29 research outputs found

    \textsc{DeFault}: Deep-learning-based Fault Delineation

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    The carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) framework is an essential component in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, with its success hinging on the comprehensive knowledge of subsurface geology and geomechanics. Passive seismic event relocation and fault detection serve as indispensable tools, offering vital insights into subsurface structures and fluid migration pathways. Accurate identification and localization of seismic events, however, face significant challenges, including the necessity for high-quality seismic data and advanced computational methods. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel deep learning method, DeFault, specifically designed for passive seismic source relocation and fault delineating for passive seismic monitoring projects. By leveraging data domain-adaptation, DeFault allows us to train a neural network with labeled synthetic data and apply it directly to field data. Using DeFault, the passive seismic sources are automatically clustered based on their recording time and spatial locations, and subsequently, faults and fractures are delineated accordingly. We demonstrate the efficacy of DeFault on a field case study involving CO2 injection related microseismic data from the Decatur, Illinois area. Our approach accurately and efficiently relocated passive seismic events, identified faults and aided in the prevention of potential geological hazards. Our results highlight the potential of DeFault as a valuable tool for passive seismic monitoring, emphasizing its role in ensuring CCUS project safety. This research bolsters the understanding of subsurface characterization in CCUS, illustrating machine learning's capacity to refine these methods. Ultimately, our work bear significant implications for CCUS technology deployment, an essential strategy in combating climate change

    Context-free hyperspectral image enhancement for wide-field optical biomarker visualization

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    Many well-known algorithms for the color enhancement of hyperspectral measurements in biomedical imaging are based on statistical assumptions that vary greatly with respect to the proportions of different pixels that appear in a given image, and thus may thwart their application in a surgical environment. This article attempts to explain why this occurs with SVD-based enhancement methods, and proposes the separation of spectral enhancement from analysis. The resulting method, termed affinity-based color enhancement, or ACE for short, achieves multi- and hyperspectral image coloring and contrast based on current spectral affinity metrics that can physically relate spectral data to a particular biomarker. This produces tunable, real-time results which are analogous to the current state-of-the-art algorithms, without suffering any of their inherent context-dependent limitations. Two applications of this method are shown as application examples: vein contrast enhancement and high-precision chromophore concentration estimation.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FIS2010-19860, TEC2016-76021-C2-2-R); Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (DTS15-00238, DTS17-00055); Instituto de Investigación Valdecilla (IDIVAL) (INNVAL16/02, INNVAL18/23); Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports (FPU16/05705

    Vedel-objektiiv abil salvestatud kaugseire piltide analüüs kasutades super-resolutsiooni meetodeid

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneKäesolevas doktoritöös uuriti nii riist- kui ka tarkvaralisi lahendusi piltide töötlemiseks. Riist¬varalise poole pealt pakuti lahenduseks uudset vedelläätse, milles on dielekt¬rilisest elastomeerist kihilise täituriga membraan otse optilisel teljel. Doktoritöö käigus arendati välja kaks prototüüpi kahe erineva dielektrilisest elastomeerist ki¬hilise täituriga, mille aktiivne ala oli ühel juhul 40 ja teisel 20 mm. Läätse töö vas¬tas elastomeeri deformatsiooni mehaanikale ja suhtelistele muutustele fookuskau¬guses. Muutuste demonstreerimiseks meniskis ja läätse fookuskauguse mõõtmiseks kasutati laserkiirt. Katseandmetest selgub, et muutuste tekitamiseks on vajalik pinge vahemikus 50 kuni 750 volti. Tarkvaralise poole pealt pakuti uut satelliitpiltide parandamise süsteemi. Paku¬tud süsteem jagas mürase sisendpildi DT-CWT laineteisenduse abil mitmeteks sagedusalamribadeks. Pärast müra eemaldamist LA-BSF funktsiooni abil suu¬rendati pildi resolutsiooni DWT-ga ja kõrgsagedusliku alamriba piltide interpo¬leerimisega. Interpoleerimise faktor algsele pildile oli pool sellest, mida kasutati kõrgsagedusliku alamriba piltide interpoleerimisel ning superresolutsiooniga pilt rekonst¬rueeriti IDWT abil. Käesolevas doktoritöös pakuti tarkvaraliseks lahenduseks uudset sõnastiku baasil töötavat super-resolutsiooni (SR) meetodit, milles luuakse paarid suure resolutsiooniga (HR) ja madala resolut-siooniga (LR) piltidest. Kõigepealt jagati vastava sõnastiku loomiseks HR ja LR paarid omakorda osadeks. Esialgse HR kujutise saamiseks LR sisendpildist kombineeriti HR osi. HR osad valiti sõnastikust nii, et neile vastavad LR osad oleksid võimalikult lähedased sisendiks olevale LR pil¬dile. Iga valitud HR osa heledust korrigeeriti, et vähendada kõrvuti asuvate osade heleduse erine¬vusi superresolutsiooniga pildil. Plokkide efekti vähendamiseks ar¬vutati saadud SR pildi keskmine ning bikuupinterpolatsiooni pilt. Lisaks pakuti käesolevas doktoritöös välja kernelid, mille tulemusel on võimalik saadud SR pilte teravamaks muuta. Pakutud kernelite tõhususe tõestamiseks kasutati [83] ja [50] poolt pakutud resolutsiooni parandamise meetodeid. Superreso¬lutsiooniga pilt saadi iga kerneli tehtud HR pildi kombineerimise teel alpha blen¬dingu meetodit kasutades. Pakutud meetodeid ja kerneleid võrreldi erinevate tavaliste ja kaasaegsete meetoditega. Kvantita-tiivsetest katseandmetest ja saadud piltide kvaliteedi visuaal¬sest hindamisest selgus, et pakutud meetodid on tavaliste kaasaegsete meetoditega võrreldes paremad.In this thesis, a study of both hardware and software solutions for image enhance¬ment has been done. On the hardware side, a new liquid lens design with a DESA membrane located directly in the optical path has been demonstrated. Two pro¬totypes with two different DESA, which have a 40 and 20 mm active area in diameter, were developed. The lens performance was consistent with the mechan¬ics of elastomer deformation and relative focal length changes. A laser beam was used to show the change in the meniscus and to measure the focal length of the lens. The experimental results demonstrate that voltage in the range of 50 to 750 V is required to create change in the meniscus. On the software side, a new satellite image enhancement system was proposed. The proposed technique decomposed the noisy input image into various frequency subbands by using DT-CWT. After removing the noise by applying the LA-BSF technique, its resolution was enhanced by employing DWT and interpolating the high-frequency subband images. An original image was interpolated with half of the interpolation factor used for interpolating the high-frequency subband images, and the super-resolved image was reconstructed by using IDWT. A novel single-image SR method based on a generating dictionary from pairs of HR and their corresponding LR images was proposed. Firstly, HR and LR pairs were divided into patches in order to make HR and LR dictionaries respectively. The initial HR representation of an input LR image was calculated by combining the HR patches. These HR patches are chosen from the HR dictionary corre-sponding to the LR patches that have the closest distance to the patches of the in¬put LR image. Each selected HR patch was processed further by passing through an illumination enhancement processing order to reduce the noticeable change of illumination between neighbor patches in the super-resolved image. In order to reduce the blocking effect, the average of the obtained SR image and the bicubic interpolated image was calculated. The new kernels for sampling have also been proposed. The kernels can improve the SR by resulting in a sharper image. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed kernels, the techniques from [83] and [50] for resolution enhance¬ment were adopted. The super-resolved image was achieved by combining the HR images produced by each of the proposed kernels using the alpha blending tech-nique. The proposed techniques and kernels are compared with various conventional and state-of-the-art techniques, and the quantitative test results and visual results on the final image quality show the superiority of the proposed techniques and ker¬nels over conventional and state-of-art technique

    This is it ! : Indicating and looking in collaborative work at distance

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    Little is known of the interplay between deixis and eye movements in remote collaboration. This paper presents quantitative results from an experiment where participant pairs had to collaborate at a distance using chat tools that differed in the way messages could be enriched with spatial information from the map in the shared workspace. We studied how the availability of what we defined as an Explicit Referencing mechanism (ER) affected the coordination of the eye movements of the participants. The manipulation of the availability of ER did not produce any significant difference on the gaze coupling. However, we found a primary relation between the pairs recurrence of eye movements and their task performance. Implications for design are discussed

    Selective Darkening Filter and Welding Arc Observation for the Manual Welding Process

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    An optical see-through LCD (GLCD) with a resolution of n x m pixels gives the ability to selectively control the darkening in the welders view. The setup of such a Selective Auto Darkening Filter is developed and its applicability tested. The setup is done by integrating a camera into the welding operation for extracting the welding arc position properly. A prototype of a GLCD taylored for welding is mounted in the welder's view. The extraction of the welding arc position requires an enhanced video acquisition during welding. The observation of scenes with high dynamic contrast is an outstanding problem which occurs if very high differences between the darkest and the brightest spot in a scene occur. The application to welding with its harsh conditions needs the development of supporting hardware. The synchronization of the camera with the flickering light conditions of pulsed welding processes in Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) stabilizes the acquisition process and allows the scene to be flashed precisely if required by compact high power LEDs. The image acquisition is enhanced by merging two different exposed images for the resulting image. These source images cover a wider histogram range than it is possible by using only a single shot image with optimal camera parameters. After testing different standard contrast enhancement algorithm a novel content based algorithm is developed. It segments the image into areas with similar content and enhances these independently

    Models and simulations for the photometric lsst astronomical time series classification challenge (Plasticc)

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    We describe the simulated data sample for the "Photometric LSST Astronomical Time Series Classification Challenge" (PLAsTiCC), a publicly available challenge to classify transient and variable events that will be observed by the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), a new facility expected to start in the early 2020s. The challenge was hosted by Kaggle, ran from 2018 September 28 to 2018 December 17, and included 1,094 teams competing for prizes. Here we provide details of the 18 transient and variable source models, which were not revealed until after the challenge, and release the model libraries at this https URL. We describe the LSST Operations Simulator used to predict realistic observing conditions, and we describe the publicly available SNANA simulation code used to transform the models into observed fluxes and uncertainties in the LSST passbands (ugrizy). Although PLAsTiCC has finished, the publicly available models and simulation tools are being used within the astronomy community to further improve classification, and to study contamination in photometrically identified samples of type Ia supernova used to measure properties of dark energy. Our simulation framework will continue serving as a platform to improve the PLAsTiCC models, and to develop new models

    Human-Centric Deep Generative Models: The Blessing and The Curse

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    Over the past years, deep neural networks have achieved significant progress in a wide range of real-world applications. In particular, my research puts a focused lens in deep generative models, a neural network solution that proves effective in visual (re)creation. But is generative modeling a niche topic that should be researched on its own? My answer is critically no. In the thesis, I present the two sides of deep generative models, their blessing and their curse to human beings. Regarding what can deep generative models do for us, I demonstrate the improvement in performance and steerability of visual (re)creation. Regarding what can we do for deep generative models, my answer is to mitigate the security concerns of DeepFakes and improve minority inclusion of deep generative models. For the performance of deep generative models, I probe on applying attention modules and dual contrastive loss to generative adversarial networks (GANs), which pushes photorealistic image generation to a new state of the art. For the steerability, I introduce Texture Mixer, a simple yet effective approach to achieve steerable texture synthesis and blending. For the security, my research spans over a series of GAN fingerprinting solutions that enable the detection and attribution of GAN-generated image misuse. For the inclusion, I investigate the biased misbehavior of generative models and present my solution in enhancing the minority inclusion of GAN models over underrepresented image attributes. All in all, I propose to project actionable insights to the applications of deep generative models, and finally contribute to human-generator interaction

    Semi-annual, annual and Universal Time variations in the magnetosphere and in geomagnetic activity: 4. Polar Cap motions and origins of the Universal Time effect

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    We use the am, an, as and the a-sigma geomagnetic indices to the explore a previously overlooked factor in magnetospheric electrodynamics, namely the inductive effect of diurnal motions of the Earth’s magnetic poles toward and away from the Sun caused by Earth’s rotation. Because the offset of the (eccentric dipole) geomagnetic pole from the rotational axis is roughly twice as large in the southern hemisphere compared to the northern, the effects there are predicted to be roughly twice the amplitude of those in the northern hemisphere. Hemispheric differences have previously been discussed in terms of polar ionospheric conductivities generated by solar photoionization, effects which we allow for by looking at the dipole tilt effect on the time-of-year variations of the indices. The electric field induced in a geocentric frame is shown to also be a significant factor and gives a modulation of the voltage applied by the solar wind flow in the southern hemisphere that is typically a 30% diurnal modulation for disturbed intervals rising to about 76% in quiet times. For the northern hemisphere these are 15% and 38% modulations. Motion towards/away from the Sun reduces/enhances the directly-driven ionospheric voltages and reduces/enhances the magnetic energy stored in the tail and we estimate that approximately 10% of the effect appears in directly driven ionospheric voltages and 90% in changes of the rate of energy storage or release in the near-Earth tail. The hemispheric asymmetry in the geomagnetic pole offsets from the rotational axis is shown to be the dominant factor in driving Universal Time (UT) variations and hemispheric differences in geomagnetic activity. Combined with the effect of solar wind dynamic pressure and dipole tilt on the pressure balance in the near-Earth tail, the effect provides an excellent explanation of how the observed Russell-McPherron pattern with time-of-year F and UT in the driving power input into the magnetosphere is converted into the equinoctial F - UT pattern in average geomagnetic activity (after correction is made for dipole tilt effects on ionospheric conductivity), added to a pronounced UT variation with minimum at 02-10UT. In addition, we show that the predicted and observed UT variations in average geomagnetic activity has implications for the occurrence of the largest events that also show the nett UT variation