2,145 research outputs found

    Machine Learning in Wireless Sensor Networks: Algorithms, Strategies, and Applications

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    Wireless sensor networks monitor dynamic environments that change rapidly over time. This dynamic behavior is either caused by external factors or initiated by the system designers themselves. To adapt to such conditions, sensor networks often adopt machine learning techniques to eliminate the need for unnecessary redesign. Machine learning also inspires many practical solutions that maximize resource utilization and prolong the lifespan of the network. In this paper, we present an extensive literature review over the period 2002-2013 of machine learning methods that were used to address common issues in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The advantages and disadvantages of each proposed algorithm are evaluated against the corresponding problem. We also provide a comparative guide to aid WSN designers in developing suitable machine learning solutions for their specific application challenges.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Pattern Recognition

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    A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition

    Learning Multimodal Structures in Computer Vision

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    A phenomenon or event can be received from various kinds of detectors or under different conditions. Each such acquisition framework is a modality of the phenomenon. Due to the relation between the modalities of multimodal phenomena, a single modality cannot fully describe the event of interest. Since several modalities report on the same event introduces new challenges comparing to the case of exploiting each modality separately. We are interested in designing new algorithmic tools to apply sensor fusion techniques in the particular signal representation of sparse coding which is a favorite methodology in signal processing, machine learning and statistics to represent data. This coding scheme is based on a machine learning technique and has been demonstrated to be capable of representing many modalities like natural images. We will consider situations where we are not only interested in support of the model to be sparse, but also to reflect a-priorily known knowledge about the application in hand. Our goal is to extract a discriminative representation of the multimodal data that leads to easily finding its essential characteristics in the subsequent analysis step, e.g., regression and classification. To be more precise, sparse coding is about representing signals as linear combinations of a small number of bases from a dictionary. The idea is to learn a dictionary that encodes intrinsic properties of the multimodal data in a decomposition coefficient vector that is favorable towards the maximal discriminatory power. We carefully design a multimodal representation framework to learn discriminative feature representations by fully exploiting, the modality-shared which is the information shared by various modalities, and modality-specific which is the information content of each modality individually. Plus, it automatically learns the weights for various feature components in a data-driven scheme. In other words, the physical interpretation of our learning framework is to fully exploit the correlated characteristics of the available modalities, while at the same time leverage the modality-specific character of each modality and change their corresponding weights for different parts of the feature in recognition

    Detecting cells and analyzing their behaviors in microscopy images using deep neural networks

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    The computer-aided analysis in the medical imaging field has attracted a lot of attention for the past decade. The goal of computer-vision based medical image analysis is to provide automated tools to relieve the burden of human experts such as radiologists and physicians. More specifically, these computer-aided methods are to help identify, classify and quantify patterns in medical images. Recent advances in machine learning, more specifically, in the way of deep learning, have made a big leap to boost the performance of various medical applications. The fundamental core of these advances is exploiting hierarchical feature representations by various deep learning models, instead of handcrafted features based on domain-specific knowledge. In the work presented in this dissertation, we are particularly interested in exploring the power of deep neural network in the Circulating Tumor Cells detection and mitosis event detection. We will introduce the Convolutional Neural Networks and the designed training methodology for Circulating Tumor Cells detection, a Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Networks model and a Two-Stream Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory model for mitosis event detection and its stage localization in phase-contrast microscopy images”--Abstract, page iii

    Classification techniques on computerized systems to predict and/or to detect Apnea: A systematic review

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    Sleep apnea syndrome (SAS), which can significantly decrease the quality of life is associated with a major risk factor of health implications such as increased cardiovascular disease, sudden death, depression, irritability, hypertension, and learning difficulties. Thus, it is relevant and timely to present a systematic review describing significant applications in the framework of computational intelligence-based SAS, including its performance, beneficial and challenging effects, and modeling for the decision-making on multiple scenarios.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On Enhancing Security of Password-Based Authentication

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    Password has been the dominant authentication scheme for more than 30 years, and it will not be easily replaced in the foreseeable future. However, password authentication has long been plagued by the dilemma between security and usability, mainly due to human memory limitations. For example, a user often chooses an easy-to-guess (weak) password since it is easier to remember. The ever increasing number of online accounts per user even exacerbates this problem. In this dissertation, we present four research projects that focus on the security of password authentication and its ecosystem. First, we observe that personal information plays a very important role when a user creates a password. Enlightened by this, we conduct a study on how users create their passwords using their personal information based on a leaked password dataset. We create a new metric---Coverage---to quantify the personal information in passwords. Armed with this knowledge, we develop a novel password cracker named Personal-PCFG (Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars) that leverages personal information for targeted password guessing. Experiments show that Personal-PCFG is much more efficient than the original PCFG in cracking passwords. The second project aims to ease the password management hassle for a user. Password managers are introduced so that users need only one password (master password) to access all their other passwords. However, the password manager induces a single point of failure and is potentially vulnerable to data breach. To address these issues, we propose BluePass, a decentralized password manager that features a dual-possession security that involves a master password and a mobile device. In addition, BluePass enables a hand-free user experience by retrieving passwords from the mobile device through Bluetooth communications. In the third project, we investigate an overlooked aspect in the password lifecycle, the password recovery procedure. We study the password recovery protocols in the Alexa top 500 websites, and report interesting findings on the de facto implementation. We observe that the backup email is the primary way for password recovery, and the email becomes a single point of failure. We assess the likelihood of an account recovery attack, analyze the security policy of major email providers, and propose a security enhancement protocol to help securing password recovery emails by two factor authentication. \newline Finally, we focus on a more fundamental level, user identity. Password-based authentication is just a one-time checking to ensure that a user is legitimate. However, a user\u27s identity could be hijacked at any step. For example, an attacker can leverage a zero-day vulnerability to take over the root privilege. Thus, tracking the user behavior is essential to examine the identity legitimacy. We develop a user tracking system based on OS-level logs inside an enterprise network, and apply a variety of techniques to generate a concise and salient user profile for identity examination

    An Online Adaptive Machine Learning Framework for Autonomous Fault Detection

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    The increasing complexity and autonomy of modern systems, particularly in the aerospace industry, demand robust and adaptive fault detection and health management solutions. The development of a data-driven fault detection system that can adapt to varying conditions and system changes is critical to the performance, safety, and reliability of these systems. This dissertation presents a novel fault detection approach based on the integration of the artificial immune system (AIS) paradigm and Online Support Vector Machines (OSVM). Together, these algorithms create the Artificial Immune System augemented Online Support Vector Machine (AISOSVM). The AISOSVM framework combines the strengths of the AIS and OSVM to create a fault detection system that can effectively identify faults in complex systems while maintaining adaptability. The framework is designed using Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) principles, employing the Capella tool and the Arcadia methodology to develop a structured, integrated approach for the design and deployment of the data-driven fault detection system. A key contribution of this research is the development of a Clonal Selection Algorithm that optimizes the OSVM hyperparameters and the V-Detector algorithm parameters, resulting in a more effective fault detection solution. The integration of the AIS in the training process enables the generation of synthetic abnormal data, mitigating the need for engineers to gather large amounts of failure data, which can be impractical. The AISOSVM also incorporates incremental learning and decremental unlearning for the Online Support Vector Machine, allowing the system to adapt online using lightweight computational processes. This capability significantly improves the efficiency of fault detection systems, eliminating the need for offline retraining and redeployment. Reinforcement Learning (RL) is proposed as a promising future direction for the AISOSVM, as it can help autonomously adapt the system performance in near real-time, further mitigating the need for acquiring large amounts of system data for training, and improving the efficiency of the adaptation process by intelligently selecting the best samples to learn from. The AISOSVM framework was applied to real-world scenarios and platform models, demonstrating its effectiveness and adaptability in various use cases. The combination of the AIS and OSVM, along with the online learning and RL integration, provides a robust and adaptive solution for fault detection and health management in complex autonomous systems. This dissertation presents a significant contribution to the field of fault detection and health management by integrating the artificial immune system paradigm with Online Support Vector Machines, developing a structured, integrated approach for designing and deploying data-driven fault detection systems, and implementing reinforcement learning for online, autonomous adaptation of fault management systems. The AISOSVM framework offers a promising solution to address the challenges of fault detection in complex, autonomous systems, with potential applications in a wide range of industries beyond aerospace

    Conference of Advance Research and Innovation (ICARI-2014) 118 ICARI

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    Abstract With the advent of highly advanced optics and imaging system, currently biological research has reached a stage where scientists can study biological entities and processes at molecular and cellular-level in real time. However, a single experiment consists of hundreds and thousands of parameters to be recorded and a large population of microscopic objects to be tracked. Thus, making manual inspection of such events practically impossible. This calls for an approach to computer-vision based automated tracking and monitoring of cells in biological experiments. This technology promises to revolutionize the research in cellular biology and medical science which includes discovery of diseases by tracking the process in cells, development of therapy and drugs and the study of microscopic biological elements. This article surveys the recent literature in the area of computer vision based automated cell tracking. It discusses the latest trends and successes in the development and introduction of automated cell tracking techniques and systems
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