86 research outputs found

    Getting parents involved in child's school: using attendance application system based on SMS gateway

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    Along with the development of communication technology, and information system, more and more also made the attendance system, and academic information. The development of a more modern absentee system with respect to the honesty side needs to be built as a substitute for manual absence using paper. Attendance system is at once can be a new standard on attendance system in Education environment. The choice of fingerprint attendance system based on communication technology in the form of SMS is because it is more practical, cheap, and efficient to convey information. Parents do not have to bother anymore come to school just to know the presence or absence of his son / daughter. In the implementation of this application, in the early stages of the user must register their identity by using the application program absenteeism built with PHP programming language, to further stored the absence data into the database My SQL which has integrated SMS Gateway through the SMS sending software that is Gammu. In addition with SMS Gateway technology, parents will be easier to obtain information on the presence of his son / daughter. From the student side, it is hoped that it will foster discipline attitude in time because indirectly this application will grow the mental attitude on time to the students, and it is expected that this application can fix any deficiencies in attendance application that has been implemented earlier

    Mobile traffic alert and tourist route guidance system design using geospatial data

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    The present study describes an integrated system for traffic data collection and alert warning. Geographical information based decision making related to traffic destinations and routes is proposed through the design. The system includes a geospatial database having profile relating to a user of a mobile device. The processing and understanding of scanned maps, other digital data input leads to route guidance. The system includes a server configured to receive traffic information relating to a route and location information relating to the mobile device. Server is configured to send a traffic alert to the mobile device when the traffic information and the location information indicate that the mobile device is traveling toward traffic congestion. Proposed system has geospatial and mobile data sets pertaining to Bangalore city in India. It is envisaged to be helpful for touristic purposes as a route guidance and alert relaying information system to tourists for proximity to sites worth seeing in a city they have entered into. The system is modular in architecture and the novelty lies in integration of different modules carrying different technologies for a complete traffic information system. Generic information processing and delivery system has been tested to be functional and speedy under test geospatial domains. In a restricted prototype model with geo-referenced route data required information has been delivered correctly over sustained trials to designated cell numbers, with average time frame of 27.5 seconds, maximum 50 and minimum 5 seconds. Traffic geo-data set trials testing is underway

    Sistem Monitoring volume menggunakan sensor ultrasonik melalui akses internet dan SMS.

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    The development of information technology, especially in computer and telecommunication, obviously supports the activities performed by people, both individually and organizationally. Related with some matters above, we will be informed of the information that always changes time by time. Such as the volume of oil at the gas station tank, where the problems usually facing in distributing oil to gas station is the theft cases usually occurs namely from Gas Relocation Center to Gas Station, where the oil is often stolen. This condition results in loss experienced by the oil companies as well as society. Based on this problem, its must developed monitoring system that can solve this problem. With using ultrasonic censor as the tool to calculated the distance for reference to calculate the volume in the tank, and maked website and suoftware to regulate SMS gateway as information line, so we can make device volume monitoring uses ultrasonic censor by internet access and SMS. The volume information which access through SMS, could be done by sending SMS that contain of word ‘VOLUME’ to server HP, server HP sending information volume in the form of numeral with liter unit. The information of volume sent through SMS represents the last measured volume before accepting the request for information via SMS.The information of tank volume displayed in the website will be the tank volume measured every 5 minutes accompanied by the date and time. For the all, the monitoring system that be done is suitable with the planning and specification that be done befor


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    Banjir di beberapa daerah baru-baru ini telah menimbulkan kerugian yang cukup signifikan. Sementara sistem peringatan banjir yang sudah ada hanya memberitahukan bahwa banjir akan datang tanpa adanya prediksi kapan musibah tersebut akan terjadi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan memperhatikan variabel ketinggian air yang diukur mengguankan sensor ultrasonik untuk mengetahui status ketinggian air dan variabel debit air yang dihitung menggunakan flowmeter untuk memprediksi kapan banjir akan terjadi. Informasi peringatan musibah banjir diberikan melalui layanan sms dan bunyi sirine. Perancangan tersebut akhirnya menghasilkan suatu sistem peringatan dini bencana banjir yang dilengkapi prediksi kapan banjir akan terjadi. Hasil perancangan sistem yang diimplementasikan dalam bentuk contoh asli sistem peringatan dini telah bekerja dengan baik sesuai dengan perancangan yang direncanakan. Peringatan bencana diberikan dalam bentuk pesan singkat peringatan bencana banjir kepada masyarakat di daerah rawan banjir dan buzzer sebagai media peringatan lain yang berfungsi memberikan peringatan langsung jika pesan peringatan bencana tidak terkirim ke nomor tujuan. Kata Kunci : sistem peringatan dini, flowmeter, sensor ultrasonik, layanan sms, sirin

    Risk Modeling of DP Operation for Offshore Tandem Offloading

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    The paper proposes a risk model to warn shuttle tanker drive-off previously and detect it punctually, and proposes a risk decision support model to generate, evaluate and select a best vessel maneuvering plan to avoid the shuttle tanker collision with FPSO. The central concern is to establish an Online Decision Support System to collect and analyze the real-time data by these two models, so as to help the drive-off vessel recovered successfully. Fault Tree Analysis is used to find the root causes to detect the vessel drive-off. Event Tree Analysis is used to evaluate and compare the different risk pictures of shuttle tanker and FPSO layout. Bayesian Risk Influence Diagram is used to generate maneuvering plans. In addition, the system deploys vessel collision consequence model and vessel collision probability model to evaluate the plans. A Human Machine Interface is designed to provide a viewable screen about operation information. In addition, a contingency plan for drive-off recovery and position reference selection procedure are generated for daily operation

    Risk Modeling of DP Operation for Offshore Tandem Offloading

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    The paper proposes a risk model to warn shuttle tanker drive-off previously and detect it punctually, and proposes a risk decision support model to generate, evaluate and select a best vessel maneuvering plan to avoid the shuttle tanker collision with FPSO. The central concern is to establish an Online Decision Support System to collect and analyze the real-time data by these two models, so as to help the drive-off vessel recovered successfully. Fault Tree Analysis is used to find the root causes to detect the vessel drive-off. Event Tree Analysis is used to evaluate and compare the different risk pictures of shuttle tanker and FPSO layout. Bayesian Risk Influence Diagram is used to generate maneuvering plans. In addition, the system deploys vessel collision consequence model and vessel collision probability model to evaluate the plans. A Human Machine Interface is designed to provide a viewable screen about operation information. In addition, a contingency plan for drive-off recovery and position reference selection procedure are generated for daily operation

    Lightweight mobile and wireless systems: technologies, architectures, and services

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    1Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering (ICSE), University of the Aegean, 81100 Mytilene, Greece 2Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI), University of Trento, 38123 Trento, Italy 3Department of Informatics, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 574 00 Macedonia, Greece 4Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), 08860 Barcelona, Spain 5North Carolina State University (NCSU), Raleigh, NC 27695, US

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Emisi Kadar Gas Sulfur Dioksida Menggunakan Sensor Mq-136 Berbasis Mikrokontroler STM32F4 Discovery

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    Gas Sulfur merupakan salah satu polutan berbahaya bagi manusia. Akibat utama polutan SO2 terhadap manusia adalah terjadinya iritasi pada sistem pernafasan. Terutama kesehatan bagi usia lanjut dan penderita yang mengalami penyakit kronis pada sistem pernafasan dan kardiovaskular yang sangat sensitif jika kontak dengan SO2. Sehingga dalam tugas akhir ini perlu adanya sebuah rancang bangun sistem monitoring kadar gas sulfur dioksida di udara. Sistem monitoring ini menggunakan buah sensor MQ 136. Untuk monitoring ini mempunyai range sebesar 0,04 hingga 1,04 dan error sebesar 5,5%, Hasil pengukuran (x) dari alat monitoring ini sebesar 0,52±0,105 ppm dengan menggunakan faktor cakupan sebesar 2,196 dan confidence level (CL) 95%. Alat monitoring ini dilengkapi dengan teknologi SMS Gateway guna untuk memberitahukan periangatan dini yang terhubung ke mobile user. Selain itu alat monitoring ini menggunakan Real Time Clock sehingga penyimpanan data logger sesuai dengan waktu yang sebenarnya. ============================================================Sulfur Diooxide gas is one of the most harmful pollutants for humans. The main effect of the SO2 pollutants on humans is the irritation of the respiratory system. Especially health for the elderly and patients with chronic illness in the respiratory and cardiovascular system are very sensitive even if contact with SO2. So in this final task need a design construction of monitoring system of gas content of sulfur dioxide in air. This monitoring system uses the MQ 136 sensor. For this monitoring has a range of 0.04 to 1.04 and error of 5.5%, The measurement result (x) of this monitoring tool is 0,52±0,105 ppm using the coverage factor of 2,196 and a confidence level (CL) of 95%. This monitoring tool is equipped with SMS Gateway technology in order to notify the early flutter connected to the mobile user. In addition, this monitoring tool uses Real Time Clock so that the data storage logger in accordance with the actual time

    Rancang bangun sistem informasi pendeteksi dini ketinggian muka air Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) secara online.

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    Banjir adalah salah satu fenomena yang sering terjadi di daerah tropis dan seringkali mengakibatkan korban serta kerugian yang besar, terutama bagi masyarakat di sekitar Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS). untuk mengurangi dampak dari bencana ini, diperlukan informasi yang real time dari perubahan ketinggian air terutama di daerah sekitar DAS. tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat rancang bangun sistem informasi yang berfungsi untuk memonitor dan mengevaluasi perubahan ketinggian muka air DAS secara online dan up to date dari jarak jauh serta dapat memberikan perolehan data yang lebih akurat. data perubahan ketinggian air ditangkap oleh sensor dan dikirimkan secara periodik ke server database dengan melalui sebuah modem. dengan sistem ini, masyarakat di sekitar DAS atau wilayah yang berpotensi banjir bisa memonitor perubahan ketinggian muka air dengan mengirimkan Sort Message Service (SMS) ke server database. hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa proses pengiriman data dari sensor ke database maupun dari database ke user dapat dilakukan secara real time. sedangkan kecepatan proses pengiriman data ini tergantung pada komunikasi data antar provider karena memanfaatkan SMS dan modem

    ATMA: Android Travel Mate Application A Visit Perak Year 2012 Case Study

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    Travel has always been a man’s best pastime, an approach to relieve from the daily stress, a halt from the tedious life and to experience the thrill of adventure. Until the last decade, camera was a traveler’s best friend but little did we know that things are going to change to a lot better. Life in today’s world is always on the move. With the advancement of technology, smart phones nowadays have boundless capabilities to feed rich user experience with interactive features. ATMA is an Android-based application for travelers to capture travel moment with multimedia integration. This application allows users to create, store and view their trips, trip related information and all the memories that bring with it. The user will also be able to share the trip information with their acquaintances through social media sharing medium such as Twitter. The idea of this project arose from the evolution of travel log formats, which reflects the need for better information regarding how travelers capture their travel activities within a day or multi-day period so that they can maximize their travel and tourism experiences. In order to develop such application, the author had conducted research on the following domains: (1) personalized travel application (2) approaches to maximize travel and tourism experiences through mobile technologies in Malaysia context. For the research methodology, this study focuses on qualitative research acquired from feedback of travelers on their experiences in using the existing system and their opinions on the new interactive application. Perak Tourism also cooperated in giving feedbacks on the prototype of this application. Using a Rapid Application Development (RAD) model, the author successfully developed an application that is user-friendly and cost-effective using Android platform. The final prototype of ATMA Android application is developed using Google AppInventor