13,805 research outputs found

    Detecting Motion through Dynamic Refraction

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    Comparison of fibre optical measurements and discrete element simulations for the study of granulation in a spout fluidized bed

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    Spout fluidized beds are frequently used for the production of granules or particles through granulation. The products find application in a large variety of applications, for example detergents, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals and food. Spout fluidized beds have a number of advantageous properties, such as a high mobility of the particles, which prevents undesired agglomeration and yields excellent heat transfer properties. The particle growth mechanism in a spout fluidized bed as function of particle-droplet interaction has a profound influence on the particle morphology and thus on the product quality. Nevertheless, little is known about the details of the granulation process. This is mainly due to the fact that the granulation process is not visually accessible. In this work we use fundamental, deterministic models to enable the detailed investigation of granulation behaviour in a spout fluidized bed. A discrete element model is used describing the dynamics of the continuous gas-phase and the discrete droplets and particles. For each element momentum balances are solved. The momentum transfer among each of the three phases is described in detail at the level of individual elements. The results from the discrete element model simulations are compared with local measurements of particle volume fractions as well as particle velocities by using a novel fibre optical probe in a fluidized bed of 400 mm I.D. Simulations and experiments were carried out for three different cases using Geldart B type aluminium oxide particles: a freely bubbling fluidized bed; a spout fluidized bed without the presence of droplets and a spout fluidized bed with the presence of droplets. It is demonstrated how the discrete element model can be used to obtain information about the interaction of the discrete phases, i.e. the growth zone in a spout fluidized bed. Eventually this kind of information can be used to obtain closure information required in more coarse grained models

    Sun tracker with rotatable plane-parallel plate and two photocells Patent

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    Sun tracker with rotatable plane-parallel plate and two photocell

    Mitigation of Through-Wall Distortions of Frontal Radar Images using Denoising Autoencoders

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    Radar images of humans and other concealed objects are considerably distorted by attenuation, refraction and multipath clutter in indoor through-wall environments. While several methods have been proposed for removing target independent static and dynamic clutter, there still remain considerable challenges in mitigating target dependent clutter especially when the knowledge of the exact propagation characteristics or analytical framework is unavailable. In this work we focus on mitigating wall effects using a machine learning based solution -- denoising autoencoders -- that does not require prior information of the wall parameters or room geometry. Instead, the method relies on the availability of a large volume of training radar images gathered in through-wall conditions and the corresponding clean images captured in line-of-sight conditions. During the training phase, the autoencoder learns how to denoise the corrupted through-wall images in order to resemble the free space images. We have validated the performance of the proposed solution for both static and dynamic human subjects. The frontal radar images of static targets are obtained by processing wideband planar array measurement data with two-dimensional array and range processing. The frontal radar images of dynamic targets are simulated using narrowband planar array data processed with two-dimensional array and Doppler processing. In both simulation and measurement processes, we incorporate considerable diversity in the target and propagation conditions. Our experimental results, from both simulation and measurement data, show that the denoised images are considerably more similar to the free-space images when compared to the original through-wall images

    Single reflector interference spectrometer and drive system therefor

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    In a Fourier interference spectrometer of the doublepass retroreflector type, a single mirror is employed in the path of both split beams of an incoming ray to cause them to double back through separate retroreflectors. Changes in optical path length are achieved by linear displacement of both retroreflectors using a motor driven lead screw on one for large, low frequency changes, a moving-coil actuator on the other for smaller, mid-frequency changes and a piezoelectric actuator on one of these two for small, high frequency changes

    A Survey of Ocean Simulation and Rendering Techniques in Computer Graphics

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    This paper presents a survey of ocean simulation and rendering methods in computer graphics. To model and animate the ocean's surface, these methods mainly rely on two main approaches: on the one hand, those which approximate ocean dynamics with parametric, spectral or hybrid models and use empirical laws from oceanographic research. We will see that this type of methods essentially allows the simulation of ocean scenes in the deep water domain, without breaking waves. On the other hand, physically-based methods use Navier-Stokes Equations (NSE) to represent breaking waves and more generally ocean surface near the shore. We also describe ocean rendering methods in computer graphics, with a special interest in the simulation of phenomena such as foam and spray, and light's interaction with the ocean surface

    X-ray based extensometry

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    A totally new method of extensometry using an X-ray beam was proposed. The intent of the method is to provide a non-contacting technique that is immune to problems associated with density variations in gaseous environments that plague optical methods. X-rays are virtually unrefractable even by solids. The new method utilizes X-ray induced X-ray fluorescence or X-ray induced optical fluorescence of targets that have melting temperatures of over 3000 F. Many different variations of the basic approaches are possible. In the year completed, preliminary experiments were completed which strongly suggest that the method is feasible. The X-ray induced optical fluorescence method appears to be limited to temperatures below roughly 1600 F because of the overwhelming thermal optical radiation. The X-ray induced X-ray fluorescence scheme appears feasible up to very high temperatures. In this system there will be an unknown tradeoff between frequency response, cost, and accuracy. The exact tradeoff can only be estimated. It appears that for thermomechanical tests with cycle times on the order of minutes a very reasonable system may be feasible. The intended applications involve very high temperatures in both materials testing and monitoring component testing. Gas turbine engines, rocket engines, and hypersonic vehicles (NASP) all involve measurement needs that could partially be met by the proposed technology
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