51 research outputs found

    Maximum likelihood estimation-assisted ASVSF through state covariance-based 2D SLAM algorithm

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    The smooth variable structure filter (ASVSF) has been relatively considered as a new robust predictor-corrector method for estimating the state. In order to effectively utilize it, an SVSF requires the accurate system model, and exact prior knowledge includes both the process and measurement noise statistic. Unfortunately, the system model is always inaccurate because of some considerations avoided at the beginning. Moreover, the small addictive noises are partially known or even unknown. Of course, this limitation can degrade the performance of SVSF or also lead to divergence condition. For this reason, it is proposed through this paper an adaptive smooth variable structure filter (ASVSF) by conditioning the probability density function of a measurementto the unknown parameters at one iteration. This proposed method is assumed to accomplish the localization and direct point-based observation task of a wheeled mobile robot, TurtleBot2. Finally, by realistically simulating it and comparing to a conventional method, the proposed method has been showing a better accuracy and stability in term of root mean square error (RMSE) of the estimated map coordinate (EMC) and estimated path coordinate (EPC)

    On the vehicle sideslip angle estimation: a literature review of methods, models and innovations

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    Typical active safety systems controlling the dynamics of passenger cars rely on real-time monitoring of the vehicle sideslip angle (VSA), together with other signals like wheel angular velocities, steering angle, lateral acceleration, and the rate of rotation about the vertical axis, known as the yaw rate. The VSA (aka attitude or “drifting” angle) is defined as the angle between the vehicle longitudinal axis and the direction of travel, taking the centre of gravity as a reference. It is basically a measure of the misalignment between vehicle orientation and trajectory therefore it is a vital piece of information enabling directional stability assessment, in transients following emergency manoeuvres for instance. As explained in the introduction the VSA is not measured directly for impracticality and it is estimated on the basis of available measurements like wheel velocities, linear and angular accelerations etc. This work is intended to provide a comprehensive literature review on the VSA estimation problem. Two main estimation methods have been categorised, i.e. Observer-based and Neural Network-based, focusing on the most effective and innovative approaches. As the first method normally relies on a vehicle model, a review of the vehicle models has been included. Advantages and limitations of each technique have been highlighted and discussed

    State of charge estimation framework for lithium‐ion batteries based on square root cubature Kalman filter under wide operation temperature range

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    Due to the significant influence of temperature on battery charging and discharging performance, exact evaluation of state of charge (SOC) under complex temperature environment becomes increasingly important. This paper develops an advanced framework to estimate the SOC for lithium‐ion batteries with consideration of temperature variation. First, an accurate electrical model with wide temperature compensation is established, and a series of experiments are carried out under wide range time‐varying temperature from −20°C to 60°C. Then, the genetic algorithm is leveraged to identify the temperature‐dependent model parameters. On this basis, the battery SOC is accurately estimated based on the square root cubature Kalman filter algorithm. Finally, the availability of the proposed method at different temperatures is validated through a complicated mixed working cycle test, and the experimental results manifest that the devised framework can accurately evaluate SOC under wide time‐varying temperature range with the maximum error of less than 2%

    Finite Impulse Response Filtering Algorithm with Adaptive Horizon Size Selection and Its Applications

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    It is known, that unlike the Kalman filter (KF) finite impulse response (FIR) filters allow to avoid the divergence and unsatisfactory object tracking connected with temporary perturbations and abrupt object changes. The main challenge is to provide the appropriate choice of a sliding window size for them. In this paper, the new finite impulse response (FIR) filtering algorithm with the adaptive horizon size selection is proposed. The algorithm uses the receding horizon optimal (RHOFIR) filter which receives estimates, an abrupt change detector and an adaptive recurrent mechanism for choosing the window size. Monotonicity and asymptotic properties of the estimation error covariance matrix and the RHOFIR filter gain are established. These results form a solid foundation for justifying the principal possibility to tune the filter gain using them and the developed adaptation mechanism. The proposed algorithm (the ARHOFIR filter) allows reducing the impact of disturbances by varying adaptively the sliding window size. The possibility of this follows from the fact that the window size affects the filter characteristics in different ways. The ARHOFIR filter chooses a large horizon size in the absence of abrupt disturbances and a little during the time intervals of their action. Due to this, it has better transient characteristics compared to the KF and RHOFIR filter at intervals where there is temporary uncertainty and may provide the same accuracy of estimates as the KF in their absence. By simulation, it is shown that the ARHOFIR filter is more robust than the KF and RHOFIR filter for the temporarily uncertain systems

    Practice and Innovations in Sustainable Transport

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    The book continues with an experimental analysis conducted to obtain accurate and complete information about electric vehicles in different traffic situations and road conditions. For the experimental analysis in this study, three different electric vehicles from the Edinburgh College leasing program were equipped and tracked to obtain over 50 GPS and energy consumption data for short distance journeys in the Edinburgh area and long-range tests between Edinburgh and Bristol. In the following section, an adaptive and robust square root cubature Kalman filter based on variational Bayesian approximation and Huber’s M-estimation is proposed to accurately estimate state of charge (SOC), which is vital for safe operation and efficient management of lithium-ion batteries. A coupled-inductor DC-DC converter with a high voltage gain is proposed in the following section to match the voltage of a fuel cell stack to a DC link bus. Finally, the book presents a review of the different approaches that have been proposed by various authors to mitigate the impact of electric buses and electric taxis on the future smart grid

    Estimation, Decision and Applications to Target Tracking

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    This dissertation mainly consists of three parts. The first part proposes generalized linear minimum mean-square error (GLMMSE) estimation for nonlinear point estimation. The second part proposes a recursive joint decision and estimation (RJDE) algorithm for joint decision and estimation (JDE). The third part analyzes the performance of sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) when the log-likelihood ratios (LLR) are independent but not identically distributed. The linear minimum mean-square error (LMMSE) estimation plays an important role in nonlinear estimation. It searches for the best estimator in the set of all estimators that are linear in the measurement. A GLMMSE estimation framework is proposed in this disser- tation. It employs a vector-valued measurement transform function (MTF) and finds the best estimator among all estimators that are linear in MTF. Several design guidelines for the MTF based on a numerical example were provided. A RJDE algorithm based on a generalized Bayes risk is proposed in this dissertation for dynamic JDE problems. It is computationally efficient for dynamic problems where data are made available sequentially. Further, since existing performance measures for estimation or decision are effective to evaluate JDE algorithms, a joint performance measure is proposed for JDE algorithms for dynamic problems. The RJDE algorithm is demonstrated by applications to joint tracking and classification as well as joint tracking and detection in target tracking. The characteristics and performance of SPRT are characterized by two important functions—operating characteristic (OC) and average sample number (ASN). These two functions have been studied extensively under the assumption of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) LLR, which is too stringent for many applications. This dissertation relaxes the requirement of identical distribution. Two inductive equations governing the OC and ASN are developed. Unfortunately, they have non-unique solutions in the general case. They do have unique solutions in two special cases: (a) the LLR sequence converges in distributions and (b) the LLR sequence has periodic distributions. Further, the analysis can be readily extended to evaluate the performance of the truncated SPRT and the cumulative sum test

    Arithmetic Average Density Fusion -- Part I: Some Statistic and Information-theoretic Results

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    Finite mixture such as the Gaussian mixture is a flexible and powerful probabilistic modeling tool for representing the multimodal distribution widely involved in many estimation and learning problems. The core of it is representing the target distribution by the arithmetic average (AA) of a finite number of sub-distributions which constitute a mixture. While the mixture has been widely used for single sensor filter design, it is only recent that the AA fusion demonstrates compelling performance for multi-sensor filter design. In this paper, some statistic and information-theoretic results are given on the covariance consistency, mean square error, mode-preservation capacity, and the information divergence of the AA fusion approach. In particular, based on the concept of conservative fusion, the relationship of the AA fusion with the existing conservative fusion approaches such as covariance union and covariance intersection is exposed. A suboptimal weighting approach has been proposed, which jointly with the best mixture-fit property of the AA fusion leads to a max-min optimization problem. Linear Gaussian models are considered for algorithm illustration and simulation comparison, resulting in the first-ever AA fusion-based multi-sensor Kalman filter.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. Information Fusion, 202

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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