348 research outputs found

    The European Space Agency BIOMASS mission: Measuring forest above-ground biomass from space

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    The primary objective of the European Space Agency's 7th Earth Explorer mission, BIOMASS, is to determine the worldwide distribution of forest above-ground biomass (AGB) in order to reduce the major uncertainties in calculations of carbon stocks and fluxes associated with the terrestrial biosphere, including carbon fluxes associated with Land Use Change, forest degradation and forest regrowth. To meet this objective it will carry, for the first time in space, a fully polarimetric P-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Three main products will be provided: global maps of both AGB and forest height, with a spatial resolution of 200 m, and maps of severe forest disturbance at 50 m resolution (where “global” is to be understood as subject to Space Object tracking radar restrictions). After launch in 2022, there will be a 3-month commissioning phase, followed by a 14-month phase during which there will be global coverage by SAR tomography. In the succeeding interferometric phase, global polarimetric interferometry Pol-InSAR coverage will be achieved every 7 months up to the end of the 5-year mission. Both Pol-InSAR and TomoSAR will be used to eliminate scattering from the ground (both direct and double bounce backscatter) in forests. In dense tropical forests AGB can then be estimated from the remaining volume scattering using non-linear inversion of a backscattering model. Airborne campaigns in the tropics also indicate that AGB is highly correlated with the backscatter from around 30 m above the ground, as measured by tomography. In contrast, double bounce scattering appears to carry important information about the AGB of boreal forests, so ground cancellation may not be appropriate and the best approach for such forests remains to be finalized. Several methods to exploit these new data in carbon cycle calculations have already been demonstrated. In addition, major mutual gains will be made by combining BIOMASS data with data from other missions that will measure forest biomass, structure, height and change, including the NASA Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation lidar deployed on the International Space Station after its launch in December 2018, and the NASA-ISRO NISAR L- and S-band SAR, due for launch in 2022. More generally, space-based measurements of biomass are a core component of a carbon cycle observation and modelling strategy developed by the Group on Earth Observations. Secondary objectives of the mission include imaging of sub-surface geological structures in arid environments, generation of a true Digital Terrain Model without biases caused by forest cover, and measurement of glacier and icesheet velocities. In addition, the operations needed for ionospheric correction of the data will allow very sensitive estimates of ionospheric Total Electron Content and its changes along the dawn-dusk orbit of the mission

    The BIOMASS level 2 prototype processor : design and experimental results of above-ground biomass estimation

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    BIOMASS is ESA’s seventh Earth Explorer mission, scheduled for launch in 2022. The satellite will be the first P-band SAR sensor in space and will be operated in fully polarimetric interferometric and tomographic modes. The mission aim is to map forest above-ground biomass (AGB), forest height (FH) and severe forest disturbance (FD) globally with a particular focus on tropical forests. This paper presents the algorithms developed to estimate these biophysical parameters from the BIOMASS level 1 SAR measurements and their implementation in the BIOMASS level 2 prototype processor with a focus on the AGB product. The AGB product retrieval uses a physically-based inversion model, using ground-canceled level 1 data as input. The FH product retrieval applies a classical PolInSAR inversion, based on the Random Volume over Ground Model (RVOG). The FD product will provide an indication of where significant changes occurred within the forest, based on the statistical properties of SAR data. We test the AGB retrieval using modified airborne P-Band data from the AfriSAR and TropiSAR campaigns together with reference data from LiDAR-based AGB maps and plot-based ground measurements. For AGB estimation based on data from a single heading, comparison with reference data yields relative Root Mean Square Difference (RMSD) values mostly between 20% and 30%. Combining different headings in the estimation process significantly improves the AGB retrieval to slightly less than 20%. The experimental results indicate that the implemented retrieval scheme provides robust results that are within mission requirements

    Biomass estimation in Indonesian tropical forests using active remote sensing systems

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    The NASA AfriSAR campaign: Airborne SAR and lidar measurements of tropical forest structure and biomass in support of current and future space missions

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    International audienceIn 2015 and 2016, the AfriSAR campaign was carried out as a collaborative effort among international space and National Park agencies (ESA, NASA, ONERA, DLR, ANPN and AGEOS) in support of the upcoming ESA BIOMASS, NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) and NASA Global Ecosystem Dynamics Initiative (GEDI) missions. The NASA contribution to the campaign was conducted in 2016 with the NASA LVIS (Land Vegetation and Ice Sensor) Lidar, the NASA L-band UAVSAR (Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar). A central motivation for the AfriSAR deployment was the common AGBD estimation requirement for the three future spaceborne missions, the lack of sufficient airborne and ground calibration data covering the full range of ABGD in tropical forest systems, and the intercomparison and fusion of the technologies. During the campaign, over 7000 km2 of waveform Lidar data from LVIS and 30,000 km2 of UAVSAR data were collected over 10 key sites and transects. In addition, field measurements of forest structure and biomass were collected in sixteen 1-hectare sized plots. The campaign produced gridded Lidar canopy structure products, gridded aboveground biomass and associated uncertainties, Lidar based vegetation canopy cover profile products, Polarimetric Interferometric SAR and Tomographic SAR products and field measurements. Our results showcase the types of data products and scientific results expected from the spaceborne Lidar and SAR missions; we also expect that the AfriSAR campaign data will facilitate further analysis and use of waveform lidar and multiple baseline polarimetric SAR datasets for carbon cycle, biodiversity, water resources and more applications by the greater scientific community

    Assessment of underlying topography and forest height inversion based on TomoSAR methods

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    Due to the strong penetrability, long-wavelength synthetic aperture radar (SAR) can provide an opportunity to reconstruct the three-dimensional structure of the penetrable media. SAR tomography (TomoSAR) technology can resynthesize aperture perpendicular to the slant-range direction and then obtain the tomographic profile consisting of power distribution of different heights, providing a powerful technical tool for reconstructing the three-dimensional structure of the penetrable ground objects. As an emerging technology, it is different from the traditional interferometric SAR (InSAR) technology and has advantages in reconstructing the three-dimensional structure of the illuminated media. Over the past two decades, many TomoSAR methods have been proposed to improve the vertical resolution, aiming to distinguish the locations of different scatters in the unit pixel. In order to cope with the forest mission of European Space Agency (ESA) that is designed to provide P-band SAR measurements to determine the amount of biomass and carbon stored in forests, it is necessary to systematically evaluate the performance of forest height and underlying topography inversion using TomoSAR technology. In this paper, we adopt three typical algorithms, namely, Capon, Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC), and Compressed Sensing (CS), to evaluate the performance in forest height and underlying topography inversion. The P-band airborne full-polarization (FP) SAR data of Lopè National Park in the AfriSAR campaign implemented by ESA in 2016 is adopted to verify the experiment. Furthermore, we explore the effects of different baseline designs and filter methods on the reconstruction of the tomographic profile. The results show that a better tomographic profile can be obtained by using Hamming window filter and Capon algorithm in uniform baseline distribution and a certain number of acquisitions. Compared with LiDAR results, the root-mean-square error (RMSE) of forest height and underlying topography obtained by Capon algorithm is 2.17 m and 1.58 m, which performs the best among the three algorithms

    Estimation of Forest Biomass and Faraday Rotation using Ultra High Frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data in the Ultra High Frequency (UHF; 300 MHz – 3 GHz)) band have been shown to be strongly dependent of forest biomass, which is a poorly estimated variable in the global carbon cycle. In this thesis UHF-band SAR data from the fairly flat hemiboreal test site Remningstorp in southern Sweden were analysed. The data were collected on several occasions with different moisture conditions during the spring of 2007. Regression models for biomass estimation on stand level (0.5-9 ha) were developed for each date on which SAR data were acquired. For L-band (centre frequency 1.3 GHz) the best estimation model was based on HV-polarized backscatter, giving a root mean squared error (rmse) between 31% and 46% of the mean biomass. For P-band (centre frequency 340 MHz), regression models including HH, HV or HH and HV backscatter gave an rmse between 18% and 27%. Little or no saturation effects were observed up to 290 t/ha for P-band. A model based on physical-optics has been developed and was used to predict HH-polarized SAR data with frequencies from 20 MHz to 500 MHz from a set of vertical trunks standing on an undulating ground surface. The model shows that ground topography is a critical issue in SAR imaging for these frequencies. A regression model for biomass estimation which includes a correction for ground slope was developed using multi-polarized P-band SAR data from Remningstorp as well as from the boreal test site Krycklan in northern Sweden. The latter test site has pronounced topographic variability. It was shown that the model was able to partly compensate for moisture variability, and that the model gave an rmse of 22-33% when trained using data from Krycklan and evaluated using data from Remningstorp. Regression modelling based on P-band backscatter was also used to estimate biomass change using data acquired in Remningstorp during the spring 2007 and during the fall 2010. The results show that biomass change can be measured with an rmse of about 15% or 20 tons/ha. This suggests that not only deforestation, but also forest growth and degradation (e.g. thinning) can be measured using P-band SAR data. The thesis also includes result on Faraday rotation, which is an ionospheric effect which can have a significant impact on spaceborne UHF-band SAR images. Faraday rotation angles are estimated in spaceborne L-band SAR data. Estimates based on distributed targets and calibration targets with high signal to clutter ratios are found to be in very good agreement. Moreover, a strong correlation with independent measurements of Total Electron Content is found, further validating the estimates

    Regression-Based Retrieval of Boreal Forest Biomass in Sloping Terrain using P-band SAR Backscatter Intensity Data

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    A new biomass retrieval model for boreal forest using polarimetric P-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) backscatter is presented. The model is based on two main SAR quantities: the HV backscatter and the HH/VV backscatter ratio. It also includes a topographic correction based on the ground slope. The model is developed from analysis of stand-wise data from two airborne P-band SAR campaigns: BioSAR 2007 (test site: Remningstorp, southern Sweden, biomass range: 10-287 tons/ha, slope range: 0-4 degrees) and BioSAR 2008 (test site: Krycklan, northern Sweden, biomass range: 8-257 tons/ha, slope range: 0-19 degrees). The new model is compared to five other models in a set of tests to evaluate its performance in different conditions. All models are first tested on data sets from Remningstorp with different moisture conditions, acquired during three periods in the spring of 2007. Thereafter, the models are tested in topographic terrain using SAR data acquired for different flight headings in Krycklan. The models are also evaluated across sites, i.e., training on one site followed by validation on the other site. Using the new model with parameters estimated on Krycklan data, biomass in Remningstorp is retrieved with RMSE of 40-59 tons/ha, or 22-33% of the mean biomass, which is lower compared to the other models. In the inverse scenario, the examined site is not well represented in the training data set, and the results are therefore not conclusive