21 research outputs found

    Nyílt hozzáférés a tudományos szakirodalomhoz - hazai fejlemények = Open Access - New Developments in Hungary

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    2009-ben az OTKA meghirdette a támogatásával született tudományos cikkekre vonatkozó szabályozását, miszerint, minden ilyen cikk esetében biztosítani kell a nyílt hozzáférést. Az MTA Könyvtára az elhelyezés lehetőségének biztosítására felállított egy repozitóriumot. Jelen cikkben megpróbáljuk bemutatni a fenti események előzményeit, hátterét, és kezdeti segítséget nyújtani az érintett kutatók számára

    Database Review: SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System

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    Laura Pope Robbins is an advisor for The Charleston Advisor, and the review below is included in Scholarly Commons with the permission of the publisher. The Astrophysics Data System (ADS) is the premier Open Access research database for astronomy and astrophysics containing over 13 million bibliographic records. These records include journal articles, books, conference proceedings, historical observatory bulletins, and other gray literature. An exceptional feature of ADS is the visualizations it creates, showing author networks, overlapping citations, and frequently occurring terminology giving researchers new ways to explore the literature. It is a unique resource that is as easy for a novice to search as it is for skilled researchers to create precise search queries

    How well do structured abstracts reflect the articles they summerize?

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    Background: evidence-based medicine requires critical appraisal of published research. This is often done by reading the abstracts alone of published papers. This study examined how well structured abstracts reflect the articles they summarize in medical journals.Methods: a total of 20 papers reporting original randomized trials were obtained from four general medical journals. Key study details, results, and conclusions were extracted from the full articles. Abstracts were examined to see what information from the article was included, and they were scrutinized for inaccuracies, data not presented in the main body, and ambiguous statements.Results: nineteen abstracts (95%; 95% CI 75 to 100%) correctly stated the primary outcome. Eight abstracts (40%; 19% to 64%) were deficient in some way. Three (15%; 3% to 38%) contained incorrect or inconsistent figures or data. Six abstracts (30%; 12% to 54%) contained data not present in the full article.Discussion: almost half of the abstracts studied contained some data inconsistent with the full article, or missing altogether. Authors and editors need to ensure that abstracts are of a high quality and accurately reflect the papers they are summarizing. CONSORT guidelines provide helpful indications as to what should be included in abstracts reporting clinical trial

    Los repositorios digitales universitarios y los autores

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    [spa] El movimiento de Open Access ofrece dos estrategias para llegar a la información científica sin ningún obstáculo económico, técnico o legal: la publicación de artículos en revistas OA o el depósito de los trabajos por los autores en depósitos estables institucionales o temáticos. El artículo explora la implementación de la segunda "ruta" por parte de los autores pues es la que ofrece mayores posibilidades para alcanzar la OA a corto plazo. Pero requiere que desde los repositorios se haga una gran labor para informar a los autores de las ventajas del autoarchivo y de los procedimientos para depositar sus trabajos e, incluso, ayudarles a hacerlo, mediante la oferta de servicios y la realización de actividades promocionales. [eng] The Open Access movement offers two strategies for making scientific information available without economic, technical or legal obstacles: the publication of articles in OA journals and the deposit by authors of their Works in stable institutional or discipline-based repositories. This article explores the implementation of the second "route" on the part of authors, because it is the strategy that offers the greatest possibility of attaining OA in the short term. However, it does require repositories to exert great effort in informing the authors of the advantages of self-archiving and of the procedures for depositing their work and, even helping them to do so -through services and promotional activities

    As publicações em acesso livre e a avaliação de impacto

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da InformaçãoEsta pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar os critérios de avaliação de impacto de publicações em acesso livre e a influência dessa filosofia no aumento desse impacto nas publicações científicas. A fundamentação teórica elege como temáticas: a comunicação científica, a autoria na ciência, as medidas de impacto da ciência, o fator de impacto, o índice de citação imediata e meia-vida das citações, índice H, o processo de comunicação científica; além do acesso livre, os arquivos abertos e o open access citation advantage. A metodologia usada na pesquisa apresenta caráter exploratório e descritivo sob o ponto de vista de seus objetivos; quali-quantitativa com relação à abordagem dos problemas, e, em relação aos procedimentos, utilizou técnicas de pesquisa documental. O corpus da pesquisa foi constituído de documentos arrolados na bibliografia anotada Open Access Citation Advantage, organizadapor A. Wagner. A questão que direcionou o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi: até que ponto o acesso livre proporciona o aumento da quantidade de citações de uma publicação? Para encontrar respostas para essa questão foram examinados artigos da bibliografia de Wagner a fim de identificar as metodologias, amostras e ferramentas adotadas, de modo a constatar se existe forma mais adequada para realizar esses estudos e se o OACA pode ser considerado mais uma vantagem do OA. Após a análise de 43 artigos foi possível observar que os resultados variam bastante de acordo com as disciplinas e que ainda não existe um consenso sobre o melhor método para calcular o OACA, sobre o tamanho da amostra, instrumentos para coleta de dados de citações nem sobre os melhores motores de busca para a coleta de dados. Os resultados possibilitam algumas inferências: a) a adoção ou aceitação das publicações em acesso livre passa a ser um fenômeno relacionado à cultura cientifica de cada disciplina; b) A cultura científica e as características das disciplinas também determinam como são realizadas as citações, nesse caso o grau de obsolescência do conhecimento em cada disciplina é o fator preponderante que parece conduzir esse processo; c) o ato de citação está vinculado muito mais à qualidade do conteúdo da publicação do que ao fato dela estar mais acessível ou não; d) a suposta visibilidade das publicações em acesso livre, ao menos nos estudos do corpus desta pesquisa, não pode estar fortemente relacionada ao aumento do impacto das publicações. Considera que parece não haver discordância quanto à importância do OA no âmbito da comunicação científica, porém, de acordo com as análises realizadas, depreende-se que usar o OACA como argumento certamente não é exatamente a melhor maneira de defender o acesso livre. Ressalta que os estudos analisados apresentam muitas fragilidades, principalmente de natureza metodológica e, por isso, é necessário o desenvolvimento de metodologias adequadas e confiáveis para esse fim.This research aimed to examine the criteria for evaluating the impact of publications in open access and the influence of this philosophy in increasing this impact in scientific publications. The theoretical basis chooses as subjects: scientific communications, authorship in science, measurement of science impact, the impact factor, the actual citation index and citation half-life, H index, the process of scientific communications; in addition to open access, open archives and the open access citation advantage. The methodology used in this research is exploratory and descriptive in regard to its goals, qualitative and quantitative concerning its problem approach and, regarding its procedures, documentary research techniques were used. The research corpus consisted of documents listed in the Open Access Citation Advantage annotated bibliography, organized by A. Wagner. The guiding question during the research was: to what extent does open access provide an increased number of citations for a publication? To answer this question Wagner's bibliography articles were examined in order to identify the methodologies, samples and tools, noting whether there is a more appropriate way to conduct these studies and whether the OACA can be considered a further OA advantage. After the analysis of 43 papers, it was observed that the results vary widely according to the subject and that there is still no consensus over the best method for calculating OACA, sample size, devices to collect citation data or over the best search engines for data collection. Some inferences were possible after the results: a) the adoption or acceptance of open access publications becomes a phenomenon related to the scientific culture in each subject; b) The scientific culture and the characteristics of the subjects also determine how citations are held, in this case the degree of knowledge obsolescence in each subject is the main factor that seems to drive this process, c) citations are much more linked to the quality of the content of the publication rather than the fact that it is more or less accessible; d) the alleged visibility of open access publications, at least in studies regarding the corpus of this research, cannot be strongly connected to the increased impact of publications. It considers that there seems to be no disagreement in regard to the importance of OA within scientific communications, however, according to the analysis, apparently using OACA as an argument is certainly not the best way to advocate free access. It emphasizes that the reviewed studies show many weaknesses, mainly of methodological nature and, therefore, the development of appropriate and reliable methodologies is essential for this purpose

    Usage Bibliometrics

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    Scholarly usage data provides unique opportunities to address the known shortcomings of citation analysis. However, the collection, processing and analysis of usage data remains an area of active research. This article provides a review of the state-of-the-art in usage-based informetric, i.e. the use of usage data to study the scholarly process.Comment: Publisher's PDF (by permission). Publisher web site: books.infotoday.com/asist/arist44.shtm

    Ten Myths around Open Scholarly Publishing

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    The changing world of scholarly communication and the emergence of ‘Open Science’ or ‘Open Research’ has brought to light a number of controversial and hotly-debated topics. Yet, evidence-based rational debate is regularly drowned out by misinformed or exaggerated rhetoric, which does not benefit the evolving system of scholarly communication. The aim of this article is to provide a baseline evidence framework for ten of the most contested topics, in order to help frame and move forward discussions, practices and policies. We address preprints and scooping, the practice of copyright transfer, the function of peer review, and the legitimacy of ‘global’ databases. The presented facts and data will be a powerful tool against misinformation across wider academic research, policy and practice, and may be used to inform changes within the rapidly evolving scholarly publishing system