2,895 research outputs found

    Distributed Simulation of High-Level Algebraic Petri Nets

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    In the field of Petri nets, simulation is an essential tool to validate and evaluate models. Conventional simulation techniques, designed for their use in sequential computers, are too slow if the system to simulate is large or complex. The aim of this work is to search for techniques to accelerate simulations exploiting the parallelism available in current, commercial multicomputers, and to use these techniques to study a class of Petri nets called high-level algebraic nets. These nets exploit the rich theory of algebraic specifications for high-level Petri nets: Petri nets gain a great deal of modelling power by representing dynamically changing items as structured tokens whereas algebraic specifications turned out to be an adequate and flexible instrument for handling structured items. In this work we focus on ECATNets (Extended Concurrent Algebraic Term Nets) whose most distinctive feature is their semantics which is defined in terms of rewriting logic. Nevertheless, ECATNets have two drawbacks: the occultation of the aspect of time and a bad exploitation of the parallelism inherent in the models. Three distributed simulation techniques have been considered: asynchronous conservative, asynchronous optimistic and synchronous. These algorithms have been implemented in a multicomputer environment: a network of workstations. The influence that factors such as the characteristics of the simulated models, the organisation of the simulators and the characteristics of the target multicomputer have in the performance of the simulations have been measured and characterised. It is concluded that synchronous distributed simulation techniques are not suitable for the considered kind of models, although they may provide good performance in other environments. Conservative and optimistic distributed simulation techniques perform well, specially if the model to simulate is complex or large - precisely the worst case for traditional, sequential simulators. This way, studies previously considered as unrealisable, due to their exceedingly high computational cost, can be performed in reasonable times. Additionally, the spectrum of possibilities of using multicomputers can be broadened to execute more than numeric applications

    Integration of an object formalism within a hybrid dynamic simulation environment

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    PrODHyS is a general object-oriented environment which provides common and reusable components designed for the development and the management of dynamic simulation of systems engineering. Its major characteristic is its ability to simulate processes described by a hybrid model. In this framework, this paper focuses on the "Object Differential Petri Net" (ODPN) formalism integrated within PrODHyS. The use of this formalism is illustrated through a didactic example relating to the field of Chemical Process System Engineering (PSE)

    Dynamic state reconciliation and model-based fault detection for chemical processes

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    In this paper, we present a method for the fault detection based on the residual generation. The main idea is to reconstruct the outputs of the system from the measurements using the extended Kalman filter. The estimations are compared to the values of the reference model and so, deviations are interpreted as possible faults. The reference model is simulated by the dynamic hybrid simulator, PrODHyS. The use of this method is illustrated through an application in the field of chemical processe

    A bibliography on formal methods for system specification, design and validation

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    Literature on the specification, design, verification, testing, and evaluation of avionics systems was surveyed, providing 655 citations. Journal papers, conference papers, and technical reports are included. Manual and computer-based methods were employed. Keywords used in the online search are listed

    Automating the transformation-based analysis of visual languages

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00165-009-0114-yWe present a novel approach for the automatic generation of model-to-model transformations given a description of the operational semantics of the source language in the form of graph transformation rules. The approach is geared to the generation of transformations from Domain-Specific Visual Languages (DSVLs) into semantic domains with an explicit notion of transition, like for example Petri nets. The generated transformation is expressed in the form of operational triple graph grammar rules that transform the static information (initial model) and the dynamics (source rules and their execution control structure). We illustrate these techniques with a DSVL in the domain of production systems, for which we generate a transformation into Petri nets. We also tackle the description of timing aspects in graph transformation rules, and its analysis through their automatic translation into Time Petri netsWork sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, project METEORIC (TIN2008-02081/TIN) and by the Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)

    Semantic Embedding of Petri Nets into Event-B

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    We present an embedding of Petri nets into B abstract systems. The embedding is achieved by translating both the static structure (modelling aspect) and the evolution semantics of Petri nets. The static structure of a Petri-net is captured within a B abstract system through a graph structure. This abstract system is then included in another abstract system which captures the evolution semantics of Petri-nets. The evolution semantics results in some B events depending on the chosen policies: basic nets or high level Petri nets. The current embedding enables one to use conjointly Petri nets and Event-B in the same system development, but at different steps and for various analysis.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Integrated Structure and Semantics for Reo Connectors and Petri Nets

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    In this paper, we present an integrated structural and behavioral model of Reo connectors and Petri nets, allowing a direct comparison of the two concurrency models. For this purpose, we introduce a notion of connectors which consist of a number of interconnected, user-defined primitives with fixed behavior. While the structure of connectors resembles hypergraphs, their semantics is given in terms of so-called port automata. We define both models in a categorical setting where composition operations can be elegantly defined and integrated. Specifically, we formalize structural gluings of connectors as pushouts, and joins of port automata as pullbacks. We then define a semantical functor from the connector to the port automata category which preserves this composition. We further show how to encode Reo connectors and Petri nets into this model and indicate applications to dynamic reconfigurations modeled using double pushout graph transformation

    Integration of a failure monitoring within a hybrid dynamic simulation environment

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    The complexity and the size of the industrial chemical processes induce the monitoring of a growing number of process variables. Their knowledge is generally based on the measurements of system variables and on the physico-chemical models of the process. Nevertheless this information is imprecise because of process and measurement noise. So the research ways aim at developing new and more powerful techniques for the detection of process fault. In this work, we present a method for the fault detection based on the comparison between the real system and the reference model evolution generated by the extended Kalman filter. The reference model is simulated by the dynamic hybrid simulator, PrODHyS. It is a general object-oriented environment which provides common and reusable components designed for the development and the management of dynamic simulation of industrial systems. The use of this method is illustrated through a didactic example relating to the field of Chemical Process System Engineering
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