19 research outputs found

    Detecting cryptocurrency miners with NetFlow/IPFIX network measurements

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    In the last few years, cryptocurrency mining has become more and more important on the Internet activity and nowadays is even having a noticeable impact on the global economy. This has motivated the emergence of a new malicious activity called cryptojacking, which consists of compromising other machines connected to the Internet and leverage their resources to mine cryptocurrencies. In this context, it is of particular interest for network administrators to detect possible cryptocurrency miners using network resources without permission. Currently, it is possible to detect them using IP address lists from known mining pools, processing information from DNS traffic, or directly performing Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) over all the traffic. However, all these methods are still ineffective to detect miners using unknown mining servers or result too expensive to be deployed in real-world networks with large traffic volume. In this paper, we present a machine learning-based method able to detect cryptocurrency miners using NetFlow/IPFIX network measurements. Our method does not require to inspect the packets' payload; as a result, it achieves cost-efficient miner detection with similar accuracy than DPI-based techniques.This work has been supported by the Spanish MINECO under contract TEC2017-90034-C2-1-R (ALLIANCE).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Detection of encrypted cryptomining malware connections with machine and deep learning

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    Nowadays, malware has become an epidemic problem. Among the attacks exploiting the computer resources of victims, one that has become usual is related to the massive amounts of computational resources needed for digital currency cryptomining. Cybercriminals steal computer resources from victims, associating these resources to the crypto-currency mining pools they benefit from. This research work focuses on offering a solution for detecting such abusive cryptomining activity, just by means of passive network monitoring. To this end, we identify a new set of highly relevant network flow features to be used jointly with a rich set of machine and deep-learning models for real-time cryptomining flow detection. We deployed a complex and realistic cryptomining scenario for training and testing machine and deep learning models, in which clients interact with real servers across the Internet and use encrypted connections. A complete set of experiments were carried out to demonstrate that, using a combination of these highly informative features with complex machine learning models, cryptomining attacks can be detected on the wire with telco-grade precision and accuracy, even if the traffic is encrypted

    Detection of Bitcoin miners from network measurements

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    This project displays a novel method to find cryptomining using Netflow mesurements. This is achieved by investigating the differences betwen mining traffic and the rest of the traffic, and through the use of machine learning. This helps find miners with high confidence and using little resources

    Detection of cryptocurrency mining malware from network measurements

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    Currently cryptocurrencies play an important role in our society. Their popularity has increased hugely in recent years and, consequently, they have attracted the attention of an important segment of the population, which frequently finds in the mining of these cryptographic currencies a new opportunity to earn money. However, this has brought a new scenario where some people use hijacked resources to mine for their own profit. In this context, it is crucial to detect when a host is infected by malware that mines cryptocurrency without permission. Nowadays, there are some approaches to solve this problem: checking the content of each packet (DPI), blocking connections to known pools, analysing the memory consumption or installing anti malware software. Nevertheless, these previous solutions may be quite expensive in terms of resources and money. Additionally, they may require a significant modification of the network or they may be inaccurate in several cases. For this reason, in this project I suggest a system based on three different machine learning algorithms, where each one explores a specific feature of this kind of malware in order to detect it. The first one uses Netflow measurements, the second one uses the DNS queries to detect connections to pools, and the last one uses again the DNS queries but in order to detect connections to malicious domains that ma

    Discovery of Web Attacks by Inspecting HTTPS Network Traffic with Machine Learning and Similarity Search

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    Tese de mestrado, Segurança Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2022Web applications are the building blocks of many services, from social networks to banks. Network security threats have remained a permanent concern since the advent of data communication. Not withstanding, security breaches are still a serious problem since web applications incorporate both company information and private client data. Traditional Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) inspect the payload of the packets looking for known intrusion signatures or deviations from nor mal behavior. However, this Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) approach cannot inspect encrypted network traffic of Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), a protocol that has been widely adopted nowadays to protect data communication. We are interested in web application attacks, and to accurately detect them, we must access the payload. Network flows are able to aggregate flows of traffic with common properties, so they can be employed for inspecting large amounts of traffic. The main objective of this thesis is to develop a system to discover anomalous HTTPS traffic and confirm that the payloads included in it contains web applications attacks. We propose a new reliable method and system to identify traffic that may include web application attacks by analysing HTTPS network flows (netflows) and discovering payload content similarities. We resort to unsupervised machine learning algorithms to cluster netflows and identify anomalous traffic and to Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) algorithms to create a Similarity Search Engine (SSE) capable of correctly identifying the presence of known web applications attacks over this traffic. We involve the system in a continuous improvement process to keep a reliable detection as new web applications attacks are discovered. We evaluated the system, which showed that it could detect anomalous traffic, the SSE was able to confirm the presence of web attacks into that anomalous traffic, and the continuous improvement process was able to increase the accuracy of the SSE

    Features, Analysis Techniques, and Detection Methods of Cryptojacking Malware: A Survey

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    Various types of malwares are capable of bringing harm to users. The list of types are root exploits, botnets, trojans, spyware, worms, viruses, ransomware, and cryptojacking. Cryptojacking is a significant proportion of cyberattacks in which exploiters mine cryptocurrencies using the victim’s devices, for instance, smartphones, tablets, servers, or computers. It is also defined as the illegal utilization of victim resources (CPU, RAM, and GPU) to mine cryptocurrencies without detection. The purpose of cryptojacking, along with numerous other forms of cybercrime, is monetary gain. Furthermore, it also intended to stay concealed from the victim's viewpoint. Following this crime, to the author's knowledge, a paper focusing solely on a review of cryptojacking research is still unavailable. This paper presents cryptojacking detection information to address this deficiency, including methods, detection, analysis techniques, and features. As cryptojacking malware is a type that executes its activities using the network, most of the analysis and features fall into dynamic activities. However, static analysis is also included in the security researcher’s option. The codes that are involved are opcode and JavaScript. This demonstrates that these two languages are vital programming languages to focus on to detect cryptojacking. Moreover, the researchers also begin to adopt deep learning in their experiments to detect cryptojacking malware. This paper also examines potential future developments in the detection of cryptojacking

    Results and achievements of the ALLIANCE Project: New network solutions for 5G and beyond

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    Leaving the current 4th generation of mobile communications behind, 5G will represent a disruptive paradigm shift integrating 5G Radio Access Networks (RANs), ultra-high-capacity access/metro/core optical networks, and intra-datacentre (DC) network and computational resources into a single converged 5G network infrastructure. The present paper overviews the main achievements obtained in the ALLIANCE project. This project ambitiously aims at architecting a converged 5G-enabled network infrastructure satisfying those needs to effectively realise the envisioned upcoming Digital Society. In particular, we present two networking solutions for 5G and beyond 5G (B5G), such as Software Defined Networking/Network Function Virtualisation (SDN/NFV) on top of an ultra-high-capacity spatially and spectrally flexible all-optical network infrastructure, and the clean-slate Recursive Inter-Network Architecture (RINA) over packet networks, including access, metro, core and DC segments. The common umbrella of all these solutions is the Knowledge-Defined Networking (KDN)-based orchestration layer which, by implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, enables an optimal end-to-end service provisioning. Finally, the cross-layer manager of the ALLIANCE architecture includes two novel elements, namely the monitoring element providing network and user data in real time to the KDN, and the blockchain-based trust element in charge of exchanging reliable and confident information with external domains.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under contract FEDER TEC2017-90034-C2 (ALLIANCE project) and by the Generalitat de Catalunya under contract 2017SGR-1037 and 2017SGR-605.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Fine-grained, Content-agnostic Network Traffic Analysis for Malicious Activity Detection

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    The rapid evolution of malicious activities in network environments necessitates the development of more effective and efficient detection and mitigation techniques. Traditional traffic analysis (TA) approaches have demonstrated limited efficacy and performance in detecting various malicious activities, resulting in a pressing need for more advanced solutions. To fill the gap, this dissertation proposes several new fine-grained network traffic analysis (FGTA) approaches. These approaches focus on (1) detecting previously hard-to-detect malicious activities by deducing fine-grained, detailed application-layer information in privacy-preserving manners, (2) enhancing usability by providing more explainable results and better adaptability to different network environments, and (3) combining network traffic data with endpoint information to provide users with more comprehensive and accurate protections. We begin by conducting a comprehensive survey of existing FGTA approaches. We then propose CJ-Sniffer, a privacy-aware cryptojacking detection system that efficiently detects cryptojacking traffic. CJ-Sniffer is the first approach to distinguishing cryptojacking traffic from user-initiated cryptocurrency mining traffic, allowing for fine-grained traffic discrimination. This level of fine-grained traffic discrimination has proven challenging to accomplish through traditional TA methodologies. Next, we introduce BotFlowMon, a learning-based, content-agnostic approach for detecting online social network (OSN) bot traffic, which has posed a significant challenge for detection using traditional TA strategies. BotFlowMon is an FGTA approach that relies only on content-agnostic flow-level data as input and utilizes novel algorithms and techniques to classify social bot traffic from real OSN user traffic. To enhance the usability of FGTA-based attack detection, we propose a learning-based DDoS detection approach that emphasizes both explainability and adaptability. This approach provides network administrators with insightful explanatory information and adaptable models for new network environments. Finally, we present a reinforcement learning-based defense approach against L7 DDoS attacks, which combines network traffic data with endpoint information to operate. The proposed approach actively monitors and analyzes the victim server and applies different strategies under different conditions to protect the server while minimizing collateral damage to legitimate requests. Our evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed approaches achieve high accuracy and efficiency in detecting and mitigating various malicious activities, while maintaining privacy-preserving features, providing explainable and adaptable results, or providing comprehensive application-layer situational awareness. This dissertation significantly advances the fields of FGTA and malicious activity detection. This dissertation includes published and unpublished co-authored materials

    Detection of Cryptocurrency Miners Based on IP Flow Analysis

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    Táto diplomová práca popisuje obecné informácie o kryptomenách, aké princípy sa využívajú pri tvorbe nových mincí a prečo môže byť ich ťaženie nežiadúce. Ďalej pojednáva o tom, čo je to IP tok a ako funguje monitorovanie sietí pomocou sledovania sieťovej komunikácie na úrovni IP tokov. Popisuje framework Nemea, ktorý slúži na vytváranie komplexných systémov pre detekciu nežiadúcej prevádzky. Vysvetľuje akým spôsobom boli získané dáta zachytávajúce komunikáciu ťaženia kryptomien a následne popisuje analýzu týchto dát. Na základe tejto analýzy je vytvorený návrh pre metódu schopnú detegovať ťaženie kryptomien pomocou záznamov o IP tokoch. Nakoniec táto správa obsahuje vyhodnotenie detekovaných udalostí v rámci rôznych sietí.This master’s thesis describes the general information about cryptocurrencies, what principles are used in the process of creation of new coins and why mining cryptocurrencies can be malicious. Further, it discusses what is an IP flow, and how to monitor networks by monitoring network traffic using IP flows. It describes the Nemea framework that is used to build comprehensive system for detecting malicious traffic. It explains how the network data with communications of the cryptocurrencies mining process were obtained and then provides an analysis of this data. Based on this analysis a proposal is created for methods capable of detecting mining cryptocurrencies by using IP flows records. Finally, proposed detection method was evaluated on various networks and the results are further described.