1,817 research outputs found

    Regulation of Powder Mass Flow Rate in Gravity-Fed Powder Feeder Systems

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    Precise regulation of powder mass flow in laser-based manufacturing processes is critical to achieving excellent part dimensional and microstructure quality. Control of powder mass flow is challenging because low flow rates, where nonlinear effects are significant, are typically required. Also, gravity-fed powder feeder systems have significant material transport delays, making the control of powder mass flow even more challenging. This paper presents a control strategy for regulating the powder mass flow rate in a gravity-fed powder feeder system. A dynamic model of the powder feeder system, including material transport delay, is constructed, and a modified proportional plus integral (PI) controller is designed. An observer is used to estimate powder mass flow rate using the powder feeder motor encoder signal. The control strategy is implemented in a Smith Predictor Corrector Structure, which has been adjusted such that it can be applied to the modified PI controller, to account for the inherent material transport delay. Experimental studies are conducted that validate the dynamic model and controller strategy

    Measurement technology: A compilation

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    Technical information is presented on measurement techniques and instruments, measurement applications for inspection activities, measurement sensors, and data conversion methods. Photographs or diagrams are included for each instrument or method described, and where applicable, patent information is given

    State Estimation and Control of Active Systems for High Performance Vehicles

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    In recent days, mechatronic systems are getting integrated in vehicles ever more. While stability and safety systems such as ABS, ESP have pioneered the introduction of such systems in the modern day car, the lowered cost and increased computational power of electronics along with electrification of the various components has fuelled an increase in this trend. The availability of chassis control systems onboard vehicles has been widely studied and exploited for augmenting vehicle stability. At the same time, for the context of high performance and luxury vehicles, chassis control systems offer a vast and untapped potential to improve vehicle handling and the driveability experience. As performance objectives have not been studied very well in the literature, this thesis deals with the problem of control system design for various active chassis control systems with performance as the main objective. A precursor to the control system design is having complete knowledge of the vehicle states, including those such as the vehicle sideslip angle and the vehicle mass, that cannot be measured directly. The first half of the thesis is dedicated to the development of algorithms for the estimation of these variables in a robust manner. While several estimation methods do exist in the literature, there is still some scope of research in terms of the development of estimation algorithms that have been validated on a test track with extensive experimental testing without using research grade sensors. The advantage of the presented algorithms is that they work only with CAN-BUS data coming from the standard vehicle ESP sensor cluster. The algorithms are tested rigorously under all possible conditions to guarantee robustness. The second half of the thesis deals with the design of the control objectives and controllers for the control of an active rear wheel steering system for a high performance supercar and a torque vectoring algorithm for an electric racing vehicle. With the use of an active rear wheel steering, the driver’s confidence in the vehicle improves due a reduction in the lag between the lateral acceleration and the yaw rate, which allows drivers to push the vehicle harder on a racetrack without losing confidence in it. The torque vectoring algorithm controls the motor torques to improve the tire utilisation and increases the net lateral force, which allows professional drivers to set faster lap times

    Impact of multi factor leadership approach on employee conflict and employee performance in Malaysia

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    Leadership is the need of today’s business circumstances. Because care of the worker helps to enhance profit. Leader’s quality flourishes the life’s quality1. Followers thinking, approach,conduct and comfort is influenced by Leadership behavior. Development of leader’s abilities and capability is because of the preparation and training, a leader gets to progress, resulting in better leadership. According to 2, organizational and social atmosphere and leader’s interaction in it, makes Leadership multifaceted as also stated by 3, 4.Solving problems and handling crises to manage followers are the characteristics of leadership. Trait, contingency, behavioral, and transformational are the main leadership theories discussed by5. Multi-factor or full range of leadership theory (Transformational, Transactional and Laissez-faire) was developed by 6is a generalized model for diverse cultures, organizations and different management levels as described by7.Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire is frequently used instrument to explore leadership as quoted by numerous authors

    Flexible structure control laboratory development and technology demonstration

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    An experimental structure is described which was constructed to demonstrate and validate recent emerging technologies in the active control and identification of large flexible space structures. The configuration consists of a large, 20 foot diameter antenna-like flexible structure in the horizontal plane with a gimballed central hub, a flexible feed-boom assembly hanging from the hub, and 12 flexible ribs radiating outward. Fourteen electrodynamic force actuators mounted to the hub and to the individual ribs provide the means to excite the structure and exert control forces. Thirty permanently mounted sensors, including optical encoders and analog induction devices provide measurements of structural response at widely distributed points. An experimental remote optical sensor provides sixteen additional sensing channels. A computer samples the sensors, computes the control updates and sends commands to the actuators in real time, while simultaneously displaying selected outputs on a graphics terminal and saving them in memory. Several control experiments were conducted thus far and are documented. These include implementation of distributed parameter system control, model reference adaptive control, and static shape control. These experiments have demonstrated the successful implementation of state-of-the-art control approaches using actual hardware

    Line-of-sight-stabilization and tracking control for inertial platforms

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    Nowadays, line of sight stabilization and tracking using inertially stabilized platforms (ISPs) are still challenging engineering problems. With a growing demand for high-precision applications, more involved control techniques are necessary to achieve better performance. In this work, kinematic and dynamic models for a three degrees-of-freedom ISP are presented. These models are based in the vehicle-manipulator system (VMS) framework for modeling of robot manipulators operating in a mobile base (vehicles). The dynamic model follows the Euler-Lagrange formulation and is implemented by numeric simulations using the iterative Newton-Euler method. Two distinct control strategies for both stabilization and tracking are proposed: (i) computed torque control and (ii) sliding mode control using the recent SuperTwisting Algorithm (STA) combined with a High-Order Sliding Mode Observer (HOSMO). Simulations using data from a simulated vessel allow us to compare the performance of the computed torque controllers with respect to the commonly used P-PI controller. Besides, the results obtained for the sliding mode controllers indicate that the Super-Twisting algorithm offers ideal robustness to the vehicle motion disturbances and also to parametric uncertainties, resulting in a stabilization precision of approximately 0,8 mrad.Hoje em dia, a estabilização e o rastreamento da linha de visada utilizando plataformas inerciais continuam a constituir desafiadores problemas de engenharia. Com a crescente demanda por aplicações de alta precisão, técnicas de controle complexas são necessárias para atingir melhor desempenho. Neste trabalho, modelos cinemáticos e dinâmicos para uma plataforma mecânica de estabilização inercial são apresentados. Tais modelos se baseiam no formalismo para sistemas veículo-manipulator para a modelagem de manipuladores robóticos operando em uma base móvel (veículo). O modelo dinâmico apresentado segue a formulação analítica de Euler-Lagrange e é implementado em simulações numéricas através do método iterativo de Newton-Euler. Duas estratégias de controle distintas para estabilização e rastreamento são propostas: (i) controle por torque-computado e (ii) controle por modos deslizantes utilizando o recente algoritmo Super-Twisting combinado com um observador baseado em modos deslizantes de alta ordem. Simulações utilizando dados de movimentação de um navio simulado permitem comparar o desempenho dos controladores por torque computado em relação a um tipo comum de controlador linear utilizado na literatura: o P-PI. Além disso, os resultados obtidos para o controle por modos deslizantes permitem concluir que o algoritmo Super-Twisting apresenta rejeição ideal a perturbações provenientes do movimento do veículo e também a incertezas paramétricas, resultando em precisão de estabilização de aproximadamente 0,8 mrad

    Model based control strategies for a class of nonlinear mechanical sub-systems

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    This paper presents a comparison between various control strategies for a class of mechanical actuators common in heavy-duty industry. Typical actuator components are hydraulic or pneumatic elements with static non-linearities, which are commonly referred to as Hammerstein systems. Such static non-linearities may vary in time as a function of the load and hence classical inverse-model based control strategies may deliver sub-optimal performance. This paper investigates the ability of advanced model based control strategies to satisfy a tolerance interval for position error values, overshoot and settling time specifications. Due to the presence of static non-linearity requiring changing direction of movement, control effort is also evaluated in terms of zero crossing frequency (up-down or left-right movement). Simulation and experimental data from a lab setup suggest that sliding mode control is able to improve global performance parameters

    Design and Characterization of a Novel High-Power Series Elastic Actuator for a Lower Limb Robotic Orthosis

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    A safe interaction is crucial in wearable robotics in general, while in assistive and rehabilitation applications, robots may also be required to minimally perturb physiological movements, ideally acting as perfectly transparent machines. The actuation system plays a central role because the expected performance, in terms of torque, speed and control bandwidth, must not be achieved at the expense of lightness and compactness. Actuators embedding compliant elements, such as series elastic actuators, can be designed to meet the above-mentioned requirements in terms of high energy storing capacity and stability of torque control. A number of series elastic actuators have been proposed over the past 20 years in order to accommodate the needs arising from specific applications. This paper presents a novel series elastic actuator intended for the actuation system of a lower limb wearable robot, recently developed in our lab. The actuator is able to deliver 300 W and has a novel architecture making its centre of mass not co-located with its axis of rotation, for an easier integration into the robotic structure. A custom-made torsion spring with a stiffness of 272.25 N·m·rad– 1 is directly connected to the load. The delivered torque is calculated from the measurement of the spring deflection, through two absolute encoders. Testing on torque measurement accuracy and torque/stiffness control are reported

    Design and Control of Robotic Systems for Lower Limb Stroke Rehabilitation

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    Lower extremity stroke rehabilitation exhausts considerable health care resources, is labor intensive, and provides mostly qualitative metrics of patient recovery. To overcome these issues, robots can assist patients in physically manipulating their affected limb and measure the output motion. The robots that have been currently designed, however, provide assistance over a limited set of training motions, are not portable for in-home and in-clinic use, have high cost and may not provide sufficient safety or performance. This thesis proposes the idea of incorporating a mobile drive base into lower extremity rehabilitation robots to create a portable, inherently safe system that provides assistance over a wide range of training motions. A set of rehabilitative motion tasks were established and a six-degree-of-freedom (DOF) motion and force-sensing system was designed to meet high-power, large workspace, and affordability requirements. An admittance controller was implemented, and the feasibility of using this portable, low-cost system for movement assistance was shown through tests on a healthy individual. An improved version of the robot was then developed that added torque sensing and known joint elasticity for use in future clinical testing with a flexible-joint impedance controller

    Master of Science

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    thesisMobile robots are used to venture through types of environments, at low wheel speeds, where wheel slip is a threat. Wheel slip is a hazard to mobile robots in that it introduces error in dead reckoning measurement and in some instances causes the robot to halt its forward progress. To compensate for traction loss several methods are used to determine the terrain characteristics. One of these methods is Pacejka's Tire Model. The slope of Pacejka' s Tire Model can be used to determine when traction loss occurs. One step toward realizing the slope of Pacejka's Tire Model is achieving a good estimate of wheel slip. We present a unique traction estimation algorithm for low speed applications that estimates traction loss by measuring the wheel slip velocity by coupling the dynamics of a wheel with the dynamics of a vehicle. Estimates of the wheel slip velocity are accomplished using onboard sensors. To obtain an accurate estimate of the wheel slip velocity, we propose a modified Kalman Filter that fuses a system model of a DC motor with an estimate of the disturbances acting on the system model. Using the wheel slip velocity a neighborhood can be defined between two instances in time that estimates when traction loss occurs. With means of estimating traction loss, we propose a traction control law for low speed applications that provides the ability of tracking a desired reference while mitigating traction loss. To solve the tracking problem we propose a robust tracking controller that provides the ability of following a defined path and rejecting unmodeled disturbances. To mitigate traction loss we propose a continuous robust traction controller to maximize traction forces by containing wheel slip and its derivative to a neighborhood. The unique aspect of our traction controller is it works jointly with our proposed tracking controller
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