100 research outputs found

    Memory Efficient On-Line Streaming for Multichannel Spike Train Analysis

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    Rapid advances in multichannel neural signal recording technologies in recent years have spawned broad applications in neuro-prostheses and neuro-rehabilitation. The dramatic increase in data bandwidth and volume associated with multichannel recording requires a significant computational effort which presents major design challenges for brain-machine interface (BMI) system in terms of power dissipation and hardware area. In this paper, we present a streaming method for implementing real-time memory efficient neural signal processing hardware. This method exploits the pseudo-stationary property of neural signals and, thus, eliminates the need of temporal storage in batch-based processing. The proposed technique can significantly reduce memory size and dynamic power while effectively maintaining the accuracy of algorithms. The streaming kernel is robust when compared to the batch processing over a range of BMI benchmark algorithms. The advantages of the streaming kernel when implemented on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) devices are also demonstrated


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    The Microelectrode Array (MEA) is a collection of parallel electrodes that may measure the extracellular potential of nearby neurons. It is a crucial tool in neuroscience for researching the structure, operation, and behavior of neural networks. Using sophisticated signal processing techniques and architectural templates, the task of processing and evaluating the data streams obtained from MEAs is a computationally demanding one that needs time and parallel processing.This thesis proposes enhancing the capability of MEA signal processing systems by using approximate computing-based algorithms. These algorithms can be implemented in systems that process parallel MEA channels using the Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). In order to develop approximate signal processing algorithms, three different types of approximate adders are investigated in various configurations. The objective is to maximize performance improvements in terms of area, power consumption, and latency associated with real-time processing while accepting lower output accuracy within certain bounds. On FPGAs, the methods are utilized to construct approximate processing systems, which are then contrasted with the precise system. Real biological signals are used to evaluate both precise and approximative systems, and the findings reveal notable improvements, especially in terms of speed and area. Processing speed enhancements reach up to 37.6%, and area enhancements reach 14.3% in some approximate system modes without sacrificing accuracy. Additional cases demonstrate how accuracy, area, and processing speed may be traded off. Using approximate computing algorithms allows for the design of real-time MEA processing systems with higher speeds and more parallel channels. The application of approximate computing algorithms to process biological signals on FPGAs in this thesis is a novel idea that has not been explored before

    ZyON: Enabling Spike Sorting on APSoC-Based Signal Processors for High-Density Microelectrode Arrays

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    Multi-Electrode Arrays and High-Density Multi-Electrode Arrays of sensors are a key instrument in neuroscience research. Such devices are evolving to provide ever-increasing temporal and spatial resolution, paving the way to unprecedented results when it comes to understanding the behaviour of neuronal networks and interacting with them. However, in some experimental cases, in-place low-latency processing of the sensor data acquired by the arrays is required. This poses the need for high-performance embedded computing platforms capable of processing in real-time the stream of samples produced by the acquisition front-end to extract higher-level information. Previous work has demonstrated that Field-Programmable Gate Array and All-Programmable System-On-Chip devices are suitable target technology for the implementation of real-time processors of High-Density Multi-Electrode Arrays data. However, approaches available in literature can process a limited number of channels or are designed to execute only the first steps of the neural signal processing chain. In this work, we propose an All-Programmable System-On-Chip based implementation capable of sorting neural spikes acquired by the sensors, to associate the shape of each spike to a specific firing neuron. Our system, implemented on a Xilinx Z7020 All-Programmable System-On-Chip is capable of executing on-line spike sorting up to 5500 acquisition channels, 43x more than state-of-the-art alternatives, supporting 18KHz acquisition frequency. We present an experimental study on a commonly used reference dataset, using on-line refinement of the sorting clusters to improve accuracy up to 82%, with only 4% degradation with respect to off-line analysis

    Calibration-free and hardware-efficient neural spike detection for brain machine interfaces

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    Recent translational efforts in brain-machine interfaces (BMI) are demonstrating the potential to help people with neurological disorders. The current trend in BMI technology is to increase the number of recording channels to the thousands, resulting in the generation of vast amounts of raw data. This in turn places high bandwidth requirements for data transmission, which increases power consumption and thermal dissipation of implanted systems. On-implant compression and/or feature extraction are therefore becoming essential to limiting this increase in bandwidth, but add further power constraints – the power required for data reduction must remain less than the power saved through bandwidth reduction. Spike detection is a common feature extraction technique used for intracortical BMIs. In this paper, we develop a novel firing-rate-based spike detection algorithm that requires no external training and is hardware efficient and therefore ideally suited for real-time applications. Key performance and implementation metrics such as detection accuracy, adaptability in chronic deployment, power consumption, area utilization, and channel scalability are benchmarked against existing methods using various datasets. The algorithm is first validated using a reconfigurable hardware (FPGA) platform and then ported to a digital ASIC implementation in both 65 nm and 0.18MU m CMOS technologies. The 128-channel ASIC design implemented in a 65 nm CMOS technology occupies 0.096 mm2 silicon area and consumes 4.86MU W from a 1.2 V power supply. The adaptive algorithm achieves a 96% spike detection accuracy on a commonly used synthetic dataset, without the need for any prior training

    An optogenetic headstage for optical stimulation and neural recording in life science applications

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    L'optogénétique est une nouvelle méthode de contrôle de l’activité neuronale dans laquelle la lumière est employée pour activer ou arrêter certains neurones. Dans le cadre de ce travail, un dispositif permettant l’acquisition de signaux neuronaux et conduisant à une stimulation optogénétique de façon multicanale et temps-réel a été conçu. Cet outil est muni de deux canaux de stimulation optogénétique et de deux canaux de lecture des signaux neuronaux. La source de lumière est une DEL qui peut consommer jusqu’à 150 milliampères. Les signaux neuronaux acquis sont transmis à un ordinateur par une radio. Les dimensions sont d’environ 20×20×15 mm3 et le poids est de moins de 7 grammes, rendant l’appareil utile pour les expériences sur les petits animaux libres. Selon nos connaissances actuelles, le résultat de ce projet constitue le premier appareil de recherche optogénétique sans-fil, compact offrant la capture de signaux cérébraux et la stimulation optique simultanée.Optogenetics is a new method for controlling the neural activity where light is used to activate or silence, with high spatial and temporal resolution, genetically light-sensitized neurons. In optogenetics, a light source such as a LED, targets light-sensitized neurons. In this work, a light-weight wireless animal optogenetic headstage has been designed that allows multi-channel simultaneous real-time optical stimulation and neural recording. This system has two optogenetic stimulation channels and two electrophysiological reading channels. The optogenetic stimulation channels benefit from high-power LEDs (sinking 150 milliamps) with flexible stimulation patterns and the recorded neural data is wirelessly sent to a computer. The dimensions of the headstage are almost 20×20×15 mm3 and it weighs less than 7 grams. This headstage is suitable for tests on small freely-moving rodents. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported fully wireless headstage to offer simultaneous multichannel optical stimulation along with multichannel neural recording capability

    Compressive Sensing and Multichannel Spike Detection for Neuro-Recording Systems

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    RÉSUMÉ Les interfaces cerveau-machines (ICM) sont de plus en plus importantes dans la recherche biomédicale et ses applications, tels que les tests et analyses médicaux en laboratoire, la cérébrologie et le traitement des dysfonctions neuromusculaires. Les ICM en général et les dispositifs d'enregistrement neuronaux, en particulier, dépendent fortement des méthodes de traitement de signaux utilisées pour fournir aux utilisateurs des renseignements sur l’état de diverses fonctions du cerveau. Les dispositifs d'enregistrement neuronaux courants intègrent de nombreux canaux parallèles produisant ainsi une énorme quantité de données. Celles-ci sont difficiles à transmettre, peuvent manquer une information précieuse des signaux enregistrés et limitent la capacité de traitement sur puce. Une amélioration de fonctions de traitement du signal est nécessaire pour s’assurer que les dispositifs d'enregistrements neuronaux peuvent faire face à l'augmentation rapide des exigences de taille de données et de précision requise de traitement. Cette thèse regroupe deux approches principales de traitement du signal - la compression et la réduction de données - pour les dispositifs d'enregistrement neuronaux. Tout d'abord, l’échantillonnage comprimé (AC) pour la compression du signal neuronal a été utilisé. Ceci implique l’usage d’une matrice de mesure déterministe basée sur un partitionnement selon le minimum de la distance Euclidienne ou celle de la distance de Manhattan (MDC). Nous avons comprimé les signaux neuronaux clairsemmés (Sparse) et non-clairsemmés et les avons reconstruit avec une marge d'erreur minimale en utilisant la matrice MDC construite plutôt. La réduction de données provenant de signaux neuronaux requiert la détection et le classement de potentiels d’actions (PA, ou spikes) lesquelles étaient réalisées en se servant de la méthode d’appariement de formes (templates) avec l'inférence bayésienne (Bayesian inference based template matching - BBTM). Par comparaison avec les méthodes fondées sur l'amplitude, sur le niveau d’énergie ou sur l’appariement de formes, la BBTM a une haute précision de détection, en particulier pour les signaux à faible rapport signal-bruit et peut séparer les potentiels d’actions reçus à partir des différents neurones et qui chevauchent. Ainsi, la BBTM peut automatiquement produire les appariements de formes nécessaires avec une complexité de calculs relativement faible.----------ABSTRACT Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs) are increasingly important in biomedical research and health care applications, such as medical laboratory tests and analyses, cerebrology, and complementary treatment of neuromuscular disorders. BMIs, and neural recording devices in particular, rely heavily on signal processing methods to provide users with nformation. Current neural recording devices integrate many parallel channels, which produce a huge amount of data that is difficult to transmit, cannot guarantee the quality of the recorded signals and may limit on-chip signal processing capabilities. An improved signal processing system is needed to ensure that neural recording devices can cope with rapidly increasing data size and accuracy requirements. This thesis focused on two signal processing approaches – signal compression and reduction – for neural recording devices. First, compressed sensing (CS) was employed for neural signal compression, using a minimum Euclidean or Manhattan distance cluster-based (MDC) deterministic sensing matrix. Sparse and non-sparse neural signals were substantially compressed and later reconstructed with minimal error using the built MDC matrix. Neural signal reduction required spike detection and sorting, which was conducted using a Bayesian inference-based template matching (BBTM) method. Compared with amplitude-based, energy-based, and some other template matching methods, BBTM has high detection accuracy, especially for low signal-to-noise ratio signals, and can separate overlapping spikes acquired from different neurons. In addition, BBTM can automatically generate the needed templates with relatively low system complexity. Finally, a digital online adaptive neural signal processing system, including spike detector and CS-based compressor, was designed. Both single and multi-channel solutions were implemented and evaluated. Compared with the signal processing systems in current use, the proposed signal processing system can efficiently compress a large number of sampled data and recover original signals with a small reconstruction error; also it has low power consumption and a small silicon area. The completed prototype shows considerable promise for application in a wide range of neural recording interfaces

    Real-time neural signal processing and low-power hardware co-design for wireless implantable brain machine interfaces

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    Intracortical Brain-Machine Interfaces (iBMIs) have advanced significantly over the past two decades, demonstrating their utility in various aspects, including neuroprosthetic control and communication. To increase the information transfer rate and improve the devices’ robustness and longevity, iBMI technology aims to increase channel counts to access more neural data while reducing invasiveness through miniaturisation and avoiding percutaneous connectors (wired implants). However, as the number of channels increases, the raw data bandwidth required for wireless transmission also increases becoming prohibitive, requiring efficient on-implant processing to reduce the amount of data through data compression or feature extraction. The fundamental aim of this research is to develop methods for high-performance neural spike processing co-designed within low-power hardware that is scaleable for real-time wireless BMI applications. The specific original contributions include the following: Firstly, a new method has been developed for hardware-efficient spike detection, which achieves state-of-the-art spike detection performance and significantly reduces the hardware complexity. Secondly, a novel thresholding mechanism for spike detection has been introduced. By incorporating firing rate information as a key determinant in establishing the spike detection threshold, we have improved the adaptiveness of spike detection. This eventually allows the spike detection to overcome the signal degradation that arises due to scar tissue growth around the recording site, thereby ensuring enduringly stable spike detection results. The long-term decoding performance, as a consequence, has also been improved notably. Thirdly, the relationship between spike detection performance and neural decoding accuracy has been investigated to be nonlinear, offering new opportunities for further reducing transmission bandwidth by at least 30% with minor decoding performance degradation. In summary, this thesis presents a journey toward designing ultra-hardware-efficient spike detection algorithms and applying them to reduce the data bandwidth and improve neural decoding performance. The software-hardware co-design approach is essential for the next generation of wireless brain-machine interfaces with increased channel counts and a highly constrained hardware budget. The fundamental aim of this research is to develop methods for high-performance neural spike processing co-designed within low-power hardware that is scaleable for real-time wireless BMI applications. The specific original contributions include the following: Firstly, a new method has been developed for hardware-efficient spike detection, which achieves state-of-the-art spike detection performance and significantly reduces the hardware complexity. Secondly, a novel thresholding mechanism for spike detection has been introduced. By incorporating firing rate information as a key determinant in establishing the spike detection threshold, we have improved the adaptiveness of spike detection. This eventually allows the spike detection to overcome the signal degradation that arises due to scar tissue growth around the recording site, thereby ensuring enduringly stable spike detection results. The long-term decoding performance, as a consequence, has also been improved notably. Thirdly, the relationship between spike detection performance and neural decoding accuracy has been investigated to be nonlinear, offering new opportunities for further reducing transmission bandwidth by at least 30\% with only minor decoding performance degradation. In summary, this thesis presents a journey toward designing ultra-hardware-efficient spike detection algorithms and applying them to reduce the data bandwidth and improve neural decoding performance. The software-hardware co-design approach is essential for the next generation of wireless brain-machine interfaces with increased channel counts and a highly constrained hardware budget.Open Acces

    Real-Time neural signal decoding on heterogeneous MPSocs based on VLIW ASIPs

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    An important research problem, at the basis of the development of embedded systems for neuroprosthetic applications, is the development of algorithms and platforms able to extract the patient's motion intention by decoding the information encoded in neural signals. At the state of the art, no portable and reliable integrated solutions implementing such a decoding task have been identified. To this aim, in this paper, we investigate the possibility of using the MPSoC paradigm in this application domain. We perform a design space exploration that compares different custom MPSoC embedded architectures, implementing two versions of a on-line neural signal decoding algorithm, respectively targeting decoding of single and multiple acquisition channels. Each considered design points features a different application configuration, with a specific partitioning and mapping of parallel software tasks, executed on customized VLIW ASIP processing cores. Experimental results, obtained by means of FPGA-based prototyping and post-floorplanning power evaluation on a 40nm technology library, assess the performance and hardware-related costs of the considered configurations. The reported power figures demonstrate the usability of the MPSoC paradigm within the processing of bio-electrical signals and show the benefits achievable by the exploitation of the instruction-level parallelism within tasks