641 research outputs found

    Reliability Driven Synthesis of Sequential Circuits

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratorySemiconductor Research Corporation / SRC 95-DP-109Joint Services Electronics Program / N00014-90-J-127

    Automated synthesis of delay-insensitive circuits

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    Specification, simulation, and verification of component connectors in Reo

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    Coordination and composition of components is an essential concern in component-based software engineering. In this paper, we present an operational semantics for a component composition language called Reo. Reo connectors exogenously compose and coordinate the interactions among individual components, that unawarely comprise a complex system, into a coherent collaboration. The formal semantics we present here paves the way for studying the behavior of component composition mechanisms rigorously. To demonstrate the feasibility of such a rigorous approach, we give a faithful translation of Reo semantics into the Maude term rewriting language. This translation allows us to exploit the rewriting engine and the modelchecking module in the Maude tool-set to symbolically run and model-check the behavior of Reo connectors

    A Comprehensive Fault Model for Concurrent Error Detection in MOS Circuits

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    Naval Electronics Sys. Comm. and Office of Naval Research / N00039-80-C-0556Ope

    Decomposition of sequential and concurrent models

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    Le macchine a stati finiti (FSM), sistemi di transizioni (TS) e le reti di Petri (PN) sono importanti modelli formali per la progettazione di sistemi. Un problema fodamentale è la conversione da un modello all'altro. Questa tesi esplora il mondo delle reti di Petri e della decomposizione di sistemi di transizioni. Per quanto riguarda la decomposizione dei sistemi di transizioni, la teoria delle regioni rappresenta la colonna portante dell'intero processo di decomposizione, mirato soprattutto a decomposizioni che utilizzano due sottoclassi delle reti di Petri: macchine a stati e reti di Petri a scelta libera. Nella tesi si dimostra che una proprietà chiamata ``chiusura rispetto all'eccitazione" (excitation-closure) è sufficiente per produrre un insieme di reti di Petri la cui sincronizzazione è bisimile al sistema di transizioni (o rete di Petri di partenza, se la decomposizione parte da una rete di Petri), dimostrando costruttivamente l'esistenza di una bisimulazione. Inoltre, è stato implementato un software che esegue la decomposizione dei sistemi di transizioni, per rafforzare i risultati teorici con dati sperimentali sistematici. Nella seconda parte della dissertazione si analizza un nuovo modello chiamato MSFSM, che rappresenta un insieme di FSM sincronizzate da due primitive specifiche (Wait State - Stato d'Attesa e Transition Barrier - Barriera di Transizione). Tale modello trova un utilizzo significativo nella sintesi di circuiti sincroni a partire da reti di Petri a scelta libera. In particolare vengono identificati degli errori nell'approccio originale, fornendo delle correzioni.Finite State Machines (FSMs), transition systems (TSs) and Petri nets (PNs) are important models of computation ubiquitous in formal methods for modeling systems. Important problems involve the transition from one model to another. This thesis explores Petri nets, transition systems and Finite State Machines decomposition and optimization. The first part addresses decomposition of transition systems and Petri nets, based on the theory of regions, representing them by means of restricted PNs, e.g., State Machines (SMs) and Free-choice Petri nets (FCPNs). We show that the property called ``excitation-closure" is sufficient to produce a set of synchronized Petri nets bisimilar to the original transition system or to the initial Petri net (if the decomposition starts from a PN), proving by construction the existence of a bisimulation. Furthermore, we implemented a software performing the decomposition of transition systems, and reported extensive experiments. The second part of the dissertation discusses Multiple Synchronized Finite State Machines (MSFSMs) specifying a set of FSMs synchronized by specific primitives: Wait State and Transition Barrier. It introduces a method for converting Petri nets into synchronous circuits using MSFSM, identifies errors in the initial approach, and provides corrections

    Investigations into the feasibility of an on-line test methodology

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    This thesis aims to understand how information coding and the protocol that it supports can affect the characteristics of electronic circuits. More specifically, it investigates an on-line test methodology called IFIS (If it Fails It Stops) and its impact on the design, implementation and subsequent characteristics of circuits intended for application specific lC (ASIC) technology. The first study investigates the influences of information coding and protocol on the characteristics of IFIS systems. The second study investigates methods of circuit design applicable to IFIS cells and identifies the· technique possessing the characteristics most suitable for on-line testing. The third study investigates the characteristics of a 'real-life' commercial UART re-engineered using the techniques resulting from the previous two studies. The final study investigates the effects of the halting properties endowed by the protocol on failure diagnosis within IFIS systems. The outcome of this work is an identification and characterisation of the factors that influence behaviour, implementation costs and the ability to test and diagnose IFIS designs

    Automatic test pattern generation for asynchronous circuits

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    The testability of integrated circuits becomes worse with transistor dimensions reaching nanometer scales. Testing, the process of ensuring that circuits are fabricated without defects, becomes inevitably part of the design process; a technique called design for test (DFT). Asynchronous circuits have a number of desirable properties making them suitable for the challenges posed by modern technologies, but are severely limited by the unavailability of EDA tools for DFT and automatic test-pattern generation (ATPG). This thesis is motivated towards developing test generation methodologies for asynchronous circuits. In total four methods were developed which are aimed at two different fault models: stuck-at faults at the basic logic gate level and transistor-level faults. The methods were evaluated using a set of benchmark circuits and compared favorably to previously published work. First, ABALLAST is a partial-scan DFT method adapting the well-known BALLAST technique for asynchronous circuits where balanced structures are used to guide the selection of the state-holding elements that will be scanned. The test inputs are automatically provided by a novel test pattern generator, which uses time frame unrolling to deal with the remaining, non-scanned sequential C-elements. The second method, called AGLOB, uses algorithms from strongly-connected components in graph graph theory as a method for finding the optimal position of breaking the loops in the asynchronous circuit and adding scan registers. The corresponding ATPG method converts cyclic circuits into acyclic for which standard tools can provide test patterns. These patterns are then automatically converted for use in the original cyclic circuits. The third method, ASCP, employs a new cycle enumeration method to find the loops present in a circuit. Enumerated cycles are then processed using an efficient set covering heuristic to select the scan elements for the circuit to be tested.Applying these methods to the benchmark circuits shows an improvement in fault coverage compared to previous work, which, for some circuits, was substantial. As no single method consistently outperforms the others in all benchmarks, they are all valuable as a designer’s suite of tools for testing. Moreover, since they are all scan-based, they are compatible and thus can be simultaneously used in different parts of a larger circuit. In the final method, ATRANTE, the main motivation of developing ATPG is supplemented by transistor level test generation. It is developed for asynchronous circuits designed using a State Transition Graph (STG) as their specification. The transistor-level circuit faults are efficiently mapped onto faults that modify the original STG. For each potential STG fault, the ATPG tool provides a sequence of test vectors that expose the difference in behavior to the output ports. The fault coverage obtained was 52-72 % higher than the coverage obtained using the gate level tests. Overall, four different design for test (DFT) methods for automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) for asynchronous circuits at both gate and transistor level were introduced in this thesis. A circuit extraction method for representing the asynchronous circuits at a higher level of abstraction was also implemented. Developing new methods for the test generation of asynchronous circuits in this thesis facilitates the test generation for asynchronous designs using the CAD tools available for testing the synchronous designs. Lessons learned and the research questions raised due to this work will impact the future work to probe the possibilities of developing robust CAD tools for testing the future asynchronous designs

    Elastic Esterel

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    The aim of this master's thesis is to elasticize Esterel. Esterel is an imperative hardware description language (HDL) used to describe reactive systems, and oriented to specify control systems. It belongs to the family of synchronous languages, and it allows to describe causality, concurrency and interruptions. Elastic circuits preserve a protocol that makes it possible for the circuit to be latency-insensitive. Besides, elastic circuits are easy to implement and can be synthesized automatically. The goal of the thesis is to provide an automatic synthesis method of elastic circuits from Esterel specifications. At the semantic level, it is proven that the generated elastic circuits are functionally equivalent to the conventional circuits generated using Esterel V7 compiler