133 research outputs found

    Integrated optimization of nonlinear R/C frames with reliability constraints

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    A structural optimization algorithm was researched including global displacements as decision variables. The algorithm was applied to planar reinforced concrete frames with nonlinear material behavior submitted to static loading. The flexural performance of the elements was evaluated as a function of the actual stress-strain diagrams of the materials. Formation of rotational hinges with strain hardening were allowed and the equilibrium constraints were updated accordingly. The adequacy of the frames was guaranteed by imposing as constraints required reliability indices for the members, maximum global displacements for the structure and a maximum system probability of failure

    A simplified implementation of the least squares solution for pairwise comparisons matrices

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    This is a follow up to "Solution of the least squares method problem of pairwise comparisons matrix" by Bozóki published by this journal in 2008. Familiarity with this paper is essential and assumed. For lower inconsistency and decreased accuracy, our proposed solutions run in seconds instead of days. As such, they may be useful for researchers willing to use the least squares method (LSM) instead of the geometric means (GM) method

    Application of the generalized reduced gradient method to conceptual aircraft design

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    The complete aircraft design process can be broken into three phases of increasing depth: conceptual design, preliminary design, and detail design. Conceptual design consists primarily of developing general arrangements and selecting the configuration that optimally satisfies all mission requirements. The result of the conceptual phase is a conceptual baseline configuration that serves as the starting point for the preliminary design phase. The conceptual design of an aircraft involves a complex trade-off of many independent variables that must be investigated before deciding upon the basic configuration. Some of these variables are discrete (number of engines), some represent different configurations (canard vs conventional tail) and some may represent incorporation of new technologies (aluminum vs composite materials). At Lockheed-Georgia, the sizing program is known as GASP (Generalized Aircraft Sizing Program). GASP is a large program containing analysis modules covering the many different disciplines involved fin defining the aricraft, such as aerodynamics, structures, stability and control, mission performance, and cost. These analysis modules provide first-level estimates the aircraft properties that are derived from handbook, experimental, and historical sources

    Função de densidade de probabilidade do número de embriões produzidos por doadoras da raça Nelore

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    Several models have been developed to evaluate reproductive status of cows through concentration of progesterone in milk, the effect of sex selection in the commercial production of herds and bioeconomic performance of the multiple ovulation and embryo transfer system in select herds. However, models describing the production of embryos in superovulated females have yet to be developed. A probability density function of the number of embryos collected by donors of the Nelore breed was determined. Records of 61,928 embryo collections from 26,767 donors from 1991 to 2005 were analyzed. Data were provided by the Brazilian Association of Creators of Zebu and Controlmax Consultoria e Sistemas Ltda. The probability density function of the number of viable embryos was modeled using exponential and gamma distributions. Parameter fitting was carried out for maximum likelihood using a non-linear gradient method. Both distributions presented similar level of precision: root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.0072 and 0.0071 for the exponential and gamma distributions, respectively; both distributions are thus deemed suitable for representing the probability density function of embryo production by Nelore females.Diversos modelos têm sido desenvolvidos para avaliar o estado reprodutivo de vacas por meio da concentração de progesterona no leite, o efeito da seleção do sexo na produção comercial de rebanhos e o desempenho bioeconômico da ovulação múltipla e transferência de embriões em rebanhos selecionados. No entanto, modelos que descrevem a produção de embriões em fêmeas superovulados ainda têm de ser desenvolvidos. Uma função de densidade probabilidade para o número de embriões viáveis recuperados de doadoras da raça Nelore foi determinada. Dados de 61.928 coletas de 26.767 doadoras entre 1991 e 2005 foram analisados. Os resultados foram fornecidos pela Associação Brasileira de Criadores de Zebu (ABCZ) e pela empresa Controlmax Consultoria e Sistemas Ltda.. A densidade probabilidade do número de embriões viáveis foi modelada utilizando as funções exponencial e gama. A determinação dos parâmetros foi executada utilizando o critério de máxima verossimilhança em um método de gradiente não linear. Ambas distribuições permitiram similar nível de precisão: raiz do erro quadrático médio (RMSE) = 0.0072 e 0.0071 para a distribuição exponencial e gama, respectivamente. Tanto a distribuição exponencial quanto a gama foram adequadas para representar a função de densidade probabilidade da produção de embriões para doadoras da raça Nelore

    Portfolio Analysis Using the Markowitz Model with Stock Lot Constraints and Target Returns or Without Target Returns

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    Stock investment activities are inseparable from returns and risk, so an investor needs expertise to minimize investment risk. One way is by forming an optimal portfolio. The purpose of this research is to determine the number of stock lots in the optimal portfolio. This research analyzes the closing prices of stocks during the research period with the criteria of stocks being listed on the IDX30 index consecutively for 20 periods and belonging to the large cap group (the stock market capitalization exceeds $10 billion). Then the number of stock lots is calculated using the Markowitz model with stock lot constraints and target returns or without target returns. From the selected stocks, an optimal portfolio is formed using Microsoft Excel. Based on the research results, a combination of an optimal portfolio with a target return is ASII: 5, BBCA: 10, BBNI: 23, BBRI: 1, BMRI: 23, TLKM: 93, UNVR: 12, where the risk is 0,000149 and the target expected return is 0,00155. Meanwhile, the optimal portfolio without a target return is ASII: 8, BBCA: 7, BBNI: 32, BBRI: 40, BMRI: 9, TLKM: 62, UNVR: 17, where a risk is 0,000147 and the expected return is 0,00148. This research can be used as a consideration for investors in determining investment portfolios

    The short-chain fatty acid uptake fluxes by mice on a guar gum supplemented diet associate with amelioration of major biomarkers of the metabolic syndrome

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    Studies with dietary supplementation of various types of fibers have shown beneficial effects on symptoms of the metabolic syndrome. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), the main products of intestinal bacterial fermentation of dietary fiber, have been suggested to play a key role. Whether the concentration of SCFAs or their metabolism drives these beneficial effects is not yet clear. In this study we investigated the SCFA concentrations and in vivo host uptake fluxes in the absence or presence of the dietary fiber guar gum. C57Bl/6J mice were fed a high-fat diet supplemented with 0%, 5%, 7.5% or 10% of the fiber guar gum. To determine the effect on SCFA metabolism, C-13-labeled acetate, propionate or butyrate were infused into the cecum of mice for 6 h and the isotopic enrichment of cecal SCFAs was measured. The in vivo production, uptake and bacterial interconversion of acetate, propionate and butyrate were calculated by combining the data from the three infusion experiments in a single steady-state isotope model. Guar gum treatment decreased markers of the metabolic syndrome (body weight, adipose weight, triglycerides, glucose and insulin levels and HOMA-IR) in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, hepatic mRNA expression of genes involved in gluconeogenesis and fatty acid synthesis decreased dose-dependently by guar gum treatment. Cecal SCFA concentrations were increased compared to the control group, but no differences were observed between the different guar gum doses. Thus, no significant correlation was found between cecal SCFA concentrations and metabolic markers. In contrast, in vivo SCFA uptake fluxes by the host correlated linearly with metabolic markers. We argue that in vivo SCFA fluxes, and not concentrations, govern the protection from the metabolic syndrome by dietary fibers

    Accuracy of the saxton-rawls method for estimating the soil water characteristics for mineral soils of Malaysia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of the Saxton-Rawls method in estimating the soil water characteristics of a wide range of mineral soils of Malaysia. This study found that it was necessary to calibrate the Saxton-Rawls method for the soils of Malaysia. The developed equation for calibration was Pti = a $ Pi ]1 - Pig, where Pi and Pi t are the uncalibrated and calibrated estimated values, respectively, for the soil sample no. i, and the parameter values of a were 2.225, 1.605, and 1.528 (for saturation, field capacity, and permanent wilting point) respectively. The calibrated method was validated against three independent soil data sets. The validation tests showed that the calibrated method remained stable and was more accurate than that without any calibration, by an average between 8 to 49%

    Modelos no lineales de previsión para series temporales de interés farmacéutico. Aplicación al caso de la escarlatina

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos tras el ajuste de un modelo no lineal y un modelo robusto de predicción a la serie temporal correspondiente a la incidencia de la escarlatina en Catalunya desde el año 2000 hasta mediados del 2005, según los datos publicados en el Butlletí Epidemiològic de Catalunya (BEC) por el Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya.El ajuste se ha realizado tanto por mínimos cuadrados como mediante el método de la mínima mediana de residuales. Los intervalos de confianza, dada la no normalidad de las residuales, se han estimado mediante la técnica del bootstrap. El modelo se ha validado comparando las predicciones realizadas para las últimas 47 semanas frente a los casos declarados en el BEC. Salvo episodios de incidencia aguda, las previsiones resultan aceptables.El modelo sinusoidal ajustado muestra una tendenciacon un periodo de 52 semanas, una incidencia máximahacia la segunda quincena de marzo y una mínima incidenciasobre la segunda quincena de septiembre. Lospuntos de inflexión se sitúan, aproximadamente, coincidiendocon los solsticios de verano e invierno

    Estimation of Viscous and Inertial Resistance Coefficients for Various Heat Sink Configurations

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    AbstractIn the presented paper a simple method was applied to calculate a viscous and inertial resistant coefficient of a porous material substituting a flared fin heat sink geometry. Based on the performed calculations plots showing the variation of the resistant coefficients with heat sink height and distance between fins were made. In addition, empirical relations that can be applied for a calculation of required resistant coefficients were proposed. Finally a comparison of a flow characteristic both for the real heat sink and its porous representation for selected cases was shown. In the analysis an air flow in room temperature was investigated. Analyses were performed for a range of Reynolds number: 8.3·103 – 1.7 104. All the necessary numerical calculations were made in ANSYS Fluent commercial code, Microsoft Excel and Matlab