39 research outputs found

    Electrohydrodynamically induced mixing in immiscible multilayer flows

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    In the present study we investigate electrostatic stabilization mechanisms acting on stratified fluids. Electric fields have been shown to control and even suppress the Rayleigh-Taylor instability when a heavy fluid lies above lighter fluid. From a different perspective, similar techniques can also be used to generate interfacial dynamics in otherwise stable systems. We aim to identify active control protocols in confined geometries that induce time dependent flows in small scale devices without having moving parts. This effect has numerous applications, ranging from mixing phenomena to electric lithography. Two-dimensional computations are carried out and several such protocols are described. We present computational fluid dynamics videos with different underlying mixing strategies, which show promising results.Comment: Video submission for the gallery of fluid motion, as part of the APS DFD 2013 conferenc

    Stability of a horizontal viscous fluid layer in a vertical time periodic electric field

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    The stability of a horizontal interface between two viscous fluids, one of which is conducting and the other is dielectric, acted upon by a vertical time-periodic electric field is considered. The two fluids are bounded by electrodes separated by a finite distance. By means of Floquet theory, the marginal stability curves are obtained, thereby elucidating the dependency of the critical voltage and wavenumber upon the fluid viscosities. The limit of vanishing viscosities is shown to be in excellent agreement with the marginal stability curves predicted by means of a Mathieu equation. The methodology to obtain the marginal stability curves developed here is applicable to any arbitrary but time periodic-signal, as demonstrated for the case of a signal with two different frequencies. As a special case, the marginal stability curves for an applied ac voltage biased by a dc voltage are depicted. It is shown that the mode coupling caused by the normal stress at the interface due to the electric field leads to appearance of harmonic modes and subharmonic modes. This is in contrast to the application of a voltage with a single frequency which always leads to a harmonic mode. Whether a harmonic or subharmonic mode is the most unstable one depends on details of the excitation signal. It is also shown that the electrode spacing has a distinct effect on the stability bahavior of the system

    Stability of an inhomogeneous ferrofluid in a channel, subject to a normal field

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    The stability of a ferrofluid with a fairly arbitrary non-uniform magnetic susceptibility between two parallel walls, subject to a non-uniform magnetic field acting normal to the walls, is investigated. The susceptibility may depend on position and the field strength, and the stationary state is such that the gradient of the susceptibility with respect to the modulus of the field is negative. Previous work suggests that the configuration may be linearly unstable, as regions of higher susceptibility do not coincide with regions of strongest field, and this is proved here. Adding a constant field in the plane of the layer suppresses parallel instabilities, but has no effect on those orthogonal to it. However, it is demonstrated that stability can be achieved by applying a rapidly rotating field

    Electrohydrodynamic instabilities in freely suspended viscous films under normal electric fields

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    Electrohydrodynamic instabilities of fluid-fluid interfaces can be exploited in various microfluidic applications in order to enhance mixing, replicate well-controlled patterns or generate drops of a particular size. In this work, we study the stability and dynamics of a system of three superimposed layers of two immiscible fluids subject to a normal electric field. Following the Taylor-Melcher leaky dielectric model, the bulk remains electroneutral while a net charge accumulates on the interfaces. The interfacial charge dynamics is captured by a conservation equation accounting for Ohmic conduction, advection by the flow and finite charge relaxation. Using this model, we perform a linear stability analysis and identify different modes of instability, and we characterize the behavior of the system as a function of the relevant dimensionless groups in each mode. Further, we perform numerical simulations using the boundary element method in order to study the effect of nonlinearities on long-time interfacial dynamics. We demonstrate how the coupling of flow and surface charge transport in different modes of instability can give rise to nonlinear phenomena such as tip streaming or pinching of the film into droplets

    Deformation of liquid drops containing ions in the presence of an electric field

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    Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Malta, 16-18 July, 2012.The deformation and breakup of a conducting water drop immersed in hexadecane in the presence of an electric field is investigated using a numerical tool for a range of field strengths and ion concentrations. At low electric field strengths, the drop deformation is a linear function of the electric capillary number. For high electric field strengths, the dependence is no longer linear, and significant drop deformation occurs. The drop deformation increases with increasing ion concentration, due to a separation of ions within the drop, leading to a redistribution of charge at either end of the drop.dc201

    Binary Oscillatory Crossflow Electrophoresis

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    Electrophoresis has long been recognized as an effective analytic technique for the separation of proteins and other charged species, however attempts at scaling up to accommodate commercial volumes have met with limited success. In this report we describe a novel electrophoretic separation technique - Binary Oscillatory Crossflow Electrophoresis (BOCE). Numerical simulations indicate that the technique has the potential for preparative scale throughputs with high resolution, while simultaneously avoiding many problems common to conventional electrophoresis. The technique utilizes the interaction of an oscillatory electric field and a transverse oscillatory shear flow to create an active binary filter for the separation of charged protein species. An oscillatory electric field is applied across the narrow gap of a rectangular channel inducing a periodic motion of charged protein species. The amplitude of this motion depends on the dimensionless electrophoretic mobility, alpha = E(sub o)mu/(omega)d, where E(sub o) is the amplitude of the electric field oscillations, mu is the dimensional mobility, omega is the angular frequency of oscillation and d is the channel gap width. An oscillatory shear flow is induced along the length of the channel resulting in the separation of species with different mobilities. We present a model that predicts the oscillatory behavior of charged species and allows estimation of both the magnitude of the induced convective velocity and the effective diffusivity as a function of a in infinitely long channels. Numerical results indicate that in addition to the mobility dependence, the steady state behavior of solute species may be strongly affected by oscillating fluid into and out of the active electric field region at the ends of the cell. The effect is most pronounced using time dependent shear flows of the same frequency (cos((omega)t)) flow mode) as the electric field oscillations. Under such conditions, experiments indicate that solute is drawn into the cell from reservoirs at both ends of the cell leading to a large mass build up. As a consequence, any initially induced mass flux will vanish after short times. This effect was not captured by the infinite channel model and hence numerical and experimental results deviated significantly. The revised model including finite cell lengths and reservoir volumes allowed quantitative predictions of the time history of the concentration profile throughout the system. This latter model accurately describes the fluxes observed for both oscillatory flow modes in experiments using single protein species. Based on the results obtained from research funded under NASA grant NAG-8-1080.S, we conclude that binary separations are not possible using purely oscillatory flow modes because of end effects associated with the cos((omega)t) mode. Our research shows, however, that a combination of cos(2(omega)t) and steady flow should lead to efficient separation free of end effects. This possibility is currently under investigation

    The onset of electrohydrodynamic instability in isoelectric focusing

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    The onset of electrohydrodynamic motion associated with the imposition of an electric field across a thin layer of liquid has been investigated for the case in which the electrical conductivity varies linearly over the depth of the layer. The variation of the conductivity is due to concentration gradients in the charge-carrying solutes and its spatio-temporal evolution is represented by a convective-diffusion equation. When the viscous relaxation time is long compared to the time for charge relaxation, the analysis reveals that the neutral stability curves for the layer can be characterized by three dimensionless parameters: Ra(sub e) is equivalent to d(epsilon)E(sup 2, sub 0) Delta sigma/mu K(sub eff) sigma(sub 0), an electrical Rayleigh number; delta sigma/sigma(sub 0), the relative conductivity increment; and alpha, the transverse wave number of the disturbance. Here d is the thickness, epsilon is the dielectric constant, and mu is the viscosity of layer, E(sub 0) is the applied field strength at the lower conductivity boundary, and K(sub eff) is an effective diffusivity associated with the Brownian motion of the charge-carrying solutes. With viscous-stress-free boundaries, at which the electrical conductivity and the normal component of the electric field are prescribed, the critical Ra(sub e) is 1.504 x 10(exp 4) at a critical transverse wave number of 1.97 when Delta sigma/sigma(sub 0) is 10. As Delta sigma/sigma(sub 0) increases, the critical Ra(sub e) increases and shifts to shorter wavelength disturbances; the critical imposed field strength, however, passes through a minimum because the lower-conductivity boundary exerts a considerable stabilizing influence in the presence of steep conductivity gradients. Similar trends were obtained for liquid layers with rigid boundaries

    Interfacial instability in electrified plane Couette flow

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