13 research outputs found

    A Low-Cost Robust Distributed Linearly Constrained Beamformer for Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks with Arbitrary Topology

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    We propose a new robust distributed linearly constrained beamformer which utilizes a set of linear equality constraints to reduce the cross power spectral density matrix to a block-diagonal form. The proposed beamformer has a convenient objective function for use in arbitrary distributed network topologies while having identical performance to a centralized implementation. Moreover, the new optimization problem is robust to relative acoustic transfer function (RATF) estimation errors and to target activity detection (TAD) errors. Two variants of the proposed beamformer are presented and evaluated in the context of multi-microphone speech enhancement in a wireless acoustic sensor network, and are compared with other state-of-the-art distributed beamformers in terms of communication costs and robustness to RATF estimation errors and TAD errors

    Distributed Affine Projection Algorithm Over Acoustically Coupled Sensor Networks

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    [EN] In this paper, we present a distributed affine projection (AP) algorithm for an acoustic sensor network where the nodes are acoustically coupled. Every acoustic node is composed of a microphone, a processor, and an actuator to control the sound field. This type of networks can use distributed adaptive algorithms to deal with the active noise control (ANC) problem in a cooperative manner, providing more flexible and scalable ANC systems. In this regard, we introduce here a distributed version of the multichannel filtered-x AP algorithm over an acoustic sensor network that it is called distributed filtered-x AP (DFxAP) algorithm. The analysis of the mean and the mean-square deviation performance of the algorithm at each node is given for a network with a ring topology and without constraints in the communication layer. The theoretical results are validated through several simulations. Moreover, simulations show that the proposed DFxAP outperforms the previously reported distributed multiple error filtered-x least mean square algorithm.This work was supported in part by EU together with Spanish Government under Grant TEC2015-67387-C4-1-R (MINECO/FEDER), and in part by Generalitat Valenciana under PROMETEOII/2014/003.Ferrer Contreras, M.; Gonzalez, A.; Diego Antón, MD.; Piñero, G. (2017). Distributed Affine Projection Algorithm Over Acoustically Coupled Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 65(24):6423-6434. https://doi.org/10.1109/TSP.2017.2742987S64236434652

    Array processing techniques for direction of arrival estimation, communications, and localization in vehicular and wireless sensor networks

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2018.Técnicas de processamentos de sinais para comunicações sem fio tem sido um tópico de interesse para pesquisas há mais de três décadas. De acordo com o padrão Release 9 desenvolvido pelo consorcio 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) sistemas utilizando múltiplas antenas foram adotados na quarta geração (4G) dos sistemas de comunicação sem fio, também conhecida em inglês como Long Term Evolution (LTE). Para a quinta geração (5G) dos sistemas de comunicação sem fio centenas de antenas devem ser incorporadas aos equipamentos, na arquitetura conhecida em inglês como massive multi-user Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO). A presença de múltiplas antenas provê benefícios como o ganho do arranjo, ganho de diversidade, ganho espacial e redução de interferência. Além disso, arranjos de antenas possibilitam a filtragem espacial e a estimação de parâmetros, ambos podem ser usados para se resolver problemas que antes não eram vistos pelo prisma de processamento de sinais. O objetivo dessa tese é superar a lacuna entre a teoria de processamento de sinais e as aplicações da mesma em problemas reais. Tradicionalmente, técnicas de processamento de sinais assumem a existência de um arranjo de antenas ideal. Portanto, para que tais técnicas sejam exploradas em aplicações reais, um conjunto robusto de métodos para interpolação do arranjo é fundamental. Estes métodos são desenvolvidos nesta tese. Além disso problemas no campo de redes de sensores e redes veiculares são tratados nesta tese utilizando-se uma perspectiva de processamento de sinais. Nessa tesa métodos inovadores de interpolação de arranjos são apresentados e sua performance é testada utilizando-se cenários reais. Conceitos de processamento de sinais são implementados no contexto de redes de sensores. Esses conceitos possibilitam um nível de sincronização suficiente para a aplicação de sistemas de múltiplas antenas distribuídos, o que resulta em uma rede com maior vida útil e melhor performance. Métodos de processamento de sinais em arranjos são propostos para resolver o problema de localização baseada em sinais de rádio em redes veiculares, com aplicações em segurança de estradas e proteção de pedestres. Esta tese foi escrita em língua inglesa, um sumário em língua portuguesa é apresentado ao final da mesma.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).Array signal processing in wireless communication has been a topic of interest in research for over three decades. In the fourth generation (4G) of the wireless communication systems, also known as Long Term Evolution (LTE), multi antenna systems have been adopted according to the Release 9 of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). For the fifth generation (5G) of the wireless communication systems, hundreds of antennas should be incorporated to the devices in a massive multi-user Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) architecture. The presence of multiple antennas provides array gain, diversity gain, spatial gain, and interference reduction. Furthermore, arrays enable spatial filtering and parameter estimation, which can be used to help solve problems that could not previously be addressed from a signal processing perspective. The aim of this thesis is to bridge some gaps between signal processing theory and real world applications. Array processing techniques traditionally assume an ideal array. Therefore, in order to exploit such techniques, a robust set of methods for array interpolation are fundamental and are developed in this work. Problems in the field of wireless sensor networks and vehicular networks are also addressed from an array signal processing perspective. In this dissertation, novel methods for array interpolation are presented and their performance in real world scenarios is evaluated. Signal processing concepts are implemented in the context of a wireless sensor network. These concepts provide a level of synchronization sufficient for distributed multi antenna communication to be applied, resulting in improved lifetime and improved overall network behaviour. Array signal processing methods are proposed to solve the problem of radio based localization in vehicular network scenarios with applications in road safety and pedestrian protection

    Precoding Schemes for Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Systems

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    In an effort to cut high cost and power consumption of radio frequency (RF) chains, millimeter wave (mmWave) multiple input multiple output (MIMO) deploys hybrid architecture in which precoding is implemented as a combination of digital precoding and analog precoding, accomplished by using a smaller number of RF chains and a network of phase shifters respectively. The mmWave MIMO, which usually suffers from blockages, needs to be supported by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) to make communication possible. Along with the hybrid precoding in mmWave MIMO, the passive precoding of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) is investigated in a downlink RIS-assisted mmWave MIMO. The hybrid precoding and passive precoding are challenged by the unit modulus constraints on the elements of analog precoding matrix and passive precoding vector. The coupling of analog and digital precoders further complicates the hybrid precoding. One of the approaches taken in proposed hybrid precoding algorithms is the use of alternating optimization in which analog precoder and digital precoder are optimized alternately keeping the other fixed. Analog precoder is determined by solving a semidefinite programming problem, and from the unconstrained least squares solution during each iteration. In another approach taken in the proposed methods, the hybrid precoding is split into separate analog and digital precoding subproblems. The analog precoding subproblems are simplified using some approximations, and solved by using iterative power method and employing a truncated singular value decomposition method in two different hybrid precoding algorithms. In the prooposed codebook-based precoder, analog precoder is constructed by choosing precoding vectors from a codebook to maximize signal-to-leakage-and-noise ratio (SLNR). The passive precoding at the RIS in a single user MIMO is designed to minimize mean square error between the transmit signal and the estimate of received signal by using an iterative algorithm that solves the joint optimization problem of precoding, passive precoding and combiner. The problem of designing energy efficient RIS is solved by maximizing energy efficiency which is a joint optimization problem involving precoder, passive precoding matrix and power allocation matrix. The proposed hybrid precoding and passive precoding algorithms deliver very good performances and prove to be computationally efficient

    Robust Distributed Multi-Source Detection and Labeling in Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks

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    The growing demand in complex signal processing methods associated with low-energy large scale wireless acoustic sensor networks (WASNs) urges the shift to a new information and communication technologies (ICT) paradigm. The emerging research perception aspires for an appealing wireless network communication where multiple heterogeneous devices with different interests can cooperate in various signal processing tasks (MDMT). Contributions in this doctoral thesis focus on distributed multi-source detection and labeling applied to audio enhancement scenarios pursuing an MDMT fashioned node-specific source-of-interest signal enhancement in WASNs. In fact, an accurate detection and labeling is a pre-requisite to pursue the MDMT paradigm where nodes in the WASN communicate effectively their sources-of-interest and, therefore, multiple signal processing tasks can be enhanced via cooperation. First, a novel framework based on a dominant source model in distributed WASNs for resolving the activity detection of multiple speech sources in a reverberant and noisy environment is introduced. A preliminary rank-one multiplicative non-negative independent component analysis (M-NICA) for unique dominant energy source extraction given associated node clusters is presented. Partitional algorithms that minimize the within-cluster mean absolute deviation (MAD) and weighted MAD objectives are proposed to determine the cluster membership of the unmixed energies, and thus establish a source specific voice activity recognition. In a second study, improving the energy signal separation to alleviate the multiple source activity discrimination task is targeted. Sparsity inducing penalties are enforced on iterative rank-one singular value decomposition layers to extract sparse right rotations. Then, sparse non-negative blind energy separation is realized using multiplicative updates. Hence, the multiple source detection problem is converted into a sparse non-negative source energy decorrelation. Sparsity tunes the supposedly non-active energy signatures to exactly zero-valued energies so that it is easier to identify active energies and an activity detector can be constructed in a straightforward manner. In a centralized scenario, the activity decision is controlled by a fusion center that delivers the binary source activity detection for every participating energy source. This strategy gives precise detection results for small source numbers. With a growing number of interfering sources, the distributed detection approach is more promising. Conjointly, a robust distributed energy separation algorithm for multiple competing sources is proposed. A robust and regularized tνMt_{\nu}M-estimation of the covariance matrix of the mixed energies is employed. This approach yields a simple activity decision using only the robustly unmixed energy signatures of the sources in the WASN. The performance of the robust activity detector is validated with a distributed adaptive node-specific signal estimation method for speech enhancement. The latter enhances the quality and intelligibility of the signal while exploiting the accurately estimated multi-source voice decision patterns. In contrast to the original M-NICA for source separation, the extracted binary activity patterns with the robust energy separation significantly improve the node-specific signal estimation. Due to the increased computational complexity caused by the additional step of energy signal separation, a new approach to solving the detection question of multi-device multi-source networks is presented. Stability selection for iterative extraction of robust right singular vectors is considered. The sub-sampling selection technique provides transparency in properly choosing the regularization variable in the Lasso optimization problem. In this way, the strongest sparse right singular vectors using a robust 1\ell_1-norm and stability selection are the set of basis vectors that describe the input data efficiently. Active/non-active source classification is achieved based on a robust Mahalanobis classifier. For this, a robust MM-estimator of the covariance matrix in the Mahalanobis distance is utilized. Extensive evaluation in centralized and distributed settings is performed to assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Thus, overcoming the computationally demanding source separation scheme is possible via exploiting robust stability selection for sparse multi-energy feature extraction. With respect to the labeling problem of various sources in a WASN, a robust approach is introduced that exploits the direction-of-arrival of the impinging source signals. A short-time Fourier transform-based subspace method estimates the angles of locally stationary wide band signals using a uniform linear array. The median of angles estimated at every frequency bin is utilized to obtain the overall angle for each participating source. The features, in this case, exploit the similarity across devices in the particular frequency bins that produce reliable direction-of-arrival estimates for each source. Reliability is defined with respect to the median across frequencies. All source-specific frequency bands that contribute to correct estimated angles are selected. A feature vector is formed for every source at each device by storing the frequency bin indices that lie within the upper and lower interval of the median absolute deviation scale of the estimated angle. Labeling is accomplished by a distributed clustering of the extracted angle-based feature vectors using consensus averaging

    Contributions to speech processing and ambient sound analysis

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    We are constantly surrounded by sounds that we continuously exploit to adapt our actions to situations we are facing. Some of the sounds like speech can have a particular structure from which we can infer some information, explicit or not. This is one reason why speech is possibly that is the most intuitive way to communicate between humans. Within the last decade, there has been significant progress in the domain of speech andaudio processing and in particular in the domain of machine learning applied to speech and audio processing. Thanks to these progresses, speech has become a central element in many human to human distant communication tools as well as in human to machine communication systems. These solutions work pretty well on clean speech or under controlled condition. However, in scenarios that involve the presence of acoustic perturbation such as noise or reverberation systems performance tends to degrade severely. In this thesis we focus on processing speech and its environments from an audio perspective. The algorithms proposed here are relying on a variety of solutions from signal processing based approaches to data-driven solutions based on supervised matrix factorization or deep neural networks. We propose solutions to problems ranging from speech recognition, to speech enhancement or ambient sound analysis. The target is to offer a panorama of the different aspects that could improve a speech processing algorithm working in a real environments. We start by describing automatic speech recognition as a potential end application and progressively unravel the limitations and the proposed solutions ending-up to the more general ambient sound analysis.Nous sommes constamment entourés de sons que nous exploitons pour adapter nos actions aux situations auxquelles nous sommes confrontés. Certains sons comme la parole peuvent avoir une structure particulière à partir de laquelle nous pouvons déduire des informations, explicites ou non. C’est l’une des raisons pour lesquelles la parole est peut-être le moyen le plus intuitif de communiquer entre humains. Au cours de la décennie écoulée, des progrès significatifs ont été réalisés dans le domaine du traitement de la parole et du son et en particulier dans le domaine de l’apprentissage automatique appliqué au traitement de la parole et du son. Grâce à ces progrès, la parole est devenue un élément central de nombreux outils de communication à distance d’humain à humain ainsi que dans les systèmes de communication humain-machine. Ces solutions fonctionnent bien sur un signal de parole propre ou dans des conditions contrôlées. Cependant, dans les scénarios qui impliquent la présence de perturbations acoustiques telles que du bruit ou de la réverbération les performances peuvent avoir tendance à se dégrader gravement. Dans cette HDR, nous nous concentrons sur le traitement de la parole et de son environnement d’un point de vue audio. Les algorithmes proposés ici reposent sur une variété de solutions allant des approches basées sur le traitement du signal aux solutions orientées données à base de factorisation matricielle supervisée ou de réseaux de neurones profonds. Nous proposons des solutions à des problèmes allant de la reconnaissance vocale au rehaussement de la parole ou à l’analyse des sons ambiants. L’objectif est d’offrir un panorama des différents aspects qui pourraient être améliorer un algorithme de traitement de la parole fonctionnant dans un environnement réel. Nous commençons par décrire la reconnaissance automatique de la parole comme une application finale potentielle et analysons progressivement les limites et les solutions proposées aboutissant à l’analyse plus générale des sons ambiants

    Special Topics in Information Technology

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    This open access book presents thirteen outstanding doctoral dissertations in Information Technology from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Information Technology has always been highly interdisciplinary, as many aspects have to be considered in IT systems. The doctoral studies program in IT at Politecnico di Milano emphasizes this interdisciplinary nature, which is becoming more and more important in recent technological advances, in collaborative projects, and in the education of young researchers. Accordingly, the focus of advanced research is on pursuing a rigorous approach to specific research topics starting from a broad background in various areas of Information Technology, especially Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Systems and Control, and Telecommunications. Each year, more than 50 PhDs graduate from the program. This book gathers the outcomes of the thirteen best theses defended in 2020-21 and selected for the IT PhD Award. Each of the authors provides a chapter summarizing his/her findings, including an introduction, description of methods, main achievements and future work on the topic. Hence, the book provides a cutting-edge overview of the latest research trends in Information Technology at Politecnico di Milano, presented in an easy-to-read format that will also appeal to non-specialists

    Special Topics in Information Technology

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    This open access book presents thirteen outstanding doctoral dissertations in Information Technology from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Information Technology has always been highly interdisciplinary, as many aspects have to be considered in IT systems. The doctoral studies program in IT at Politecnico di Milano emphasizes this interdisciplinary nature, which is becoming more and more important in recent technological advances, in collaborative projects, and in the education of young researchers. Accordingly, the focus of advanced research is on pursuing a rigorous approach to specific research topics starting from a broad background in various areas of Information Technology, especially Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Systems and Control, and Telecommunications. Each year, more than 50 PhDs graduate from the program. This book gathers the outcomes of the thirteen best theses defended in 2020-21 and selected for the IT PhD Award. Each of the authors provides a chapter summarizing his/her findings, including an introduction, description of methods, main achievements and future work on the topic. Hence, the book provides a cutting-edge overview of the latest research trends in Information Technology at Politecnico di Milano, presented in an easy-to-read format that will also appeal to non-specialists

    Proceedings of the EAA Spatial Audio Signal Processing symposium: SASP 2019

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