17 research outputs found


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    Purpose: The present study investigated the main literature on the subject of methods and policies for reducing the electricity demand of domestic consumers, in order to identify the place of behavioral tools.Methodology: We used secondary sources, performing a literature review, together with analysis and synthesis. Findings: Policy makers prefer to use tools offered by neoclassical economics, such as various forms of taxation, fines and financial incentives in order to make domestic electricity consumers save electricity, on the assumption that consumers will make rational decisions while maximizing their personal benefit. However, studies conducted in recent years in the field of behavioral economics, which are based on the assumption that consumers’ decisions are not rational and are affected by cognitive biases, showed that the use of behavioral tools, such as detailed online information (feedback),social comparison information, information on varying rates (dynamic pricing) and general information (advertising campaign), are tools that are not less appropriate than the ones the neoclassical economics offers, mainly because electricity is an invisible product and consumers are unable to assess it by normal cognitive measures. Using an interdisciplinary combination of behavioral tools that come from a variety of approaches taken from a wide variety of different academic fields, it is possible to receive efficient results in the endeavor of reducing electricity demand. Implications: Although the neoclassical economics still remains the fundamental theory used by policymakers, it is recommended to consider behavioral economics as a complementary approach to the neoclassical economics, and combine behavioral tools in the policymakers’ toolbox, especially when those tools do not require a significant financial investment, thus efficiently maximizing the reduction of electricity demand among domestic consumers. These theoretical results will be used for designing future empirical researches on the efficiency of behavioral tools in changing the pattern of electricity consumers’ behavior.JEL Codes - Q40, M21, M38, H4

    Demand Side Management Techniques for Home Energy Management Systems for Smart Cities

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    In this paper, three distinct distributed energy resources (DERs) modules have been built based on demand side management (DSM), and their use in power management of dwelling in future smart cities has been investigated. The investigated modules for DERs system are: incorporation of load shedding, reduction of grid penetration with renewable energy systems (RES), and implementation of home energy management systems (HEMS). The suggested approaches offer new potential for improving demand side efficiency and helping to minimize energy demand during peak hours. The main aim of this work was to investigate and explore how a specific DSM strategy for DER may assist in reducing energy usage while increasing efficiency by utilizing new developing technology. The Electrical Power System Analysis (ETAP) software was used to model and assess the integration of distributed generation, such as RES, in order to use local power storage. An energy management system has been used to evaluate a PV system with an individual household load, which proved beneficial when evaluating its potential to generate about 20–25% of the total domestic load. In this study, we have investigated how smart home appliances’ energy consumption may be minimized and explained why a management system is required to optimally utilize a PV system. Furthermore, the effect of integration of wind turbines to power networks to reduce the load on the main power grid has also been studied. The study revealed that smart grids improve energy efficiency, security, and management whilst creating environmental awareness for consumers with regards to power usage

    Smart meters adoption: recent advances and future trends

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    High growth in electricity demand and peaks in the load curve, caused mainly by households, require big investments in infrastructure that are used for short periods. Because of this, it is necessary to look for new developments that allow meeting the needs of users as well as using the electricity system resources efficiently. This is possible through the Smart Grid (SG), which additionally allows users to have autonomy in the electricity supply chain. Our focus of investigation is with households because they can monitor their demand and help to reduce the peaks of the load curve. To do this, users must use Smart Meters, because these devices allow consumers to obtain the information necessary to control their demand. This paper presents a systematic analysis of published literature related to the study of the SG from the demand side, analyses the current situation of this topic and the impact of Smart Meter penetration in households

    Management model for energy efficiency - Intelligent System module

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    The power consumption in buildings represents a 30-40% of the final energy usage, hence it is necessary to minimize the power consumption by optimizing the operation of several loads without impacting in the customer’s comfort. According to the above in this work an intelligent approach framing in a management model is presented for the power consumption management of devices taking into account some variables as indoor temperature, outdoor temperature, illuminance and presence. Furthermore, in this research the integration of several Demand Side Management (DSM) criteria with one criterion based on neural networks and other inspired on differential tariff is carried out through dynamic and intelligent selections according to variables performance and customer´s preferences, e.g. priority list of criteria, operation based on comfort or consumption, in addition to other preferences as temperature. Likewise, a previous diagnosis analysis through energy audit is carried out to evaluate devices performance and customer habits. Experimental testing to the proposed approach has been performed in an environment object of study with the consumption data base and its performance tested in simulations runs. The testing results show that energy savings can be achieved through of recommendations provided by energy audit and proposed states by dynamic manager.MaestríaMagister en Ingeniería Electrónic

    Una aproximación a la adopción de medidores inteligentes en el mercado eléctrico colombiano y su influencia en la demanda

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    Resumen: La creciente demanda de electricidad y los elevados picos en la curva de carga hacen necesarias fuertes inversiones en infraestructura para poder suplir las necesidades de los usuarios en los cortos periodos de tiempo en los que se dan, lo que conlleva a que se deba tener gran capacidad instalada solo para periodos cortos del día. Es por esto que se deben buscar opciones y nuevos desarrollos que permitan suplir satisfactoriamente estas necesidades y que se utilicen los recursos del sistema eficientemente. Debido a esto nacen las Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes como un enfoque para mejorar las condiciones actuales del sistema y brindar a los usuarios mayor autonomía en la cadena de suministro. El foco de esta investigación son los hogares, ya que estos pueden monitorear se demanda y mover una parte de esta lo cual ayuda a reducir los picos de la curva de carga. Para poder hacer esto los usuarios deben usar medidores inteligentes, por medio de los cuales se puede medir y controlar su demanda horaria. Dado lo anterior se desea estudiar el posible comportamiento de los usuarios ante la entrada de los medidores inteligentes en el sistema eléctrico colombiano y evaluar cómo sería el cambio en la curva de carga con los cambios en los hábitos de consumo de los hogares.Abstract: The high growth in electricity demand and the peaks in the load curve make it necessary to make big investments in infrastructure in order to meet the needs of users, which causes the necessity of capacity for short periods of time. This is why it is necessary to look for new developments that allow meeting the needs of users as well as using the electricity system resources efficiently. This is why we have researched Smart Grid (SG), which is an approach to improve conditions of the current system and to allow for users to have autonomy in the electricity supply chain. The focus of this research is households, because they can monitor their demand and move a part of this which helps to reduce the load curve peaks. To do this, users must use smart meters, through which it is possible to measure and control the hourly demand. Based on the aforementioned, the possible user’s behavior with Smart meters implementation in the Colombian electricity system will be studied and the change in the load curve given by habits change by household will be evaluated.Maestrí

    Perceção do consumidor final de energia sobre redes inteligentes e a sua participação ativa

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    O paradigma dos sistemas energéticos encontra-se em mudança. O aparecimento das redes inteligentes virá revolucionar o papel do utilizador final de energia, passando a ter um papel ativo nas redes inteligentes. Esta mudança irá ter um impacto considerável no utilizador final, afetando hábitos de consumo e de gestão de energia. A não preparação do utilizador final para as mudanças que aí veem, irá potenciar um impacto negativo e um aumento de custos de energia. Torna-se assim fundamental estudar a perceção dos atuais utilizadores finais de energia sobre as redes inteligentes. Esta tese tem como objetivo o estudo da perceção do utilizador final e o estudo do impacto que esta perceção irá ter na rede inteligente. Será realizado um inquérito ao utilizador final para estudar e avaliar a sua perceção sobre redes inteligentes e sobre a participação ativa do utilizador final nas redes inteligentes. Esta tese irá ainda desenvolver um simulador que permitirá avaliar a participação ativa dos utilizadores finais tendo em conta o inquérito realizado. O simulador permitirá o estudo de vários cenários e irá permitir comparar vários níveis de participação. A comparação dos resultados das simulações irá permitir identificar quais os pontos que prejudicam a participação ativa dos utilizadores finais. Como resultado, esta tese irá elaborar uma estratégia de comunicação com o utilizador final para promover e maximizar a sua participação ativa nas redes inteligentes. A estratégia de comunicação terá em conta o resultado do inquérito realizado e os resultados das simulações.The paradigm of energy systems is changing. The appearance of smart grids will change the role of the end-user, taking an active role in smart grids. This change will have a significant impact on the end-user, affecting consumption and energy management habits. Failure to prepare the end-user for the changes that will come will have a negative impact and an increase in energy costs. Therefore, it is essential to study the perception of current energy end-users about smart grids. This thesis aims to study the perception of the end-user and to study the impact that this perception will have on the smart grid. An end-user survey will be conducted to study and assess their perception of smart grids and the active participation of the end-user in smart grids. This thesis will also develop a simulator that will allow evaluating the active participation of end-users taking into account the carried-out survey. The simulator will allow the study of several scenarios and will allow the comparison of different levels of participation. The comparison of the results of the simulations will allow the identification of which points hinder the active participation of the end-users. As a result, this thesis will develop a communication strategy with the end-user to promote and maximize their active participation in smart grids. The communication strategy will take into account the result of the survey and the results of the simulations

    Gestão Integrada de recursos energéticos: contextualização e análise

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Energia para a Sustentabilidade, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de CoimbraAs preocupações actuais relativas aos consumos de energia eléctrica, às questões ambientais, nomeadamente às emissões de Gases de Efeito de Estufa, e à volatilidade dos preços dos combustíveis fósseis têm conduzido a modificações nos Sistemas de Energia Eléctrica (SEE). Algumas dessas mudanças foram tornadas exequíveis devido ao desenvolvimento tecnológico, designadamente nas áreas: . da produção distribuída, incluindo a da microgeração; . do armazenamento de energia com as evoluções nas baterias e supercondensadores; das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação nos Sistemas de Energia possibilitando leituras automáticas e disponibilizando ao consumidor informação acerca do seu consumo e de preços em “tempo real”. Face a estas mudanças e levando em conta o sentido da evolução dos SEE, o consumidor residencial, que passou também a poder ser produtor, tem a possibilidade de utilizar de forma mais eficiente os diversos recursos energéticos que tem à sua disposição, como sejam a produção e/ou microcogeração, a compra e/ou venda de energia à rede, o armazenamento e a gestão de cargas. Do ponto de vista do consumidor, a capacidade de controlo destes recursos deve tirar o máximo partido da flexibilidade de utilização apresentada por algumas cargas, no sentido de minimizar a sua factura eléctrica sem perda de conforto e sem depreciação da qualidade dos serviços de energia. O facto da procura poder passar a ser tratada como um recurso controlável, contribuindo para adiar a necessidade de investimentos no aumento de capacidade do sistema, aumentando a fiabilidade do sistema e reduzindo a necessidade de recurso a centrais menos eficientes, traz também vantagens para os SEE. Tendo em conta o número elevado de recursos energéticos presentes no sector residencial passíveis de ser controlados, a sua gestão integrada apresenta um grau de dificuldade elevado. Numa primeira etapa do processo de optimização da gestão integrada de recursos é necessário ter em conta as previsões de preços, as condições atmosféricas, as necessidades e as preferências do consumidor, agendando-se o funcionamento das cargas com base nos pressupostos de utilização típica e nas restrições operacionais. Já numa segunda fase, este processo de optimização deve ser conduzido continuadamente em função de eventuais sinais que surjam em tempo real, quer do lado da rede/sistema, quer do lado do consumidor, e que induzam alterações no escalonamento previamente identificado. Este trabalho tem então dois objectivos principais: análise e caracterização dos vários recursos presentes no sector residencial e conceptualização da sua gestão integrada. O atingir destes objectivos possibilitará o desenvolvimento futuro de algoritmos que permitirão efectivar essa gestão optimizada dos recursos e que afectarão o diagrama de carga diário típico com vantagens esperadas para os consumidores e para os operadores. Neste trabalho é ainda efectuada a categorização das cargas de acordo com o seu possível grau de controlo, sendo desenvolvido um simulador que permite observar os impactos do controlo das cargas no diagrama de carga. Abordam-se também as características técnicas relativas aos sistemas de armazenamento, contextualiza-se devidamente a questão da Utilização Racional de Energia e apresenta-se de forma sucinta os actuais conceitos de Smart Appliances e Smart Grids. Esta abordagem permitirá o estabelecimento das bases metodológicas para o desenvolvimento dos algoritmos a serem implementados num sistema de gestão integrada de recursos energéticos de acordo com o conceito de Energy Box