9 research outputs found

    Disseminating research with web CV hyperlinks

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd in Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology on 03/07/2014, available online: https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.23070 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Some curricula vitae (web CVs) of academics on the web, including homepages and publication lists, link to open‐access (OA) articles, resources, abstracts in publishers' websites, or academic discussions, helping to disseminate research. To assess how common such practices are and whether they vary by discipline, gender, and country, the authors conducted a large‐scale e‐mail survey of astronomy and astrophysics, public health, environmental engineering, and philosophy across 15 European countries and analyzed hyperlinks from web CVs of academics. About 60% of the 2,154 survey responses reported having a web CV or something similar, and there were differences between disciplines, genders, and countries. A follow‐up outlink analysis of 2,700 web CVs found that a third had at least one outlink to an OA target, typically a public eprint archive or an individual self‐archived file. This proportion was considerably higher in astronomy (48%) and philosophy (37%) than in environmental engineering (29%) and public health (21%). There were also differences in linking to publishers' websites, resources, and discussions. Perhaps most important, however, the amount of linking to OA publications seems to be much lower than allowed by publishers and journals, suggesting that many opportunities for disseminating full‐text research online are being missed, especially in disciplines without established repositories. Moreover, few academics seem to be exploiting their CVs to link to discussions, resources, or article abstracts, which seems to be another missed opportunity for publicizing research

    Figshare: A universal repository for academic resource sharing?

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    Purpose A number of subject-orientated and general websites have emerged to host academic resources. It is important to evaluate the uptake of such services in order to decide which depositing strategies are effective and should be encouraged. Design/methodology/approach This article evaluates the views and shares of resources in the generic repository Figshare by subject category and resource type. Findings Figshare use and common resource types vary substantially by subject category but resources can be highly viewed even in subjects with few members. Subject areas with more resources deposited do not tend to have higher viewing or sharing statistics. Practical implications Limited uptake of Figshare within a subject area should not be a barrier to its use. Several highly successful innovative uses for Figshare show that it can reach beyond a purely academic audience. Originality/value This is the first analysis of the uptake and use of a generic academic resource sharing repository

    La publicación patológica: ¿un nuevo trastorno psicológico con consecuencias legales?

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    The present study deals with an important problem that currently affects scientists and society, namely, the falsification and manipulation of research and researchers’ CVs, which has considerably increased in recent years. This is shown by some studies, the authors of which have found high percentages of researchers who falsify their CV or manipulate data. We analyze the system used to evaluate science and researchers, which is almost exclusively based on the impact factor. We review the main critiques on the inappropriate use of the impact factor to assess researchers and argue that this has generated a new style of thinking in which the only goal is to obtain publications with an impact factor. Over the last few years, the pressure to publish has led to an obsession among researchers to disseminate the multiple indicators of their scientific publications over the Internet, to the extent that such initiatives look like marketing campaigns where researchers advertise themselves. For all these reasons, we propose that this may be a new psychological disorder, given that several criteria indicating maladaptation are clearly met: falsification and/or manipulation of data, falsification of publication indicators, distortion of reality, belief in manipulated data, and an obsession to conduct marketing campaigns of oneself. We address the important ethical and legal implications of such falsifications. Finally, we discuss the need to change the system used to evaluate science and researchers, which undoubtedly promotes these dishonest behaviors or this psychological dysfunction.En este trabajo se aborda un importante problema actual que afecta a los científicos y la sociedad, esto es, el problema de la falsificación y manipulación de las investigaciones y de los currículos de los investigadores, lo cual ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos años, llegándose a encontrar en algunos estudios altos porcentajes de investigadores que falsifican sus currículos o manipulan datos. Se analiza el sistema de evaluación de la ciencia y de los investigadores y como éste se basa casi de manera exclusiva en el factor de impacto. Se hace un repaso de las principales críticas sobre el mal uso del factor de impacto para evaluar a los investigadores y cómo esto ha generado un nuevo estilo de pensamiento en el que el único objetivo es conseguir publicaciones con factor de impacto. Esta presión por publicar se ha transformado en los últimos años en una conducta obsesiva por difundir, a través de internet, los múltiples indicadores de las publicaciones científicas hasta tal punto que parecen campañas de marketing de sí mismo. Por todo ello se plantea la discusión de si esto se trata de un nuevo trastorno psicológico, pues se dan varios criterios claramente desadaptativos: falsificación o manipulación de datos, falsificación de indicadores de las publicaciones, distorsión de la realidad creyéndose los datos manipulados y obsesión por hacer campañas de marketing sobre sí mismos. Se comentan las importantes implicaciones éticas y legales que suponen estas falsificaciones. Por último, se discute sobre la necesidad de cambiar el sistema de evaluación de la ciencia y de los investigadores, lo cual sin duda es lo que propicia estas conductas deshonestas o disfunción psicológica.Open Access funded by Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madri

    ResearchGate: Disseminating, communicating, and measuring Scholarship?

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    This paper is supported by ACUMEN (Academic Careers Understood through Measurement and Norms) project, grant agreement number 266632, under the Seventh Framework Program of the European Union.This paper is supported by ACUMEN (Academic Careers Understood through Measurement and Norms) project, grant agreement number 266632, under the Seventh Framework Program of the European Union

    ResearchGate Articles: Age, Discipline, Audience Size and Impact

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Association for Information Science & Technology in Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology on 28/03/2016, available online: https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.23675 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.The large multidisciplinary academic social web site ResearchGate aims to help academics to connect with each other and to publicise their work. Despite its popularity, little is known about the age and discipline of the articles uploaded and viewed in the site and whether publication statistics from the site could be useful impact indicators. In response, this article assesses samples of ResearchGate articles uploaded at specific dates, comparing their views in the site to their Mendeley readers and Scopus-indexed citations. This analysis shows that ResearchGate is dominated by recent articles, which attract about three times as many views as older articles. ResearchGate has uneven coverage of scholarship, with the arts and humanities, health professions, and decision sciences poorly represented and some fields receiving twice as many views per article as others. View counts for uploaded articles have low to moderate positive correlations with both Scopus citations and Mendeley readers, which is consistent with them tending to reflect a wider audience than Scopus-publishing scholars. Hence, for articles uploaded to the site, view counts may give a genuinely new audience indicator.Self-fundedA

    Open Access Publishing and Scholarly Communication Among Greek Biomedical Scientists

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    urpose: The purpose of this research is to study in what ways the open access publishing can improve the scholarly communtication among biomedical sciences in Greece over a period of about five years and provide new roles for health librarians to support open access.\ud Methods: The implementation of Critical Realism as research philosophy allowed the multi-level analysis of the research object; a mixture of research tools were used. Supplementary research methods were adopted to provide more accurate and reliable conclusions. The Literature review contributed to the identification of the open access publishing context and the relations which were forming and re-forming in it. Additionally, similar studies were found and the research gaps were identified as well. Bibliometrics demonstrated the participation of Greek scientists in world research could be evaluated. The research was conducted in five world databases (PUBMED, SCI, BIOMED CENTRAL, DOAJ, GOOGLE) for two different periods (2006-2007 and 2011). Publishers? aggrements provided information about the role of Greek biomedical publishers to the awareness of Greek biomedical scientists on journal related issues such as copyright. Additionally, and journal cost analysis presented publishers? subscription and open access policies and provided an approach of the costs requested for the access to journals. Web 2.0 offers new scholarly communication channels that seem to be cheaper and effective ones. The participation of Greek biomedical scientists in social networks such as ResearchGate, LinkedIn was analysed to evaluate the trends towards these new information sources. Case study methodology provided the qualitative and quantitative tools to explain the attitudes and awareness of Greek biomedical stakeholders about open access publishing and open access biomedical journals and also helped to the longitudinal study of the changes. A questionnaire survey among biomedical scientists took place in three phases (2007-early in 2010, September 2010 to May 2011). In addition, Greek biomedical publishers were interviewed in January and February 2010 .\ud Findings: The bibliometric findings indicated an increasing participation of Greek scientists and Greek biomedical journals in world research. Greek biomedical scientists also use social networking as a means of scholarly communication. The questionnaire surveys showed that the physicians are the most active researchers and more familiar with the open access publishing concept. However, across all the phases the majority of Greek biomedical scientists seem to be unaware of aspects of publishing in open access journals, although by the third phase more participants seem to be aware. Greek biomedical publishers seem to approve the deposit in repositories, and the self-archiving process under specific terms, because, the publishers? agreements analysis demonstrated, the publishers want to be the copyright holders and information about authors? rights is omitted. Biomedical scientists are confused over copyright. As far as cost analyses are concerned, the journal prices depend on the publisher (commercial or scientific) and the subscriber (the institutional prices are higher than individual ones). The findngs were interpreted according to Roger?s diffusion of innovations theory and Lewin?s force field analysis.\ud Conclusions: Open access seems to be acceptable in Greece but the stakeholders, including libraries, need to co-operate more. Greek academic biomedical libraries can actively reinforce the driving forces and reduce the restraining forces (around copyright, mainly) (Lewin?s Force Field Analysis) in order to move into the ?refreeze stage?. However, institutional repositories do seem to be an innovation that (according to Rogers? theory) will take time to develop

    Proposta de preservació de dades científiques en accés obert mitjançant tècniques d’anàlisi forense digital

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    [cat][eng] It has long been that funding agencies for research require researchers to facilitate the sharing of research data produced in funded projects which must be open-access available, generally through a repository. Therefore, digital preservation centres are facing the challenge of preservation and long-term storage of research data. The purpose of this thesis is to prove that digital forensics techniques are valid to preserve effectively research data in the social sciences and humanities. To prove this hypothesis, a preservation workflow has been created to provide a technical solution to centres without the means to use data repositories, since the model uses the DSpace open source software. The methodology has involved, firstly, analysing of the bibliography on open research data, on funding agencies for research, on digital forensics use cases in libraries and archives and on organizations specialized on deposit of data. Secondly, a series of interviews to responsible people for DSpace repositories have been conducted to know their opinions regarding the application of the model. Lastly, a series of tests have been done to develop the proposal. Once these tests have been completed, the workflow of the preservation model was defined in which the OAIS terminology was used. The theoretical basis of the model was the study of diverse use cases of digital forensics, of which different methods were adapted. The last step was the study of the DSpace software, in which some tests on a local repository were done. The final conclusions are that the preservation model meets the different requirements of research funding agencies regarding open access, while digital forensic analysis techniques allow to safeguard the integrity of the data, perform diverse data analyses and identify and block personally identifiable information. DSpace software allows the intake of large volumes of data, but it is necessary to enable the FTP ingest function