16 research outputs found

    A Survey on Object Recognition Using Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep Neural Networks as a means of objects detection and recognition is an active area of research and several discoveries have been made in this field. Here we will be discussing briefly about the history of research in the field of computer vision, mainly for the application of deep learning in object detection task and describe several of the recent advances in this ?eld. This paper describes a simple summary of the datasets and deep learning algorithms commonly used in computer vision, some of the applications of this ?eld have been provided

    Modulation Techniques for Biomedical Implanted Devices and Their Challenges

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    Implanted medical devices are very important electronic devices because of their usefulness in monitoring and diagnosis, safety and comfort for patients. Since 1950s, remarkable efforts have been undertaken for the development of bio-medical implanted and wireless telemetry bio-devices. Issues such as design of suitable modulation methods, use of power and monitoring devices, transfer energy from external to internal parts with high efficiency and high data rates and low power consumption all play an important role in the development of implantable devices. This paper provides a comprehensive survey on various modulation and demodulation techniques such as amplitude shift keying (ASK), frequency shift keying (FSK) and phase shift keying (PSK) of the existing wireless implanted devices. The details of specifications, including carrier frequency, CMOS size, data rate, power consumption and supply, chip area and application of the various modulation schemes of the implanted devices are investigated and summarized in the tables along with the corresponding key references. Current challenges and problems of the typical modulation applications of these technologies are illustrated with a brief suggestions and discussion for the progress of implanted device research in the future. It is observed that the prime requisites for the good quality of the implanted devices and their reliability are the energy transformation, data rate, CMOS size, power consumption and operation frequency. This review will hopefully lead to increasing efforts towards the development of low powered, high efficient, high data rate and reliable implanted devices

    En kvalitativ studie om kreativ redovisning : ur svenska bankers perspektiv

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    Forskningsfråga: Vilka metoder använder banker för att kontrollera informationen i årsredovisningar vid lån- och kreditgivning? Syfte:                           Syftet med studien är att identifiera vilka metoder svenska banker använder vid kontrollering av årsredovisningar i samband med lån- och kreditgivning, detta för att vidare identifiera om kreativ redovisning kan upptäckas med hjälp av dessa. Studien bidrar till ökad förståelse om kreativ redovisning och dess metoder.Metod:                         Studien har genomförts med hjälp av kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Primärdata har samlats in genom intervjuer. Sekundärdata som behandlats i studien har inhämtats från litteratur, vetenskapliga artiklar och hemsidor. Slutsats:                       Det har konstaterats att banker vanligtvis använder fem metoder för att kontrollera informationen i årsredovisningar i samband med lån- och kreditgivning. Däremot är det en generell bild då processen kan se olika ut beroende på förtroende för företag, verksamhet och bransch.Samtliga fem metoder framkommer i tidigare forskning för att upptäcka kreativ redovisning, vilket tyder på att kreativ redovisning kan upptäckas av banker om företagskundens finansiella ställning förändras eller inte återspeglar branschgenomsnittet. Utöver ovannämnda metoder begär banker underlag och inleder dialog med ledningen när avvikelser uppstår. Kreativ redovisning kan dock användas i syfte att bibehålla utvecklingen, vilket resulterar i att avvikelser nödvändigtvis inte behöver uppstå. Slutsatsen kan därmed dras att banker inte kommer upptäcka kreativ redovisning som inte resulterar i avvikelser, men att det finns möjlighet att upptäcka kreativ redovisning när avvikelser uppstår. Detta för att banker gör ytterligare kontroller i sådana fall.   Research question:   Which methods do banks use to analyse information when granting loans? Purpose:                     The purpose of the study is to identify which methods Swedish banks use while checking annual reports during the process of loan and credit granting. This, to further identify whether creative accounting can be detected using these methods. The study contributes to increased knowledge about creative accounting and its methods.Method:                       The study has been conducted using qualitative research methods. Primary data has been collected through interviews. The secondary data in the study has been collected from literature, scientific articles, and websites. Conclusion:                 It has been established that banks usually use five methods to check the information in annual reports in connection with credit and loan granting. However, it is a general picture as the process can look different depending on the trust in the company, business and industry.All five methods appear in previous research to detect creative accounting. This shows that creative accounting can be detected by banks if the business costumers financial position changes or does not reflect the industry average. In addition to the methods mentioned above, banks request documentation and initiates dialogue with management when deviations occur. However, creative accounting can be used with the aim of maintaining development, which results in deviations not necessarily having to occur. The conclusion can be drawn that banks will not detect creative accounting which does not result in deviations, but there is an opportunity to detect creative accounting when deviations occur. This is because banks make additional checks in such cases

    En kvalitativ studie om kreativ redovisning : ur svenska bankers perspektiv

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    Forskningsfråga: Vilka metoder använder banker för att kontrollera informationen i årsredovisningar vid lån- och kreditgivning? Syfte:                           Syftet med studien är att identifiera vilka metoder svenska banker använder vid kontrollering av årsredovisningar i samband med lån- och kreditgivning, detta för att vidare identifiera om kreativ redovisning kan upptäckas med hjälp av dessa. Studien bidrar till ökad förståelse om kreativ redovisning och dess metoder.Metod:                         Studien har genomförts med hjälp av kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Primärdata har samlats in genom intervjuer. Sekundärdata som behandlats i studien har inhämtats från litteratur, vetenskapliga artiklar och hemsidor. Slutsats:                       Det har konstaterats att banker vanligtvis använder fem metoder för att kontrollera informationen i årsredovisningar i samband med lån- och kreditgivning. Däremot är det en generell bild då processen kan se olika ut beroende på förtroende för företag, verksamhet och bransch.Samtliga fem metoder framkommer i tidigare forskning för att upptäcka kreativ redovisning, vilket tyder på att kreativ redovisning kan upptäckas av banker om företagskundens finansiella ställning förändras eller inte återspeglar branschgenomsnittet. Utöver ovannämnda metoder begär banker underlag och inleder dialog med ledningen när avvikelser uppstår. Kreativ redovisning kan dock användas i syfte att bibehålla utvecklingen, vilket resulterar i att avvikelser nödvändigtvis inte behöver uppstå. Slutsatsen kan därmed dras att banker inte kommer upptäcka kreativ redovisning som inte resulterar i avvikelser, men att det finns möjlighet att upptäcka kreativ redovisning när avvikelser uppstår. Detta för att banker gör ytterligare kontroller i sådana fall.   Research question:   Which methods do banks use to analyse information when granting loans? Purpose:                     The purpose of the study is to identify which methods Swedish banks use while checking annual reports during the process of loan and credit granting. This, to further identify whether creative accounting can be detected using these methods. The study contributes to increased knowledge about creative accounting and its methods.Method:                       The study has been conducted using qualitative research methods. Primary data has been collected through interviews. The secondary data in the study has been collected from literature, scientific articles, and websites. Conclusion:                 It has been established that banks usually use five methods to check the information in annual reports in connection with credit and loan granting. However, it is a general picture as the process can look different depending on the trust in the company, business and industry.All five methods appear in previous research to detect creative accounting. This shows that creative accounting can be detected by banks if the business costumers financial position changes or does not reflect the industry average. In addition to the methods mentioned above, banks request documentation and initiates dialogue with management when deviations occur. However, creative accounting can be used with the aim of maintaining development, which results in deviations not necessarily having to occur. The conclusion can be drawn that banks will not detect creative accounting which does not result in deviations, but there is an opportunity to detect creative accounting when deviations occur. This is because banks make additional checks in such cases

    Modified triple assessment in the diagnosis of breast lump in Bihar, India

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    Background: Breast lump is a common complaint of women presenting to surgeons. Most of them are benign, careful evaluation, exact diagnosis and definitive treatment is mandatory to rule out cancer. The diagnosis of breast cancer is suggested on clinical examination. Currently a combination of three tests, i.e. clinical examination, radiological imaging (mammography, ultrasonography) and pathology called as triple assessment test is used to accurately diagnose all palpable breast lumps. Together they give sensitivity of 100%. The triple assessment is taken as positive if any of the three components, two are positive or positive report of FNAC and negative only if all of its components are negative for malignancy. Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted in the Department of General Surgery, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, Bihar, India from December   2016 to july 2017. A total of 300 patients with a breast lump were included in this study. A detailed history, focused clinical examination, radiological imaging and FNAC were used as diagnostic tools for screening of the patients. Results: The result of individual components as overall M.T.T was compared with the final histopathological examination. Result of physical examination showed sensitivity 92.67% and specificity 96.67% for diagnosing malignant breast lesion. The ultra-sonography revealed 91.33% of sensitivity, 98.66% of specificity. FNAC revealed that 96.25% sensitivity while specificity was 99.57%. Conclusion: Thus, triple assessment is an easily available, cost effective, least invasive, rapid and patient compliant diagnostic tool for diagnosis of breast lump. Keywords: Modified triple assessment, Clinical examination, Mammography, Ultrasonography, Fine-needle aspiratio

    A comparative study of laparoscopic technique versus open repair for inguinal hernia

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    Background: The repair of inguinal hernias has seen an evolution over the past few decades and more research on the same is still underway. Though laparoscopy has gained widespread acceptance in today’s era of surgery, there is still a debate between laparoscopic and open hernia mesh repair. Methods: A randomized prospective study was conducted in the Department of General Surgery Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, Bihar, India from Feb 2018 to Feb 2019 to compare laparoscopic hernioplasty and Lichtenstein’s open mesh repair. The study consisted of 100 subjects with unilateral or bilateral inguinal hernia and they were randomly allocated into either group. Various parameters like duration of surgery, intra and post-operative complications, post-operative pain, recurrence, stay in the hospital and resumption of daily activities were compared. Results: Out of the 100 patients, 24 had bilateral inguinal hernia and the rest 76 had unilateral. 14 patients with bilateral hernia underwent laparoscopic repair and 10 underwent open mesh repair. 36 patients with unilateral hernia underwent laparoscopic hernioplasty and 40 underwent open mesh repair .The mean operative time for unilateral open hernioplasty was 46.86 mins and bilateral was 91.10 mins whereas, for unilateral laparoscopic hernioplasty it was 65.18 mins and bilateral was 120.55 mins .post-operative complications, like wound infection was noted in 14% (7 out of 50 patients) and 18% had seroma formation     (9 out of 50 patients) in the open hernioplasty group. In laparoscopic hernioplasty group, 2% (1) had wound infection but, seroma formation was noted in 12% (6 out of 50 patients). Urinary retention was noted 20 % of open hernioplasty group (10 out of 50) and 6% of laparoscopic hernioplasty group (3 out of 50 patients). Conclusion: Laparoscopic hernioplasty is more beneficial than Lichtenstein’s open hernia mesh repair as it is safer, with faster recovery, lesser post-operative complications and reduced morbidity. Keywords: Inguinal hernia, Lichtenstein’s repair, Laparoscopic hernioplast