46,932 research outputs found

    Brain enhancement through cognitive training: A new insight from brain connectome

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    Owing to the recent advances in neurotechnology and the progress in understanding of brain cognitive functions, improvements of cognitive performance or acceleration of learning process with brain enhancement systems is not out of our reach anymore, on the contrary, it is a tangible target of contemporary research. Although a variety of approaches have been proposed, we will mainly focus on cognitive training interventions, in which learners repeatedly perform cognitive tasks to improve their cognitive abilities. In this review article, we propose that the learning process during the cognitive training can be facilitated by an assistive system monitoring cognitive workloads using electroencephalography (EEG) biomarkers, and the brain connectome approach can provide additional valuable biomarkers for facilitating leaners' learning processes. For the purpose, we will introduce studies on the cognitive training interventions, EEG biomarkers for cognitive workload, and human brain connectome. As cognitive overload and mental fatigue would reduce or even eliminate gains of cognitive training interventions, a real-time monitoring of cognitive workload can facilitate the learning process by flexibly adjusting difficulty levels of the training task. Moreover, cognitive training interventions should have effects on brain sub-networks, not on a single brain region, and graph theoretical network metrics quantifying topological architecture of the brain network can differentiate with respect to individual cognitive states as well as to different individuals' cognitive abilities, suggesting that the connectome is a valuable approach for tracking the learning progress. Although only a few studies have exploited the connectome approach for studying alterations of the brain network induced by cognitive training interventions so far, we believe that it would be a useful technique for capturing improvements of cognitive function

    Effects of non-pharmacological or pharmacological interventions on cognition and brain plasticity of aging individuals.

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    Brain aging and aging-related neurodegenerative disorders are major health challenges faced by modern societies. Brain aging is associated with cognitive and functional decline and represents the favourable background for the onset and development of dementia. Brain aging is associated with early and subtle anatomo-functional physiological changes that often precede the appearance of clinical signs of cognitive decline. Neuroimaging approaches unveiled the functional correlates of these alterations and helped in the identification of therapeutic targets that can be potentially useful in counteracting age-dependent cognitive decline. A growing body of evidence supports the notion that cognitive stimulation and aerobic training can preserve and enhance operational skills in elderly individuals as well as reduce the incidence of dementia. This review aims at providing an extensive and critical overview of the most recent data that support the efficacy of non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions aimed at enhancing cognition and brain plasticity in healthy elderly individuals as well as delaying the cognitive decline associated with dementia

    Adaptive Resonance: An Emerging Neural Theory of Cognition

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    Adaptive resonance is a theory of cognitive information processing which has been realized as a family of neural network models. In recent years, these models have evolved to incorporate new capabilities in the cognitive, neural, computational, and technological domains. Minimal models provide a conceptual framework, for formulating questions about the nature of cognition; an architectural framework, for mapping cognitive functions to cortical regions; a semantic framework, for precisely defining terms; and a computational framework, for testing hypotheses. These systems are here exemplified by the distributed ART (dART) model, which generalizes localist ART systems to allow arbitrarily distributed code representations, while retaining basic capabilities such as stable fast learning and scalability. Since each component is placed in the context of a unified real-time system, analysis can move from the level of neural processes, including learning laws and rules of synaptic transmission, to cognitive processes, including attention and consciousness. Local design is driven by global functional constraints, with each network synthesizing a dynamic balance of opposing tendencies. The self-contained working ART and dART models can also be transferred to technology, in areas that include remote sensing, sensor fusion, and content-addressable information retrieval from large databases.Office of Naval Research and the defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (N00014-95-1-0409, N00014-1-95-0657); National Institutes of Health (20-316-4304-5

    Statistical physics of neural systems with non-additive dendritic coupling

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    How neurons process their inputs crucially determines the dynamics of biological and artificial neural networks. In such neural and neural-like systems, synaptic input is typically considered to be merely transmitted linearly or sublinearly by the dendritic compartments. Yet, single-neuron experiments report pronounced supralinear dendritic summation of sufficiently synchronous and spatially close-by inputs. Here, we provide a statistical physics approach to study the impact of such non-additive dendritic processing on single neuron responses and the performance of associative memory tasks in artificial neural networks. First, we compute the effect of random input to a neuron incorporating nonlinear dendrites. This approach is independent of the details of the neuronal dynamics. Second, we use those results to study the impact of dendritic nonlinearities on the network dynamics in a paradigmatic model for associative memory, both numerically and analytically. We find that dendritic nonlinearities maintain network convergence and increase the robustness of memory performance against noise. Interestingly, an intermediate number of dendritic branches is optimal for memory functionality

    A Comparison of the Predictive Potential of Artificial Neural Networks and Nested Logit Models for Commuter Mode Choice

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    Understanding and predicting traveller behaviour remains a complex activity. The set of tools in common use by practitioners and many of the tools used by researchers appear in many ways to exhibit complexity; yet often this richness of detail is in methods of estimation rather than in representation of how individuals actually evaluate alternatives and make decisions on a set of interrelated travel choices. Discrete choice methods championed by the multinomial logit model and its variants such as nested logit, heteroskedastic extreme value, and multinomial probit have added substantial behavioural richness into statistical specification and estimation (Hensher et al forthcoming), seeking to accommodate the role of both observed and unobserved influences on travel choices. The search for behavioural and analytical enhancement continues. Research in the field of artificial intelligence systems has been exploring the use of neural networks (eg Faghri and Hua 1991, Yang et al 1993) as a framework within which many traffic and transport problems can be studied. The main motivation for using neural networks could be due to some fascinating properties that neural networks possess. They are parallelism, the capacity to learn, allowing for the use of distributed memory and capacity for generalisation. Following these characteristics, one of the promises from neural networks is that they can tackle the problem of forecasting and modelling which is very common in travel demand modelling. The use of such tools in studying individual traveller behaviour opens up an opportunity to consider the extent to which there are representation frameworks which complement and/or replace existing analytical approaches. This paper explores the merits of neural networks as part of a revised framework within which to explore the processes of traveller decision making, and how discrete choice methods might be integrated within such a framework to acknowledge the important role that the latter tools have played in the last 25 years in the development of better practice in travel demand modelling