171 research outputs found

    An Ultra-Low-Power RFID/NFC Frontend IC Using 0.18 ÎĽm CMOS Technology for Passive Tag Applications

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    Battery-less passive sensor tags based on RFID or NFC technology have achieved much popularity in recent times. Passive tags are widely used for various applications like inventory control or in biotelemetry. In this paper, we present a new RFID/NFC frontend IC (integrated circuit) for 13.56 MHz passive tag applications. The design of the frontend IC is compatible with the standard ISO 15693/NFC 5. The paper discusses the analog design part in details with a brief overview of the digital interface and some of the critical measured parameters. A novel approach is adopted for the demodulator design, to demodulate the 10% ASK (amplitude shift keying) signal. The demodulator circuit consists of a comparator designed with a preset offset voltage. The comparator circuit design is discussed in detail. The power consumption of the bandgap reference circuit is used as the load for the envelope detection of the ASK modulated signal. The sub-threshold operation and low-supply-voltage are used extensively in the analog design—to keep the power consumption low. The IC was fabricated using 0.18 μ m CMOS technology in a die area of 1.5 mm × 1.5 mm and an effective area of 0.7 m m 2 . The minimum supply voltage desired is 1.2 V, for which the total power consumption is 107 μ W. The analog part of the design consumes only 36 μ W, which is low in comparison to other contemporary passive tags ICs. Eventually, a passive tag is developed using the frontend IC, a microcontroller, a temperature and a pressure sensor. A smart NFC device is used to readout the sensor data from the tag employing an Android-based application software. The measurement results demonstrate the full passive operational capability. The IC is suitable for low-power and low-cost industrial or biomedical battery-less sensor applications. A figure-of-merit (FOM) is proposed in this paper which is taken as a reference for comparison with other related state-of-the-art researches

    Modulation Techniques for Biomedical Implanted Devices and Their Challenges

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    Implanted medical devices are very important electronic devices because of their usefulness in monitoring and diagnosis, safety and comfort for patients. Since 1950s, remarkable efforts have been undertaken for the development of bio-medical implanted and wireless telemetry bio-devices. Issues such as design of suitable modulation methods, use of power and monitoring devices, transfer energy from external to internal parts with high efficiency and high data rates and low power consumption all play an important role in the development of implantable devices. This paper provides a comprehensive survey on various modulation and demodulation techniques such as amplitude shift keying (ASK), frequency shift keying (FSK) and phase shift keying (PSK) of the existing wireless implanted devices. The details of specifications, including carrier frequency, CMOS size, data rate, power consumption and supply, chip area and application of the various modulation schemes of the implanted devices are investigated and summarized in the tables along with the corresponding key references. Current challenges and problems of the typical modulation applications of these technologies are illustrated with a brief suggestions and discussion for the progress of implanted device research in the future. It is observed that the prime requisites for the good quality of the implanted devices and their reliability are the energy transformation, data rate, CMOS size, power consumption and operation frequency. This review will hopefully lead to increasing efforts towards the development of low powered, high efficient, high data rate and reliable implanted devices

    A 20 Mbps, 433 MHz RF ASK Transmitter to Inductively Power a Distributed Network of Miniaturised Neural Implants

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    Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer is an emerging technique in neurotechnology. This work presents an efficient transmitter for both power transfer and downlink data communication to multiple, miniaturised and inductively-powered chips. We designed, implemented and tested a radio-frequency transmitter operating at 433.92 MHz of the industrial, scientific and medical band. A new structure is proposed to efficiently modulate the carrier, exploiting an amplitude-shift keying modulation reaching a data rate as high as 20 Mbps together with a variable modulation index as low as 8%

    Design of 2MHz OOK transmitter/receiver for inductive power and data transmission for biomedical implant

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    In this work a 2 MHz on-off keying (OOK) transmitter/receiver for inductive power and data transmission for biomedical implant system is presented. Inductive link, driven by a Class E power amplifier (PA) is the most PA used to transfer data and power to the internal part of biomedical implant system. Proposed transmitter consists of a digital control oscillator (DCO) and a class E PA which uses OOK modulation to transfer both data and power to a biomedical implant. In proposing OOK transmitter when the transmitter sends binary value “0” the DCO and PA are turned off. With this architecture and 2 MHz carrier wave we have implemented a wireless data and power transfer link which can transmit data with data rate 1Mbps and bit error rate (BER) of 10-5. The efficiency of power transfer is 42% with a 12.7 uH transmitter coil and a 2.4 uH receiver coil and the power delivered to the load is about 104.7 mW. Proposed transmitter is designed for output power 4.1V. OOK receiver consists of an OOK demodulator, powered by rectified and regulated 5V p-p RF signal across the receiver coil. The supply voltage of proposed voltage regulator is 5 V with 9mV/V line regulation of. All circuits proposed in this paper were designed and simulated using Cadence in 0.18 um CMOS process

    Remote Powering and Data Communication Over a Single Inductive Link for Implantable Medical Devices

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    RÉSUMÉ Les implants médicaux électroniques (Implantable Medical Devices - IMDs) sont notamment utilisés pour restaurer ou améliorer des fonctions perdues de certains organes. Ils sont capables de traiter des complications qui ne peuvent pas être guéries avec des médicaments ou par la chirurgie. Offrant des propriétés et des améliorations curatives sans précédent, les IMDs sont de plus en plus demandés par les médecins et les patients. En 2017, le marché mondial des IMD était évalué à 15,21 milliards de dollars. D’ici 2025, il devrait atteindre 30,42 mil-liards de dollars, soutenu par un taux de croissance annuel de 9,24% selon le nouveau rapport publié par Fior Markets. Cette expansion entraîne une augmentation des exigences pour as-surer des performances supérieures, des fonctionnalités supplémentaires et une durée de vie plus longue. Ces exigences ne peuvent être satisfaites qu’avec des techniques d’alimentation avancées, un débit de données élevé et une électronique miniaturisée robuste. Construire des systèmes capables de fournir toutes ces caractéristiques est l’objectif principal d’un grand nombre de chercheurs. Parmi plusieurs technologies sans fil, le lien inductif, qui consiste en une paire de bobines à couplage magnétique, est la technique sans fil la plus largement utilisée pour le transfert de puissance et de données. Cela est dû à sa simplicité, sa sécurité et sa capacité à transmettre à la fois de la puissance et des données de façon bidirectionnelle. Cependant, il existe encore un certain nombre de défis concernant la mise en œuvre d’un tel système de transfert d’énergie et de données sans fil (Wireless Power and Data Transfer - WPDT system). Un défi majeur est que les exigences pour une efficacité de transfert d’énergie élevée et pour une communication à haut débit sont contradictoires. En fait, la bande passante doit être élargie pour des débits de données élevés, mais réduite pour une transmission efficace de l’énergie. Un autre grand défi consiste à réaliser un démodulateur fonctionnant à haute vitesse avec une mise en œuvre simple et une consommation d’énergie ultra-faible. Dans ce projet, nous proposons et expérimentons un nouveau système WPDT dédié aux IMD permettant une communication à haute vitesse et une alimentation efficace tout en maintenant une faible consommation d’énergie, une petite surface de silicium et une mise en œuvre simple du récepteur. Le système proposé est basé sur un nouveau schéma de modulation appelé "Carrier Width Modulation (CWM)", ainsi que sur des circuits de modulation et de démodulation inédits. La modulation consiste en un coupe-circuit synchronisé du réservoir LC primaire pendant un ou deux cycles en fonction des données transmises.----------ABSTRACT Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) are electronic implants notably used to restore or en-hance lost organ functions. They may treat complications that cannot be cured with medica-tion or through surgery. O˙ering unprecedented healing properties and enhancements, IMDs are increasingly requested by physicians and patients. In 2017, the worldwide IMD market was valued at USD 15,21 Billion. By 2025, it is expected to attain USD 30.42 Billion sus-tained by a compound annual growth rate of 9.24% according to a recent report published by Fior Markets. This expansion is bringing-up more demand for higher performance, additional features, and longer device lifespan and autonomy. These requirements can only be achieved with advanced power sources, high-data rates, and robust miniaturized electronics. Building systems able to provide all these characteristics is the main goal of many researchers. Among several wireless technologies, the inductive link, which consists of a magnetically-coupled pair of coils, is the most widely used wireless technique for both power and data transfer. This is due to its simplicity, safety, and ability to provide simultaneously both power and bidirectional data transfer to the implant. However there are still a number of challenges regarding the implementation of such Wireless Power and Data Transfer (WPDT) systems. One main challenge is that the requirements for high Power Transfer Eÿciency (PTE) and for high-data rate communication are contra-dictory. In fact, the bandwidth needs to be widened for high data rates, but narrowed for eÿcient power delivery. Another big challenge is to implement a high-speed demodulator with simple implementation and ultra-low power consumption. In this project, we propose and experiment a new WPDT system dedicated to IMDs allow-ing high-speed communication and eÿcient power delivery, while maintaining a low power consumption, small silicon area, and simple implementation of the receiver. The proposed system is based on a new Carrier Width Modulation (CWM) scheme, as well as novel modu-lation and demodulation circuits. The modulation consists of a synchronized opening of the primary LC tank for one or two cycles according to the transmitted data. Unlike conventional modulation techniques, the data rate of the proposed CWM modulation is not limited by the quality factors of the primary and secondary coils. On the other hand, the proposed CWM demodulator allows higher-speed demodulation and simple implementation, unlike conven-tional demodulators for a similar modulation scheme. It also o˙ers a wide range of data rates under any selected frequency from 10 to 31 MHz

    An Implantable Peripheral Nerve Recording and Stimulation System for Experiments on Freely Moving Animal Subjects

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    A new study with rat sciatic nerve model for peripheral nerve interfacing is presented using a fully-implanted inductively-powered recording and stimulation system in a wirelessly-powered standard homecage that allows animal subjects move freely within the homecage. The Wireless Implantable Neural Recording and Stimulation (WINeRS) system offers 32-channel peripheral nerve recording and 4-channel current-controlled stimulation capabilities in a 3 × 1.5 × 0.5 cm3 package. A bi-directional data link is established by on-off keying pulse-position modulation (OOK-PPM) in near field for narrow-band downlink and 433 MHz OOK for wideband uplink. An external wideband receiver is designed by adopting a commercial software defined radio (SDR) for a robust wideband data acquisition on a PC. The WINeRS-8 prototypes in two forms of battery-powered headstage and wirelessly-powered implant are validated in vivo, and compared with a commercial system. In the animal study, evoked compound action potentials were recorded to verify the stimulation and recording capabilities of the WINeRS-8 system with 32-ch penetrating and 4-ch cuff electrodes on the sciatic nerve of awake freely-behaving rats. Compared to the conventional battery-powered system, WINeRS can be used in closed-loop recording and stimulation experiments over extended periods without adding the burden of carrying batteries on the animal subject or interrupting the experiment

    Design of a Programmable Passive SoC for Biomedical Applications Using RFID ISO 15693/NFC5 Interface

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    Low power, low cost inductively powered passive biotelemetry system involving fully customized RFID/NFC interface base SoC has gained popularity in the last decades. However, most of the SoCs developed are application specific and lacks either on-chip computational or sensor readout capability. In this paper, we present design details of a programmable passive SoC in compliance with ISO 15693/NFC5 standard for biomedical applications. The integrated system consists of a 32-bit microcontroller, a sensor readout circuit, a 12-bit SAR type ADC, 16 kB RAM, 16 kB ROM and other digital peripherals. The design is implemented in a 0.18 ÎĽ m CMOS technology and used a die area of 1.52 mm Ă— 3.24 mm. The simulated maximum power consumption of the analog block is 592 ÎĽ W. The number of external components required by the SoC is limited to an external memory device, sensors, antenna and some passive components. The external memory device contains the application specific firmware. Based on the application, the firmware can be modified accordingly. The SoC design is suitable for medical implants to measure physiological parameters like temperature, pressure or ECG. As an application example, the authors have proposed a bioimplant to measure arterial blood pressure for patients suffering from Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

    Conformance Test System Design for ISO/IEC 18000-3 Mode 1 Passive RFID

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    The ISO/IEC 18000-3 standard deals with the Parameters for Air Interface Communications at 13.56 MHz. It defines three modes. This thesis focuses only on mode 1. Mode 1 is based on ISO/IEC 15693 that is adopted to define the way RFID "Contactless Integrated Vicinity Cards" communicate. It is commonly adopted by RFID manufacturers to be their guideline for high frequency (HF) RFID transponders.As ISO/IEC 15693 has been widely adopted, the conformance test is important as it is the first step to evaluate the interoperability of the HF passive RFID products manufactured by different venders.In this thesis, the development of a conformance test platform for ISO/IEC 18000-3 Mode 1 Passive RFID is described. This conformance test platform is implemented with National Instruments (NI) LabVIEW 8.5 and the LabVIEW FPGA module. It consists of two parts: (1) An FPGA and host based ISO-18000 part 3 mode 1 conformed transceiver system (reader). This system is developed with the NI 5640R FPGA development board to realize the signal acquisition and processing in real-time. It supports all the mandatory and optional commands defined in ISO 18000-3 mode 1. (2) A host based offline data measurement and testing platform. This platform is developed with LabVIEW 8.5 on the host PC to perform further measurement and test for the baseband waveform data acquired by the system in part (1).This conformance test platform implemented is reusable, reconfigurable and can be customer defined within the parameters of the standard
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