360 research outputs found

    Endosymbiont dominated bacterial communities in a dwarf spider

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    The microbial community of spiders is little known, with previous studies focussing primarily on the medical importance of spiders as vectors of pathogenic bacteria and on the screening of known cytoplasmic endosymbiont bacteria. These screening studies have been performed by means of specific primers that only amplify a selective set of endosymbionts, hampering the detection of unreported species in spiders. In order to have a more complete overview of the bacterial species that can be present in spiders, we applied a combination of a cloning assay, DGGE profiling and high-throughput sequencing on multiple individuals of the dwarf spider Oedothorax gibbosus. This revealed a co-infection of at least three known (Wolbachia, Rickettsia and Cardinium) and the detection of a previously unreported endosymbiont bacterium (Rhabdochlamydia) in spiders. 16S rRNA gene sequences of Rhabdochlamydia matched closely with those of Candidatus R. porcellionis, which is currently only reported as a pathogen from a woodlouse and with Candidatus R. crassificans reported from a cockroach. Remarkably, this bacterium appears to present in very high proportions in one of the two populations only, with all investigated females being infected. We also recovered Acinetobacter in high abundance in one individual. In total, more than 99% of approximately 4.5M high-throughput sequencing reads were restricted to these five bacterial species. In contrast to previously reported screening studies of terrestrial arthropods, our results suggest that the bacterial communities in this spider species are dominated by, or even restricted to endosymbiont bacteria. Given the high prevalence of endosymbiont species in spiders, this bacterial community pattern could be widespread in the Araneae order

    De sociale verkiezingen ontrafeld

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    Deploying the ICT architecture of a residential demand response pilot

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    The Flemish project Linear was a large scale residential demand response pilot that aims to validate innovative smart grid technology building on the rollout of information and communication technologies in the power grid. For this pilot a scalable, reliable and interoperable ICT infrastructure was set up, interconnecting 240 residential power grid customers with the backend systems of energy service providers (ESPs), flexibility aggregators, distribution system operators (DSOs) and balancing responsible parties (BRPs). On top of this architecture several business cases were rolled out, which require the sharing of metering data and flexibility information, and demand response algorithms for the balancing of renewable energy and the mitigation of voltage and power issues in distribution grids. The goal of the pilot is the assessment of the technical and economical feasibility of residential demand response in real life, and of the interaction with the end-consumer. In this paper we focus on the practical experiences and lessons learnt during the deployment of the ICT technology for the pilot. This includes the real-time gathering of measurement data and real-time control of a wide range of smart appliances in the homes of the participants. We identified a number of critical issues that need to be addressed for a future full-scale roll-out: (i) reliable in-house communication, (ii) interoperability of appliances, measurement equipment, backend systems, and business cases, and (iii) sufficient backend processing power for real-time analysis and control

    Substrate thermal properties influence ventral brightness evolution in ectotherms

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    The thermal environment can affect the evolution of morpho-behavioral adaptations of ectotherms. Heat is transferred from substrates to organisms by conduction and reflected radiation. Because brightness influences the degree of heat absorption, substrates could affect the evolution of integumentary optical properties. Here, we show that vipers (Squamata:Viperidae) inhabiting hot, highly radiative and superficially conductive substrates have evolved bright ventra for efficient heat transfer. We analyzed the brightness of 4161 publicly available images from 126 species, and we found that substrate type, alongside latitude and body mass, strongly influences ventral brightness. Substrate type also significantly affects dorsal brightness, but this is associated with different selective forces: activity-pattern and altitude. Ancestral estimation analysis suggests that the ancestral ventral condition was likely moderately bright and, following divergence events, some species convergently increased their brightness. Vipers diversified during the Miocene and the enhancement of ventral brightness may have facilitated the exploitation of arid grounds. We provide evidence that integument brightness can impact the behavioral ecology of ectotherms. Jonathan Goldenberg et al. use photographic data and ancestral state reconstruction of 126 viper species to show that substrate type influences the evolution of ventral brightness for efficient heat transfer. Their results suggest that these patterns may have been involved in the diversification of vipers during the Miocene, and highlight the importance of ventral body regions when considering behavioral ecology and evolution.</p

    Het voorhof van de "Hoge Andjoen"-motte te Werken

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    Размагничивание ферромагнитных частиц в пульпе

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    Розглядаючи механічне переміщення частинки феромагнетіка у вязкому середовищі під дією зовнішнього магнітного поля, отриманий закон її руху, і визначена частота зміни зовнішнього магнітного поля, коли частинка істотно відстає по фазі від вектора зовнішнього магнітного поля, що спричиняє можливість її розмагнічування в пульпі.Рассматривая механическое перемещение частицы ферромагнетика в вязкой среде под действием внешнего магнитного поля, получен закон ее движения, и определена частота изменения внешнего магнитного поля, когда частица существенно отстает по фазе от вектора внешнего магнитного поля, что обуславливает возможность ее размагничивания в пульпе