or more fitness functions— scoring functions that judge solution optimality. Choosing informative fitness functions is crucial to meeting the goals of a tester. Unfortunately, many goals—such as forcing the class-under-test to throw exceptions, increasing test suite diversity, and attaining Strong Mutation Coverage—do not have effective fitness function formulations. We propose that meeting such goals requires treating fitness function identification as a secondary optimization step. An adaptive algorithm that can vary the selection of fitness functions could adjust its selection throughout the generation process to maximize goal attainment, based on the current population of test suites. To test this hypothesis, we have implemented two reinforcement learning algorithms in the EvoSuite framework, and used these algorithms to dynamically set the fitness functions used during generation for the three goals identified above. We have evaluated our framework, EvoSuiteFIT, on a set of real Java faults. Evo- SuiteFIT techniques attain significant improvements for two of the three goals, and show small improvements on the third when the number of generations of evolution is fixed. For all goals, EvoSuiteFIT detects faults missed by the other techniques. The ability to adjust fitness functions allows EvoSuiteFIT to make strategic choices that efficiently produce more effective test suites, and examining its choices offers insight into how to attain our testing goals. We find that AFFS is a powerful technique to apply when an effective fitness function does not exist for a testing goal