157 research outputs found

    A Defect-tolerant Cluster in a Mesh SRAM-based FPGA

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose the implementation of multiple defect-tolerant techniques on an SRAM-based FPGA. These techniques include redundancy at both the logic block and intra-cluster interconnect. In the logic block, redundancy is implemented at the multiplexer level. Its efficiency is analyzed by injecting a single defect at the output of a multiplexer, considering all possible locations and input combinations. While at the interconnect level, fine grain redundancy is introduced which not only bypasses defects but also increases routability. Taking advantage of the sparse intra-cluster interconnect structures, routability is further improved by efficient distribution of feedback paths allowing more flexibility in the connections among logic blocks. Emulation results show a significant improvement of about 15% and 34% in the robustness of logic block and intra-cluster interconnect respectively. Furthermore, the impact of these hardening schemes on the testability of the FPGA cluster for manufacturing defects is also investigated in terms of maximum achievable fault coverage and the respective cost

    Compact Field Programmable Gate Array Based Physical Unclonable Functions Circuits

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    The Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) is a candidate to provide a secure solid root source for identification and authentication applications. It is precious for FPGA-based systems, as FPGA designs are vulnerable to IP thefts and cloning. Ideally, the PUFs should have strong random variations from one chip to another, and thus each PUF is unique and hard to replicate. Also, the PUFs should be stable over time so that the same challenge bits always yield the same result. Correspondingly, one of the major challenges for FPGA-based PUFs is the difficulty of avoiding systematic bias in the integrated circuits but also pulling out consistent characteristics as the PUF at the same time. This thesis discusses several compact PUF structures relying on programmable delay lines (PDLs) and our novel intertwined programmable delays (IPD). We explore the strategy to extract the genuinely random PUF from these structures by minimizing the systematic biases. Yet, our methods still maintain very high reliability. Furthermore, our proposed designs, especially the TERO-based PUFs, show promising resilience to machine learning (ML) attacks. We also suggest the bit-bias metric to estimate PUF’s complexity quickly

    Optimization Opportunities in RRAM-based FPGA Architectures

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    Static Random Access Memory (SRAM)-based routing multiplexers, whatever structure is employed, share a common limitation: their area, delay and power increase linearly with the input size. This property results in most SRAM-based FPGA architectures typically avoiding the use of large multiplexers. Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM)- based multiplexers, built with one-level structure, have a unique advantage over SRAM-based multiplexers: their ideal delay is independent from the input size. This property allows RRAM-based FPGA architectures to use larger multiplexers than their SRAM-based counterparts, without generating any delay overhead. In this paper, by carefully considering the properties of RRAM multiplexers, we assess that current state-of-art architectural parameters for SRAM-based FPGAs cannot preserve optimality in the context of RRAM-based FPGAs. As a result, we propose that in RRAM-based FPGAs, (a) the routing tracks should be interconnected to Look-Up Table (LUT) inputs via a one-level crossbar, instead of through Connection Blocks and local routing; (b) the Switch Blocks should employ larger multiplexers; (c) length-2 wires should be used instead of length-4 wires. When operated in nominal voltage, the proposed RRAM-based FPGA architecture reduces area by 26%, delay by 39% and channel width by 13%, as compared to a SRAM-based FPGA with a classical architecture. When operated in the near-Vt regime, the proposed RRAM-based FPGA architecture improves Area-Delay Product by 42% and Power-Delay Product by 5x as compared to a classical SRAM-based FPGA at nominal voltage

    Développement des techniques de test et de diagnostic pour les FPGA hiérarchique de type mesh

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    The evolution trend of shrinking feature size and increasing complexity in modern electronics is being slowed down due to physical limits that generate numerous imperfections and defects during fabrication steps or projected life time of the chip. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are used in complex digital systems mainly due to their reconfigurability and shorter time-to-market. To maintain a high reliability of such systems, FPGAs should be tested thoroughly for defects. FPGA architecture optimization for area saving and better signal routability is an ongoing process which directly impacts the overall FPGA testability, hence the reliability. This thesis presents a complete strategy for test and diagnosis of manufacturing defects in mesh-based FPGAs containing a novel multilevel interconnects topology which promises to provide better area and routability. Efficiency of the proposed test schemes is analyzed in terms of test cost, respective fault coverage and diagnostic resolution.L’évolution tendant à réduire la taille et augmenter la complexité des circuits électroniques modernes, est en train de ralentir du fait des limitations technologiques, qui génèrent beaucoup de d’imperfections et de defaults durant la fabrication ou la durée de vie de la puce. Les FPGAs sont utilisés dans les systèmes numériques complexes, essentiellement parce qu’ils sont reconfigurables et rapide à commercialiser. Pour garder une grande fiabilité de tels systèmes, les FPGAs doivent être testés minutieusement pour les defaults. L’optimisation de l’architecture des FPGAs pour l’économie de surface et une meilleure routabilité est un processus continue qui impacte directement la testabilité globale et de ce fait, la fiabilité. Cette thèse présente une stratégie complète pour le test et le diagnostique des defaults de fabrication des “mesh-based FPGA” contenant une nouvelle topologie d’interconnections à plusieurs niveaux, ce qui promet d’apporter une meilleure routabilité. Efficacité des schémas proposes est analysée en termes de temps de test, couverture de faute et résolution de diagnostique

    A Novel Multi-objective Optimisation Algorithm for Routability and Timing Driven Circuit Clustering on FPGAs

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    Circuit clustering algorithms fit synthesised circuits into FPGA configurable logic blocks (CLBs) efficiently. This fundamental process in FPGA CAD flow directly impacts both effort required and performance achievable in subsequent place-and-route processes. Circuit clustering is limited by hardware constraints of specific target architectures. Hence, better circuit clustering approaches are essential for improving device utilisation whilst at the same time optimising circuit performance parameters such as, e.g., power and delay. In this paper, we present a method based on multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) to facilitate circuit clustering. We address a number of challenges including CLB input bandwidth constraints, improvement of CLB utilisation, minimisation of interconnects between CLBs. Our new approach has been validated using the "Golden 20" MCNC benchmark circuits that are regularly used in FPGA-related literature. The results show that the method proposed in this paper achieves improvements of up to 50% in clustering, routability and timing when compared to state-of-the-art approaches including VPack, T-VPack, RPack, DPack, HDPack, MOPack and iRAC. Key contribution of this work is a flexible EDA flow that can incorporate numerous objectives required to successfully tackle real-world circuit design on FPGA, providing device utilisation at increased design performance

    Circuit Clustering for Cluster-based FPGAs Using Novel Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms

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    Circuit clustering is one of the most crucial steps in a post-synthesis FPGA CAD flow. It attempts to efficiently fit synthesised logic functions into FPGA logic clusters. On a FPGA, different clusterings result in different circuit mappings, which affect FPGA utilisation, routability and timing, and therefore impact the circuit performance. This research proposes the use of a Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) as a methodology to solve the cluster-based FPGA circuit clustering problem. Four alternative approaches based on MOGA methods are proposed in this research: RVPack is inspired by the stochastic feature that exists in Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). GGAPack, GGAPack2, DBPack and HYPack, T-HYPack (Timing-driven HYPack) are then proposed and developed, which are fully customised MOGA-based circuit clustering methods. GGAPack clusters a circuit using a top-down perspective, and DBPack uses a new bottom-up perspective. HYPack combines GGAPack and HYPack -- a hybrid method. According to experimental results, a few conclusions are drawn: It is possible to improve the performance of the greedy algorithm based circuit clustering methods by incorporating randomness. The performance of MOGA based top-down clustering is poor; however, using MOGA to cluster a circuit from a bottom-up perspective can produce better solutions. T-HYPack clustered circuit has the best timing performance compared with state-of-the-art methods. The experimental results also reflect a wider potential for using GAs to solve FPGA circuit mapping problems

    Dependable Embedded Systems

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    This Open Access book introduces readers to many new techniques for enhancing and optimizing reliability in embedded systems, which have emerged particularly within the last five years. This book introduces the most prominent reliability concerns from today’s points of view and roughly recapitulates the progress in the community so far. Unlike other books that focus on a single abstraction level such circuit level or system level alone, the focus of this book is to deal with the different reliability challenges across different levels starting from the physical level all the way to the system level (cross-layer approaches). The book aims at demonstrating how new hardware/software co-design solution can be proposed to ef-fectively mitigate reliability degradation such as transistor aging, processor variation, temperature effects, soft errors, etc. Provides readers with latest insights into novel, cross-layer methods and models with respect to dependability of embedded systems; Describes cross-layer approaches that can leverage reliability through techniques that are pro-actively designed with respect to techniques at other layers; Explains run-time adaptation and concepts/means of self-organization, in order to achieve error resiliency in complex, future many core systems

    Automatically Parallelizing Embedded Legacy Software on Soft-Core SoCs

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    Nowadays, embedded systems are utilized in many areas and become omnipresent, making people's lives more comfortable. Embedded systems have to handle more and more functionality in many products. To maintain the often required low energy consumption, multi-core systems provide high performance at moderate energy consumption. The development started with dual-core processors and has today reached many-core designs with dozens and hundreds of processor cores. However, existing applications can barely leverage the potential of that many cores. Legacy applications are usually written sequentially and thus typically use only one processor core. Thus, these applications do not benefit from the advantages provided by modern many-core systems. Rewriting those applications to use multiple cores requires new skills from developers and it is also time-consuming and highly error prone. Dozens of languages, APIs and compilers have already been presented in the past decades to aid the user with parallelizing applications. Fully automatic parallelizing compilers are seen as the holy grail, since the user effort is kept minimal. However, automatic parallelizers often cannot extract parallelism as good as user aided approaches. Most of these parallelization tools are designed for desktop and high-performance systems and are thus not tuned or applicable for low performance embedded systems. To improve this situation, this work presents an automatic parallelizer for embedded systems, which is able to mostly deliver better quality than user aided approaches and if not allows easy manual fine-tuning. Parallelization tools extract concurrently executable tasks from an application. These tasks can then be executed on different processor cores. Parallelization tools and automatic parallelizers in particular often struggle to efficiently map the extracted parallelism to an existing multi-core processor. This work uses soft-core processors on FPGAs, which makes it possible to realize custom multi-core designs in hardware, within a few minutes. This allows to adapt the multi-core processor to the characteristics of the extracted parallelism. Especially, core-interconnects for communication can be optimized to fit the communication pattern of the parallel application. Embedded applications are often structured as follows: receive input data, (multiple) data processing steps, data output. The multiple processing steps are often realized as consecutive loosely coupled transformations. These steps naturally already model the structure of a processing pipeline. It is the goal of this work to extract this kind of pipeline-parallelism from an application and map it to multiple cores to increase the overall throughput of the system. Multiple cores forming a chain with direct communication channels ideally fit this pattern. The previously described, so called pipeline-parallelism is a barely addressed concept in most parallelization tools. Also, current multi-core designs often do not support the hardware flexibility provided by soft-cores, targeted in this approach. The main contribution of this work is an automatic parallelizer which is able to map different processing steps from the source-code of a sequential application to different cores in a multi-core pipeline. Users only specify the required processing speed after parallelization. The developed tool tries to extract a matching parallelized software design along with a custom multi-core design out of sequential embedded legacy applications. The automatically created multi-core system already contains used peripherals extracted from the source-code and is ready to be used. The presented parallelizer implements multi-objective optimization to generate a minimal hardware design, just fulfilling the user defined requirement. To the best of my knowledge, the possibility to generate such a multi-core pipeline defined by the demands of the parallelized software has never been presented before. The approach is implemented for two soft-core processors and evaluation shows for both targets high speedups of 12x and higher at a reasonable hardware overhead. Compared to other automatic parallelizers, which mainly focus on speedups through latency reduction, significantly higher speedups can be achieved depending on the given application structure

    Control of sectioned on-chip communication

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    Generic low power reconfigurable distributed arithmetic processor

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    Higher performance, lower cost, increasingly minimizing integrated circuit components, and higher packaging density of chips are ongoing goals of the microelectronic and computer industry. As these goals are being achieved, however, power consumption and flexibility are increasingly becoming bottlenecks that need to be addressed with the new technology in Very Large-Scale Integrated (VLSI) design. For modern systems, more energy is required to support the powerful computational capability which accords with the increasing requirements, and these requirements cause the change of standards not only in audio and video broadcasting but also in communication such as wireless connection and network protocols. Powerful flexibility and low consumption are repellent, but their combination in one system is the ultimate goal of designers. A generic domain-specific low-power reconfigurable processor for the distributed arithmetic algorithm is presented in this dissertation. This domain reconfigurable processor features high efficiency in terms of area, power and delay, which approaches the performance of an ASIC design, while retaining the flexibility of programmable platforms. The architecture not only supports typical distributed arithmetic algorithms which can be found in most still picture compression standards and video conferencing standards, but also offers implementation ability for other distributed arithmetic algorithms found in digital signal processing, telecommunication protocols and automatic control. In this processor, a simple reconfigurable low power control unit is implemented with good performance in area, power and timing. The generic characteristic of the architecture makes it applicable for any small and medium size finite state machines which can be used as control units to implement complex system behaviour and can be found in almost all engineering disciplines. Furthermore, to map target applications efficiently onto the proposed architecture, a new algorithm is introduced for searching for the best common sharing terms set and it keeps the area and power consumption of the implementation at low level. The software implementation of this algorithm is presented, which can be used not only for the proposed architecture in this dissertation but also for all the implementations with adder-based distributed arithmetic algorithms. In addition, some low power design techniques are applied in the architecture, such as unsymmetrical design style including unsymmetrical interconnection arranging, unsymmetrical PTBs selection and unsymmetrical mapping basic computing units. All these design techniques achieve extraordinary power consumption saving. It is believed that they can be extended to more low power designs and architectures. The processor presented in this dissertation can be used to implement complex, high performance distributed arithmetic algorithms for communication and image processing applications with low cost in area and power compared with the traditional methods