88 research outputs found

    Optimized High-Utility Itemsets Mining for Effective Association Mining Paper

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    Association rule mining is intently used for determining the frequent itemsets of transactional database; however, it is needed to consider the utility of itemsets in market behavioral applications. Apriori or FP-growth methods generate the association rules without utility factor of items. High-utility itemset mining (HUIM) is a well-known method that effectively determines the itemsets based on high-utility value and the resulting itemsets are known as high-utility itemsets. Fastest high-utility mining method (FHM) is an enhanced version of HUIM. FHM reduces the number of join operations during itemsets generation, so it is faster than HUIM. For large datasets, both methods are very expenisve. Proposed method addressed this issue by building pruning based utility co-occurrence structure (PEUCS) for elimatination of low-profit itemsets, thus, obviously it process only optimal number of high-utility itemsets, so it is called as optimal FHM (OFHM). Experimental results show that OFHM takes less computational runtime, therefore it is more efficient when compared to other existing methods for benchmarked large datasets

    A study on incremental mining of frequent patterns

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    Data generated from both the offline and online sources are incremental in nature. Changes in the underlying database occur due to the incremental data. Mining frequent patterns are costly in changing databases, since it requires scanning the database from the start. Thus, mining of growing databases has been a great concern. To mine the growing databases, a new Data Mining technique called Incremental Mining has emerged. The Incremental Mining uses previous mining result to get the desired knowledge by reducing mining costs in terms of time and space. This state of the art paper focuses on Incremental Mining approaches and identifies suitable approaches which are the need of real world problem.Keywords: Data Mining, Frequent Pattern, Incremental Mining, Frequent Pattern Minung, High Utility Mining, Constraint Mining

    Mining High Utility Itemsets with Regular Occurrence

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    High utility itemset mining (HUIM) plays an important role in the data mining community and in a wide range of applications. For example, in retail business it is used for finding sets of sold products that give high profit, low cost, etc. These itemsets can help improve marketing strategies, make promotions/ advertisements, etc. However, since HUIM only considers utility values of items/itemsets, it may not be sufficient to observe product-buying behavior of customers such as information related to "regular purchases of sets of products having a high profit margin". To address this issue, the occurrence behavior of itemsets (in the term of regularity) simultaneously with their utility values was investigated. Then, the problem of mining high utility itemsets with regular occurrence (MHUIR) to find sets of co-occurrence items with high utility values and regular occurrence in a database was considered. An efficient single-pass algorithm, called MHUIRA, was introduced. A new modified utility-list structure, called NUL, was designed to efficiently maintain utility values and occurrence information and to increase the efficiency of computing the utility of itemsets. Experimental studies on real and synthetic datasets and complexity analyses are provided to show the efficiency of MHUIRA combined with NUL in terms of time and space usage for mining interesting itemsets based on regularity and utility constraints

    HI-Tree: Mining High Influence Patterns Using External and Internal Utility Values

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    We propose an efficient algorithm, called HI-Tree, for mining high influence patterns for an incremental dataset. In traditional pattern mining, one would find the complete set of patterns and then apply a post-pruning step to it. The size of the complete mining results is typically prohibitively large, despite the fact that only a small percentage of high utility patterns are interesting. Thus it is inefficient to wait for the mining algorithm to complete and then apply feature selection to post-process the large number of resulting patterns. Instead of generating the complete set of frequent patterns we are able to directly mine patterns with high utility values in an incremental manner. In this paper we propose a novel utility measure called an influence factor using the concepts of external utility and internal utility of an item. The influence factor for an item takes into consideration its connectivity with its neighborhood as well as its importance within a transaction. The measure is especially useful in problem domains utilizing network or interaction characteristics amongst items such as in a social network or web click-stream data. We compared our technique against state of the art incremental mining techniques and show that our technique has better rule generation and runtime performance

    Exploring the Existing and Unknown Side Effects of Privacy Preserving Data Mining Algorithms

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    The data mining sanitization process involves converting the data by masking the sensitive data and then releasing it to public domain. During the sanitization process, side effects such as hiding failure, missing cost and artificial cost of the data were observed. Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) algorithms were developed for the sanitization process to overcome information loss and yet maintain data integrity. While these PPDM algorithms did provide benefits for privacy preservation, they also made sure to solve the side effects that occurred during the sanitization process. Many PPDM algorithms were developed to reduce these side effects. There are several PPDM algorithms created based on different PPDM techniques. However, previous studies have not explored or justified why non-traditional side effects were not given much importance. This study reported the findings of the side effects for the PPDM algorithms in a newly created web repository. The research methodology adopted for this study was Design Science Research (DSR). This research was conducted in four phases, which were as follows. The first phase addressed the characteristics, similarities, differences, and relationships of existing side effects. The next phase found the characteristics of non-traditional side effects. The third phase used the Privacy Preservation and Security Framework (PPSF) tool to test if non-traditional side effects occur in PPDM algorithms. This phase also attempted to find additional unknown side effects which have not been found in prior studies. PPDM algorithms considered were Greedy, POS2DT, SIF_IDF, cpGA2DT, pGA2DT, sGA2DT. PPDM techniques associated were anonymization, perturbation, randomization, condensation, heuristic, reconstruction, and cryptography. The final phase involved creating a new online web repository to report all the side effects found for the PPDM algorithms. A Web repository was created using full stack web development. AngularJS, Spring, Spring Boot and Hibernate frameworks were used to build the web application. The results of the study implied various PPDM algorithms and their side effects. Additionally, the relationship and impact that hiding failure, missing cost, and artificial cost have on each other was also understood. Interestingly, the side effects and their relationship with the type of data (sensitive or non-sensitive or new) was observed. As the web repository acts as a quick reference domain for PPDM algorithms. Developing, improving, inventing, and reporting PPDM algorithms is necessary. This study will influence researchers or organizations to report, use, reuse, or develop better PPDM algorithms

    Mining High Utility Patterns Over Data Streams

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    Mining useful patterns from sequential data is a challenging topic in data mining. An important task for mining sequential data is sequential pattern mining, which discovers sequences of itemsets that frequently appear in a sequence database. In sequential pattern mining, the selection of sequences is generally based on the frequency/support framework. However, most of the patterns returned by sequential pattern mining may not be informative enough to business people and are not particularly related to a business objective. In view of this, high utility sequential pattern (HUSP) mining has emerged as a novel research topic in data mining recently. The main objective of HUSP mining is to extract valuable and useful sequential patterns from data by considering the utility of a pattern that captures a business objective (e.g., profit, users interest). In HUSP mining, the goal is to find sequences whose utility in the database is no less than a user-specified minimum utility threshold. Nowadays, many applications generate a huge volume of data in the form of data streams. A number of studies have been conducted on mining HUSPs, but they are mainly intended for non-streaming data and thus do not take data stream characteristics into consideration. Mining HUSP from such data poses many challenges. First, it is infeasible to keep all streaming data in the memory due to the high volume of data accumulated over time. Second, mining algorithms need to process the arriving data in real time with one scan of data. Third, depending on the minimum utility threshold value, the number of patterns returned by a HUSP mining algorithm can be large and overwhelms the user. In general, it is hard for the user to determine the value for the threshold. Thus, algorithms that can find the most valuable patterns (i.e., top-k high utility patterns) are more desirable. Mining the most valuable patterns is interesting in both static data and data streams. To address these research limitations and challenges, this dissertation proposes techniques and algorithms for mining high utility sequential patterns over data streams. We work on mining HUSPs over both a long portion of a data stream and a short period of time. We also work on how to efficiently identify the most significant high utility patterns (namely, the top-k high utility patterns) over data streams. In the first part, we explore a fundamental problem that is how the limited memory space can be well utilized to produce high quality HUSPs over the entire data stream. An approximation algorithm, called MAHUSP, is designed which employs memory adaptive mechanisms to use a bounded portion of memory, to efficiently discover HUSPs over the entire data streams. The second part of the dissertation presents a new sliding window-based algorithm to discover recent high utility sequential patterns over data streams. A novel data structure named HUSP-Tree is proposed to maintain the essential information for mining recenT HUSPs. An efficient and single-pass algorithm named HUSP-Stream is proposed to generate recent HUSPs from HUSP-Tree. The third part addresses the problem of top-k high utility pattern mining over data streams. Two novel methods, named T-HUDS and T-HUSP, for finding top-k high utility patterns over a data stream are proposed. T-HUDS discovers top-k high utility itemsets and T-HUSP discovers top-k high utility sequential patterns over a data stream. T-HUDS is based on a compressed tree structure, called HUDS-Tree, that can be used to efficiently find potential top-k high utility itemsets over data streams. T-HUSP incrementally maintains the content of top-k HUSPs in a data stream in a summary data structure, named TKList, and discovers top-k HUSPs efficiently. All of the algorithms are evaluated using both synthetic and real datasets. The performances, including the running time, memory consumption, precision, recall and Fmeasure, are compared. In order to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed methods in reallife applications, the fourth part of this dissertation presents applications of one of the proposed methods (i.e., MAHUSP) to extract meaningful patterns from a real web clickstream dataset and a real biosequence dataset. The utility-based sequential patterns are compared with the patterns in the frequency/support framework. The results show that high utility sequential pattern mining provides meaningful patterns in real-life applications

    Incremental algorithm for association rule mining under dynamic threshold

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    Data mining is essentially applied to discover new knowledge from a database through an iterative process. The mining process may be time consuming for massive datasets. A widely used method related to knowledge discovery domain refers to association rule mining (ARM) approach, despite its shortcomings in mining large databases. As such, several approaches have been prescribed to unravel knowledge. Most of the proposed algorithms addressed data incremental issues, especially when a hefty amount of data are added to the database after the latest mining process. Three basic manipulation operations performed in a database include add, delete, and update. Any method devised in light of data incremental issues is bound to embed these three operations. The changing threshold is a long-standing problem within the data mining field. Since decision making refers to an active process, the threshold is indeed changeable. Accordingly, the present study proposes an algorithm that resolves the issue of rescanning a database that had been mined previously and allows retrieval of knowledge that satisfies several thresholds without the need to learn the process from scratch. The proposed approach displayed high accuracy in experimentation, as well as reduction in processing time by almost two-thirds of the original mining execution time

    Empirical Evaluations On Real And Synthetic Datasets State Of The Art Utility Mining Algorithms

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    We have considered the issue of best k high utility itemsets mining, where k is the coveted number of high utility itemsets to be mined. Two effective calculations TKU (mining Top-K Utility itemsets) and TKO (mining Top-K utility itemsets in One stage) are proposed for mining such itemsets without setting least utility limits. TKU is the initial two-stage calculation for mining top-k high utility itemsets, which joins five techniques PE, NU, MD, MC and SE to adequately raise the fringe least utility edges and further prune the hunt space. Then again, TKO is the first stage algorithm produced for top-k HUI mining, which incorporates the novel methodologies RUC, RUZ and EPB to extraordinarily enhance its execution. The proposed calculations have great versatility on extensive datasets and the execution of the proposed algorithms is near the ideal instance of the cutting edge two-stage and one-stage utility mining algorithms
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