298 research outputs found

    Assessing Global Surface Water Inundation Dynamics Using Combined Satellite Information from SMAP, AMSR2 and Landsat

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    A method to assess global land surface water (fw) inundation dynamics was developed by exploiting the enhanced fw sensitivity of L-band (1.4 GHz) passive microwave observations from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission. The L-band fw (fw(sub LBand)) retrievals were derived using SMAP H-polarization brightness temperature (Tb) observations and predefined L-band reference microwave emissivities for water and land endmembers. Potential soil moisture and vegetation contributions to the microwave signal were represented from overlapping higher frequency (Tb) observations from AMSR2. The resulting (fw(sub LBand)) global record has high temporal sampling (1-3 days) and 36-km spatial resolution. The (fw(sub LBand)) annual averages corresponded favourably (R=0.84, p<0.001) with a 250-m resolution static global water map (MOD44W) aggregated at the same spatial scale, while capturing significant inundation variations worldwide. The monthly (fw(sub LBand)) averages also showed seasonal inundation changes consistent with river discharge records within six major US river basins. An uncertainty analysis indicated generally reliable (fw(sub LBand)) performance for major land cover areas and under low to moderate vegetation cover, but with lower accuracy for detecting water bodies covered by dense vegetation. Finer resolution (30-m) (fw(sub LBand)) results were obtained for three sub-regions in North America using an empirical downscaling approach and ancillary global Water Occurrence Dataset (WOD) derived from the historical Landsat record. The resulting 30-m (fw(sub LBand)) retrievals showed favourable spatial accuracy for water (70.71%) and land (98.99%) classifications and seasonal wet and dry periods when compared to independent water maps derived from Landsat-8 imagery. The new (fw(sub LBand)) algorithms and continuing SMAP and AMSR2 operations provide for near real-time, multi-scale monitoring of global surface water inundation dynamics and potential flood risk

    Désagrégation de l'humidité du sol issue des produits satellitaires micro-ondes passives et exploration de son utilisation pour l'amélioration de la modélisation et la prévision hydrologique

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    De plus en plus de produits satellitaires en micro-ondes passives sont disponibles. Cependant, leur large résolution spatiale (25-50 km) n’en font pas un outil adéquat pour des applications hydrologiques à une échelle locale telles que la modélisation et la prévision hydrologiques. Dans de nombreuses études, une désagrégation d’échelle de l’humidité du sol des produits satellites micro-ondes est faite puis validée avec des mesures in-situ. Toutefois, l’utilisation de ces données issues d’une désagrégation d’échelle n’a pas encore été pleinement étudiée pour des applications en hydrologie. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer une méthode de désagrégation d’échelle de l’humidité du sol issue de données satellitaires en micro-ondes passives (Satellite Passive Microwave Active and Passive - SMAP) à différentes résolutions spatiales afin d’évaluer leur apport sur l’amélioration potentielle des modélisations et prévisions hydrologiques. À partir d’un modèle de forêt aléatoire, une désagrégation d’échelle de l’humidité du sol de SMAP l’amène de 36-km de résolution initialement à des produits finaux à 9-, 3- et 1-km de résolution. Les prédicteurs utilisés sont à haute résolution spatiale et de sources différentes telles que Sentinel-1A, MODIS et SRTM. L'humidité du sol issue de cette désagrégation d’échelle est ensuite assimilée dans un modèle hydrologique distribué à base physique pour tenter d’améliorer les sorties de débit. Ces expériences sont menées sur les bassins versants des rivières Susquehanna (de grande taille) et Upper-Susquehanna (en comparaison de petite taille), tous deux situés aux États-Unis. De plus, le modèle assimile aussi des données d’humidité du sol en profondeur issue d’une extrapolation verticale des données SMAP. Par ailleurs, les données d’humidité du sol SMAP et les mesures in-situ sont combinées par la technique de fusion conditionnelle. Ce produit de fusion SMAP/in-situ est assimilé dans le modèle hydrologique pour tenter d’améliorer la prévision hydrologique sur le bassin versant Au Saumon situé au Québec. Les résultats montrent que l'utilisation de l’humidité du sol à fine résolution spatiale issue de la désagrégation d’échelle améliore la représentation de la variabilité spatiale de l’humidité du sol. En effet, le produit à 1- km de résolution fournit plus de détails que les produits à 3- et 9-km ou que le produit SMAP de base à 36-km de résolution. De même, l’utilisation du produit de fusion SMAP/ in-situ améliore la qualité et la représentation spatiale de l’humidité du sol. Sur le bassin versant Susquehanna, la modélisation hydrologique s’améliore avec l’assimilation du produit de désagrégation d’échelle à 9-km, sans avoir recours à des résolutions plus fines. En revanche, sur le bassin versant Upper-Susquehanna, c’est le produit avec la résolution spatiale la plus fine à 1- km qui offre les meilleurs résultats de modélisation hydrologique. L’assimilation de l’humidité du sol en profondeur issue de l’extrapolation verticale des données SMAP n’améliore que peu la qualité du modèle hydrologique. Par contre, l’assimilation du produit de fusion SMAP/in-situ sur le bassin versant Au Saumon améliore la qualité de la prévision du débit, même si celle-ci n’est pas très significative.Abstract: The availability of satellite passive microwave soil moisture is increasing, yet its spatial resolution (i.e., 25-50 km) is too coarse to use for local scale hydrological applications such as streamflow simulation and forecasting. Many studies have attempted to downscale satellite passive microwave soil moisture products for their validation with in-situ soil moisture measurements. However, their use for hydrological applications has not yet been fully explored. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to downscale the satellite passive microwave soil moisture (i.e., Satellite Microwave Active and Passive - SMAP) to a range of spatial resolutions and explore its value in improving streamflow simulation and forecasting. The random forest machine learning technique was used to downscale the SMAP soil moisture from 36-km to 9-, 3- and 1-km spatial resolutions. A combination of host of high-resolution predictors derived from different sources including Sentinel-1A, MODIS and SRTM were used for downscaling. The downscaled SMAP soil moisture was then assimilated into a physically-based distributed hydrological model for improving streamflow simulation for Susquehanna (larger in size) and Upper Susquehanna (relatively smaller in size) watersheds, located in the United States. In addition, the vertically extrapolated SMAP soil moisture was assimilated into the model. On the other hand, the SMAP and in-situ soil moisture were merged using the conditional merging technique and the merged SMAP/in-situ soil moisture was then assimilated into the model to improve streamflow forecast over the au Saumon watershed. The results show that the downscaling improved the spatial variability of soil moisture. Indeed, the 1-km downscaled SMAP soil moisture presented a higher spatial detail of soil moisture than the 3-, 9- or original resolution (36-km) SMAP product. Similarly, the merging of SMAP and in-situ soil moisture improved the accuracy as well as spatial representation soil moisture. Interestingly, the assimilation of the 9-km downscaled SMAP soil moisture significantly improved the accuracy of streamflow simulation for the Susquehanna watershed without the need of going to higher spatial resolution, whereas for the Upper Susquehanna watershed the 1-km downscaled SMAP showed better results than the coarser resolutions. The assimilation of vertically extrapolated SMAP soil moisture only slightly further improved the accuracy of the streamflow simulation. On the other hand, the assimilation of merged SMAP/in-situ soil moisture for the au Saumon watershed improved the accuracy of streamflow forecast, yet the improvement was not that significant. Overall, this study demonstrated the potential of satellite passive microwave soil moisture for streamflow simulation and forecasting

    New Downscaling Approach Using ESA CCI SM Products for Obtaining High Resolution Surface Soil Moisture

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    ESA CCI SM products have provided remotely-sensed surface soil moisture (SSM) content with the best spatial and temporal coverage thus far, although its output spatial resolution of 25 km is too coarse for many regional and local applications. The downscaling methodology presented in this paper improves ESA CCI SM spatial resolution to 1 km using two-step approach. The first step is used as a data engineering tool and its output is used as an input for the Random forest model in the second step. In addition to improvements in terms of spatial resolution, the approach also considers the problem of data gaps. The filling of these gaps is the initial step of the procedure, which in the end produces a continuous product in both temporal and spatial domains. The methodology uses combined active and passive ESA CCI SM products in addition to in situ soil moisture observations and the set of auxiliary downscaling predictors. The research tested several variants of Random forest models to determine the best combination of ESA CCI SM products. The conclusion is that synergic use of all ESA CCI SM products together with the auxiliary datasets in the downscaling procedure provides better results than using just one type of ESA CCI SM product alone. The methodology was applied for obtaining SSM maps for the area of California, USA during 2016. The accuracy of tested models was validated using five-fold cross-validation against in situ data and the best variation of model achieved RMSE, R2 and MAE of 0.0518 m3/m3, 0.7312 and 0.0374 m3/m3, respectively. The methodology proved to be useful for generating high-resolution SSM products, although additional improvements are necessary

    Above-treeline ecosystems facing drought: lessons from the 2022 European summer heat wave

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    In 2022, a large part of Europe experienced an extremely dry and hot summer. In the Alps, this episode occurred after an unusually low-snowfall winter, which aggravated the dryness of soils. This study examines the impact of this particular year on the canopy greenness of above-treeline ecosystems by comparison with previous heat waves that hit the Alps during the last 2 decades. Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite were processed to extract the temporal variability in yearly maximum NDVI (NDVImax). The responsiveness of NDVImax to snow cover duration and growing-season weather conditions was evaluated in contrasting hydroclimate regions of the Alps using linear mixed-effect models. The year 2022 was unique in that the summer heat wave led to a widespread negative anomaly of NDVImax. The magnitude of this anomaly was unprecedented in the southwestern, driest part of the Alps, where vegetation activity was found to be particularly responsive to snow cover duration and early summer precipitation. In the colder and wetter regions, all warm to very warm summers before 2022 had led to increased canopy greenness, but the combination of a reduced snow cover and low early summer precipitation counteracted this expected beneficial effect in 2022. This study provides evidence that the control of canopy greenness by temperature and water balance differs markedly across regions of the Alps and that the year 2022 bears witness to a shift toward an increasing importance of moisture availability for regulating plant growth at high elevation. This is viewed as a warning sign of what could become the new norm in the years ahead in the context of increasing frequency and intensity of extreme droughts throughout temperate mountain ecosystems.</p

    Remote Sensing Monitoring of Land Surface Temperature (LST)

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    This book is a collection of recent developments, methodologies, calibration and validation techniques, and applications of thermal remote sensing data and derived products from UAV-based, aerial, and satellite remote sensing. A set of 15 papers written by a total of 70 authors was selected for this book. The published papers cover a wide range of topics, which can be classified in five groups: algorithms, calibration and validation techniques, improvements in long-term consistency in satellite LST, downscaling of LST, and LST applications and land surface emissivity research

    Microwave Indices from Active and Passive Sensors for Remote Sensing Applications

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    Past research has comprehensively assessed the capabilities of satellite sensors operating at microwave frequencies, both active (SAR, scatterometers) and passive (radiometers), for the remote sensing of Earth’s surface. Besides brightness temperature and backscattering coefficient, microwave indices, defined as a combination of data collected at different frequencies and polarizations, revealed a good sensitivity to hydrological cycle parameters such as surface soil moisture, vegetation water content, and snow depth and its water equivalent. The differences between microwave backscattering and emission at more frequencies and polarizations have been well established in relation to these parameters, enabling operational retrieval algorithms based on microwave indices to be developed. This Special Issue aims at providing an overview of microwave signal capabilities in estimating the main land parameters of the hydrological cycle, e.g., soil moisture, vegetation water content, and snow water equivalent, on both local and global scales, with a particular focus on the applications of microwave indices

    Estimation de l'humidité du sol à haute résolution spatio-temporelle : une nouvelle approche basée sur la synergie des observations micro-ondes actives/passives et optiques/thermiques

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    Les capteurs micro-ondes passifs SMOS et SMAP fournissent des données d'humidité du sol (SM) à une résolution d'environ 40 km avec un intervalle de 2 à 3 jours à l' échelle mondiale et une profondeur de détection de 0 à 5 cm. Ces données sont très pertinentes pour les applications cli- matiques et météorologiques. Cependant, pour les applications à échelle régionales (l'hydrologie) ou locales (l'agriculture), des données de SM à une haute résolution spatiale (typiquement 100 m ou plus fine) seraient nécessaires. Les données collectées par les capteurs optiques/thermiques et les radars peuvent fournir des indicateurs de SM à haute résolution spatiale, mais ces deux approches alternatives ont des limites. En particulier, les données optiques/thermiques ne sont pas disponibles sous les nuages et sous les couverts végétaux. Quant aux données radar, elles sont sensibles à la rugosité du sol et à la structure de la végétation, qui sont tous deux difficiles à caractériser depuis l'espace. De plus, la résolution temporelle de ces données est d'environ 6 jours. Dans ce contexte, la ligne directrice de la thèse est de proposer une nouvelle approche qui combine pour la première fois des capteurs passifs micro-ondes, optiques/thermiques et actifs micro-ondes (radar) pour estimer SM sur de grandes étendues à une résolution de 100 m chaque jour. Notre hypothèse est d'abord de nous appuyer sur une méthode de désagrégation existante (DISPATCH) des données SMOS/SMAP pour atteindre la résolution cible obtenue par les radars. A l'origine, DISPATCH est basé sur l'efficacité d' évaporation du sol (SEE) estimée sur des pixels partiellement végétalisés à partir de données optiques/thermiques (généralement MODIS) de température de surface et de couverture végétale à résolution de 1 km. Les données désagrégées de SM sont ensuite combinées avec une méthode d'inversion de SM basée sur les données radar afin d'exploiter les capacités de détection des radars Sentinel-1. Enfin, les capacités de l'assimilation des donnés satellitaires de SM dans un modèle de bilan hydrique du sol sont évaluées en termes de prédiction de SM à une résolution de 100 m et à une échelle temporelle quotidienne.Dans une première étape, l'algorithme DISPATCH est amélioré par rapport à sa version actuelle, principalement 1) en étendant son applicabilité aux pixels optiques entièrement végétalisés en utilisant l'indice de sécheresse de la végétation basé sur la température et un produit de couverture végétale amélioré, et 2) en augmentant la résolution de désagrégation de 1 km à 100 m en utilisant les données optiques/thermiques de Landsat (en plus de MODIS). Le produit de SM désagrégé à la résolution de 100 m est validé avec des mesures in situ collectées sur des zones irriguées au Maroc, indiquant une corrélation spatiale quotidienne variant de 0,5 à 0,9. Dans un deuxième étape, un nouvel algorithme est construit en développant une synergie entre les données DISPATCH et radar à 100 m de résolution. En pratique, le produit SM issu de DISPATCH les jours de ciel clair est d'abord utilisé pour calibrer un modèle de transfert radiatif radar en mode direct. Ensuite, le modèle de transfert radiatif radar ainsi calibré est utilisé en mode inverse pour estimer SM à la résolution spatio-temporelle de Sentinel-1. Sur les sites de validation, les résultats indiquent une corrélation entre les mesures satellitaires et in situ, de l'ordre de 0,66 à 0,81 pour un indice de végétation inférieur à 0,6. Dans une troisième et dernière étape, une méthode d'assimilation optimale est utilisée pour interpoler dans le temps les données de SM à la résolution de 100 m. La dynamique du produit SM dérivé de l'assimilation de SM DISPATCH à 100 m de résolution est cohérente avec les événements d'irrigation. Cette approche peut être facilement appliquée sur de grandes zones, en considérant que toutes les données (télédétection et météorologique) requises en entrée sont disponibles à l' échelle globale.SMOS and SMAP passive microwave sensors provide soil moisture (SM) data at 40 km resolution every 2-3 days globally, with a 0-5 cm sensing depth relevant for climatic and meteorological applications. However, SM data would be required at a higher (typically 100 m or finer) spatial resolution for many other regional (hydrology) or local (agriculture) applications. Optical/thermal and radar sensors can be used for retrieving SM proxies at such high spatial resolution, but both techniques have limitations. In particular, optical/thermal data are not available under clouds and under plant canopies. Moreover, radar data are sensitive to soil roughness and vegetation structure, which are challenging to characterize from outer space, and have a repeat cycle of at least six days, limiting the observations' temporal frequency. In this context, the leading principle of the thesis is to propose a new approach that combines passive microwave, optical/thermal, and active microwave (radar) sensors for the first time to retrieve SM data at 100 m resolution on a daily temporal scale. Our assumption is first to rely on an existing disaggregation method (DISPATCH) of SMOS/SMAP SM data to meet the target resolution achieved by radars. DISPATCH is originally based on the soil evaporative efficiency (SEE) retrieved over partially vegetated pixels from 1 km resolution optical/thermal (typically MODIS) surface temperature and vegetation cover data. The disaggregated SM data is then combined with a radar-based SM retrieval method to exploit the sensing capabilities of the Sentinel-1 radars. Finally, the efficacy of the assimilation of satellite-based SM data in a soil water balance model is assessed in terms of SM predictions at the 100 m resolution and daily temporal scale. As a first step, the DISPATCH algorithm is improved from its current version by mainly 1) extending its applicability to fully vegetated optical pixels using the temperature vegetation dryness index and an enhanced vegetation cover product, and 2) increasing the targeted downscaling resolution from 1 km to 100 m using Landsat (in addition to MODIS) optical/thermal data. The 100 m resolution disaggregated SM product is validated with in situ measurements collected over irrigated areas in Morocco, showing a daily spatial correlation in the range of 0.5-0.9. As a second step, a new algorithm is built on a synergy between DISPATCH and radar 100 m resolution data. In practice, the DISPATCH SM product available on clear sky days is first used to calibrate a radar radiative transfer model in the direct mode. Then the calibrated radar radia- tive transfer model is used in the inverse mode to estimate SM at the spatio-temporal resolution of Sentinel-1. Results indicate a positive correlation between satellite and in situ measurements in the range of 0.66 to 0.81 for a vegetation index lower than 0.6. As a third and final step, an optimal assimilation method is used to interpolate 100 m resolution SM data in time. The assimilation exercise is undertaken over irrigated crop fields in Spain. The analyzed SM product derived from the assimilation of 100 m resolution DISPATCH SM is consistent with irrigation events. This approach can be readily applied over large areas, given that all the required input (remote sensing and meteorological) data are available globally

    The use of satellite data, meteorology and land use data to define high resolution temperature exposure for the estimation of health effects in Italy

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    Introduction. Despite the mounting evidence on heat-related health risks, there is limited evidence in suburban and rural areas. The limited spatial resolution of temperature data also hinders the evidence of the differential heat effect within cities due to individual and area-based characteristics. Methods. Satellite land surface temperature (LST), observed meteorological and spatial and spatio-temporal land use data were combined in mixed-effects regression models to estimate daily mean air temperature with a 1x1km resolution for the period 2000-2010. For each day, random intercepts and slopes for LST were estimated to capture the day-to-day temporal variability of the Ta–LST relationship. The models were also nested by climate zones to better capture local climates and daily weather patterns across Italy. The daily exposure data was used to estimate the effects and impacts of heat on cause-specific mortality and hospital admissions in the Lazio region at municipal level in a time series framework. Furthermore, to address the differential effect of heat within an urban area and account for potential effect modifiers a case cross-over study was conducted in Rome. Mean temperature was attributed at the individual level to the Rome Population Cohort and the urban heat island (UHI) intensity using air temperature data was calculated for Rome. Results. Exposure model performance was very good: in the stage 1 model (only on grid cells with both LST and observed data) a mean R2 value of 0.96 and RMSPE of 1.1°C and R2 of 0.89 and 0.97 for the spatial and temporal domains respectively. The model was also validated with regional weather forecasting model data and gave excellent results (R2=0.95 RMSPE=1.8°C. The time series study showed significant effects and impacts on cause-specific mortality in suburban and rural areas of the Lazio region, with risk estimates comparable to those found in urban areas. High temperatures also had an effect on respiratory hospital admissions. Age, gender, pre-existing cardiovascular disease, marital status, education and occupation were found to be effect modifiers of the temperature-mortality association. No risk gradient was found by socio-economic position (SEP) in Rome. Considering the urban heat island (UHI) and SEP combined, differential effects of heat were observed by UHI among same SEP groupings. Impervious surfaces and high urban development were also effect modifiers of the heat-related mortality risk. Finally, the study found that high resolution gridded data provided more accurate effect estimates especially for extreme temperature intervals. Conclusions. Results will help improve heat adaptation and response measures and can be used predict the future heat-related burden under different climate change scenarios.Open Acces
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