422 research outputs found

    Administrative decision and administrative democracy

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    La démocratie administrative n\u27est pas un mécanisme inutile. Par conséquent, les éléments suivants sont considérés dans cet article: référendum sur l\u27initiative citoyenne au niveau local, organes consultatifs au niveau local qui rassemblent les fonctionnaires au niveau local et les clients finaux, les messages issus de la démocratie administrative, etc. Il souligne que la démocratie administrative favorise la participation dans la prise de décision publique par divers professionnels et la nécessité de la présence systématique de divers participants à la discussion (associations civiles, etc.). Enfin, les inconvénients de la démocratie administrative sont également observés.Administrativna demokracija nije beskoristan mehanizam. Stoga se u ovom članku razmatra: referendum o građanskoj inicijativi na lokalnoj razini, savjetodavna tijela na lokalnoj razini koja okupljaju dužnosnike na lokalnoj razini i krajnje korisnike, poruke koje proizlaze iz upravne demokracije itd. Naglašava da administrativna demokracija favorizira sudjelovanje u javnom odlučivanju raznih stručnih ljudi i potrebi sustavne prisutnosti različitih sudionika u raspravi (građanske udruge, itd.). Naposljetku, uočeni su i nedostaci upravne demokracije.Administrative democracy is not a useless mechanism. Therefore, the following is considered in this article: referendum upon citizen initiative at local level, advisory bodies at local level which gather officials at local level and ultimate customers, the messages which emerge from administrative democracy, etc. It stresses that administrative democracy favors participation in public decision making by various professional people, and the need for the systematic presence of various participants in discussion (civil associations, etc.). Finally, the downsides of administrative democracy are also observed

    Concevoir et expérimenter des vergers agroforestiers en Agriculture Biologique (VERtiCAL).

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    The VERtiCAL research project focused from 2013 to 2018 on the spatial and temporal diversification of fruit tree systems as a relevant mean for reducing pesticide use. The project resulted in the design and assessment of two fruit agroforestry systems (AFS), called "TAB" and "Durette", managed in organic farming and with specific technical and economic characteristics. The project allowed co-design experiences and led to the development of a new tool for ex ante assessment of AFS. First results show a 52% reduction of pesticides on the TAB system compared to a conventional reference system while reaching yield objectives, and a very low reliance to pesticides on the Durette system. As for biodiversity, specific richness of birds increased from 12 to 24 species on the Durette system, from 24 to 35 on the TAB system. Spatial planning fulfills the working organization, but does not make it possible to fully control pests yet. Results will be consolidated in the continuing EMPUSA project (2019-2025). Both sites are now important demonstration sites for farmers and agricultural advisors interested in implementing AFS

    The European Union and Israel

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    Few players on the international scene are able to claim such a rich and ambiguous relationship as Israel and the European Union (EU). The EU is one of the prime commercial partners of Israel, along with the United States, with a commercial exchange volume that reached 20.2 billion Euros in 2009. On the geostrategical level, the two players cooperate more and more actively on common threats, such as an Iranian nuclear power. On the cultural and scientific as well as the commercial level, the ..

    L’Union européenne et Israël

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    Malgré des divergences récurrentes en terme de perceptions et d’attentes mutuelles – plus particulièrement sur la question palestinienne – force est de constater que les relations entre l’Union européenne et Israël se développent durablement aux niveaux économique, scientifique, culturelle voire stratégique. C’est ce paradoxe que nous souhaitons expliciter dans cet article. À cette fin, il est nécessaire de mêler des considérations réalistes et constructiviste à travers l’étude de trois facteurs : historique, réaliste et normatif. Le premier vise à évaluer l’impact des relations entre Israël d’une part, la France, l’Allemagne et le Royaume Uni d’autre part, sur la relation UE-Israël. Le second facteur permet de mesurer le développement de leurs intérêts mutuels à travers le temps, à travers l’étude du processus d’approfondissement de leurs accords dans différents secteurs – économique, scientifique et sécuritaire principalement – inscrit dans un contexte régional contraignant. Enfin, nous confrontons leurs perceptions et leurs attentes normatives réciproques à même de conditionner le futur de leurs relations

    Analyzing the wave number dependency of the convergence rate of a multigrid preconditioned Krylov method for the Helmholtz equation with an absorbing layer

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    This paper analyzes the Krylov convergence rate of a Helmholtz problem preconditioned with Multigrid. The multigrid method is applied to the Helmholtz problem formulated on a complex contour and uses GMRES as a smoother substitute at each level. A one-dimensional model is analyzed both in a continuous and discrete way. It is shown that the Krylov convergence rate of the continuous problem is independent of the wave number. The discrete problem, however, can deviate significantly from this bound due to a pitchfork in the spectrum. It is further shown in numerical experiments that the convergence rate of the Krylov method approaches the continuous bound as the grid distance hh gets small

    Analyse du modèle World3 : sensibilité, dynamique, et pistes d'évolution

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    World3 is a computer tool created to simulate the interactions between the world population, industrial growth and food production within the limits of the planet. It aims to highlight the problems posed by indefinite material growth in a finite world. The first version of this tool was proposed in 1972 by MIT researchers for the first report to the Club of Rome. This report was both highly successful and polemic. The main detractors of the model criticized it for being too approximate in the choice of the parameters and for beeing too simplistic. The objective of this paper is to revisit some aspects of the scientific validation of this model, in a context where growth is widely debated in the scientific and civil community, through a new and more sophisticated sensitivity analysis of the model, compared to what is available in the literature.World3 est un outil informatique qui permet de modéliser les interactions entre la population mondiale, la croissance industrielle, la production de nourriture au sein des limites de l'écosystème terrestre. Il cherche à mettre en évidence les problèmes posés par une croissance matérielle infinie dans un monde fini. La première version de cet outil a été proposée en 1972 par des chercheurs du MIT pour le premier rapport du Club de Rome. Le rapport a connu un grand succès et a suscité de nombreux débats. Les principaux détracteurs du modèle lui reprochaient d'être trop approximatif dans le choix des paramètres et d'être trop simpliste. L'objectif de ce document est de revisiter certains aspects de la validation scientifique de ce modèle, dans un contexte où la croissance est largement débattue dans la communauté scientifique et civile, à travers une analyse de sensibilité du modèle plus sophistiquée que ce qui existe dans la littérature

    The EU, Israel and the "Arab Spring" States: Beyond the Status Quo?

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    Introduction This workshop, organized in Jerusalem by the ‘Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem’ (CRFJ), the Hebrew University and Sciences Po Paris, provided a great and rare opportunity to exchange views between researchers and diplomats on the impacts of the Arab Awakening on EU relations with Israel and its neighbors. By bringing together historians, political scientists, orientalists, economists and diplomats, it enabled to draw up an exciting interdisciplinary perspective on the uph..

    Simulation of Laser Propagation in a Plasma with a Frequency Wave Equation

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    The aim of this work is to perform numerical simulations of the propagation of a laser in a plasma. At each time step, one has to solve a Helmholtz equation in a domain which consists in some hundreds of millions of cells. To solve this huge linear system, one uses a iterative Krylov method with a preconditioning by a separable matrix. The corresponding linear system is solved with a block cyclic reduction method. Some enlightments on the parallel implementation are also given. Lastly, numerical results are presented including some features concerning the scalability of the numerical method on a parallel architecture

    A Time-Domain Derivation of Optimal and Suboptimal Kirchhoff Quantitative Migrations Via a Least-Squares Approach

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    We develop in this paper a general methodology for the derivation of optimal and suboptimal quantitative migration formula from the data misfit function associated to a given forward modeling operator. By construction, these migrations take into account any feature and approximation which has been incorporated into the data misfit function, such as finite aperture, band limited source, surface boundary conditions, multishot data, etc...\\ \indent This methodology is then applied to the case where the forward modelling is made via the Born plus rays approximation and the reflectivity of the earth is represented by an array of diffracting points. This leads to the construction of efficient suboptimal quantitative Kirchhoff migration formula which provide a good restitution of amplitudes under a wide variety of circumstances (finite aperture, band limited source, etc...) and for a wide range of propagators (slowness background)