628 research outputs found

    PIASA: A power and interference aware resource management strategy for heterogeneous workloads in cloud data centers

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    Cloud data centers have been progressively adopted in different scenarios, as reflected in the execution of heterogeneous applications with diverse workloads and diverse quality of service (QoS) requirements. Virtual machine (VM) technology eases resource management in physical servers and helps cloud providers achieve goals such as optimization of energy consumption. However, the performance of an application running inside a VM is not guaranteed due to the interference among co-hosted workloads sharing the same physical resources. Moreover, the different types of co-hosted applications with diverse QoS requirements as well as the dynamic behavior of the cloud makes efficient provisioning of resources even more difficult and a challenging problem in cloud data centers. In this paper, we address the problem of resource allocation within a data center that runs different types of application workloads, particularly CPU- and network-intensive applications. To address these challenges, we propose an interference- and power-aware management mechanism that combines a performance deviation estimator and a scheduling algorithm to guide the resource allocation in virtualized environments. We conduct simulations by injecting synthetic workloads whose characteristics follow the last version of the Google Cloud tracelogs. The results indicate that our performance-enforcing strategy is able to fulfill contracted SLAs of real-world environments while reducing energy costs by as much as 21%

    Multi-constraint scheduling of MapReduce workloads

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    In recent years there has been an extraordinary growth of large-scale data processing and related technologies in both, industry and academic communities. This trend is mostly driven by the need to explore the increasingly large amounts of information that global companies and communities are able to gather, and has lead the introduction of new tools and models, most of which are designed around the idea of handling huge amounts of data. A good example of this trend towards improved large-scale data processing is MapReduce, a programming model intended to ease the development of massively parallel applications, and which has been widely adopted to process large datasets thanks to its simplicity. While the MapReduce model was originally used primarily for batch data processing in large static clusters, nowadays it is mostly deployed along with other kinds of workloads in shared environments in which multiple users may be submitting concurrent jobs with completely different priorities and needs: from small, almost interactive, executions, to very long applications that take hours to complete. Scheduling and selecting tasks for execution is extremely relevant in MapReduce environments since it governs a job's opportunity to make progress and determines its performance. However, only basic primitives to prioritize between jobs are available at the moment, constantly causing either under or over-provisioning, as the amount of resources needed to complete a particular job are not obvious a priori. This thesis aims to address both, the lack of management capabilities and the increased complexity of the environments in which MapReduce is executed. To that end, new models and techniques are introduced in order to improve the scheduling of MapReduce in the presence of different constraints found in real-world scenarios, such as completion time goals, data locality, hardware heterogeneity, or availability of resources. The focus is on improving the integration of MapReduce with the computing infrastructures in which it usually runs, allowing alternative techniques for dynamic management and provisioning of resources. More specifically, it is focused in three scenarios that are incremental in its scope. First, it studies the prospects of using high-level performance criteria to manage and drive the performance of MapReduce applications, taking advantage of the fact that MapReduce is executed in controlled environments in which the status of the cluster is known. Second, it examines the feasibility and benefits of making the MapReduce runtime more aware of the underlying hardware and the characteristics of applications. And finally, it also considers the interaction between MapReduce and other kinds of workloads, proposing new techniques to handle these increasingly complex environments. Following these three items described above, this thesis contributes to the management of MapReduce workloads by 1) proposing a performance model for MapReduce workloads and a scheduling algorithm that leverages the proposed model and is able to adapt depending on the various needs of its users in the presence of completion time constraints; 2) proposing a new resource model for MapReduce and a placement algorithm aware of the underlying hardware as well as the characteristics of the applications, capable of improving cluster utilization while still being guided by job performance metrics; and 3) proposing a model for shared environments in which MapReduce is executed along with other kinds of workloads such as transactional applications, and a scheduler aware of these workloads and its expected demand of resources, capable of improving resource utilization across machines while observing completion time goals

    Data Management Challenges in Cloud Environments

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    Recently the cloud computing paradigm has been receiving special excitement and attention in the new researches. Cloud computing has the potential to change a large part of the IT activity, making software even more interesting as a service and shaping the way IT hardware is proposed and purchased. Developers with novel ideas for new Internet services no longer require the large capital outlays in hardware to present their service or the human expense to do it. These cloud applications apply large data centers and powerful servers that host Web applications and Web services. This report presents an overview of what cloud computing means, its history along with the advantages and disadvantages. In this paper we describe the problems and opportunities of deploying data management issues on these emerging cloud computing platforms. We study that large scale data analysis jobs, decision support systems, and application specific data marts are more likely to take benefit of cloud computing platforms than operational, transactional database systems. &nbsp

    Energy-Aware Data Management on NUMA Architectures

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    The ever-increasing need for more computing and data processing power demands for a continuous and rapid growth of power-hungry data center capacities all over the world. As a first study in 2008 revealed, energy consumption of such data centers is becoming a critical problem, since their power consumption is about to double every 5 years. However, a recently (2016) released follow-up study points out that this threatening trend was dramatically throttled within the past years, due to the increased energy efficiency actions taken by data center operators. Furthermore, the authors of the study emphasize that making and keeping data centers energy-efficient is a continuous task, because more and more computing power is demanded from the same or an even lower energy budget, and that this threatening energy consumption trend will resume as soon as energy efficiency research efforts and its market adoption are reduced. An important class of applications running in data centers are data management systems, which are a fundamental component of nearly every application stack. While those systems were traditionally designed as disk-based databases that are optimized for keeping disk accesses as low a possible, modern state-of-the-art database systems are main memory-centric and store the entire data pool in the main memory, which replaces the disk as main bottleneck. To scale up such in-memory database systems, non-uniform memory access (NUMA) hardware architectures are employed that face a decreased bandwidth and an increased latency when accessing remote memory compared to the local memory. In this thesis, we investigate energy awareness aspects of large scale-up NUMA systems in the context of in-memory data management systems. To do so, we pick up the idea of a fine-grained data-oriented architecture and improve the concept in a way that it keeps pace with increased absolute performance numbers of a pure in-memory DBMS and scales up on NUMA systems in the large scale. To achieve this goal, we design and build ERIS, the first scale-up in-memory data management system that is designed from scratch to implement a data-oriented architecture. With the help of the ERIS platform, we explore our novel core concept for energy awareness, which is Energy Awareness by Adaptivity. The concept describes that software and especially database systems have to quickly respond to environmental changes (i.e., workload changes) by adapting themselves to enter a state of low energy consumption. We present the hierarchically organized Energy-Control Loop (ECL), which is a reactive control loop and provides two concrete implementations of our Energy Awareness by Adaptivity concept, namely the hardware-centric Resource Adaptivity and the software-centric Storage Adaptivity. Finally, we will give an exhaustive evaluation regarding the scalability of ERIS as well as our adaptivity facilities

    Towards Exascale Scientific Metadata Management

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    Advances in technology and computing hardware are enabling scientists from all areas of science to produce massive amounts of data using large-scale simulations or observational facilities. In this era of data deluge, effective coordination between the data production and the analysis phases hinges on the availability of metadata that describe the scientific datasets. Existing workflow engines have been capturing a limited form of metadata to provide provenance information about the identity and lineage of the data. However, much of the data produced by simulations, experiments, and analyses still need to be annotated manually in an ad hoc manner by domain scientists. Systematic and transparent acquisition of rich metadata becomes a crucial prerequisite to sustain and accelerate the pace of scientific innovation. Yet, ubiquitous and domain-agnostic metadata management infrastructure that can meet the demands of extreme-scale science is notable by its absence. To address this gap in scientific data management research and practice, we present our vision for an integrated approach that (1) automatically captures and manipulates information-rich metadata while the data is being produced or analyzed and (2) stores metadata within each dataset to permeate metadata-oblivious processes and to query metadata through established and standardized data access interfaces. We motivate the need for the proposed integrated approach using applications from plasma physics, climate modeling and neuroscience, and then discuss research challenges and possible solutions

    Scaling Up Concurrent Analytical Workloads on Multi-Core Servers

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    Today, an ever-increasing number of researchers, businesses, and data scientists collect and analyze massive amounts of data in database systems. The database system needs to process the resulting highly concurrent analytical workloads by exploiting modern multi-socket multi-core processor systems with non-uniform memory access (NUMA) architectures and increasing memory sizes. Conventional execution engines, however, are not designed for many cores, and neither scale nor perform efficiently on modern multi-core NUMA architectures. Firstly, their query-centric approach, where each query is optimized and evaluated independently, can result in unnecessary contention for hardware resources due to redundant work found across queries in highly concurrent workloads. Secondly, they are unaware of the non-uniform memory access costs and the underlying hardware topology, incurring unnecessarily expensive memory accesses and bandwidth saturation. In this thesis, we show how these scalability and performance impediments can be solved by exploiting sharing among concurrent queries and incorporating NUMA-aware adaptive task scheduling and data placement strategies in the execution engine. Regarding sharing, we identify and categorize state-of-the-art techniques for sharing data and work across concurrent queries at run-time into two categories: reactive sharing, which shares intermediate results across common query sub-plans, and proactive sharing, which builds a global query plan with shared operators to evaluate queries. We integrate the original research prototypes that introduce reactive and proactive sharing, perform a sensitivity analysis, and show how and when each technique benefits performance. Our most significant finding is that reactive and proactive sharing can be combined to exploit the advantages of both sharing techniques for highly concurrent analytical workloads. Regarding NUMA-awareness, we identify, implement, and compare various combinations of task scheduling and data placement strategies under a diverse set of highly concurrent analytical workloads. We develop a prototype based on a commercial main-memory column-store database system. Our most significant finding is that there is no single strategy for task scheduling and data placement that is best for all workloads. In specific, inter-socket stealing of memory-intensive tasks can hurt overall performance, and unnecessary partitioning of data across sockets involves an overhead. For this reason, we implement algorithms that adapt task scheduling and data placement to the workload at run-time. Our experiments show that both sharing and NUMA-awareness can significantly improve the performance and scalability of highly concurrent analytical workloads on modern multi-core servers. Thus, we argue that sharing and NUMA-awareness are key factors for supporting faster processing of big data analytical applications, fully exploiting the hardware resources of modern multi-core servers, and for more responsive user experience
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