15 research outputs found

    Algorithms for massively parallel, event-based hardware

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    Organizing Sequential Memory in a Neuromorphic Device Using Dynamic Neural Fields

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    Neuromorphic Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) devices emulate the activation dynamics of biological neuronal networks using either mixed-signal analog/digital or purely digital electronic circuits. Using analog circuits in silicon to physically emulate the functionality of biological neurons and synapses enables faithful modeling of neural and synaptic dynamics at ultra low power consumption in real-time, and thus may serve as computational substrate for a new generation of efficient neural controllers for artificial intelligent systems. Although one of the main advantages of neural networks is their ability to perform on-line learning, only a small number of neuromorphic hardware devices implement this feature on-chip. In this work, we use a reconfigurable on-line learning spiking (ROLLS) neuromorphic processor chip to build a neuronal architecture for sequence learning. The proposed neuronal architecture uses the attractor properties of winner-takes-all (WTA) dynamics to cope with mismatch and noise in the ROLLS analog computing elements, and it uses its on-chip plasticity features to store sequences of states. We demonstrate, with a proof-of-concept feasibility study how this architecture can store, replay, and update sequences of states, induced by external inputs. Controlled by the attractor dynamics and an explicit destabilizing signal, the items in a sequence can last for varying amounts of time and thus reliable sequence learning and replay can be robustly implemented in a real sensorimotor system

    Enhancing Neuromorphic Computing with Advanced Spiking Neural Network Architectures

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    This dissertation proposes ways to address current limitations of neuromorphic computing to create energy-efficient and adaptable systems for AI applications. It does so by designing novel spiking neural networks architectures that improve their performance. Specifically, the two proposed architectures address the issues of training complexity, hyperparameter selection, computational flexibility, and scarcity of neuromorphic training data. The first architecture uses auxiliary learning to improve training performance and data usage, while the second architecture leverages neuromodulation capability of spiking neurons to improve multitasking classification performance. The proposed architectures are tested on Intel\u27s Loihi2 neuromorphic chip using several neuromorphic datasets, such as NMIST, DVSCIFAR10, and DVS128-Gesture. The presented results demonstrate potential of the proposed architectures but also reveal some of their limitations which are proposed as future research

    Mejora de computación neuromórfica con arquitecturas avanzadas de redes neuronales por impulsos

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    La computación neuromórfica (NC, del inglés neuromorphic computing) pretende revolucionar el campo de la inteligencia artificial. Implica diseñar e implementar sistemas electrónicos que simulen el comportamiento de las neuronas biológicas utilizando hardware especializado, como matrices de puertas programables en campo (FPGA, del ingl´es field-programmable gate array) o chips neuromórficos dedicados [1, 2]. NC está diseñado para ser altamente eficiente, optimizado para bajo consumo de energía y alto paralelismo [3]. Estos sistemas son adaptables a entornos cambiantes y pueden aprender durante la operación, lo que los hace muy adecuados para resolver problemas dinámicos e impredecibles [4]. Sin embargo, el uso de NC para resolver problemas de la vida real actualmente está limitado porque el rendimiento de las redes neuronales por impulsos (SNN), las redes neuronales empleadas en NC, no es tan alta como el de los sistemas de computación tradicionales, como los alcanzados en dispositivos de aprendizaje profundo especializado, en términos de precisión y velocidad de aprendizaje [5, 6]. Varias razones contribuyen a la brecha de rendimiento: los SNN son más difíciles de entrenar debido a que necesitan algoritmos de entrenamiento especializados [7, 8]; son más sensibles a hiperparámetros, ya que son sistemas dinámicos con interacciones complejas [9], requieren conjuntos de datos especializados (datos neuromórficos) que actualmente son escasos y de tamaño limitado [10], y el rango de funciones que los SNN pueden aproximar es más limitado en comparación con las redes neuronales artificiales (ANN) tradicionales [11]. Antes de que NC pueda tener un impacto más significativo en la IA y la tecnología informática, es necesario abordar estos desafíos relacionados con los SNN.This dissertation addresses current limitations of neuromorphic computing to create energy-efficient and adaptable artificial intelligence systems. It focuses on increasing utilization of neuromorphic computing by designing novel architectures that improve the performance of the spiking neural networks. Specifically, the architectures address the issues of training complexity, hyperparameter selection, computational flexibility, and scarcity of training data. The first proposed architecture utilizes auxiliary learning to improve training performance and data usage, while the second architecture leverages neuromodulation capability of spiking neurons to improve multitasking classification performance. The proposed architectures are tested on the Intel’s Loihi2 neuromorphic computer using several neuromorphic data sets, such as NMIST, DVSCIFAR10, and DVS128-Gesture. Results presented in this dissertation demonstrate the potential of the proposed architectures, but also reveal some limitations that are proposed as future work

    Real-time Neuromorphic Visual Pre-Processing and Dynamic Saliency

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    The human brain is by far the most computationally complex, efficient, and reliable computing system operating under such low-power, small-size, and light-weight specifications. Within the field of neuromorphic engineering, we seek to design systems with facsimiles to that of the human brain with means to reach its desirable properties. In this doctoral work, the focus is within the realm of vision, specifically visual saliency and related visual tasks with bio-inspired, real-time processing. The human visual system, from the retina through the visual cortical hierarchy, is responsible for extracting visual information and processing this information, forming our visual perception. This visual information is transmitted through these various layers of the visual system via spikes (or action potentials), representing information in the temporal domain. The objective is to exploit this neurological communication protocol and functionality within the systems we design. This approach is essential for the advancement of autonomous, mobile agents (i.e. drones/MAVs, cars) which must perform visual tasks under size and power constraints in which traditional CPU or GPU implementations to not suffice. Although the high-level objective is to design a complete visual processor with direct physical and functional correlates to the human visual system, we focus on three specific tasks. The first focus of this thesis is the integration of motion into a biologically-plausible proto-object-based visual saliency model. Laurent Itti, one of the pioneers in the field, defines visual saliency as ``the distinct subjective perceptual quality which makes some items in the world stand out from their neighbors and immediately grab our attention.'' From humans to insects, visual saliency is important for the extraction of only interesting regions of visual stimuli for further processing. Prior to this doctoral work, Russel et al. \cite{russell2014model} designed a model of proto-object-based visual saliency with biological correlates. This model was designed for computing saliency only on static images. However, motion is a naturally occurring phenomena that plays an essential role in both human and animal visual processing. Henceforth, the most ideal model of visual saliency should consider motion that may be exhibited within the visual scene. In this work a novel dynamic proto-object-based visual saliency is described which extends the Russel et. al. saliency model to consider not only static, but also temporal information. This model was validated by using metrics for determining how accurate the model is in predicting human eye fixations and saccades on a public dataset of videos with attached eye tracking data. This model outperformed other state-of-the-art visual saliency models in computing dynamic visual saliency. Such a model that can accurately predict where humans look, can serve as a front-end component to other visual processors performing tasks such as object detection and recognition, or object tracking. In doing so it can reduce throughput and increase processing speed for such tasks. Furthermore, it has more obvious applications in artificial intelligence in mimicking the functionality of the human visual system. The second focus of this thesis is the implementation of this visual saliency model on an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) for real-time processing. Initially, this model was designed within MATLAB, a software-based approach running on a CPU, which limits the processing speed and consumes unnecessary amounts of power due to overhead. This is detrimental for integration with an autonomous, mobile system which must operate in real-time. This novel FPGA implementation allows for a low-power, high-speed approach to computing visual saliency. There are a few existing FPGA-based implementations of visual saliency, and of those, none are based on the notion of proto-objects. This work presents the first, to our knowledge, FPGA implementation of an object-based visual saliency model. Such an FPGA implementation allows for the low-power, light-weight, and small-size specifications that we seek within the field of neuromorphic engineering. For validating the FPGA model, the same metrics are used for determining the extent to which it predicts human eye saccades and fixations. We compare this hardware implementation to the software model for validation. The third focus of this thesis is the design of a generic neuromorphic platform both on FPGA and VLSI (Very-Large-Scale-Integration) technology for performing visual tasks, including those necessary in the computation of the visual saliency. Visual processing tasks such as image filtering and image dewarping are demonstrated via this novel neuromorphic technology consisting of an array of hardware-based generalized integrate-and-fire neurons. It allows the visual saliency model's computation to be offloaded onto this hardware-based architecture. We first demonstrate an emulation of this neuromorphic system on FPGA demonstrating its capability of dewarping and filtering tasks as well as integration with a neuromorphic camera called the ATIS (Asynchronous Time-based Image Sensor). We then demonstrate the neuromorphic platform implemented in CMOS technology, specifically designed for low-mismatch, high-density, and low-power. Such a VLSI technology-based platform further bridges the gap between engineering and biology and moves us closer towards developing a complete neuromorphic visual processor

    Distributed Bayesian Computation and Self-Organized Learning in Sheets of Spiking Neurons with Local Lateral Inhibition

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    During the last decade, Bayesian probability theory has emerged as a framework in cognitive science and neuroscience for describing perception, reasoning and learning of mammals. However, our understanding of how probabilistic computations could be organized in the brain, and how the observed connectivity structure of cortical microcircuits supports these calculations, is rudimentary at best. In this study, we investigate statistical inference and self-organized learning in a spatially extended spiking network model, that accommodates both local competitive and large-scale associative aspects of neural information processing, under a unified Bayesian account. Specifically, we show how the spiking dynamics of a recurrent network with lateral excitation and local inhibition in response to distributed spiking input, can be understood as sampling from a variational posterior distribution of a well-defined implicit probabilistic model. This interpretation further permits a rigorous analytical treatment of experience-dependent plasticity on the network level. Using machine learning theory, we derive update rules for neuron and synapse parameters which equate with Hebbian synaptic and homeostatic intrinsic plasticity rules in a neural implementation. In computer simulations, we demonstrate that the interplay of these plasticity rules leads to the emergence of probabilistic local experts that form distributed assemblies of similarly tuned cells communicating through lateral excitatory connections. The resulting sparse distributed spike code of a well-adapted network carries compressed information on salient input features combined with prior experience on correlations among them. Our theory predicts that the emergence of such efficient representations benefits from network architectures in which the range of local inhibition matches the spatial extent of pyramidal cells that share common afferent input

    25th annual computational neuroscience meeting: CNS-2016

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    The same neuron may play different functional roles in the neural circuits to which it belongs. For example, neurons in the Tritonia pedal ganglia may participate in variable phases of the swim motor rhythms [1]. While such neuronal functional variability is likely to play a major role the delivery of the functionality of neural systems, it is difficult to study it in most nervous systems. We work on the pyloric rhythm network of the crustacean stomatogastric ganglion (STG) [2]. Typically network models of the STG treat neurons of the same functional type as a single model neuron (e.g. PD neurons), assuming the same conductance parameters for these neurons and implying their synchronous firing [3, 4]. However, simultaneous recording of PD neurons shows differences between the timings of spikes of these neurons. This may indicate functional variability of these neurons. Here we modelled separately the two PD neurons of the STG in a multi-neuron model of the pyloric network. Our neuron models comply with known correlations between conductance parameters of ionic currents. Our results reproduce the experimental finding of increasing spike time distance between spikes originating from the two model PD neurons during their synchronised burst phase. The PD neuron with the larger calcium conductance generates its spikes before the other PD neuron. Larger potassium conductance values in the follower neuron imply longer delays between spikes, see Fig. 17.Neuromodulators change the conductance parameters of neurons and maintain the ratios of these parameters [5]. Our results show that such changes may shift the individual contribution of two PD neurons to the PD-phase of the pyloric rhythm altering their functionality within this rhythm. Our work paves the way towards an accessible experimental and computational framework for the analysis of the mechanisms and impact of functional variability of neurons within the neural circuits to which they belong

    25th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS-2016

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    Abstracts of the 25th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS-2016 Seogwipo City, Jeju-do, South Korea. 2–7 July 201