25 research outputs found

    Recent Development in Information Science: Implications for Information Systems Research

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    Over past several decades, the management information systems (MIS) community has adopted theories, methodologies, philosophical bases, and assumptions from sister disciplines. This paper reports the changing nature of information science (IS) towards multi-disciplinarity and its development over the past decade. It also examines the contribution of informetrics to MIS research in delineating the intellectual structure of information systems, comparing cumulative research traditions, demonstrating theoretical differences between competing approaches, tracing a paradigm shift. Development in IS provides MIS researchers with ample opportunities for cross-disciplinary research, new research tools, new theories to understand information systems phenomena, etc

    High-throughput genomic/proteomic studies : finding structure and meaning by similarity

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    The post-genomic challenge was to develop high-throughput technologies for measuring genome scale mRNA expression levels. Analyses of these data rely on computers in an unprecedented way to make the results accessible to researchers. My research in this area enabled the first compendium of microarray experiments for a multi-cellular eukaryote, Caenorhabditis elegans. Prior to this research approximately 6% of the C. elegans genome had been studied, and little was known about global expression patterns in this organism. Here I cluster data from 553 different microarray experiments and show that the results are stable, statistically significant and highly enriched for specific biological functions. These enrichments allow identification of gene function for the majority of C. elegans genes. Tissue specific expression patterns are discovered suggesting the role of particular proteins in digestion, tumor suppression, protection from bacteria and from heavy metals. I report evidence that genome instability in males involves transposons, and find co-expression patterns between sperm proteins, protein kinases and phosphatases suggesting that sperm, that are transcriptionally inactive cells, commonly use phosphorylation to regulate protein activities. My subsequent research addresses protein concentrations and interactions, beginning with a simultaneous comparison of multiple data sets to analyze Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene-expression (cell cycle and exit from stationary phase/G0) and protein-interaction studies. Here, I find that G1-regulated genes are not co-regulated during exit from stationary phase, indicating that the cells are not synchronized. The tight clustering of other genes during exit from stationary-phase does indicate that the physiological responses during G0 exit are separable from cell-cycle events. Subsequently, I report in vivo proteomic research investigating population phenotypes in stationary phase cultures using the yeast Green Fluorescent Protein-fusion library (4156 strains) together with flow cytometry. Stationary phase cultures consist of dense quiescent (Q) and less dense non-quiescent (NQ) fractions. The Q-cell fraction is generally composed of daughter cells with high concentrations of proteins involved in the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain, for example Cit1p. The NQ fraction has subpopulations of cells that can be separated by the low and high concentrations of these mitochondrial proteins, i.e., NQ cells often have double intensity peaks: a bright fraction and a much dimmer fraction, which is the case for Cit1p. The Q fraction uses oxygen 6 times as rapidly as the NQ fraction, and 1.6 times as rapidly as exponentially growing cells. NQ cells are less reproductively capable than Q cells, and show evidence of reactive oxygen species stress. These phenotypes develop as early as 20-24 hours after the diauxic shift, which is as early as we can make a differentiating measurement using fluorescence intensities. Finally, I propose a new way to analyze multidimensional flow cytometry data, which may lead to better understanding of Q/NQ cell differentiation

    A Visualization Model Used for Determining the Effectiveness of Information Retrieval in a Scientific Database

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    In this study, we demonstrate that a visualization model can determine the effectiveness of searching a bibliographic database, when three descriptive metadata fields are compared. The Inspec database was searched to create a bibliography of articles about a broad scientific topic, interplanetary travel. We collected metadata from 823 Inspec articles and used the Sci2 Tool to create co-occurrence networks based on subject terms, title keywords, and classification codes from each of the articles. The Watts-Strogatz clustering coefficient model was used to create molecular organization of the networks. This method identified subject domain clusters for each of the three selected metadata elements and subject classification codes were extracted from all the clusters obtained. All data obtained was converted into a common metadata element (classification codes), allowing for the comparison of data from the initial search and from all the subject clusters identified in the visualization process. A set of eight subject codes were found to describe the Main Subject Domain of interplanetary travel. The results also show that searching with classification codes produced the best outcome, the second best option is using subject terms, and the least effective search technique is using title keywords. These results, using visualization, corroborate previous studies

    International trends in solid-state lighting : analyses of the article and patent literature.

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    Visualization and evolution of the scientific structure of fuzzy sets research in Spain

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    Introduction. Presents the first bibliometric study on the evolution of the fuzzy sets theory field. It is specially focused on the research carried out by the Spanish comunity. Method. The CoPalRed software, for network analysis, and the co-word analysis technique are used. Analysis. Bibliometric maps showing the main associations among the main concepts in the field are provided for the periods 1965-1993, 1994-1998, 1999-2003 and 2004-2008. Results. The bibliometric maps obtained provide insight into the structure of the fuzzy sets theory research in the Spanish community, visualize the research subfields, and show the existing relationships between those subfields. Furthermore, we compare the Spanish community with other countries (the USA and Canada; the UK and Germany; and Japan and Peoples Republic of China). Conclusions. As a result of the analysis, a complete study of the evolution of the Spanish fuzzy sets community and an analysis of its international importance are presented.Introducción. Presenta el primer estudio bibliométrico sobre la evolución del campo de la teoría de conjuntos difusos. Se centra especialmente en la investigación llevada a cabo por la comunidad española. Método. Se utiliza el software de CoPalRed, para el análisis de red, y la técnica de anñlisis de co-palabras. Aná;lisis. Se proporcionan mapas bibliométricos mostrando las principales asociaciones entre los principales conceptos en el campo para los períodos de 1965-1993, 1994-1998, 1999-2003 y 2004-2008. Resultados. Los mapas bibliométricos obtenidos proporcionan conocimientos sobre la estructura de la investigación sobre teoría de conjuntos difusos en la comunidad española, visualizan los subcampos de investigación y muestran las relaciones existentes entre los subcampos. Ademñs, se compara la comunidad española con otros países (Estados Unidos y Canada; Reino Unido y Alemania; y Japón y República Popular China). Conclusiones. Como resultado de los análisis, se presenta un estudio completo de la evolución de la comunidad española en conjuntos difusos y un anñlisis de su importancia internacional.This work has been supported by the Spanish project FUZZY-LING, Cod. TIN2007-61079, granted by the Spanish Agency for Education and Science (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia)

    Usage Bibliometrics

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    Scholarly usage data provides unique opportunities to address the known shortcomings of citation analysis. However, the collection, processing and analysis of usage data remains an area of active research. This article provides a review of the state-of-the-art in usage-based informetric, i.e. the use of usage data to study the scholarly process.Comment: Publisher's PDF (by permission). Publisher web site: books.infotoday.com/asist/arist44.shtm

    Human Rights in the Management Literature: Leading Publications and Research Agenda

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro via the DOI in this record.This paper identifies and examines leading publications on human rights within the management literature. For that, we used features of a bibliometric analysis – specifically exploring product and impact indicators – in order to identify the leading publications on human rights that were examined aiming to portray how the issue has been addressed within this field. Moreover, by identifying the key articles and concepts adopted by the leading publications, this paper offers an interpretation of the academic context that enabled the emergence of a human rights approach within the management field. Thus, a contribution of this paper is to highlight how the debate on human rights in management has been strengthened, identifying articles and journals that can be a source of reference for future research. Our study has identified a shift in the discussion regarding human rights. During the last decade the topic, which was initially focused on the role of states in guaranteeing human rights, has started to examine the relationship between organizations and society. Such transformation has placed human rights as both, a responsibility and a duty of corporations. It is suggested that the literature on ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) was the entrance for a human rights approach within management literature. However, the discipline has already engaged in elaborating different interpretation of human rights. Our research shows the potential of human rights in consolidate a research agenda on corporate impact in our societies

    Gestão do Conhecimento em bibliotecas universitárias: estudo bibliométrico na base web of science no período de 1945 a 2018

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    A bibliometric study was carried out on the work published in the topic Knowledge Management in University Libraries from 1945 to 2018 in the Web of Science database. The methodology consisted of research on the basis and application of bibliometric analysis in the localized works. A review of the literature on the subject was made, noting that there are so far no specific studies on the subject from the perspective of bibliometric analysis. Twenty-four studies were retrieved, of which only 22 were analyzed for dealing with Knowledge Management in University Libraries. The results pointed to the occurrence of the Law of Dispersion in the area. It also identifies that the keyword Knowledge management is most commonly used by applying Zipf's Law. It has been verified from Lotka's Law that the average author publishes 1 article. The production of the works, for the most part, occurs in co-authorship. They are published in journals of Chinese nationality (50%) and written in English (77%). The topic occurs most often in the field of Information Science Library Science. It is concluded that the studies on Knowledge Management in University Libraries are recent and are growing due to the perception of the importance of the sharing of intangible knowledge in the context of these Institutions