3,031 research outputs found

    Eigenmodes of index-modulated layers with lateral PMLs

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    Maxwell equations are solved in a layer comprising a finite number of homogeneous isotropic dielectric regions ended by anisotropic perfectly matched layers (PMLs). The boundary-value problem is solved and the dispersion relation inside the PML is derived. The general expression of the eigenvalues equation for an arbitrary number of regions in each layer is obtained, and both polarization modes are considered. The modal functions of a single layer ended by PMLs are found, and their orthogonality relation is derived. The present method is useful to simulate scattering problems from dielectric objects as well as propagation in planar slab waveguides. Its potential to deal with more complex problems such as the scattering from an object with arbitrary cross section in open space using the multilayer modal method is briefly discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Analyzing the wave number dependency of the convergence rate of a multigrid preconditioned Krylov method for the Helmholtz equation with an absorbing layer

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    This paper analyzes the Krylov convergence rate of a Helmholtz problem preconditioned with Multigrid. The multigrid method is applied to the Helmholtz problem formulated on a complex contour and uses GMRES as a smoother substitute at each level. A one-dimensional model is analyzed both in a continuous and discrete way. It is shown that the Krylov convergence rate of the continuous problem is independent of the wave number. The discrete problem, however, can deviate significantly from this bound due to a pitchfork in the spectrum. It is further shown in numerical experiments that the convergence rate of the Krylov method approaches the continuous bound as the grid distance hh gets small

    Multilayer metamaterial absorbers inspired by perfectly matched layers

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    We derive periodic multilayer absorbers with effective uniaxial properties similar to perfectly matched layers (PML). This approximate representation of PML is based on the effective medium theory and we call it an effective medium PML (EM-PML). We compare the spatial reflection spectrum of the layered absorbers to that of a PML material and demonstrate that after neglecting gain and magnetic properties, the absorber remains functional. This opens a route to create electromagnetic absorbers for real and not only numerical applications and as an example we introduce a layered absorber for the wavelength of 88~μ\mum made of SiO2_2 and NaCl. We also show that similar cylindrical core-shell nanostructures derived from flat multilayers also exhibit very good absorptive and reflective properties despite the different geometry

    An efficient 1-D periodic boundary integral equation technique to analyze radiation onto straight and meandering microstrip lines

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    A modeling technique to analyze the radiation onto arbitrary 1-D periodic metallizations residing on a microstrip substrate is presented. In particular, straight and meandering lines are being studied. The method is based on a boundary integral equation, more specifically on a mixed potential integral equation (MPIE), that is solved by means of the method of moments. A plane wave excites the microstrip structure, and according to the Floquet-Bloch theorem, the analysis can be restricted to one single unit cell. Thereto, the MPIE must be constructed using the pertinent 1-D periodic layered medium Green's functions. Here, these Green's functions are obtained in closed form by invoking the perfectly matched layer paradigm. The proposed method is applied to assess the radiation onto 1) a semi-infinite plate, 2) a straight microstrip line, and 3) a serpentine delay line. These three types of examples clearly illustrate and validate the method. Also, its efficiency, compared to a previously developed fast microstrip analysis technique, is demonstrated

    On the indefinite Helmholtz equation: complex stretched absorbing boundary layers, iterative analysis, and preconditioning

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    This paper studies and analyzes a preconditioned Krylov solver for Helmholtz problems that are formulated with absorbing boundary layers based on complex coordinate stretching. The preconditioner problem is a Helmholtz problem where not only the coordinates in the absorbing layer have an imaginary part, but also the coordinates in the interior region. This results into a preconditioner problem that is invertible with a multigrid cycle. We give a numerical analysis based on the eigenvalues and evaluate the performance with several numerical experiments. The method is an alternative to the complex shifted Laplacian and it gives a comparable performance for the studied model problems

    Perfectly Matched Layer based modelling of layered media: Overview and perspective

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    Whereas the Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) was originally conceived to serve as a reflectionless absorbing boundary condition, terminating the infinite simulation domain in finite difference or finite element electromagnetic field solvers, unexpected applications of the PML arose by using it to close down open layered waveguide configurations. As a tribute to our former colleague, Prof. F. Olyslager, in this contribution, the PML-paradigm for layered media is explained and an overview of this paradigm's applications is presented. A novel illustrative example, focussing on the modelling of periodic microstrip structures, is also provided

    Accurate and efficient algorithms for boundary element methods in electromagnetic scattering: a tribute to the work of F. Olyslager

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    Boundary element methods (BEMs) are an increasingly popular approach to model electromagnetic scattering both by perfect conductors and dielectric objects. Several mathematical, numerical, and computational techniques pullulated from the research into BEMs, enhancing its efficiency and applicability. In designing a viable implementation of the BEM, both theoretical and practical aspects need to be taken into account. Theoretical aspects include the choice of an integral equation for the sought after current densities on the geometry's boundaries and the choice of a discretization strategy (i.e. a finite element space) for this equation. Practical aspects include efficient algorithms to execute the multiplication of the system matrix by a test vector (such as a fast multipole method) and the parallelization of this multiplication algorithm that allows the distribution of the computation and communication requirements between multiple computational nodes. In honor of our former colleague and mentor, F. Olyslager, an overview of the BEMs for large and complex EM problems developed within the Electromagnetics Group at Ghent University is presented. Recent results that ramified from F. Olyslager's scientific endeavors are included in the survey