132 research outputs found

    An improved scaling factor for robust digital image watermarking scheme using DWT and SVD

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    As the internet has becoming very popular for digital media sharing, the digital media is easy to be accessed, downloaded and vulnerable to image processing attacks. Digital watermarking is a technique used to secure information by embedding an additional information known as watermark into the original data. The proposed scheme is approach to improve scale factor for robust image watermarking using two level of Discrete Wavelet Transform with Singular Value Decomposition. The first and second level of DWT decomposition are performed on HL and HL1 sub band respectively. One of the main contribution of this proposed approach is the decomposition of host image using two level DWT decomposition. The aim of this project primarily is to enhance the robustness of watermarking techniques by obtaining the most optimize scaling factor which increased and control the strength of watermarked image. Scale factor is a coefficient that can influence the quality and robustness of watermarked image. To achieve the research objectives, three phases of research framework are fulfilled; First phase is the analysis on scaling factor, DWT and SVD, secondly is the watermark encoding and the generation of scale factor value and lastly is the evaluation of watermarked image quality and robustness based on the scale factor. The highest PSNR recorded is 69.2112 with best scale factor 0.01. The experimental result shows significant improvement on the quality and robustness of the watermarked image using this proposed scheme

    An enhanced method based on intermediate significant bit technique for watermark images

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    Intermediate Significant Bit digital watermarking technique (ISB) is a new approved technique of embedding a watermark by replacing the original image pixels with new pixels. This is done by ensuring a close connection between the new pixels and the original, and at the same time, the watermark data can be protected against possible damage. One of the most popular methods used in watermarking is the Least Significant Bit (LSB). It uses a spatial domain that includes the insertion of the watermark in the LSB of the image. The problem with this method is it is not resilient to common damage, and there is the possibility of image distortion after embedding a watermark. LSB may be used through replacing one bit, two bits, or three bits; this is done by changing the specific bits without any change in the other bits in the pixel. The objective of this thesis is to formulate new algorithms for digital image watermarking with enhanced image quality and robustness by embedding two bits of watermark data into each pixel of the original image based on ISB technique. However, to understand the opposite relationship between the image quality and robustness, a tradeoff between them has been done to create a balance and to acquire the best position for the two embedding bits. Dual Intermediate Significant Bits (DISB) technique has been proposed to solve the existing LSB problem. Trial results obtained from this technique are better compared with the LSB based on the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC). The work in this study also contributes new mathematical equations that can study the change on the other six bits in the pixel after embedding two bits

    PSO Based Lossless and Robust Image Watermarking using Integer Wavelet Transform

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    In recent days, the advances in the broadcasting of multimedia contents in digital format motivate to protect this digital multimedia content form illegal use, such as manipulation, duplication and redistribution. However, watermarking algorithms are designed to meet the requirements of different applications, because, various applications have various requirements. This paper intends to design a new watermarking algorithm with an aim of provision of a tradeoff between the robustness and imperceptibility and also to reduce the information loss. This approach applies Integer Wavelet Transform (IWT) instead of conventional floating point wavelet transforms which are having main drawback of round of error. Then the most popular artificial intelligence technique, particle swarm optimization (PSO) used for optimization of watermarking strength. The strength of watermarking technique is directly related to the watermarking constant alpha. The PSO optimizes alpha values such that, the proposed approach achieves better robustness over various attacks and an also efficient imperceptibility. Numerous experiments are conducted over the proposed approach to evaluate the performance. The obtained experimental results demonstrates that the proposed approach is superior compared to conventional approach and is able to provide efficient resistance over Gaussian noise, sal

    Security of Electronic Patient Record using Imperceptible DCT-SVD based Audio Watermarking Technique

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    Abstract—A robust and highly imperceptible audio watermarkingtechnique is presented to secure the electronic patientrecord of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) affected patient. The proposedDCT-SVD based watermarking technique introduces minimalchanges in speech such that the accuracy in classification of PDaffected person’s speech and healthy person’s speech is retained.To achieve high imperceptibility the voiced part of the speech isconsidered for embedding the watermark. It is shown that theproposed watermarking technique is robust to common signalprocessing attacks. The practicability of the proposed technique istested: by creating an android application to record & watermarkthe speech signal. The classification of PD affected speech is doneusing Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier in cloud server

    Optimizing Robustness and Invisibility in Digital Image Watermarking: A SVM-Based Multi-Level DWT and SVD Approach

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    This research introduces a new digital image watermarking approach that utilizes discrete wave transformation (DWT), Support vector machine, and singular value decomposition. The method improves robustness under various assault situations by using the SVM classifier during watermark extraction. Multi-level DWT splits the host picture into sub-bands when embedding, and the coefficients are used as input for SVM. After SVD, the scaling factor embeds the watermark. Comparing the proposed approach to existing research under various attacks, the experimental findings demonstrate that it strikes an equilibrium between robustness and invisibility for watermarks of varying sizes. Support Vector Machine is a contemporary category of machine learning techniques that is extensively employed for the purpose of solving classification problems

    An Efficient Digital Image Watermarking Based on DCT and Advanced Image Data Embedding Method

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    Digital image enhancement and digital content or data image secure using DCT and advanced image data embedding method (AIDEM). AIDEM improved robustness based on particle shifting concept is reproduced secure image data and manipulated there’s a robust would like for a digital image copyright mechanism to be placed in secure image data. There’s a necessity for authentication of the content because of the owner. It’s become more accessible for malicious parties to create scalable copies of proprietary content with any compensation to the content owner. Advanced Watermarking is being viewed as a potential goal to the current downside. Astounding watermarking plans are arranged assaults on the watermarked picture are twisted and proposed to give insurance of proprietorship freedoms, information treating, and information uprightness. These methods guarantee unique information recuperation from watermarked information, while irreversible watermarking plans safeguard proprietorship freedoms. This attribute of reversible watermarking has arisen as an applicant answer for the assurance of proprietorship freedoms of information, unfortunate to alterations, for example, clinical information, genetic information, Visa, and financial balance information. These attacks are also intentional or unintentional. The attacks are classified as geometric attacks. This research presents a comprehensive and old method of these techniques that are developed and their effectiveness. Digital watermarking was developed to supply copyright protection and owners’ authentication. Digital image watermarking may be a methodology for embedding some information into digital image sequences, like text image, image data, during this research analysis on image watermarking and attacks on watermarking process time image data, classification of watermarking and applications. We aim to secure image data using advanced image data embedding method (AIDEM) improved robustness based particle shifting concept is reproduced secure image data. To develop compelling digital image watermarking methodology using mat lab tool and reliable and robust

    Hybrid multiple watermarking technique for securing medical images of modalities MRI, CT scan, and X-ray

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    In order to contribute to the security of sharing and transferring medical images, we had presented a multiple watermarking technique for multiple protections; it was based on the combination of three transformations: the discrete wavelet transform (DWT), the fast Walsh-Hadamard transform (FWHT) and, the singular value decomposition (SVD). In this paper, three watermark images of sizes 512x 512 were inserted into a single medical image of various modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and X-Radiation (X-ray). After applying DWT up to the third level on the original image, the high-resolution sub-bands were being selected subsequently to apply FWHT and then SVD. The singular values of the three watermark images were inserted into the singular values of the cover medical image. The experimental results showed the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of quality and robustness compared to other reported techniques cited in the literature

    Symmetry-Adapted Machine Learning for Information Security

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    Symmetry-adapted machine learning has shown encouraging ability to mitigate the security risks in information and communication technology (ICT) systems. It is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that relies on the principles of processing future events by learning past events or historical data. The autonomous nature of symmetry-adapted machine learning supports effective data processing and analysis for security detection in ICT systems without the interference of human authorities. Many industries are developing machine-learning-adapted solutions to support security for smart hardware, distributed computing, and the cloud. In our Special Issue book, we focus on the deployment of symmetry-adapted machine learning for information security in various application areas. This security approach can support effective methods to handle the dynamic nature of security attacks by extraction and analysis of data to identify hidden patterns of data. The main topics of this Issue include malware classification, an intrusion detection system, image watermarking, color image watermarking, battlefield target aggregation behavior recognition model, IP camera, Internet of Things (IoT) security, service function chain, indoor positioning system, and crypto-analysis

    Alpha Channel Fragile Watermarking for Color Image Integrity Protection

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    This paper presents a fragile watermarking algorithm`m for the protection of the integrity of color images with alpha channel. The system is able to identify modified areas with very high probability, even with small color or transparency changes. The main characteristic of the algorithm is the embedding of the watermark by modifying the alpha channel, leaving the color channels untouched and introducing a very small error with respect to the host image. As a consequence, the resulting watermarked images have a very high peak signal-to-noise ratio. The security of the algorithm is based on a secret key defining the embedding space in which the watermark is inserted by means of the Karhunen–Loùve transform (KLT) and a genetic algorithm (GA). Its high sensitivity to modifications is shown, proving the security of the whole system

    Digital watermarking : applicability for developing trust in medical imaging workflows state of the art review

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    Medical images can be intentionally or unintentionally manipulated both within the secure medical system environment and outside, as images are viewed, extracted and transmitted. Many organisations have invested heavily in Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), which are intended to facilitate data security. However, it is common for images, and records, to be extracted from these for a wide range of accepted practices, such as external second opinion, transmission to another care provider, patient data request, etc. Therefore, confirming trust within medical imaging workflows has become essential. Digital watermarking has been recognised as a promising approach for ensuring the authenticity and integrity of medical images. Authenticity refers to the ability to identify the information origin and prove that the data relates to the right patient. Integrity means the capacity to ensure that the information has not been altered without authorisation. This paper presents a survey of medical images watermarking and offers an evident scene for concerned researchers by analysing the robustness and limitations of various existing approaches. This includes studying the security levels of medical images within PACS system, clarifying the requirements of medical images watermarking and defining the purposes of watermarking approaches when applied to medical images
