36 research outputs found

    Simulation study on various shapes of pad footing sub-structure on Batu Pahat soft soil

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    This study describes a study on the geotechnical behavior of pad footing shapes using a finite element code, PLAXIS. In determining the suitability of footing to loadings, design criteria requires that the shapes and sizes should function according to the soil and types of structures erected on it. Higher loading will require bigger footing as this will give better support. Theoretically, a larger surface area will disseminate the loadings and reduce possibility offailure. However, this is not economical as more materials will be needed for the construction of the footing. Footing shapes is hypothetically considered as a factor that might affect the performance of footing. Non-linear finite element analyses based on a stress-strain model were performed to obtain the load-settlement responses of axially loaded on pad footings. It is essential since such design analysis, which is based on numerical analysis, could have advantages in providing preliminary expected outcomes for the modeling purpose. In conjunction to this matter, the potential ofPLAXIS V8 finite element to predict the settlement of various shapes pad footing are performed successfully


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    ABSTRAK Permasalahan pada penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pesatnya perkembangan teknologi yang berpengaruh pada pengembangan instrumen pengukuran perkembangan anak yang sesuai dengan Permendikbud RI No. 137 tahun 2014 dengan memanfaatkan teknologi berbasis aplikasi jotform. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan instrumen pengukuran perkembangan sosial-emosional anak berbasis aplikasi jotform pada lembaga Daycare. Penelitian ini menggunakan mix method dengan pendekatan (R&D) dan menggunakan model penelitian ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, & evaluation). Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, uji validasi melalui expert judgement kepada ahli pengukuran, ahli materi dan ahli IT. Lalu dilakukan implementasi uji coba terbatas kepada anak berusia 2-3 tahun di lembaga daycare.Hasil expert judgement menunjukkan bahwa instrument pengukuran perkembangan sosial-emosional dengan menggunakan aplikasi jotform pada program home-based childcare dinyatakan sangat layak dengan revisi. Persentase kelayakan instrumen pengukuran sebesar 100%, persentase kelayakan materi 88%, persentase kelayakan aplikasi sebesar 100%. Kemudian hasil dari implementasi uji coba terbatas menunjukkan bahwa instrumen pengukuran perkembangan sosial-emosional anak dengan menggunakan aplikasi jotform pada program home-based childcare dinyatakan layak untuk digunakan. Persentase kelayakan instrumen pengukuran setelah di implementasikan dengan uji coba terbatas sebesar 72,6%. Rekomendasi untuk peneliti selanjutnya dapat menguji efektivitas instrumen pengukuran perkembangan sosial-emosional anak dengan menggunakan aplikasi jotform pada program home-based childcare dalam pelaksanaan pendampingan anak di Lembaga Daycare. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Instrumen Pengukuran, Perkembangan Sosial-Emosional Anak, Aplikasi Jotform, Daycare. ABSTRACT The problem in this research is motivated by the rapid development of technology that affects the development of measuring instruments for child development in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 137 of 2014 by utilizing jotform application-based technology. The purpose of this study is to develop an instrument for measuring children's social-emotional development based on the jotform application at Daycare institutions. implementation, & evaluation. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of interviews, validation tests through expert judgment to measurement experts, material experts and IT experts. Then carried out a limited trial implementation for children aged 2-3 years in daycare institutions. The results of expert judgment showed that the instrument for measuring social-emotional development using the Jotform application in the home-based childcare program was declared very feasible with revision. The percentage of the feasibility of the measurement instrument was 100 %, the percentage of material eligibility is 88%, the percentage of application eligibility is 100%. Then the results from the implementation of a limited trial show that the instrument for measuring children's socio-emotional development using the Jotform application in the home-based childcare program is declared feasible to use. The percentage of the feasibility of the measurement instrument after it was implemented with a limited trial was 72.6%. Recommendations for further researchers can test the effectiveness of the instrument for measuring children's socio-emotional development by using the Jotform application in the home-based childcare program in the implementation of child assistance in Daycare Institutions. Keywords: Development, Measurement Instruments, Children's Socio-Emotional Development, Jotform Applications, Daycar

    Pembentukan Kepribadian Mahasiswa dengan Mengajarkan Literasi Digital di Era Pendidikan Abad Ke-21

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bentuk pengaruh digital bagi karakter anak bangsa terutama pada tingkat mahasiswa. Seperti yang banyak terlihat pada masa sekarang, arus globalisasi mempengaruhi perkembangan teknologi di berbagai negara yang memudahkan setiap warga negara terutama yang memiliki akses internet dapat menjelajahi berbagai situs guna memperoleh pengetahuan baik dalam maupun luar negeri yang tentunya mempengaruhi gaya hidup dan kebiasaan yang diterima sebagai budaya baru serta media pendidikan yang sekarang juga sudah berbasis teknologi. Hal ini berdampak bagi perkembangan karakter mahasiswa bahkan masyarakat luas. Metode deskriptif adalah salah satu metode yang kemudian dipilih untuk memperdalam wawasan demi memberikan penjabaran yang lebih jelas terkait topik ini. Teknologi bukanlah hal baru di dunia digital. Karena sekarang semua kegiatan sudah berbasis teknologi. Setiap negara, seperti negara lainnya, berupaya untuk menciptakan generasi yang berkualitas, berbakat, dan bermoral dengan kemudahan pendidikan yang disediakan oleh teknologi itu sendiri


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    Abstrak Pemerintah di Indonesia memberlakukan pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) untuk mengurangi dampak penyebaran covid-19, PJOK menjadi salah satu mata pelajaran yang juga harus menyesuaikan dengan PJJ, mulai dari pembelajaran secara daring dan juga proses penilaian yang berubah dari oflline menjadi online. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses penilaian pengetahuan dan keterampilan oleh guru PJOK, teknik yang digunakan serta faktor pendukung dan penghambat untuk memperoleh nilai. Jenis penelitian ini adalah survei dengan pendekatan kualitatif, metode pengumpulan data wawancara tidak terstruktur dan dokumentasi dengan responden 2 guru PJOK. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru PJOK dengan jumlah responden 2 guru. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan purposive sampling. Teknik analisis penelitian dengan model Miles dan Huberman melalui tiga tahapan yaitu reduction, display dan conclusion drawing/verivication. Hasil penelitian diperoleh proses penilaian pengetahuan dan keterampilan dilakukan setiap sub materi telah disampaikan, siswa mendapat nilai baik jika menjawab dengan benar soal ganda dan uraian sesuai dengan rubrik dan kriteria penilaian pengetahuan serta melaksanakan tugas gerak dengan baik sesuai kriteria penilaian keterampilan. Faktor pendukung dan penghambat selama proses penilaian adalah ketersediaan data seluler, sinyal, ketepatan pengumpulan tugas dan sarana prasarana. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah penilaian dilakukan secara daring yang ambil diakhir setiap materi disampaikan, teknik penilaian pengetahuan dengan tes tulis dan portofolio, teknik penilaian keterampilan dengan tes praktik melalui video, faktor pendukung dan penghambat selama proses penilaian yaitu keterlambatan siswa dalam mengumpulkan tugas, ketersediaan data seluler, jaringan internet, sarana dan prasarana daring.   Kata Kunci: covid-19; pembelajaran jarak jauh; penilaian pjok Abstract The government in Indonesia applies distance learning to reduce the impact of the spread of COVID-19, Physical education is one of the subjects that must also adapt to distance learning, starting from online learning and also the assessment process that changes from offline to online. This study aims to determine how the process of assessing knowledge and skills by Physical education teachers, the techniques used, and the supporting and inhibiting factors to obtain grades. This type of research is a survey with a qualitative approach, and the method of collecting data is unstructured interviews and documentation with 2 Physical education teachers as respondents. The subjects in this study were two physical education teachers as respondents. The sampling tecnique in this research is purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used the Miles and Huberman model through three stages of analysis, namely reduction, display and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of the process of assessing knowledge and skills carried out by each submitted sub-material showed that students got good scores if they answered multiple-choice questions and descriptions correctly based on the rubric and knowledge assessment criteria; and carried out the movement task properly according to the skills assessment criteria. Supporting and inhibiting factors during the assessment process are the availability of cellular data, signals, accuracy in collecting tasks, and infrastructure. The conclusion of this study is that the assessment is carried out online which is taken at the end of each material delivered, knowledge assessment techniques with written and portfolio tests; skills assessment techniques with practical test via video; and the supporting and inhibiting factors during the assessment process, namely student delays in collecting assignments, availability of cellular data, signals, online facilities, and infrastructure. Keywords: covid-19; distance learning; assessment of physical education sport and health &nbsp


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    Abstrak: Pembelajaran ragam hias berbasis eko-budaya pesisiran pada saat ini masih sangat jarang dilaksanakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan proses penilaian pembelajaran ragam hias berbasis eko-budaya pesisiran siswa kelas VII SMP dalam masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik pengabsahan data melalui teknik triangulasi. Analisis data melalui reduksi data, penyajian data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Perlunya penilaian berbasis digital mengingat penilaian manual memiliki berbagai kelemahan terkait dengan analisis data yang dinilai kurang efektif. Kemampuan literasi penilaian yang dibutuhkan guru saat ini sangat berbeda  disesuaikan dengan situasi pandemi Covid-19. Artikel ini akan membahas tentang sistem penilaian otentik  dalam pembelajaran seni rupa pada materi ragam hias berbasis eko-budaya pesisiran yang menggambarkan kemampuan siswa secara lebih menyeluruh mulai dari aspek pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengembangan karakter. Berkaitan dengan keterampilan, kemampuan, dan persepsi yang dibutuhkan guru dalam lingkungan digital, dan akan menunjukkan pentingnya mengadaptasi berbagai teknologi untuk tujuan penilaian ini.  Selanjutnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa penilaian otentik pada pembelajaran ragam hias berbasis eko-budaya pesisiran berimplikasi positif guna membangun kapasitas kreatif dan kesadaran budaya pada diri siswa.Abstract:  Learning decorative varieties based on coastal eco-culture at this time is still very rarely implemented. This study aims to describe the assessment process of decorative learning based on coastal eco-culture of grade VII junior high school students during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses qualitative methods. Data collection through observation, interview, and documentation. Data transfer techniques through triangulation techniques. Data analysis through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The need for digital-based assessments considering manual assessments have a variety of drawbacks related to data analysis that is considered less effective. The assessment literacy skills needed by teachers today are very different according to the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic. This article will discuss about the authentic assessment system in fine arts learning on decorative materials based on coastal eco-culture that describes students' abilities more thoroughly ranging from aspects of knowledge, skills, and character development. It relates to the skills, abilities, and perceptions teachers need in a digital environment, and will demonstrate the importance of adapting various technologies for the purposes of this assessment.  Furthermore, it can be concluded that authentic assessment on the learning of decorative varieties based on coastal eco-culture has positive implications in order to build creative capacity and cultural awareness in students

    Formative and Summative Assessment in Online Education

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    Assessment is an integral part of both traditional and online education, especially when determining student learning outcomes. In the online learning environment, both formative and summative assessment practices require an understanding of the features and tools inherent to the electronic medium. Creating assessments for online education, either formative or summative, also requires application of constructivist learning principles to our collective understanding of the educational process and related goals. In this paper, we offer an overview of formative and summative assessment approaches suited to the online education environment


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi karena belum tersedianya penilaian kinerja (performance assessment) yang tervalidasi dan reliabel. Peneliti menawarkan solusi untuk permasalahan tersebut dengan membuat rancangan performance assessment berbentuk electronic rubric yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kompetensi mahasiswa pada Pembelajaran Tata Hidang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah DBR (Design Based Research). Rancangan performance assessment dibuat secara unik, dan berbeda dengan mata kuliah lain, karena dilengkapi dengan tugas (task) dan rubrik dengan empat tingkatan nilai, yaitu excellent, good, fair, dan poor. Rancangan tersebut meliputi tahapan personal appereance, table setting, dan sequences service. Rancangan ini dapat menghasilkan penilaian yang menyeluruh mulai dari persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi, sehingga dapat menghasilkan penilaian yang lebih akurat. Pengujian alat penilaian performance assessment untuk mahasiswa di Pendidikan Vokasional yang dilakukan oleh ahli materi dan ahli evaluasi dengan expert judgement dan uji inter-rater reliability. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian para ahli dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada umumnya penilaian pada aspek petunjuk, isi materi, dan bahasa yang terdapat dalam performance assessment sudah termasuk katagori sangat baik dan layak digunakan sebagai alat penilaian. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menunjukkan reliabilitas antar rater yaitu K = 0,710 dengan kategori baik. Hasil uji coba terbatas menunjukkan bahwa instrumen performance assessment berbentuk electronic rubric pada praktikum mata kuliah Tata Hidang, dapat memberikan kemudahan pada dosen dalam mengukur keterampilan mahasiswa dalam kegiatan praktikum. Kata Kunci: Performance Assessment, Electronic Rubric, dan Food and Service   ABSTRACT Muktiarni (2017). E-Rubric Android Based for Measuring Competencies Food Service in Vocational Education The background of the research is the invalidation and reliable performance assessment. Researchers offer a solution to the problem by making the design of performance assessment form electronic rubric that can be used to measure the competence of students at the Learning Food Service. The method used is the DBR (Design-Based Research). The design of performance assessment is made in a unique, and different from the other subjects, as it comes with a task and a section with four levels of value, namely: excellent, good, fair, and poor. The design includes stage personal appereance, table setting, and sequences service. This design can result in a thorough assessment from the preparation, implementation and evaluation, so as to produce more accurate result. Testing performance assessment tool for students in the Vocational Education conducted by subject matter experts and expert evaluation by expert judgment and inter-rater reliability test. Based on the results of the assessment the experts concluded that in general on the aspects of user, content, and language contained in the performance assessment has included the category of very good and decent used as an assessment tool. Based on results of inter-rater reliability analysis showed that K = 0.710 in the good categories. Limited trial results showed that instrument performance assessment form electronic rubric on Food Service practicum courses, to provide convenience to the lecturers to measure students' skills in practical activities. Keywords: Performance Assessment, Electronic Rubric, and Food Servic

    High stakes online assessments: A case study of National Benchmark Tests during COVID-19

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    Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, paper-based delivery of the National Benchmark Tests (NBTs) was not possible during the 2020 testing cycle. The NBTs, being a large-scale national assessment project, did not have alternative options, other than to offer the tests online. Moving these high-stakes tests online meant that certain considerations had to be considered to retain the credibility and security of the tests, without compromising the validity and reliability of the scores. Digitising the paper-based NBTs required an innovative, flexible and robust solution, which promotes fairness and ensures the quality of testing is maintained, while in many ways remains comparable to the paper-based implementation. To deliver the NBTs online, the following important considerations needed to be addressed: test security and integrity, test candidate identification processes, the prevention of dishonest behaviour, test scheduling and timing and technical support. The online testing solution chosen integrates the following aspects: it 1) enables all candidates to take the same test at the same time; 2) ensures the quality and similarity in experience of test delivery for all candidates as far as possible; 3) prevents candidates from accessing other applications and devices during the test; 4) enables proctoring before, during and after the tests to encourage appropriate behaviour similar to that expected during paper-based tests; 5) provides live support to assist candidates to deal with technical challenges and to guide them through the test sessions and 6) processes and presents data and scores in the same way as for the paper-based tests. In this article, we analyse the integration and complexity of the online NBTs solution, the opportunities and challenges associated with this form of delivery and reflect on test candidates’ and the team’s experiences. We discuss components of online assessment and wish to argue that this is also relevant to high-stakes course assessments. This case study should help to refine the scope of further research and development in the use of online high-stakes assessments

    Development of a digital-based attitude assessment model in distance learning

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    Penilaian merupakan aspek fundamental dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh, oleh karena menggambarkan beberapa aspek penilaian salah satunya aspek sikap. Namun terdapat tantangan dalam penilaian pembelajaran jarak jauh, terlebih dengan kondisi objek penilaian yang tidak dapat diamati secara langsung, sistem penilaian berbasis digital dapat menjadi solusi yang bisa digunakan untuk mempermudah proses penilaian. Penelitian RnD ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model penilaian sikap berbasis digital yang dapat digunakan sebagai acuan model penilaian sikap. Desain Spiral Action Research yang digunakan terdiri dari tahap Look, Think dan tahap Act dengan menggunakan langkah pengembangan Gall & Borg, 1989. Data dikumpulkan melalui dokumentasi, observasi, wawancara, FGD dan angket pada subjek penelitian yaitu mahasiswa aktif yang menggunakan sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh. Hasil analisis menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 16.0 dan Lisrel menunjukkan model penilaian dengan nilai r2 atau korelasi sebesar 1,0, Standarized Factor Loading > 0,5 atau valid. Di samping itu seluruh parameter menunjukkan kriteria goodness of fit index model, index Chi square atau x2 sebesar 2,40 dan p value 0,792 atau ≥ 0.05 sehingga level of fit dalam kategori baik, kemudian index RMSEA sebesar 0.00012 atau ≤ 0.08 juga termasuk dalam level of fit yang baik, sementara Normed Fit Index, Non-Normed Fit Index, Comparative Fit Index, Incremental Fit Index, Relative Fit Index, Goodness of Fit Index menunjukkan hasil ≥ 0.90 yaitu sebesar 1,00 dan Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index sebesar 0,98 yang juga termasuk dalam level of fit yang baik. Adapun model penilaian sikap terbagi menjadi dua aspek yaitu aspek sikap sosial dan sikap spiritual. Aspek sikap sosial diukur melalui tujuh indikator yaitu jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, pancasilais, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat atau komunikatif dan mandiri, kemudian aspek spiritual dapat diukur melalui empat indikator yaitu religius, peduli lingkungan, toleransi dan peduli sosial

    Students’ perceptions of a food safety and quality e-learning course: a case study for a MSC in food consumption

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    Life long training and education in food safety is a crucial issue in particular for professionals working in the field. At the same time there is a need to evaluate the effectiveness of that training in particular when is given in e-learning. The purpose of this explorative work is to evaluate the Food Safety and Quality e-learning course within a Master program offered in the National Distance Learning University in Portugal. Following a case study methodology a mixed methods approached was used, based on an online questionnaire survey to students that enrolled the course, followed by a Focus Group Discussion to better discuss the weak points addressed by the students in the questionnaire. The questionnaire aimed to assess students perceptions about the course organization, recourses, assignments, acquired competences, change attitudes and behaviour and link with the professional activity Students who enrolled the course during 2016/17 and 2017/18 were surveyed in the fourth semester of the curricular year, in the period of development of the master thesis dissertation. In addition a quantitative analysis was conducted in the temporal distributions of messages published on the Moodle platform (learning analytics) to evaluate students’ interactions and engagement during the course. This study has shown that overall, students are very satisfied with the course, however they suggested improvements that are needed considering the pedagogical model used and their availability to learn as students with full time jobs, most related with the food science. This explorative research aimed to contribute to the improvement of food safety and quality training based also on recent tools and recommendations within e-learning in science education.The authors would like to express their special thanks to the students that participate in the surveys and Ana Sofia MilHomens for allowing the dissemination of data from the Food Safety and Quality course of the MSc program in Food Science at Universidade Aberta. We also thank to Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) for its funding (UID/AMB/04085/2019) to Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research (CENSE), NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University and also for other funding (UID/CPO/00713/2019), to Center for Public Policy and Administration (CAPP), ISCSP/Universidade de Lisboa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio