7,365 research outputs found

    Cascade: hardware for high/variable precision arithmetic

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    technical reportThe Cascade hardware architecture for high/variable precision arithmetic is described. It uses a radix-16 redundant signed-digit number representation and directly supports single or multiple precision addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, extraction of the square root and computation of the greatest common divisor. It is object-oriented and implements an abstract class of objects, variable precision integers. It provides a complete suite of memory management functions implemented in hardware, including a garbage collector. The Cascade hardware permits free tradeoffs of space versus time

    Cascade: a hardware alternative to bignums

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    technical reportThe Cascade hardware architecture for high/variable precision arithmetic is described. It uses a radix-16 redundant signed-digit number representation and directly supports single or multiple precision addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, extraction of the square root and computation of the greatest common divisor. It is object-oriented and implements an abstract class of objects, variable precision integers. It provides a complete suite of memory management functions implemented in hardware, including a garbage collector. The Cascadei hardware permits free tradeoffs of space versus time

    A System-on-Programmable-Chip Approach for MIMO Lattice Decoder

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    The past decade has shown distinct advances in the theory of multiple input multi output techniques for wireless communication systems. Now, the time has come to demonstrate this progress in terms of applications. This thesis introduces implementation of Schnorr- Euchner strategy based decoding algorithm applied on Altera system-on-chip (Stratix EP1S10F780C6) with Nios embedded processor. The lattice decoder is developed on FPGA using VHDL. The preprocessing part of algorithm is targeted for Nios embedded processor using C language. A controller is also designed to interface and communicate between the Nios embedded processor and lattice decoder

    Comparison of logarithmic and floating-point number systems implemented on Xilinx Virtex-II field-programmable gate arrays

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    The aim of this thesis is to compare the implementation of parameterisable LNS (logarithmic number system) and floating-point high dynamic range number systems on FPGA. The Virtex/Virtex-II range of FPGAs from Xilinx, which are the most popular FPGA technology, are used to implement the designs. The study focuses on using the low level primitives of the technology in an efficient way and so initially the design issues in implementing fixed-point operators are considered. The four basic operations of addition, multiplication, division and square root are considered. Carry- free adders, ripple-carry adders, parallel multipliers and digit recurrence division and square root are discussed. The floating-point operators use the word format and exceptions as described by the IEEE std-754. A dual-path adder implementation is described in detail, as are floating-point multiplier, divider and square root components. Results and comparisons with other works are given. The efficient implementation of function evaluation methods is considered next. An overview of current FPGA methods is given and a new piecewise polynomial implementation using the Taylor series is presented and compared with other designs in the literature. In the next section the LNS word format, accuracy and exceptions are described and two new LNS addition/subtraction function approximations are described. The algorithms for performing multiplication, division and powering in the LNS domain are also described and are compared with other designs in the open literature. Parameterisable conversion algorithms to convert to/from the fixed-point domain from/to the LNS and floating-point domain are described and implementation results given. In the next chapter MATLAB bit-true software models are given that have the exact functionality as the hardware models. The interfaces of the models are given and a serial communication system to perform low speed system tests is described. A comparison of the LNS and floating-point number systems in terms of area and delay is given. Different functions implemented in LNS and floating-point arithmetic are also compared and conclusions are drawn. The results show that when the LNS is implemented with a 6-bit or less characteristic it is superior to floating-point. However, for larger characteristic lengths the floating-point system is more efficient due to the delay and exponential area increase of the LNS addition operator. The LNS is beneficial for larger characteristics than 6-bits only for specialist applications that require a high portion of division, multiplication, square root, powering operations and few additions

    Pipelining Of Double Precision Floating Point Division And Square Root Operations On Field-programmable Gate Arrays

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    Many space applications, such as vision-based systems, synthetic aperture radar, and radar altimetry rely increasingly on high data rate DSP algorithms. These algorithms use double precision floating point arithmetic operations. While most DSP applications can be executed on DSP processors, the DSP numerical requirements of these new space applications surpass by far the numerical capabilities of many current DSP processors. Since the tradition in DSP processing has been to use fixed point number representation, only recently have DSP processors begun to incorporate floating point arithmetic units, even though most of these units handle only single precision floating point addition/subtraction, multiplication, and occasionally division. While DSP processors are slowly evolving to meet the numerical requirements of newer space applications, FPGA densities have rapidly increased to parallel and surpass even the gate densities of many DSP processors and commodity CPUs. This makes them attractive platforms to implement compute-intensive DSP computations. Even in the presence of this clear advantage on the side of FPGAs, few attempts have been made to examine how wide precision floating point arithmetic, particularly division and square root operations, can perform on FPGAs to support these compute-intensive DSP applications. In this context, this thesis presents the sequential and pipelined designs of IEEE-754 compliant double floating point division and square root operations based on low radix digit recurrence algorithms. FPGA implementations of these algorithms have the advantage of being easily testable. In particular, the pipelined designs are synthesized based on careful partial and full unrolling of the iterations in the digit recurrence algorithms. In the overall, the implementations of the sequential and pipelined designs are common-denominator implementations which do not use any performance-enhancing embedded components such as multipliers and block memory. As these implementations exploit exclusively the fine-grain reconfigurable resources of Virtex FPGAs, they are easily portable to other FPGAs with similar reconfigurable fabrics without any major modifications. The pipelined designs of these two operations are evaluated in terms of area, throughput, and dynamic power consumption as a function of pipeline depth. Pipelining experiments reveal that the area overhead tends to remain constant regardless of the degree of pipelining to which the design is submitted, while the throughput increases with pipeline depth. In addition, these experiments reveal that pipelining reduces power considerably in shallow pipelines. Pipelining further these designs does not necessarily lead to significant power reduction. By partitioning these designs into deeper pipelines, these designs can reach throughputs close to the 100 MFLOPS mark by consuming a modest 1% to 8% of the reconfigurable fabric within a Virtex-II XC2VX000 (e.g., XC2V1000 or XC2V6000) FPGA

    Composite Iterative Algorithm and Architecture for q-th Root Calculation

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    An algorithm for the q-th root extraction, being q any integer, is presented in this paper. The algorithm is based on an optimized implementation of X^{1/q} by a sequence of parallel and/or overlapped operations: (1) reciprocal, (2) digit-recurrence logarithm, (3) left-to-right carry-free multiplication and (4) on-line exponential. A detailed error analysis and two architectures are proposed, for low precision q and for higher precision q. The execution time and hardware requirements are estimated for single and double precision floating-point computations for several radices; this helps to determine which radices result in the most efficient implementations. The architectures proposed improve the features of other architectures for q-th root extraction.Dans cet article, nous présentons un algorithme matériel pour l'extraction de la racine q-ième d'un nombre X, où q est un entier naturel non nul. Cet algorithme est basé sur une implantation optimisée de la fonction X^{1/q} par une séquence d'opérations parallèles et/ou superposées: (1) réciproque, (2) logarithme chiffre par chiffre, (3) multiplication de gauche-à-droite sans propagation de retenue et (4) exponentielle en ligne. Une analyse détaillée des erreurs et deux architectures sont proposées, pour q de basse précision et pour q de précision plus haute. Le temps d'exécution et les composants matériels à utiliser sont estimés pour des calculs en virgule flottante simple et double précision et pour plusieurs bases. Cette étude aide à déterminer quelles bases mènent aux implantations les plus efficaces. Les architectures proposées améliorent les caractéristiques d'architectures précédentes destinées à l'extraction des racines


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    This paper presents an optimized digit-by-digit calculation method to solve complicated square root calculation in hardware, as a proposed simple algorithm for implementation in field programmable gate array (FPGA). The main principle of proposed method is two-bit shifting and subtracting-multiplexing operations, in order to achieve a simpler implementation and faster calculation. The proposed algorithm has conducted to implement FPGA based unsigned 32-bit and 64-bit binary square root successfully. The results have shown that proposed method is most efficient of hardware resource compare to other methods. In addition, the strategy can be expanded to larger number easily

    Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Complex Domain : Complex E-Method

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    The E-method, introduced by Ercegovac, allows efficient parallel solution of diagonally dominant systems of linear equations in real domain using simple and highly regular hardware. Since the evaluation of polynomials and certain rational functions can be achieved by solving the corresponding linear systems, the E-method is an attractive general approach for function evaluation. We generalize the E-method to complex linear systems, and show some potential applications such as the evaluation of complex polynomials and rational functions


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    There is a growing demand for high-speed arithmetic co-processors for use in applications with computationally intensive tasks. For instance, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) co-processors are used in real-time multimedia services and financial applications use decimal co-processors to perform large amounts of decimal computations. Using redundant number systems to eliminate word-wide carry propagation within interim operations is a well-known technique to increase the speed of arithmetic hardware units. Redundant number systems are mostly useful in applications where many consecutive arithmetic operations are performed prior to the final result, making it advantageous for arithmetic co-processors. This thesis discusses the implementation of two popular arithmetic co-processors based on redundant number systems: namely, the binary FFT co-processor and the decimal arithmetic co-processor. FFT co-processors consist of several consecutive multipliers and adders over complex numbers. FFT architectures are implemented based on fixed-point and floating-point arithmetic. The main advantage of floating-point over fixed-point arithmetic is the wide dynamic range it introduces. Moreover, it avoids numerical issues such as scaling and overflow/underflow concerns at the expense of higher cost. Furthermore, floating-point implementation allows for an FFT co-processor to collaborate with general purpose processors. This offloads computationally intensive tasks from the primary processor. The first part of this thesis, which is devoted to FFT co-processors, proposes a new FFT architecture that uses a new Binary-Signed Digit (BSD) carry-limited adder, a new floating-point BSD multiplier and a new floating-point BSD three-operand adder. Finally, a new unit labeled as Fused-Dot-Product-Add (FDPA) is designed to compute AB+CD+E over floating-point BSD operands. The second part of the thesis discusses decimal arithmetic operations implemented in hardware using redundant number systems. These operations are popularly used in decimal floating-point co-processors. A new signed-digit decimal adder is proposed along with a sequential decimal multiplier that uses redundant number systems to increase the operational frequency of the multiplier. New redundant decimal division and square-root units are also proposed. The architectures proposed in this thesis were all implemented using Hardware-Description-Language (Verilog) and synthesized using Synopsys Design Compiler. The evaluation results prove the speed improvement of the new arithmetic units over previous pertinent works. Consequently, the FFT and decimal co-processors designed in this thesis work with at least 10% higher speed than that of previous works. These architectures are meant to fulfill the demand for the high-speed co-processors required in various applications such as multimedia services and financial computations

    A high-performance inner-product processor for real and complex numbers.

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    A novel, high-performance fixed-point inner-product processor based on a redundant binary number system is investigated in this dissertation. This scheme decreases the number of partial products to 50%, while achieving better speed and area performance, as well as providing pipeline extension opportunities. When modified Booth coding is used, partial products are reduced by almost 75%, thereby significantly reducing the multiplier addition depth. The design is applicable for digital signal and image processing applications that require real and/or complex numbers inner-product arithmetic, such as digital filters, correlation and convolution. This design is well suited for VLSI implementation and can also be embedded as an inner-product core inside a general purpose or DSP FPGA-based processor. Dynamic control of the computing structure permits different computations, such as a variety of inner-product real and complex number computations, parallel multiplication for real and complex numbers, and real and complex number division. The same structure can also be controlled to accept redundant binary number inputs for multiplication and inner-product computations. An improved 2's-complement to redundant binary converter is also presented
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