691 research outputs found

    Information visualization for DNA microarray data analysis: A critical review

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    Graphical representation may provide effective means of making sense of the complexity and sheer volume of data produced by DNA microarray experiments that monitor the expression patterns of thousands of genes simultaneously. The ability to use ldquoabstractrdquo graphical representation to draw attention to areas of interest, and more in-depth visualizations to answer focused questions, would enable biologists to move from a large amount of data to particular records they are interested in, and therefore, gain deeper insights in understanding the microarray experiment results. This paper starts by providing some background knowledge of microarray experiments, and then, explains how graphical representation can be applied in general to this problem domain, followed by exploring the role of visualization in gene expression data analysis. Having set the problem scene, the paper then examines various multivariate data visualization techniques that have been applied to microarray data analysis. These techniques are critically reviewed so that the strengths and weaknesses of each technique can be tabulated. Finally, several key problem areas as well as possible solutions to them are discussed as being a source for future work

    Partition Decoupling for Multi-gene Analysis of Gene Expression Profiling Data

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    We present the extention and application of a new unsupervised statistical learning technique--the Partition Decoupling Method--to gene expression data. Because it has the ability to reveal non-linear and non-convex geometries present in the data, the PDM is an improvement over typical gene expression analysis algorithms, permitting a multi-gene analysis that can reveal phenotypic differences even when the individual genes do not exhibit differential expression. Here, we apply the PDM to publicly-available gene expression data sets, and demonstrate that we are able to identify cell types and treatments with higher accuracy than is obtained through other approaches. By applying it in a pathway-by-pathway fashion, we demonstrate how the PDM may be used to find sets of mechanistically-related genes that discriminate phenotypes.Comment: Revise

    Techniques for clustering gene expression data

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    Many clustering techniques have been proposed for the analysis of gene expression data obtained from microarray experiments. However, choice of suitable method(s) for a given experimental dataset is not straightforward. Common approaches do not translate well and fail to take account of the data profile. This review paper surveys state of the art applications which recognises these limitations and implements procedures to overcome them. It provides a framework for the evaluation of clustering in gene expression analyses. The nature of microarray data is discussed briefly. Selected examples are presented for the clustering methods considered

    SpaCEM3: a software for biological module detection when data is incomplete, high dimensional and dependent

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    Summary: Among classical methods for module detection, SpaCEM3 provides ad hoc algorithms that were shown to be particularly well adapted to specific features of biological data: high-dimensionality, interactions between components (genes) and integrated treatment of missingness in observations. The software, currently in its version 2.0, is developed in C++ and can be used either via command line or with the GUI under Linux and Windows environments. Availability: The SpaCEM3 software, a documentation and datasets are available from http://spacem3.gforge.inria.fr/. Contact: [email protected]; [email protected]

    Mitmemõõtmeliste andmete statistiline analüüs bioinformaatikas

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Valgud on organismide ühed tähtsaimad ehituskivid. Nende kogust ja omavahelisi seoseid uurides on võimalik saada infot organismi seisundi kohta. Tänapäevased seadmed võimaldavad koguda lühikese ajaga palju valkudega seotud andmeid. Nende analüüs on aga suhteliselt keerukas ja on loonud uue teadusharu nimega bioinformaatika. Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärgiks on kirjeldada mitmemõõtmeliste andmete statistilise analüüsiga seotud probleeme ja nende lahendusi. Näidatakse, kuidas sellised andmed saab esitada maatriksi kujul. Antakse ülevaade andmeallikatest ja analüüsimeetoditest ning näidatakse, kuidas neid saab praktikas kasutada. Kirjeldatakse üleeuroopalist vähiuuringute projekti PREDECT, kus paljud organisatsioonid osalevad vähimudelite täiustamises. Antakse ülevaade metaandmete kogumisest paljudelt partneritelt, samuti veebitööriistadest, mis loodi esmaseks andmeanalüüsiks. Kirjeldatakse uudse rinnavähi mudeliga seotud analüüsi ja koelõikude võrdlust erinevates laboritingimustes. Tutvustatakse vabalt kasutatavat veebitööriista, millega saab teha kirjeldavat andmeanalüüsi. Järgmistes peatükkides kirjeldatakse andmeanalüüsi erinevates uuringutes. Inimese platsentas leiti mitmeid uusi alleelispetsiifilise ekspressiooniga geene. Uuriti atoopilise dermatiidi molekulaarseid mehhanisme, täpsemalt valgu gamma-interferoon mõju sellele haigusele. Leiti mikroRNAsid, mida saab kasutada endometrioosi markeritena, ja loodi klassifitseerija endometrioosihaigete eristamiseks tervetest.Proteins are one of the most important building blocks of an organism. By investigating the abundance and relations between different proteins, it is possible to get information about the current state of the organism. Modern technologies allow to collect a large amount of data related to proteins in a short period of time. This type of analysis is quite complicated and has created a new field of science called bioinformatics. The aim of the dissertation is to describe problems and solutions related to statistical analysis of multivariate data. It is shown how this type of data can be presented as a matrix. An overview of data sources and analysis methods is given and it is shown how they can be used in practice. A pan-European project PREDECT is described where many organizations are contributing to develop better cancer models. An overview is given about collecting metadata from multiple partners, and about web tools created for initial data analysis. An analysis concerning a novel breast cancer model is described, and a comparison of tissue slices in different cultivation conditions is made. A freely available web tool is introduced which allows to perform exploratory data analysis. Next chapters describe data analysis in various projects. Multiple novel genes were found in the human placenta that have an allele-specific expression. Molecular mechanisms of a disease called atopic dermatitis were examined, more specifically the influence of the protein interferon-gamma. MicroRNAs were found that can be used as markers for a disease called endometriosis, and a classifier was built to differentiate people with endometriosis from healthy people

    Robust Microarray Image Processing

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    The state of the art in the analysis of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis images

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    Software-based image analysis is a crucial step in the biological interpretation of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis experiments. Recent significant advances in image processing methods combined with powerful computing hardware have enabled the routine analysis of large experiments. We cover the process starting with the imaging of 2-D gels, quantitation of spots, creation of expression profiles to statistical expression analysis followed by the presentation of results. Challenges for analysis software as well as good practices are highlighted. We emphasize image warping and related methods that are able to overcome the difficulties that are due to varying migration positions of spots between gels. Spot detection, quantitation, normalization, and the creation of expression profiles are described in detail. The recent development of consensus spot patterns and complete expression profiles enables one to take full advantage of statistical methods for expression analysis that are well established for the analysis of DNA microarray experiments. We close with an overview of visualization and presentation methods (proteome maps) and current challenges in the field

    Interval based fuzzy systems for identification of important genes from microarray gene expression data: Application to carcinogenic development

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    AbstractIn the present article, we develop two interval based fuzzy systems for identification of some possible genes mediating the carcinogenic development in various tissues. The methodology involves dimensionality reduction, classifying the genes through incorporation of the notion of linguistic fuzzy sets low, medium and high, and finally selection of some possible genes mediating a particular disease, obtained by a rule generation/grouping technique. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology, is demonstrated using five microarray gene expression datasets dealing with human lung, colon, sarcoma, breast cancer and leukemia. Moreover, the superior capability of the methodology in selecting important genes, over five other existing gene selection methods, viz., Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM), Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Neighborhood analysis (NA), Bayesian Regularization (BR) and Data-adaptive (DA) is demonstrated, in terms of the enrichment of each GO category of the important genes based on P-values. The results are appropriately validated by earlier investigations, gene expression profiles and t-test. The proposed methodology has been able to select genes that are more biologically significant in mediating the development of a disease than those obtained by the others

    Visualization methods for genealogical and RNA-sequencing studies: Pertinence, software, and applications

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    As is the case in many fields, biological disciplines are now facing the challenges of increasingly large and complex data. Biologists must now process and meaningfully interpret a deluge of data, and one necessary approach toward accomplishing this goal is through the use of visualization. Ultimately, the objective of developing visualization tools for biological data is to provide biologists with enhanced insight into the processes within organelles, cells, organs, and even whole organisms. R is a free interpretive programming language for statistical computing and graphics. It is widely used by statisticians to develop statistical software and data analysis tools, and has become even more popular in recent years for researchers across a wide range of disciplines. In this dissertation, we focus primarily on developing effective visualization tools for genealogical and RNA-sequencing datasets within the R framework. This work addresses the lack of modern and interactive visualization techniques in the fields of genealogy and RNA-sequencing through the following specific aims: (i) develop improved visualization techniques for genealogical datasets; (ii) generate comprehensive collections of examples underlining the importance of visualizing RNA-sequencing datasets; (iii) develop improved visualization methods for RNA-sequencing datasets; and (iv) perform an RNA-sequencing experiment that examines virus inoculation and nutrition in honey bees while applying the visualization tools we previously validated and developed. First, we present our software package ggenealogy that includes new visualization tools for genealogical datasets. In particular, we introduce a new method that provides unequivocal information about lineages in situations where intergenerational breeding occurs, as is often the case in agronomic applications. This was not previously possible with standard pedigree charts. Second, we create a compilation of reproducible examples using numerous public RNA-sequencing datasets that demonstrates uncommon visualization techniques detecting normalization issues, differential expression designation problems, and common analysis errors. We also show that these visualization tools can identify genes of interest in ways undetectable with models. Third, we introduce our software package bigPint that comprises visualization tools for RNA-sequencing datasets, many of which we previously showed to be beneficial through extensive testing. Fourth, we conduct the first RNA-sequencing study that examines the combined effects of monofloral diets and Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV) inoculation on gene expression patterns in honey bees. These factors have been implicated as environmental stressors that pose heightened dangers to honey bee health, the decline of which has major implications for agricultural sustainability. Importantly, we use an extensive data visualization approach in our RNA-sequencing study that incorporates the methods we developed earlier and recommend such an avenue for researchers who have noisy RNA-sequencing data in the future