166 research outputs found

    Spectral-spatial classification of n-dimensional images in real-time based on segmentation and mathematical morphology on GPUs

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    The objective of this thesis is to develop efficient schemes for spectral-spatial n-dimensional image classification. By efficient schemes, we mean schemes that produce good classification results in terms of accuracy, as well as schemes that can be executed in real-time on low-cost computing infrastructures, such as the Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) shipped in personal computers. The n-dimensional images include images with two and three dimensions, such as images coming from the medical domain, and also images ranging from ten to hundreds of dimensions, such as the multiand hyperspectral images acquired in remote sensing. In image analysis, classification is a regularly used method for information retrieval in areas such as medical diagnosis, surveillance, manufacturing and remote sensing, among others. In addition, as the hyperspectral images have been widely available in recent years owing to the reduction in the size and cost of the sensors, the number of applications at lab scale, such as food quality control, art forgery detection, disease diagnosis and forensics has also increased. Although there are many spectral-spatial classification schemes, most are computationally inefficient in terms of execution time. In addition, the need for efficient computation on low-cost computing infrastructures is increasing in line with the incorporation of technology into everyday applications. In this thesis we have proposed two spectral-spatial classification schemes: one based on segmentation and other based on wavelets and mathematical morphology. These schemes were designed with the aim of producing good classification results and they perform better than other schemes found in the literature based on segmentation and mathematical morphology in terms of accuracy. Additionally, it was necessary to develop techniques and strategies for efficient GPU computing, for example, a block–asynchronous strategy, resulting in an efficient implementation on GPU of the aforementioned spectral-spatial classification schemes. The optimal GPU parameters were analyzed and different data partitioning and thread block arrangements were studied to exploit the GPU resources. The results show that the GPU is an adequate computing platform for on-board processing of hyperspectral information

    Unsupervised spectral sub-feature learning for hyperspectral image classification

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    Spectral pixel classification is one of the principal techniques used in hyperspectral image (HSI) analysis. In this article, we propose an unsupervised feature learning method for classification of hyperspectral images. The proposed method learns a dictionary of sub-feature basis representations from the spectral domain, which allows effective use of the correlated spectral data. The learned dictionary is then used in encoding convolutional samples from the hyperspectral input pixels to an expanded but sparse feature space. Expanded hyperspectral feature representations enable linear separation between object classes present in an image. To evaluate the proposed method, we performed experiments on several commonly used HSI data sets acquired at different locations and by different sensors. Our experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms other pixel-wise classification methods that make use of unsupervised feature extraction approaches. Additionally, even though our approach does not use any prior knowledge, or labelled training data to learn features, it yields either advantageous, or comparable, results in terms of classification accuracy with respect to recent semi-supervised methods

    Combination of PCA and DWT features from hyperspectral images for skin tumor detection

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    In this paper, the detection of skin tumors using hyperspectral fluorescence images of poultry carcasses is investigated. Skin tumors are not always visually obvious. The visual region of the spectrum may be too limited to meet all the requirements so that the tumors may be accurately classified so the multiple bands from hyperspectral imaging may be of some use. Each of the hyperspectral fluorescence images will consist of 65 spectral bands ranging from 425 nm to 711 nm. Multiple detection schemes will utilized to provide adequate classification rates. Principal component analysis PCA) and discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) are utilized to transform the data from the spectral space to a feature space. A small number of features are selected to provide dimensionality reduction without a significant loss of information. A support vector machine (SVM) classifier is used to determine if a pixel falls in a normal skin or tumorous skin categories. To provide additional classifier accuracy, an algorithm based on the average intensity of the pixel signal, is used to combine the two classifiers. The accuracy of the three classifiers was tested using 11 hyperspectral fluorescence images with a combined total of 38 tumors. The PCA-SVM classifier provided a tumor detection rate of 86.8% with 17 false positives and 5 missed tumors. The DWT-SVM classifier provided a tumor detection rate of only 42.1 % with 18 false positives and 12 missed tumors. The classifier that selected the best method showed that the PCA/DWT-SVM classifier provided a classification rate of 94. 7% with 6 false positives and only one missed tumor


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    Uncertainty Assessment of Spectral Mixture Analysis in Remote Sensing Imagery

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    Spectral mixture analysis (SMA), a scheme of sub-pixel-based classifications, is one of the widely used models to map fractional land use and land cover information in remote sensing imagery. It assumes that: 1) a mixed pixel is composed by several pure land cover classes (endmembers) linearly or nonlinearly, and 2) the spectral signature of each endmember is a constant within the entire spatial extent of analysis. SMA has been commonly applied to impervious surface area extraction, vegetation fraction estimation, and land use and land cover change (LULC) mapping. Limitations of SMA, however, still exist. First, the existence of between- and within-class variability prevents the selection of accurate endmembers, which results in poor accuracy of fractional land cover estimates. Weighted spectral mixture analysis (WSMA) and transformed spectral mixture analysis (TSMA) are alternate means to address the within- and between- class variability. These methods, however, have not been analyzed systematically and comprehensively. The effectiveness of each WSMA and TSMA scheme is still unknown, in particular within different urban areas. Second, multiple endmember SMA (MESMA) is a better alternative to address spectral mixture model uncertainties. It, nonetheless, is time consuming and inefficient. Further, incorrect endmember selections may still limit model performance as the best-fit endmember model might not be the optimal model due to the existence of spectral variability. Therefore, this study aims 1) to explore endmember uncertainties by examining WSMA and TSMA modeling comprehensively, and 2) to develop an improved MESMA model in order to address the uncertainties of spectral mixture models. Results of the WSMA examination illustrated that some weighting schemes did reduce endmember uncertainties since they could improve the fractional estimates significantly. The results also indicated that spectral class variance played a key role in addressing the endmember uncertainties, as the better performing weighting schemes were constructed with spectral class variance. In addition, the results of TSMA examination demonstrated that some TSMAs, such as normalized spectral mixture analysis (NSMA), could effectively solve the endmember uncertainties because of their stable performance in different study areas. Results of Class-based MEMSA (C-MESMA) indicated that it could address spectral mixture model uncertainties by reducing a lot of the calculation burden and effectively improving accuracy. Assessment demonstrated that C-MEMSA significantly improving accuracy. Major contributions of this study can be summarized as follow. First, the effectiveness of addressing endmember uncertainties have been fully discussed by examining: 1) the effectiveness of ten weighted spectral mixture models in urban environments; and 2) the effectiveness of 26 transformed spectral mixture models in three locations. Constructive guidance regarding handling endmember uncertainties using WSMA and TSMA have been provided. Second, the uncertainties of spectral mixture model were reduced by developing an improved MESMA model, named C-MESMA. C-MESMA could restrict the distribution of endmembers and reduce the calculation burden of traditional MESMA, increasing SMA accuracy significantly

    Sparse representation based hyperspectral image compression and classification

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    Abstract This thesis presents a research work on applying sparse representation to lossy hyperspectral image compression and hyperspectral image classification. The proposed lossy hyperspectral image compression framework introduces two types of dictionaries distinguished by the terms sparse representation spectral dictionary (SRSD) and multi-scale spectral dictionary (MSSD), respectively. The former is learnt in the spectral domain to exploit the spectral correlations, and the latter in wavelet multi-scale spectral domain to exploit both spatial and spectral correlations in hyperspectral images. To alleviate the computational demand of dictionary learning, either a base dictionary trained offline or an update of the base dictionary is employed in the compression framework. The proposed compression method is evaluated in terms of different objective metrics, and compared to selected state-of-the-art hyperspectral image compression schemes, including JPEG 2000. The numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness and competitiveness of both SRSD and MSSD approaches. For the proposed hyperspectral image classification method, we utilize the sparse coefficients for training support vector machine (SVM) and k-nearest neighbour (kNN) classifiers. In particular, the discriminative character of the sparse coefficients is enhanced by incorporating contextual information using local mean filters. The classification performance is evaluated and compared to a number of similar or representative methods. The results show that our approach could outperform other approaches based on SVM or sparse representation. This thesis makes the following contributions. It provides a relatively thorough investigation of applying sparse representation to lossy hyperspectral image compression. Specifically, it reveals the effectiveness of sparse representation for the exploitation of spectral correlations in hyperspectral images. In addition, we have shown that the discriminative character of sparse coefficients can lead to superior performance in hyperspectral image classification.EM201

    Precise identification of objects in a hyperspectral image by characterizing the distribution of pure signatures

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    Hyperspectral image (HSI) has been widely adopted in many real-world applications due to its potential to provide detailed information from spectral and spatial data in each pixel. However, precise classification of an object from HSI is challenging due to complex and highly correlated features that exhibit a nonlinear relationship between the acquired spectral unique to the HSI object. In literature, many research works have been conducted to address this problem. However, the problem of processing high-dimensional data and achieving the best resolution factor for any set of regions remains to be evolved with a suitable strategy. Therefore, the proposed study introduces simplified modeling of the hyperspectral image in which precise detection of regions is carried out based on the characterization of pure signatures based on the estimation of the maximum pixel mixing ratio. Moreover, the proposed system emphasizes the pixel unmixing problem, where input data is processed concerning wavelength computation, feature extraction, and hypercube construction. Further, a non-iterative matrix-based operation with a linear square method is performed to classify the region from the input hyperspectral image. The simulation outcome exhibits efficient and precise object classification is achieved by the proposed system in terms classified HSI object and processing time

    Independent component analysis (ICA) applied to ultrasound image processing and tissue characterization

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    As a complicated ubiquitous phenomenon encountered in ultrasound imaging, speckle can be treated as either annoying noise that needs to be reduced or the source from which diagnostic information can be extracted to reveal the underlying properties of tissue. In this study, the application of Independent Component Analysis (ICA), a relatively new statistical signal processing tool appeared in recent years, to both the speckle texture analysis and despeckling problems of B-mode ultrasound images was investigated. It is believed that higher order statistics may provide extra information about the speckle texture beyond the information provided by first and second order statistics only. However, the higher order statistics of speckle texture is still not clearly understood and very difficult to model analytically. Any direct dealing with high order statistics is computationally forbidding. On the one hand, many conventional ultrasound speckle texture analysis algorithms use only first or second order statistics. On the other hand, many multichannel filtering approaches use pre-defined analytical filters which are not adaptive to the data. In this study, an ICA-based multichannel filtering texture analysis algorithm, which considers both higher order statistics and data adaptation, was proposed and tested on the numerically simulated homogeneous speckle textures. The ICA filters were learned directly from the training images. Histogram regularization was conducted to make the speckle images quasi-stationary in the wide sense so as to be adaptive to an ICA algorithm. Both Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a greedy algorithm were used to reduce the dimension of feature space. Finally, Support Vector Machines (SVM) with Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel were chosen as the classifier for achieving best classification accuracy. Several representative conventional methods, including both low and high order statistics based methods, and both filtering and non-filtering methods, have been chosen for comparison study. The numerical experiments have shown that the proposed ICA-based algorithm in many cases outperforms other algorithms for comparison. Two-component texture segmentation experiments were conducted and the proposed algorithm showed strong capability of segmenting two visually very similar yet different texture regions with rather fuzzy boundaries and almost the same mean and variance. Through simulating speckle with first order statistics approaching gradually to the Rayleigh model from different non-Rayleigh models, the experiments to some extent reveal how the behavior of higher order statistics changes with the underlying property of tissues. It has been demonstrated that when the speckle approaches the Rayleigh model, both the second and higher order statistics lose the texture differentiation capability. However, when the speckles tend to some non-Rayleigh models, methods based on higher order statistics show strong advantage over those solely based on first or second order statistics. The proposed algorithm may potentially find clinical application in the early detection of soft tissue disease, and also be helpful for better understanding ultrasound speckle phenomenon in the perspective of higher order statistics. For the despeckling problem, an algorithm was proposed which adapted the ICA Sparse Code Shrinkage (ICA-SCS) method for the ultrasound B-mode image despeckling problem by applying an appropriate preprocessing step proposed by other researchers. The preprocessing step makes the speckle noise much closer to the real white Gaussian noise (WGN) hence more amenable to a denoising algorithm such as ICS-SCS that has been strictly designed for additive WGN. A discussion is given on how to obtain the noise-free training image samples in various ways. The experimental results have shown that the proposed method outperforms several classical methods chosen for comparison, including first or second order statistics based methods (such as Wiener filter) and multichannel filtering methods (such as wavelet shrinkage), in the capability of both speckle reduction and edge preservation

    Discrete Wavelet Transforms

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    The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) algorithms have a firm position in processing of signals in several areas of research and industry. As DWT provides both octave-scale frequency and spatial timing of the analyzed signal, it is constantly used to solve and treat more and more advanced problems. The present book: Discrete Wavelet Transforms: Algorithms and Applications reviews the recent progress in discrete wavelet transform algorithms and applications. The book covers a wide range of methods (e.g. lifting, shift invariance, multi-scale analysis) for constructing DWTs. The book chapters are organized into four major parts. Part I describes the progress in hardware implementations of the DWT algorithms. Applications include multitone modulation for ADSL and equalization techniques, a scalable architecture for FPGA-implementation, lifting based algorithm for VLSI implementation, comparison between DWT and FFT based OFDM and modified SPIHT codec. Part II addresses image processing algorithms such as multiresolution approach for edge detection, low bit rate image compression, low complexity implementation of CQF wavelets and compression of multi-component images. Part III focuses watermaking DWT algorithms. Finally, Part IV describes shift invariant DWTs, DC lossless property, DWT based analysis and estimation of colored noise and an application of the wavelet Galerkin method. The chapters of the present book consist of both tutorial and highly advanced material. Therefore, the book is intended to be a reference text for graduate students and researchers to obtain state-of-the-art knowledge on specific applications
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